• Bad Ass Moments: Using your greatest moments to build possibilities when you feel limited
    Apr 20 2021

    I am part of an online group/class that is giving us different challenges to do to help build confidence and get comfortable talking about ourselves. Join me for this unique sharing of some of my personal experiences that I cherish that remind me that I can accomplish anything.

    Your "Bad Ass" moments in your life are things that you can use when you lack the confidence to start building new possibilities for yourself on your healing journey and path to self-actualization and the cultivation of the inner star within.

    Subscribe to the channel to get notified when we go live and be part of the conversation https://www.youtube.com/c/TheSonicShaman?subscribe=1

    You can also download the archives on iTunes, and iheart radio, Spotify and more!

    iTunes https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-sonic-shaman/id1542306201

    iHeart https://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-the-sonic-shaman-77891266/

    Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/7A7TDD08KAADuzII48fasr

    Find all my content on my website www.hanksetala.com

    About your host:

    About your host:

    Hank Setala is dedicated to helping you find your unique voice in this world and step into wholeness through life coaching, healing, and educational services.

    He was intuitive since birth possibly due to a near-death experience. He started working professionally in 2008 studying at the Fellowships of the Spirit in Lily Dale NY. He is a graduate of the School of Healing and Prophecy holding a Metaphsycian certificate and is an ordained minister through Fellowships.

    He went on to get certified in dozens of healing modalities and found that the Katari Tradition of cross-cultural shamanism. This tradition blends the Paqo Kuna tradition and several other lineages into one beautiful art. He found that the tradition is a container that is able to hold all of what he learned could be contained in and a process to effortlessly blend his knowledge and customize it for each client.

    Hank is part of the Emergence of Being Contributor Network. Visit www.Emergenceofbeing.com to find all of our content, services, and events.

    Hank is also the cohost of Stir Crazy Shamans with Casey MacBride of Shamans Way Healing

    #BeOnTVBootCamp #LiveStream #Healing #Possiblity #inspirational #inspiration #motivation #motivational #inspire #love #success #believe #mindset #positivevibes #p...

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    27 mins
  • The Akashic Records: Access the information that can change and heal your life
    Apr 19 2021

    Catch the show live! Subscribe to the channel to get notified when the broadcast starts https://www.youtube.com/c/TheSonicShaman?subscribe=1

    In pure awareness, no protection is needed because you can simply choose actions that never lead to undesired events. One way to access this level of awareness is through the Akashic Records.

    Join us as we take a deep dive into what the Akashic Records are, and the concept of your Soul Blueprint and how accessing it can change and heal your life.

    Jo Figueras is an Akashic Soul Blueprint Reader, an Intuitive Development Coach, and an Artisan Jewelry Designer who incorporates numerology and astrology in the design of custom jewelry pieces for her clients.

    Jo has worked as a professional reader since 2014, but has been working with her abilities in conjunction with divination for over 25 years. As a teacher, she offers a large catalog of metaphysical and holistic classes & workshops via both online and in-person platforms, with a focus on empowering Intuitives and Empaths to develop and strengthen their abilities.

    After leaving the corporate world of Marketing and Public Relations where she was a certified event planner, Jo opened her studio space to hosting and organizing metaphysical events, gallery readings, meditations and healing retreats.

    About your host:

    Hank Setala is dedicated to helping you find your unique voice in this world and step into wholeness through life coaching, healing, and educational services.

    He was intuitive since birth possibly due to a near-death experience. He started working professionally in 2008 studying at the Fellowships of the Spirit in Lily Dale NY. He is a graduate of the School of Healing and Prophecy holding a Metaphsycian certificate and is an ordained minister through Fellowships.

    He went on to get certified in dozens of healing modalities and found that the Katari Tradition of cross-cultural shamanism. This tradition blends the Paqo Kuna tradition and several other lineages into one beautiful art. He found that the tradition is a container that is able to hold all of what he learned could be contained in and a process to effortlessly blend his knowledge and customize it for each client.

    Hank is part of the Emergence of Being Contributor Network. Visit www.Emergenceofbeing.com to find all of our content, services, and events.

    Hank is also the cohost of Stir Crazy Shamans with Casey MacBride of Shamans Way Healing

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    57 mins
  • The Trap of Understanding
    Apr 15 2021

    Join Hank Setala for the next coffee connect as he dives into the trap of understanding. What if the desire to understand someone and their situation had the potential to create the same dynamic in your own life?

    How do we shift from the energy of understanding to the energy of change and possibility? Please note that in the coming weeks I will be trying new ways to stream and comments may only be available on the Sonic Shaman page and YouTube Channel.

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    32 mins
  • The Coffee Connect: Meditation: It's not what you think...
    Apr 14 2021

    Join me for this Coffee Connect What if the practice of meditation is not what you think? What if it isn't about sitting quietly with just you, yourself, and your soul?

    Join me for a new point of view and inspiration around the concept and practice of meditation.

    #LiveStream #Healing #Possiblity #inspirational #inspiration #motivation #motivational #inspire #love #success #believe #mindset #positivevibes #positivity #selflove #happiness #loveyourself #Being #BeingVsDoing #Trauma #Spirituality #meditation #Mindfulness

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    26 mins
  • Balancing the Body Mind Spirit connection through Gut Health, Stress reduction, and Meditation
    Apr 12 2021

    Our actions in the physical world have an impact on our whole being. Join us for this conversation that takes a dive into what we can do in our day-to-day lives to be in communion with all aspects of our being which is a key for self-actualization and your healing journey. We will discuss the importance of balancing the spirit, mind, body connection with a focus on stress, the gut, and meditation.

    Renee is a certified Functional Nutrition Counselor and Wellness Coach. Unfortunately, 50% of America experiences chronic disease, of which is 80% is caused by lifestyle and food. People prefer Dr. Google because they know the medical system is broken.

    Renee cuts through the misinformation and overwhelms to help people heal or optimize health through food and lifestyle choices. People say that working with her is like getting a home-cooked meal.

    Renee's 20-year experience as a leader and strategist combined with her Wellness education helps her quickly identify her client's problems and find realistic, long-term solutions that optimize health.

    Connect with Renee:



    IG: @ReneeAndreasen

    FB: Renee Andreasen

    Your host Hank Setala is a member of the Emergence of Being contributor network. He has been intuitive since birth and refined his gifts at Lily Dale NY at the School of Healing and Prophecy offered by Fellowships of the Spirit. He is a Master Sound Healer, Aromatherpies and has apprenticed the Paqo Kuna tradition of Peruvian shamanism, and is endorsed to teach the tradition from his teacher don Zane Curfman author of Inka Mountain Magic.

    Find out about all the contributors at www.emergenceofbeing.com

    You can connect with Hank at www.HankSetala.com

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    1 hr and 9 mins
  • New Moon New You! How to use the new moon to create for yourself and the world.H
    Apr 9 2021

    The moon is one thing in the astrology that is constantly impacting us. Each phase of the moon carries with it certain qualities that if used consciously and skillfully can help us to actualize and manifest our intentions with greater potency and greater ease.

    Join Hank Setala as he gives an overview of how we can use the new moon specifically to create with greater ease, and other tips and tricks to enter into the art of allowance.

    The best place to ask questions and comments is on the YouTube stream. Please don't forget to subscribe and share if you get value from the content. https://youtu.be/G-m2gt5643g

    Find out more about hank at www.HankSetala.com

    About your host:

    Hank Setala is dedicated to helping you find your unique voice in this world and step into wholeness through life coaching, healing, and educational services.

    He was intuitive since birth possibly due to a near-death experience. He started working professionally in 2008 studying at the Fellowships of the Spirit in Lily Dale NY. He is a graduate of the School of Healing and Prophecy holding a Metaphsycian certificate and is an ordained minister through Fellowships.

    He went on to get certified in dozens of healing modalities and found that the Katari Tradition of cross-cultural shamanism. This tradition blends the Paqo Kuna tradition and several other lineages into one beautiful art. He found that the tradition is a container that is able to hold all of what he learned could be contained in and a process to effortlessly blend his knowledge and customize it for each client.

    Hank is part of the Emergence of Being Contributor Network. Visit www.Emergenceofbeing.com to find all of our content, services, and events.

    Hank is also the cohost of Stir Crazy Shamans with Casey MacBride of Shamans Way Healing

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    29 mins
  • Affirmations: The skillful and unskillful use with special guest Nick Angelis
    Apr 8 2021

    Join us for this special episode of Holistic Health and Healing with our guest Nick Angelis. Nick is the host of the Alleviant Health Show on Akron WCTV, and is the author of multiple books available on Amazon.com.

    In this dynamic conversation, we will take a deep dive into affirmations and the skillful application of them as well as the possible limitations if not used mindfully.

    As always we welcome your comments and questions. The best place to interact is on the YouTube channel. https://youtu.be/a4HJM8u-VeY

    #Positivity #Affirmations #SelfHelp #Self-Help #Healing #Transformation #ChangeYourLife #Inspiriational #Holistic #HolisticHealing #HolisticHealth

    About your host:

    Hank Setala is dedicated to helping you find your unique voice in this world and step into wholeness through life coaching, healing, and educational services.

    He was intuitive since birth possibly due to a near-death experience. He started working professionally in 2008 studying at the Fellowships of the Spirit in Lily Dale NY. He is a graduate of the School of Healing and Prophecy holding a Metaphsycian certificate and is an ordained minister through Fellowships.

    He went on to get certified in dozens of healing modalities and found that the Katari Tradition of cross-cultural shamanism. This tradition blends the Paqo Kuna tradition and several other lineages into one beautiful art. He found that the tradition is a container that is able to hold all of what he learned could be contained in and a process to effortlessly blend his knowledge and customize it for each client.

    Hank is part of the Emergence of Being Contributor Network. Visit www.Emergenceofbeing.com to find all of our content, services, and events.

    Hank is also the cohost of Stir Crazy Shamans with Casey MacBride of Shamans Way Healing

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    54 mins
  • Money Problems: The trap of manifesting instead of actualizing abundance with total ease
    Apr 7 2021

    The Power of Possibilities

    Did you know that there is a difference between "manifesting" and "actualizing"? In fact, what if "manifesting" actually could make it harder to create the things you would like to bring into your life? It is the misapplication of these energies that can lead to money problems and the trap of manifesting.

    The awareness of how these energies differ is the key to actualizing abundance with total ease.

    Join CFMW Hank Setala, and Certified Facilitator Heather MacMillian for a discussion on the power of possibilities and actualizing abundance with ease.

    Access Consciousness is one of the fastest-growing movements on the planet. Access Consciousness is a set of tools created by Gary Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer that strive to include everything and judge nothing. The mantra of Access Consciousness is "All of life comes to me with ease and joy and glory.

    Check out the Emergence of Being website below for all the upcoming Access Consciousness Classes.


    Connect with Heather at https://www.accessconsciousness.com/heathermacmillan

    Connect with Hank at www.HankSetala.com

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    1 hr