
  • Don't Waste Time
    Jul 19 2024

    Opportunity comes to those who don't waste time.

    But that's not the same thing as being busy.

    You know when you're wasting time.

    Just stop doing that

    And opportunity will come to you.

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    Less than 1 minute
  • Founded in the Absolute
    Jul 18 2024

    It turns out that relative morality

    Is actually founded in a moral absolute.

    Some things are easy. Rape is always wrong.

    But it is the grey areas that make us wonder

    If there is no firm moral law.

    But when we look closer,

    We discover that circumstance decides.

    There is still a right and a wrong answer.

    We just may not be wise enough to see it.

    And there are even times

    When the right answer

    Is that any choice will do.

    But in those circumstances,

    Choosing to not worry about it

    Is still the right thing to do.

    And those who keep that law

    Are blessed with sanity.

    Those who violate it

    Fraught with mental instability.

    And it all depends upon the circumstance,

    Upon the person, the place, the situation.

    So, when our world presents us

    With a thousand shades of grey,

    Where do we turn for the right answer?

    To God, and to that Spirit which is Holy

    Which will tell us all things that we should do.

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    2 mins
  • Raymond Lessons 8: Keep Asking
    Jul 17 2024

    Lessons from Raymond, the homeless man

    Who helped prepare me for the road.

    To view previous lessons, find my playlist entitled: Raymond Lessons.

    Lesson 8 - Keep Asking

    “Make a trade,” Raymond said.

    “Ok,” I said. And off we went.

    We tried a dealership

    But they were closed.

    And then we tried a guy

    Who just sold cars but he said no.

    “Do you know of anyone who might be interested?” Raymond asked.

    “Yeah, so and so.”

    “Ok,” we said.

    And we tried them, and they said maybe.

    “Ok,” we said.

    “Do you know of anyone else who might be interested?” Raymond asked.

    “Sure,” they said. And just like that, we kept on going.”

    And Raymond drank Vodka. “I want to be authentic,” he said.

    He was. And more and more merry.

    Till finally, we were done.

    We both knew it.

    We had enough leads.

    And one of them turned out.

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    1 min
  • Making Flowers
    Jul 16 2024

    Melancholy and reflection are the poet’s friends.

    They leave and come again.

    They are the fertile soil

    That works its way

    Between the toes of his imagination

    And prod and shift the kindling fires

    Of his unknown, unseen, deeply buried passion.

    And, in time, with much wrestling,

    They bring forth the most delicate of flowers,

    Perfect curves and colors

    For the reader’s pastime hours.

    But little does the reader know what strivings,

    And what great waves heave within the soul.

    At times, the poet wonders if he’s been swallowed,

    Buried whole. But he wouldn’t have it any other way.

    For so are flowers made

    That sprout and bloom

    Then fade away.

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    1 min
  • Ojibwe
    Jul 15 2024

    They seek for their lost culture in the language,

    In the fishing, the ricing, and the dance.

    But they will not find it there.

    It was always found

    In the need

    That they had for one other.

    That was what gave meaning to it all.

    Lose the need and you lose the culture.

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    Less than 1 minute
  • Gifts and Witness
    Jul 14 2024

    The gifts of God are multitudinous,

    But the witness of God is the same

    To the heart and soul of man.

    And he who has experienced it

    Knows it.

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    Less than 1 minute
  • Raymond Lessons 7: Tell them
    Jul 11 2024

    Lessons from Raymond, the homeless man

    Who helped prepare me for the road.

    To view previous lessons, find my playlist entitled: Raymond Lessons.

    Lesson 7: Tell them

    If you are to receive the things you need,

    You will need to let people know

    What you are about

    So be authentic.

    It is how every needful thing will come.

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    Less than 1 minute
  • Raymond Lessons 6 - Only Ask for What You Need
    Jul 10 2024

    Lessons from Raymond, the homeless man

    Who helped prepare me for the road.

    To view previous lessons, find my playlist entitled: Raymond Lessons.

    Lesson 6: Only Ask for What You Need

    “Only ask for what you need.

    Calculate how much gas you’ll need

    To get to the next town of any size.

    And then ask for that amount.

    If they give you more,

    Give it away.

    “This is how it comes to me,” he said.

    And as if to punctuate this point,

    A little later, he came out of the grocery store.

    “Someone just gave me $35,” he said.

    “Come in and I will buy you lunch.”

    “Did you ask?” I said.

    “No,” he said.

    “Something like this happens every day,” he said.

    And when we had eaten,

    He gave me seven dollars

    And spent the rest on

    Cigarettes and alcohol

    So that the $35 was spent.

    And I don’t need cigarettes or alcohol,

    But there are those who can use what I don’t need.

    And I thought this sounds familiar - a life of daily faith.

    Constantly letting go of all I do not need,

    Trusting that more will come.

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    1 min