
  • 026. “I know I need to raise my price points, but…” (common fears around increasing your rates and what to do about them)
    May 21 2024

    When you’ve realized that you need to raise your price points, it’s only normal for fears to arise. Things like…

    ➡️ Do I need to add more to the offer to make it worth it?

    ➡️ But other people are charging less than I am…

    ➡️ But I’m not as experienced as [so and so]...

    ➡️ There are so many people who can’t afford my work already, who now definitely won’t be able to afford my increased rates.

    In today’s episode of The Sustainable Success Podcast, I’m talking through each of those fears. How they present, what they’re rooted in, how we can work with them, and new ways of looking at each of them that open up a LOT of freedom for you to take action that aligns with your desire for real, lasting Sustainable Success.

    Tune in today!

    If you are loving this podcast, please take a moment to give us a review! You can do so right here in the app you're listening on, or at RateThisPodcast.com/sustainablesuccess — be sure to let us know what you loved most about this episode, so that we can publish more like it!

    If you haven't already done so, subscribe or follow The Sustainable Success Podcast so that you can be notified every time we release a new episode taking you behind the scenes of what it really takes to build a business that brings you as much joy as it does revenue.

    Discover how to build your business, your way in our comprehensive free training, The Sustainable Success Starter Kit.


    Always know what to post with Not Another List of Content Prompts.


    Clearly express who you help and how so that you can confidently showcase what makes you and your work unique everywhere that you’re marketing and selling your stuff with The Aligned Niche.


    Learn about our comprehensive business training program, EXPAND. This program is for online service providers, coaches, and practitioners who have already seen some success in business but are now ready to expand their business-building acumen, trust themselves as the leader of their business, and build their business, their way.


    Join our community inside the Big-hearted Entrepreneurs Facebook group: facebook.com/groups/wholeco

    Know someone who would love this episode? I'd be honored if you'd send it to them.

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    33 m
  • 025. I don't "handle objections" in sales conversations (here's why)
    May 14 2024
    There were two big lies I was presented with back when I was first taught sales skills for my business: prospective clients will have objections, and it’s my job to handle them.I learnt how to listen to the prospective client say, “That’s too expensive,” “I don’t have time,” or “I need to ask my partner.” Then to ask them questions about what they really meant, or often, what they were really afraid of in making this investment. To walk them through it and then help them experience a belief shift. And, when all else failed, to remind them that people who are really serious about [getting the result or transformation] never, ever hesitate.I bought into the lies for a while—how could I not, when that’s what was being presented as the one and only truth—until through my own learning, experimentation, and yes, actually through taking countless prospective clients through sales conversations, I discovered: I don’t have to handle objections, because my Right Fit prospective clients don’t actually have them.In fact, it’s largely the misaligned clients that have true objections, which means that hearing an objection is often a great indication that someone is not actually ready for your work.Now, this is not me saying that prospective clients never have questions or hesitations or even the occasional anxiousness about investing. But as you’ll see in todays’ episode of The Sustainable Success Podcast, this is all very different than the objections so many sales people talks about, and how you meet a prospective client in an objection is very different from how you meet them in a hesitation or question.Specifically, I share:💛 The difference between an objection and a hesitation or question💛 Why the standard objections we’re taught by salespeople to “handle” are almost always indicators of a wrong fit or a not-yet-Right-Fit client💛 The subtle nuances between a true objection and a hesitation to listen for in sales conversations💛 What to do when a prospective client has an objection vs. what to do when they have a hesitationTune into episode 025 today!If you are loving this podcast, please take a moment to give us a review! You can do so right here in the app you're listening on, or at RateThisPodcast.com/sustainablesuccess — be sure to let us know what you loved most about this episode, so that we can publish more like it!If you haven't already done so, subscribe or follow The Sustainable Success Podcast so that you can be notified every time we release a new episode taking you behind the scenes of what it really takes to build a business that brings you as much joy as it does revenue.Discover how to build your business, your way in our comprehensive free training, The Sustainable Success Starter Kit.https://www.wholecomedia.com/starter-kitAlways know what to post with Not Another List of Content Prompts.https://www.wholecomedia.com/content-prompts-podcastClearly express who you help and how so that you can confidently showcase what makes you and your work unique everywhere that you’re marketing and selling your stuff with The Aligned Niche.https://wholecomedia.com/aligned-niche-podcastLearn about our comprehensive business training program, EXPAND. This program is for online service providers, coaches, and practitioners who have already seen some success in business but are now ready to expand their business-building acumen, trust themselves as the leader of their business, and build their business, their way.https://www.wholecomedia.com/expandJoin our community inside the Big-hearted Entrepreneurs Facebook group: facebook.com/groups/wholecoKnow someone who would love this episode? I'd be honored if you'd send it to them.
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    28 m
  • 024. A week of Mornings with Carly (behind-the-scenes of our private client podcast!)
    May 7 2024

    Mornings with Carly is our private client podcast where I drop three 5-10 minute episodes every single week, full of mindset practices and inner work inspiration, client lessons, and WholeCo behind-the-scenes debriefs. And today, right here on The Sustainable Success Podcast, I’m sharing a preview of THREE of those episodes!

    All as part of our first ever Spring Spectacular, only the biggest sale we’ve ever run in nearly 6 years of business here at WholeCo. Check it out here: WholeCoMedia.com/spring-spectacular

    Here are the episodes you’ll get to listen to today:

    • Is there ever a time to take on a wrong fit client, especially if you want the money?
    • Tried it; didn't like it. A convo on the value of experimentation in biz (even if you don't like the results)
    • How might your desire to be liked (or a fear that you won’t be liked) play a part in your business right now?

    Mornings with Carly is typically only reserved for our EXPAND clients, and we occasionally invite members of live rounds of our courses to subscribe as well. For this week only, however, you can get lifetime (of the podcast) access to Mornings with Carly simply by picking up either of our bundles at Spring Spectacular.

    Learn more about Spring Spectacular right here: WholeCoMedia.com/spring-spectacular

    If you are loving this podcast, please take a moment to give us a review! You can do so right here in the app you're listening on, or at RateThisPodcast.com/sustainablesuccess — be sure to let us know what you loved most about this episode, so that we can publish more like it!

    If you haven't already done so, subscribe or follow The Sustainable Success Podcast so that you can be notified every time we release a new episode taking you behind the scenes of what it really takes to build a business that brings you as much joy as it does revenue.

    Discover how to build your business, your way in our comprehensive free training, The Sustainable Success Starter Kit.


    Always know what to post with Not Another List of Content Prompts.


    Clearly express who you help and how so that you can confidently showcase what makes you and your work unique everywhere that you’re marketing and selling your stuff with The Aligned Niche.


    Learn about our comprehensive business training program, EXPAND. This program is for online service providers, coaches, and practitioners who have already seen some success in business but are now ready to expand their business-building acumen, trust themselves as the leader of their business, and build their business, their way.


    Join our community inside the Big-hearted Entrepreneurs Facebook group: facebook.com/groups/wholeco

    Know someone who would love this episode? I'd be honored if you'd send it to them.

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    35 m
  • 023. When you inevitably "get it wrong" with a client, here's what to do
    Apr 30 2024

    A couple years ago, I realized that I had made an assumption about one of my clients that led to me skipping over some really important work with them — which ultimately slowed down their progress and ability to expand.

    Naturally, I felt like sh*t when I realized what had happened. After I had worked through some of those emotions, I then reached out to the client to own up to my mistake — one of the most simultaneously liberating and terrifying actions I had taken up to that point in my business.

    In todays’ episode of The Sustainable Success Podcast, I share what happened next.

    Episode 023. When you inevitably “get it wrong” with a client, here’s what to do

    I also walk you through exactly what YOU can do when YOU make a mistake with a client, so that you can not only rectify the situation with the client, but also how to set yourself up to not repeat this mistake in the future.

    Before you go and listen, I’ll leave you with this:

    It’s entirely normal to make mistakes (we’re human after all!). So much so that us making mistakes in our businesses actually isn’t that newsworthy or notable. What really matters is not the mistake itself, but rather how we respond to it. I share how to do so in episode 023. Tune in today wherever you listen to podcasts!

    If you are loving this podcast, please take a moment to give us a review! You can do so right here in the app you're listening on, or at RateThisPodcast.com/sustainablesuccess — be sure to let us know what you loved most about this episode, so that we can publish more like it!

    If you haven't already done so, subscribe or follow The Sustainable Success Podcast so that you can be notified every time we release a new episode taking you behind the scenes of what it really takes to build a business that brings you as much joy as it does revenue.

    Discover how to build your business, your way in our comprehensive free training, The Sustainable Success Starter Kit.


    Always know what to post with Not Another List of Content Prompts.


    Clearly express who you help and how so that you can confidently showcase what makes you and your work unique everywhere that you’re marketing and selling your stuff with The Aligned Niche.


    Learn about our comprehensive business training program, EXPAND. This program is for online service providers, coaches, and practitioners who have already seen some success in business but are now ready to expand their business-building acumen, trust themselves as the leader of their business, and build their business, their way.


    Join our community inside the Big-hearted Entrepreneurs Facebook group: facebook.com/groups/wholeco

    Know someone who would love this episode? I'd be honored if you'd send it to them.

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    48 m
  • 022. Why is 1:1 client work so dang exhausting?
    Apr 23 2024
    I’ve heard it again and again: “I need to create a more scalable offer, because 1:1 client work is just so exhausting.”Every time I hear a business owner say it, I… 1 - Validate the exhaustion. That sh*t is real.But also…2 - Invite them to explore whether it’s actually the 1:1 work that’s exhausting and needs to be done away with, or if there’s something else happening within the 1:1 work that is in fact the root cause of the exhaustion.Imagine you come to me saying that “working 1:1 with clients is exhausting.” When we probe a bit further, you actually realize: “I have mostly attracted clients into this offer that seem to want me to ‘fix’ everything for them and that aren’t actually doing what THEY need to do to see their intended result.” If that’s happening—as I’ve seen MANY times with business owners across so many different industries—then OF COURSE you’re exhausted. It’s a lot of work carrying responsibility for your own personal success alongside the success of your business, and now you’re trying to also carry a bunch of other people’s success. Goodness, even the weight of responsibility for one more person’s success is too much.While it’d be easy to think that “that’s just the type of person who is attracted to this work,” what’s actually happening is that that’s just the type of person that you have been attracting into this work—very likely through the way that you’ve been positioning and languaging and marketing and selling the work. Which means: if we can adjust how you’re talking about this offer so that it actually speaks to a Right Fit client, you’re going to stop attracting clients into the work who aren’t ready or willing to carry their side of things, and start attracting clients who are so much “lighter” to work with.Now, any time I support a client through this exploration, I don’t do it from the place of: “you can’t give up 1:1 work.” That’s not productive nor is it even my decision to make. We might very well go through this exploration process and discover that it’s not actually about the 1:1 work and yet still ultimately decide to release the 1:1 work.The difference is that now the business owner is making a decision to release 1:1 work not from a desire to escape something painful, but rather to expand into something they’ve decided is more aligned. And that underlying motivation means that it’s MUCH more likely that they’ll be less likely to repeat the pattern in whatever else they move to.Think about it. If you’ve been attracting wrong fit clients into an offer, and you simply shift the offer, you’re not actually changing the issue, you’re changing the channel for the symptom to show itself. Whereas if you get clear on what the real problem is—your words are attracting wrong fit people—and then you change those words, not only is the original “channel” of 1:1 work now clear, but you’ll be able to carry that newfound approach to messaging, positioning, marketing, etc to any offer you are selling. You’re able to actually solve the real problem, not just in the original offer, but in all of the offers.Wrong fit clients are just one of the common reasons I’ve seen 1:1 client work being so dang exhausting. I share the other three common reasons as well as what you can do about them in todays’ episode of The Sustainable Success Podcast.Episode 022. Why is 1:1 client work so dang exhausting?Whether 1:1 client work is actually super exhausting for you, or you’re simply looking for ways to set your 1:1 client work up to be more sustainable, tune in today!MENTIONED IN THE EPISODEEpisode 019: What do you do if clients aren't using the support available to them? — https://www.wholecomedia.com/019The Sustainable Success Starter Kit — our most comprehensive (and free!) masterclass — https://www.wholecomedia.com/starter-kitPowerful Offers that Transform — free guide — https://www.wholecomedia.com/powerful-offersEpisode 021: Voxer Office Hours — https://www.wholecomedia.com/021Blog Post: Boundaries Online Business Owners Can Set for More Sustainable + Successful Client Containers — https://www.wholecomedia.com/boundaries-for-businessIf you are loving this podcast, please take a moment to give us a review! You can do so right here in the app you're listening on, or at RateThisPodcast.com/sustainablesuccess — be sure to let us know what you loved most about this episode, so that we can publish more like it!If you haven't already done so, subscribe or follow The Sustainable Success Podcast so that you can be notified every time we release a new episode taking you behind the scenes of what it really takes to build a business that brings you as much joy as it does revenue.Discover how to build your business, your way in our comprehensive free training, The Sustainable Success Starter Kit.https://www.wholecomedia.com/starter-kitAlways know what to post with ...
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  • 021. Voxer Office Hours (offer building, chronic health, pressure around marketing, application questions for prospective clients, sustaining momentum)
    Apr 16 2024
    Every month I spend a whole day talking individually with business owners on Voxer (a walkie talkie app) inside of our comprehensive business training program, EXPAND. And every single month, I think to myself: goodness, these conversations would be supportive for SO MANY business owners (including and beyond the one I’m actually going back and forth with!).Which is why this month, I decided to pull together five questions that were asked and share my responses with you on The Sustainable Success Podcast. Yep, I’m essentially taking you behind the scenes and answering the questions as if YOU had asked them.Here’s the questions I’ve answered in todays episode (episode 021):➡️ How do I set up a 1:1 offer, when my health is somewhat unpredictable and I can't guarantee I'll be available or ready for client sessions?➡️ I'm feeling a lot of pressure to make my marketing work, because I need to get clients, and it's making it hard to actually show up in my marketing because of all of the pressure. What can I do?➡️ I'm building a course. How do I know if something is a necessary component of the curriculum, a bonus, or not something to include at all?➡️ I had a prospective client book a call with me, and they filled out their application with really short answers that didn't really help me understand how I could help them. Do I need to shift my application questions? Are they a wrong fit?➡️ I have bursts of energy and clarity where things are really working, I have momentum, and I’m super inspired. But inevitably a week later I fall into a hole and seem to forget everything. How can I proceed more sustainably?Tune in today to basically get some free business coach-sulting, and of course, come and join us inside of EXPAND when you’re ready to have these types of conversations (& so much more) in-depth with me, each and every month.MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODEPowerful Offers That Transform (free) — wholecomedia.com/powerful-offersRight Fit Filter ($9) — wholecomedia.com/right-fit-filterIf you are loving this podcast, please take a moment to give us a review! You can do so right here in the app you're listening on, or at RateThisPodcast.com/sustainablesuccess — be sure to let us know what you loved most about this episode, so that we can publish more like it!If you haven't already done so, subscribe or follow The Sustainable Success Podcast so that you can be notified every time we release a new episode taking you behind the scenes of what it really takes to build a business that brings you as much joy as it does revenue.Discover how to build your business, your way in our comprehensive free training, The Sustainable Success Starter Kit.https://www.wholecomedia.com/starter-kitAlways know what to post with Not Another List of Content Prompts.https://www.wholecomedia.com/content-prompts-podcastClearly express who you help and how so that you can confidently showcase what makes you and your work unique everywhere that you’re marketing and selling your stuff with The Aligned Niche.https://wholecomedia.com/aligned-niche-podcastLearn about our comprehensive business training program, EXPAND. This program is for online service providers, coaches, and practitioners who have already seen some success in business but are now ready to expand their business-building acumen, trust themselves as the leader of their business, and build their business, their way.https://www.wholecomedia.com/expandJoin our community inside the Big-hearted Entrepreneurs Facebook group: facebook.com/groups/wholecoKnow someone who would love this episode? I'd be honored if you'd send it to them.
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    1 h y 3 m
  • 020. A simple somatic practice to increase safety in increased visibility in your business
    Apr 9 2024
    I couldn’t stop checking. Every minute it seemed, new subscribers were joining our list. In just one week, we added 1,500 new subscribers to our email list, after spending years under 400 people. It was exciting beyond belief. It also was terrifying. In the last couple of years, we’ve put more emphasis on growing our audience than we ever have here at WholeCo. Our list is now hovering right around 4,000 people instead of 400, and we have even more plans to grow that’ll be implemented in the coming weeks and months. In order to effectively 10x our audience, I’ve had to do something that I’d successfully avoided for most of my prior 3 years in business: be visible. And uncontrollably so.We all know as business owners that we have to be visible. We also all have a unique-to-us tolerance for visibility, especially when it comes to visibility in front of a new or “cold” audience or any sort of visibility where you cannot actually see the people who are seeing you. (Think: live video, viral Reels, podcasting, etc.) And when we hit that tolerance, ohhhhhh boy. It becomes downright overwhelming.If we know that we need to be visible, and even that we want to be visible in order to grow our businesses, then we can choose to preemptively support ourselves by building capacity to be visible. In todays’ episode of The Sustainable Success Podcast, I’m sharing a specific practice that you can use to increase your sense of safety being visible.The first time you do this practice, you’ll have immense clarity on what’s really going on when being seen feels so damn scary or distracting. When you repeat this practice in conjunction with additional deep work, you’ll slowly, bit by bit, build up your capacity to be seen. Increased capacity makes even astronomical visibility a heck of a lot more tolerable, and even eventually, a relatively neutral or “no big deal” part of being a business owner.While normally I’d say you can tune into The Sustainable Success Podcast whenever you want, whatever you’re doing, with this one I’d recommend tuning in when you can set aside at least 10 or so minutes to engage with the practice shared in the episode. I’m so excited and grateful to support you in increasing your sense of safety in visibility. Tune in today to episode 20 to begin your journey with increased visibility.If you are loving this podcast, please take a moment to give us a review! You can do so right here in the app you're listening on, or at RateThisPodcast.com/sustainablesuccess — be sure to let us know what you loved most about this episode, so that we can publish more like it!If you haven't already done so, subscribe or follow The Sustainable Success Podcast so that you can be notified every time we release a new episode taking you behind the scenes of what it really takes to build a business that brings you as much joy as it does revenue.Discover how to build your business, your way in our comprehensive free training, The Sustainable Success Starter Kit.https://www.wholecomedia.com/starter-kitAlways know what to post with Not Another List of Content Prompts.https://www.wholecomedia.com/content-prompts-podcastClearly express who you help and how so that you can confidently showcase what makes you and your work unique everywhere that you’re marketing and selling your stuff with The Aligned Niche.https://wholecomedia.com/aligned-niche-podcastLearn about our comprehensive business training program, EXPAND. This program is for online service providers, coaches, and practitioners who have already seen some success in business but are now ready to expand their business-building acumen, trust themselves as the leader of their business, and build their business, their way.https://www.wholecomedia.com/expandJoin our community inside the Big-hearted Entrepreneurs Facebook group: facebook.com/groups/wholecoKnow someone who would love this episode? I'd be honored if you'd send it to them.
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    40 m
  • 019. What do you do if clients aren’t using the support that’s available to them?
    Apr 2 2024
    Something we don’t often like to talk about as business owners who work with humans is the reality that some of our clients aren’t actually utilizing the support that is available to them and/or that they aren’t actually doing what THEY need to do in order to create the results they intend or desire to create.They’re not doing the curriculum and/or any of their own implementation.They’re not getting you the assets that you need to do your work (and to do it well).They’re not booking calls or using Voxer support or _________, despite the fact that they’re still paying you month after month.Is it your fault? Is it their fault? Do you need to be doing more? Do you need to chase them up (again)? Or can you just “let them go”/wash your hands of the responsibility (or even the client) until they figure it out?I think it’s safe to say that the vast majority of us business owners WANT our clients to succeed. But when your clients aren’t utilizing the supports and resources available to them, and you’ve purposefully designed your offers (aka they actually need to be utilizing the resources available to them), then it’s very likely that the client is NOT succeeding how you want them to, and how they very likely want to as well.Which, I don’t think I need to tell you, is frustrating for EVERYONE involved.So what do you do? Well, that’s exactly the question I’m answering in this of The Sustainable Success Podcast.In episode 019 —What do you do if clients aren’t using the support that’s available to them?—I’m sharing…How to tell if this is a “you” problem or actually that the client or clients you’re bringing into your work aren’t a Right Fit for the work (yet, or at all)4 common signs that someone is a wrong fit for a particular offer that you can see before they even sign on the dotted line and become a clientA simple litmus test to tell whether a current inclusion in your offer NEEDS to be there (or whether it’s a distraction from the transformation/result)Practical steps and ideas to support your clients or students to utilize the offer inclusions and supports available to them (even if currently the vast majority DON’T)6 ultra important boundaries and expectations that I share with my 1:1 clients that creates a culture where it feels safe for them to ask for (and receive) support (most business owners forget to communicate the 6th one!!)How to reset the container with current clients who haven’t been using the inclusions and/or support available to them (and what to do if, because of their lack of engagement with the whole process, the original goals/intentions they had can no longer be accomplished in the remainder of the container with you)…and more.Clients utilizing the support and inclusions that are available to them is crucial to their ability to succeed in or with your work, and therefore likely to both your satisfaction with the work and to receiving rave reviews, referrals, and re-sign-ups (where applicable). If you want to more reliably facilitate the intended results of your work, and you have or have had clients who aren’t engaging with the whole process, then you’re DEFINITELY going to want to listen to this episode.Tune in today.LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:Tune into S6E1 - "Behind the Scenes of WholeCo's Messy Middle" - wholecomedia.com/s6e1Download our free guide, Powerful Offers That Transform - wholecomedia.com/powerful-offersIf you are loving this podcast, please take a moment to give us a review! You can do so right here in the app you're listening on, or at RateThisPodcast.com/sustainablesuccess — be sure to let us know what you loved most about this episode, so that we can publish more like it!If you haven't already done so, subscribe or follow The Sustainable Success Podcast so that you can be notified every time we release a new episode taking you behind the scenes of what it really takes to build a business that brings you as much joy as it does revenue.Discover how to build your business, your way in our comprehensive free training, The Sustainable Success Starter Kit.https://www.wholecomedia.com/starter-kitAlways know what to post with Not Another List of Content Prompts.https://www.wholecomedia.com/content-prompts-podcastClearly express who you help and how so that you can confidently showcase what makes you and your work unique everywhere that you’re marketing and selling your stuff with The Aligned Niche.https://wholecomedia.com/aligned-niche-podcastLearn about our comprehensive business training program, EXPAND. This program is for online service providers, coaches, and practitioners who have already seen some success in business but are now ready to expand their business-building acumen, trust themselves as the leader of their business, and build their business, their way.https://www.wholecomedia.com/expandJoin our community inside the Big-hearted Entrepreneurs Facebook group: facebook.com/groups/wholecoKnow...
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    1 h y 16 m