
  • Saison 1 : Épisode 4 Un dialogue sur le démarrage des cliniques juridiques universitaires
    Apr 4 2024

    Deux professeures cliniques, Djemila Caron et Jeannette Savoie discutent des défis rencontrés lors de la création de nouvelles cliniques juridiques universitaires qui travaillent complètement et ou partiellement en français au Canada.

    Professeur.e Carron est au Département des sciences juridiques de l’UQAM à Montréal. Iel est actuellement impliqué.e dans deux cliniques dans son département, une qui se concentre sur les droits humains au niveau international (CIDDHU) et une sur les enjeux de genres et de sexualités au niveau local en lien avec des organismes communautaires québécois (la CliniX).

    Professeure Savoie en est à ses débuts dans le monde académique, ayant pratiqué le droit pour 20 ans, elle dirige maintenant la toute nouvelle UNB Legal Clinic à Fredericton au Nouveau-Brunswick.

    Show Notes

    Lectures additionnelles : Dix étapes pratiques pour la mise en place et la gestion d’une clinique juridique – Réseau des Cliniques Juridiques Francophones (cliniques-juridiques.org)

    Réseau des Cliniques Juridiques Francophones – Réseau visant à favoriser le développement de l'enseignement clinique du droit dans l'espace francophone (cliniques-juridiques.org)


    Wilson Ten Practical Steps to Organization and Operation of a Law School Clinic de 2004.

    W. Quigley, « Introduction to Clinical Teaching for the New Clinical Professor » (1995) 28 Akron Law Review 463-496·

    Philip G Schrag, « Constructing a Clinic » (1996) 3 Clinical Law Review 175-247 ·

    Stephanie Glaberson, Zina Makar, Shanta Trivedi, « New Clinicians’ Tool Kit », Linden Thomas et Nick Johnson, «The Clinical Legal Education Handbook »

    Buhler, Marsden and Smyth, “Clinical Law: Practice, Theory and Social Justice Advocacy,” 2016, Emond Publishers, Toronto.

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    34 mins
  • Season 1: Episode 3: “Learning from the Land – Re-emergence of W̱ SÁNEĆ Law Field Course with Prof. Robert Clifford”
    Apr 4 2024

    In this episode, we interview Prof. Robert Clifford of UVIC about his field course - ĆELÁṈENEȽ, (which means “of the ancestor’s cultural ways” or “of the birthrights”), where law students engage in land-based learning in the W̱ SÁNEĆ community, as in, students literally get their feet wet, while learning about water use laws. Hear insights on what it means to learn and experience W̱ SÁNEĆ legal order made possible by Robert’s involvement with the W̱ SÁNEĆ community. Learn about the community based projects that students are completing to further understanding and application of W̱ SÁNEĆ legal approaches.

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    35 mins
  • Season 1: Episode 2: "ACCLE, What?”
    Apr 4 2024

    In this episode, we speak with Benjamin Ries, former president of ACCLE and current Director of South Etobicoke Legal Services about the origins and growth of ACCLE as an advocacy group for clinical legal education and educators. We go on to discuss what makes being a legal clinician wonderful, challenging and unique within the Canadian legal landscape and what is next.

    Show Notes

    American Association for Law Schools - https://www.aals.org/

    CLEA – http://cleaweb.org/

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    37 mins
  • Season 1: Episode 1: “You cannot fight what you cannot see”: The importance of data in fighting Anti-black Racism
    Apr 4 2024

    In this episode we speak with Lilian Bahgat and Harpreet Burmy supervising lawyers from Community Legal Aid at the University of Windsor Faculty of Law about their clinic’s efforts to combat anti-black racism for both clients and students. Learn from their experience about the importance of data collection, tracking and seeking out the “ugly numbers” for the development of new practices and approaches for a more inclusive workplace, service and learning environment.

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    33 mins
  • The Teaching Lawyer Podcast
    Mar 22 2024

    Meet Jennifer Fehr and Chris Heslinga, both Canadian clinical legal educators or “lawyers who teach” interested in connecting with, learning from and sharing challenges and successes with others across the country who “do what we do”. Produced by ACCLE (Association for Canadian Clinical Legal Education) or ACECD (L’Association Canadienne pour l’enseignement clinique du droit).

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    2 mins