
  • Ascension News: The Starseed Writer
    Jun 26 2024

    "When I was growing up I was drawn to books like a moth to a flame. I loved reading and also writing stories, though I gave up the story writing bit when I entered secondary school. I never really ever thought I would be a writer one day. I did not really feel I had anything important to say or share. Perhaps, you can relate with this...."

    This track explores some of the issues of becoming a Starseed/Spiritual Writer such as:

    Knowing your calling to write, Working with Unseen Friends in Spirit, You are a channel for divine inspiration, Overcoming the inevitable resistance/blocks, Writing From the heart, Allowing Your writing to flow, Know you are a storyteller (including all non-fiction writers), The discipline of writing, **Practical tips for getting on track and staying on track.

    Music by Soundstripe, track entitled Sun and the Moon Moments (Instrumental).

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    24 mins
  • Ascension News: Embracing Our Shadow Selves
    Jun 26 2024

    This offering includes an exercise at the end to begin to embrace dark and light shadow aspects.

    The concept of the shadow began with Carl Jung who saw this work as important for anyone on the path of individuation. Individuation could also be another word for waking up in the sleepy world. Jung saw the shadow as containing both light and dark shadow energies. What this means is that the shadow contains not just seemingly destructive aspects of the personality, but also potent, creative, and powerful gifts and capabilities.

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    28 mins
  • Ascension News: Creating Holy Angelic Ritual Space
    Jun 26 2024

    "A large part of my work with Starseeds is in assisting them in creating Holy Angelic Ritual Space. There has been a shift in the work recently that I need to tell you about that is relevant to this subject.

    Before I get into that please note that sacred space is somewhere where we separate from the daily chores of our everyday life in order to connect with the light and Infinite Intelligence within and also with the light and Infinite Intelligence in others and in the Universe around us. We can find sacred space by visiting holy or magical places in the world such as Mount Shasta in the US and Avebury in the UK. There are many holy and magical places found all over the world that hold a special energy that assists in meditation and achieving certain states of consciousness.

    Yet, we do not have to travel long distances to find sacred space, we can create sacred space in our homes or in a local spot in nature. If you are creating sacred space in your home then this is a place that you dedicate to silence and meditation. You can fill this space with spiritual symbols, plants, and anything that uplifts and soothes your spirit. You can even create a sacred altar in this space where you can burn incense or light a candle. The important thing about this space is that you imbue it with your energy while in meditation.

    In this space you might even call angelic light into the walls, floor, ceiling, door, windows and all objects and furnishings. In this way you invite a higher light into the space to protect it from outside lower energies.

    In my meditations and transmissions I include calling angelic light into the space to protect the space. My meditations and transmissions are intended to create sacred space not only in a dedicated space in your home but also to create a sacred space in your energy field so that you can take this space wherever you go..... "

    Music by Sefy Tofan - Raising Energy (Anima Mundi - SoundStripe).

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    12 mins
  • Ascension News: The Spiritual Entrepreneur
    Jun 26 2024

    My book, The Spiritual Entrepreneur, is for anyone who has started a spiritual business or who is thinking about starting one. Ideal for entrepreneurial artists, coaches, healers, therapists, producers of holistic products, and indeed anyone wanting to engage more fully with this journey.

    This book is a practical guide for anyone wishing to: Gain a clear sense of vision and direction for their business, Align their core values with their business. Go beyond struggle and scarcity in their business, Become more visible by moving beyond resistance, Expand what they think is possible for their business, Enhance their business energetically, Use intuition and feedback from the world, Connect with their support team in Spirit, Allow their business to be creative play, Allow more ease, flow, and grace, Activate their multidimensional gifts, Attract a loyal tribe of clients, Embrace synchronicity, grace, and divine providence.


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    19 mins
  • Ascension News: The Way of Forgiveness
    Jun 26 2024

    Hoʻoponopono is a Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness. It is the practice of putting something to rights; correcting or rectifying an error. In many Polynesian cultures, it is believed that a person's errors are a cause of illness. It does not really matter whether, the error attracts malevolent spirits, or the guilt causes sickness, this practice is performed to atone for the error and diminish all karmic repercussions. This is a cleaning practice where we clean ourselves and erase from our consciousness whatever negativity is not working for us. We are expressing the intention that we no longer wish to suffer from a current or past problem. This practice is based on the premise that the only person we can change is ourselves.

    The first step is repentance which includes being responsible for everything in your heart and mind. Your thoughts, judgements, choices and feelings around the situation. This step is to say sorry whether your ego accepts responsibility or not. The second step is to ask for forgiveness regardless of the situation. The third step is gratitude, thank yourself for being willing to engage in this process, thank the Universe for the healing. The final step is that of love. Saying I love you to your body, to your reality, to the Universe. Saying it and meaning it.

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    13 mins
  • Ascension News: New 5D Game Rules
    Jun 26 2024

    "There are new game rules emerging in this ascending world. Not everyone is aware of these new game rules, actually the majority of the natives of this planet are completely unaware of them. If you told a native of this planet about these new rules they may think you have taken leave of your senses. These game rules allow for a more joyful and freeing experience on the planet. Yet, there are structures of restriction that will not allow these new rules to come into play. Perhaps you are in a family that will not allow these new game rules. Perhaps you are working in a corporate business that wants to play by an old set of rules. Perhaps you are living in a culture that forbids these new game rules. Such relational structures will either allow and generate a sense of equality, freedom, creative expression, joy, flow, and opportunity, or they will tend to restrict them. If you are in a restrictive structure that will inhibit you playing by these new games rules then it might be an idea to re-evaluate your relationship with that structure. You could become a covert operator meaning you stay in the structure but hide the fact that you are playing by new rules. This may work for a time. You could become a completely visible player which might mean you lose a few friends. Of, course in time you are very likely to gain new friends, ones who are also playing the same new game. So, let us take a look at these new game rules."

    The Law of Cycles – Everything has its time, and this includes the awakening of collective consciousness on the planet. These cycles of time have been read by the wise and there are many prophecies concerning this time we are in

    The Law of Growth – You are Spirit in a body exploring this dimension of earth and this is one of many lifetimes. The prime directive of the soul is growth, meaning you learn through different realms of form and experience.

    The Law of Vibration – Everything is governed by vibration. The higher the vibration you radiate day-to-day, the easier it will be to manifest a joyful reality.

    The Law of Consciousness – Your consciousness is not one complete sphere of activity. There are four layers which could be called your unconscious, subconscious, conscious and superconscious.

    The Law of Balance – Everything in this Universe operates in a dynamic tension with its antonymous opposite, meaning they are complementary and cannot exist without each other.

    The Law of Guidance – Those on a path of spiritual awakening and ascension become open to the guidance of their Higher Self. Challenges that assist you along your path are allowed at a soul level, until you no longer need them to grow.

    The Law of Manifestation – The more your conscious mind focuses on problems, the more problems will seem to arise in your reality.

    The Law of Action – You reap what you sow, what goes around comes around, what you offer to the world will return to you manyfold.

    The Law of Miracles – This law does not operate for the un-awakened, unless it is activated through group prayer.

    The Law of Resistance – Resistance is part of being alive in this dimension of reality, it is normal.

    The Law of Release – Nature abhors a vacuum, as you release something that does not serve you, something of a lower vibration, you then create the space for something of a higher vibration to enter.

    The Law of Service – When a soul has reached a certain point of evolution, then the law of service becomes a prime motivator.

    These are the new game rules. Now you know them the choice is whether you want to be a covert player or a completely visible one!

    These game rules can be found in my latest book The Spiritual Entrepreneur which is available on Amazon as a physical book or on Kindle.

    Music by Soundstripe - Ocean of Worlds (Third Age Instrumental)

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    14 mins
  • Ascension News: Another World of Work is Possible
    Jun 26 2024

    "Yes, another world of work is possible and that may sound a crazy notion if you feel trapped in some meaningless, boring, or stressful job that seems to suck the very life out of you. Work is a major source of suffering for most of the beings living on this planet and this does not have to be the case. Work can be a vehicle for something radically different, but more about that shortly.

    When you consider how much time you spend in work over a lifetime then you really should think about the quality of that time and effort. Yes, it may seem a scary thought to leave the safety and security of some boring or stressful job to step out into the unknown but consider the consequences of staying!

    Feeling stuck in some meaningless job that feels joyless or hard can take its toll physically, emotionally, mentally, and even spiritually. Such work will create stress which will feel like an ongoing tension in the body as well as generating emotional and mental tension. Stress, over time, can often lead to ill-health and serious illness. Long term stress will lower our vital force energy, our vibration and this in turn will impact everything, what is possible for us to allow, accept, attract, and create in our reality...."

    Music by Soundstripe. Written by Matthew Wigton. Performed by Shimmer. If you are interested in Steve’s work (events/offerings etc.) you can sign up for his newsletter here - eepurl.com/ggTxdj You can find Steve on the InsightTimer App - insighttimer.com/stevenobel Amazon author page - www.amazon.com/author/stevenobel Join a growing community of Starseeds on a safe and secure social media platform. Register for FREE at oursocialmatrix.com You can also find a group on the Telegram app, for personal updates - t.me/stevenobel You can donate to this channel via - paypal.me/TheSoulMatrix

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    20 mins
  • Higher Light Decree: Divine Isis and Radiant Horus / Healing the Father Wound
    Jun 26 2024

    Higher Light Decrees are statements or declarations of intention to the Universe. They could be considered as a very focused form of prayer, though they are not made to some unknown deity spoken about in some religious text. These are declarations or prayers to Universal Intelligence of which you are part. They are made to God/Goddess All That is, your Teams in Spirit including your OverSoul, Higher Self and all helpful Archangels and beings of light.

    Our fathers may have experienced challenges in their own fatherhood journey, and they may have passed down their pain to us. The “Father wound” occurs when a father is physically absent, emotionally distant, disapproving, critical, abusive or punishing. This wound can instil feelings of not feeling good enough, not worthy, not deserving of love all of which generate feelings of low self-esteem.

    It is important to know that we are Children of the Universe and healing from this wound is always a possibility. We are meant to be whole beings experiencing a joyful and magical life. By taking time to recognize and address the father wound, it is possible to release old patterns of blame, judgment and shame. It is possible to heal and move beyond the cycle of generational trauma.

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    42 mins