
  • BEST OF TST 1/5/22 - Saturn Returns: Rise of the Titans w Derek Murphy
    Jul 28 2024
    The year of the tiger can also be marked as the year of 'Saturn Returns'. Although Saturn is commonly associated with Capricorn, the goat, providing us with the horns of the devil and the black companion of Satan, as well as the Black Sun. He sometimes is depicted riding a donkey, which astrologically is Sagittarius, therefore linking Saturn to the two-faced gods like Janus who is most famous for the month of January. Since Saturn has been identified as Cronus, we know that he is the god of time as well as agriculture. The changing of the seasons was very important to earlier Man and relates directly to the turning of the yearly wheel. But there are larger cycles inside of even larger cycles. Saturn was supported in his authority by the Titans, who were said to hold up the earth from within after being imprisoned by Jupiter. The Titans are also said to exist in natural disasters that cleanse the earth. Throughout popular culture and history, both contemporary and esoteric, men have worked to encourage the return of Saturn and these Titans to purify the earth. We know that Omicron can be translated to the 'little o' (omi) or 'beginning' in relation to 'time' (cron or cronus). Now, Ihu brings us the meaning of 'god rescues' and is defined as a 'variant of Jesus', the divine adversary, and the return of chaos, the titans, Saturn, the ancient gods, Lovecraftian Great Old Ones, etc. Ihu is also similar to EA, or the Sumerian Enki who brought the flood. Enki was furthermore the son of Tiamat, the Celestial being bursting from the Earth in the Eternals.
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    2 hrs
  • Death of Slim Shady (7/26/24)
    Jul 27 2024
    The triune personality of Marshall Mathers, Slim Shady, and Eminem has been controversial since his first album. The shock value and willingness to say the most vulgar thing, often mixed with honest observation, along with his unique talent to rhyme, propelled Marshall to the status of a global cultural symbol. Twenty years ago, his attacks on Bush were justified though his music overall was considered indecent, and conservatives wanted him cancelled. Now the other side of the political spectrum, of which Marshall is part of himself, wishes to cancel Slim Shady for his vulgarity and offensiveness - hence the new album name. Conservatives still find his new songs 'Antichrist' and 'Evil' to be offensives. Separating politics from art, it is also obvious that like all performs the benefits of controversy are a win-win. Sometimes it's just satire. That's the point.


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    1 hr
  • MARY-ON-A CROSS: Her Torch to Bear (7/25/24)
    Jul 26 2024
    The symbolism of the 2012 London Olympics, including a logo that read ‘Zion’ and two all-seeing eye mascots, is so powerful we are still talking about it over a decade later. Skipping past the last two Olympic Games, we reach the 2024 Paris event, which features a golden logo with flaming torch and a concealed image of the goddess Marianne, who symbolizes liberty. She is akin to Libertas and Justitia, the various Statues of Liberty, and powerful goddesses like Isis. Interestingly, the opening ceremony of the games will for the first time ever take place outside the stadium, this year being held on a river (Seine), the sacred essence of Isis, etc. While the torch is passed to Marianne in Paris, the US President just passed the same to his VP for the 2024 election, saying it’s time “to pass the torch to a new generation.” However, the current trend of feminine abandonment indicates we are passing the torch to a distorted and polluted feminine figure that seeks to destroy rather than create.


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    2 hrs
  • The Devi is in the Details: How Beautiful Devils Harms (7/24/24)
    Jul 25 2024
    No matter your political affiliation, there are disturbing occult details about Kamala Devi Harris - and it has nothing to do with her or her policies. Kamala means “pale red” in Sanskrit and Devi means “goddess” of destruction. This makes Kamala the red goddess of destruction, otherwise known as Lilith or Lamashtu, who in her main incarnation is a Queen of Night and aborter of children and the tempter. She wears a rainbow around her neck and her followers abandon their biological gender. Kamala’s number one issue is abortion and she is an enormous promoter of the rainbow ideology. A search for the Whore of Babylon (Great Prostitute) bible verse on some search engines strangely brings up a New York Times article about Kamala Harris and her abortion stance. Remember also that Kamala reportedly only moved up the political ladder, receiving two appointments, for having an affair with San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown while he was married. This alone tarnished her image and made her out to be a political whore. Not to mention the Great Harlot goes by another name - the Scarlet Woman. An anagram of Kamala’s full name reads “Aarika Devil Harms,” the first word actually being Sanskrit for “beautiful” - the Beautiful Devil Harms, certainly another reference to the Great seductive Prostitute. The other Adversarial Hakim, meaning Shatan Wise Man. In Hindu mythology, Devi accompanies Shiva in the doomsday tandava (dance). In the performance these two characters conquer an elephant (Republican) monster who is forced to dance until death. Shiva, and Devi, then wrap themselves in the blood and flesh of the elephant and finish the dance - in laughter. In 2020 when Kamala became Vice President, the Democrat National Convention changed their logo so the star pointed to the east. Interestingly, the spirt of the east is named ORIENS, as in Orient (Biden’s deals with China), who rides a donkey (Democrat) in a performance (2020 Convention) followed by a woman (Kamala). This demon, when called forth, heralds the destruction of the western world. ORIENS is often linked to the fallen angel Samael, and controls vast hoards of other demons that can be called to service. Samael is the seducer, destroyer, and accuser. Kamala is furthermore a name of one of the Pleiades, which are universally associated with destructive floods and the destruction of the entire world - also, they are linked to sacred dances like those of Shiva and Devi. What all this means is open to interpretation, but it seems to be another example of using subtle references to certain occult themes in order to draw on otherworldly forces for power in this world. It is the hidden hand controlling human affairs. Kamala, if anything, is a vessel for this spirit of destruction just as witches are vessels for the Green Man or Moon spirit, Christians for the Holy Ghost, or Oracles for the gods to speak from.

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    2 hrs
  • CRAS ES NOSTER: President of Tomorrowland (7/23/24)
    Jul 24 2024
    After the failed assassination attempt of a former President, it seems like every single group completely lost their mind and connection to reality. Some even suggest that the inch separating him from death actually changed or split our timeline. This brings us to the fascinating works of Ingersoll Lockwood, a 19th-century author who wrote about a character named Baron Troomp. This Barron (like Baron) had a mentor named Don, a strange connection to Russia, german ancestory, a Troomp Castle or Tower, and in the final novel a candidate is unexpectedly elected to President causing New York to explode into riots with a leftist mob marching on 5th Avenue where Trump Tower is today. These motifs have people wondering if Trump, or maybe Lockwood, is a time traveler, especially since Trump's uncle handled the papers of Nikola Tesla who also lived in New York at the same time as Lockwood. Considering the seeming predictions of the Simpsons and Back to the Future II, not to mention a Marge Simpson coffin recently found dating to 3,000 years ago in Egypt, the story seems to get every stranger.


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    2 hrs
  • Conspiracy Collage w. Mike D (7/22/24)
    Jul 23 2024
    Long-time cohost Mike D returns to talk with Ryan about a collage of different subjects from conspiracies and the occult to the political and the para-political. This two hour conversation with very limited breaks offers a view into TST's long-running success that began by discussing issues, objectively, decades before many of the current trending subjects were ever popular or acceptable to talk about.


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    WEBSITE (BOOKS, RESUBSCRIBE for early show access): http://thesecretteachings.info

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    Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/tstradio

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    EMAIL: rdgable@yahoo.com / TSTRadio@protonmail.com
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    2 hrs
  • Never Press Y on Skynet: Three Stages of Coup D'etat (7/19/24)
    Jul 20 2024
    What might be the largest cyber security glitch-attack in global history is largely being blamed on cybersecurity company Crowdstrike. The name of the firm and timing of the outage is by all consideration more than coincidental: to strike a crowd, exactly what happened to audience members when former President Trump was shot on July 13, and precisely what he has been saying for years: they will have to come through him to get to you. The timing of the outage is within hours of the RNC ending. All of this follows the ongoing obvious trend of lawsuits failing, polls indicating a massive populist resurgence globally, not just domestically, and Biden announcing he may step down to medical reasons. The so-called glitch took down banks, airlines, emergency services, basic business transactions, hospitals, courts, schools, and public transportation. Although not catastrophic, it shows us what may happen naturally or by malicious planning. It’s eerily similar to the ending scene of Leave the World Behind, where it is described a three stage maneuver that could topple a country’s government from within. ISOLATION: disable communication and transportation. SYNCHRONIZED CHAOS: terrorize them with covert attacks and misinformation, which will force people to turn on each other. COUP d'état: a civil war occurs on its own from all the chaos and confusion.


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    1 hr
  • Water Towers: The New Grassy Knoll (7/18/24)
    Jul 19 2024
    Humans are naturally curious, always wanting answers to problems and especially to mysteries. Some believe official narratives because they are easy to digest, while others are more interested in looking for an alternative explanation. But official narratives are now being created with built-in alternate narratives to cause even more confusion. Grainy photographs of a water tower are supposed to show another shooter at the Trump rally, while others assumed the shadow was Secret Service. Or it might have just been a shadow from the protruding top of the tower. Brief comments by witnesses are taken out of context to make the water tower the new grassy knoll. As the conspiracy train keeps on rolling, an image of JD Vance’s wife at the RNC has people yelling ‘illuminati’ because her hair covered one of her eyes momentarily. After claiming Biden’s health issues were deepfakes, then dumping him after the debate, and after polls show him losing while Trump’s lawsuits are thrown out, Biden refuses to step aside, and we see a failed assassination attempt which leads Biden to say he will step down if health issues are noticed by a doctor. Then, suddenly, he has COVID. It’s time we recognize how hard we are being trolled, even if the trolling seems harmless. Take a look, for example, at the divine intervention narrative of angels and Jesus Christ, one of which is walking next to Trump like a disciple. Look at how fast Trump’s bloody face was thrown on a T-shirt for profit or ear bandages were worn by his followers. Look at how the political right has lost all moral high ground as they troll the internet and search for vile commentary from leftists they seek to get fired from their jobs.


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    WEBSITE (BOOKS, RESUBSCRIBE for early show access): http://thesecretteachings.info

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    EMAIL: rdgable@yahoo.com / TSTRadio@protonmail.com
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    2 hrs