
  • 123. Achieving Fat Loss While Still Enjoying Your Favorite Foods, Treats, and Drinks
    Jul 30 2024

    I’m excited to talk all things fat loss in this episode, and really, what it looks like for you to enjoy your favorite foods, treats, and drinks, while living your best life! We often get stuck in the ‘all or nothing’ mindset that comes with following a certain diet. When we lose weight with said diet, we think it’s somehow magical, when in reality, it’s simply because we’re cutting out certain foods and drinks (aka in a calorie deficit). This isn’t actually teaching you anything - it's just setting you up for failure, and keeping you in the vicious dieting cycle.

    Tracking your food doesn’t have to be obsessive or time-consuming, but you DO need to do it. If you’re not giving your body enough fuel, your metabolism will be impacted, and your results will come to a plateau. This is when reverse dieting comes into play; it’s an incredibly important tool I LOVE teaching my ladies, because it can really turn things around for your fat loss and body recomp goals!

    Yes, you can have your favorite foods and drinks (even alcohol), while still losing fat and changing your body. It really comes down to awareness, and being intentional with what you’re doing. I hope this episode gave you the reassurance that you can create and maintain a healthy relationship with food, while kicking ass with your long-term fitness goals!

    In today’s episode, we cover:

    • Why so many people get stuck in the ‘all or nothing’ diet mindset + what’s really happening when you’re cutting out your favorite foods & treats
    • Understanding that tracking what you’re consuming is essential for you to reach your goal(s) + how this is similar to your money and budgeting
    • Using your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) to help determine your calorie goal + why you really do need to track everything you’re consuming
    • How your metabolism is affected when you’re chronically undereating + how reverse dieting can gradually ‘rev up’ your metabolism
    • How to incorporate your favorite treats + a breakdown of your daily and weekly allotment for macros & total calories
    • Sticking to your daily macros and calories, regardless of what you have going on
    • Why creating healthy habits & using helpful tools will lead to sustainable weight loss

    Mentioned in episode: TDEE Calculator tool

    How to work with me:

    FIT CLUB is a monthly membership with workouts designed to take the guesswork out of your fitness routine + get you the body you want. These workouts can be done at home or at the gym.

    PRIVATE COACHING is my 1:1 program, where we work closely together to cut the BS, and learn what to do to get the results you want-for life! This is the best way to fast track your results and truly understand the journey-choose a 3 month or 6 month option!

    MASTER YOUR MACROS COURSE allows you to go at your own pace & learn how to make macros fit into your lifestyle.

    💁🏼‍♀️ Where to find me:

    Connect with me on Instagram @kristycastillofit and @unfuckyourfitnesspodcast so we can keep this conversation going-be sure to tag me in your posts & stories!

    Shop new Unf*ck Your Fitness merch!

    Join my FREE Facebook group, Kristy Castillo Fit!

    Click HERE for my favorite fitness & life things!

    Más Menos
    32 m
  • 122. Embracing Growth, Chaos, and Authenticity: Real Life Struggles on My 16 Year Fitness Journey
    Jul 23 2024

    I want to kick off today’s episode by sharing some exciting news - this podcast recently hit 500k downloads, which is a HUGE milestone for me as a podcaster! I really want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to you for being here (whether this is your first time, or you're a long time listener). I absolutely LOVE getting to show up and connect with you in this way, and I’m very happy my message has resonated with so many of you. I’ve gotten some recent requests to share more about my journey, my challenges, and what my everyday life looks like, so that’s exactly what I’m diving into today.

    While I do enjoy sharing snippets of my life on social media, I’ll never share every single part of my day either - it's not possible, nor is it something I want to do! I want you to understand that I’m a REAL person who struggles with my nutrition, fitness, mental health, and more too - I’m not some unicorn who has it all together and is always kicking ass! My current season of life has been super unpredictable, pretty hectic, and I’ve rarely felt in control with my everyday routine. I’ve also learned to pivot and adjust when necessary, and focus on making progress where I can.

    I’ve been on my fitness journey for 16 years now, and I’ve experienced many highs and lows along the way. I’ve learned to embrace growth, chaos, and everything in between, but more than anything, I’ve learned to be authentically ME. I hope this episode shows you that I’m not always motivated, I’m far from perfect, and I’ll never give up on myself - I hope you don’t either, because you’re worth fighting for!

    In today’s episode, we cover:

    • Why I enjoy sharing on social media, but I’ll never share every single moment of my day (and you shouldn’t feel like you need to either)
    • Understanding that I’m a real and relatable person who struggles and doesn’t have it all together
    • My current situation of living very ‘day to day’ with unpredictability
    • Learning to pivot and adjust where I’ve needed to on my 16 year fitness journey
    • Helpful habits I try to stick to and/or fall back on as much as possible (no matter how crazy busy life gets)
    • Realizing that life won’t always look this way, or feel quite as chaotic as it does right now

    How to work with me:

    FIT CLUB is a monthly membership with workouts designed to take the guesswork out of your fitness routine + get you the body you want. These workouts can be done at home or at the gym.

    PRIVATE COACHING is my 1:1 program, where we work closely together to cut the BS, and learn what to do to get the results you want-for life! This is the best way to fast track your results and truly understand the journey-you can choose a 3 month or 6 month option!

    MASTER YOUR MACROS COURSE allows you to go at your own pace and learn how to make macros fit into your lifestyle.

    💁🏼‍♀️ Where to find me:

    Connect with me on Instagram @kristycastillofit and @unfuckyourfitnesspodcast so we can keep this conversation going-be sure to tag me in your posts and stories!

    Shop new Unf*ck Your Fitness merch!

    Join my FREE Facebook group, Kristy Castillo Fit!

    Click HERE for my favorite fitness & life things!

    Más Menos
    31 m
  • 121. Why Your Specific Fitness Training Matters
    Jul 16 2024

    Today’s episode is covering kind of an ‘unsexy’ topic, but it’s something that is crucial for anyone on a fitness journey. When it comes to the workouts that you’re doing, your specific fitness training MATTERS. I have ladies come to me all of the time, sharing that they feel like they’re working out and doing everything they ‘should’ be doing, but they don’t see (or feel) the results they’re desiring from their workouts. While you can do workouts that you love (i.e. fitness classes, running, etc.), you can’t *only* do workouts that you love. Yes, moving your body regularly is a wonderful thing and you should be doing that! But..you WILL need to incorporate weight training if building muscle and changing the way your body looks is a goal.

    This will feel uncomfortable along the way - I’ve been there too, but nothing worth having is going to feel super easy when you’re starting out! I can’t stress how important it is to be training with purpose (like utilizing progressive overload). When you’re both specific and consistent with your workouts, not only will you change the way your body looks, you’ll also achieve strength, longevity, and overall improved health.

    So yes..the way you train f*cking matters! If you’re frustrated with what you’re doing and you’re not getting the results you crave, it’s time to get support from an expert. I would love to help you figure out a better way to reach your long-term fitness goals, and ultimately, build a body you love!!

    In today’s episode, we cover:

    • Understanding that you can do workouts you love, but not JUST workouts you love + why training to build muscle is not the same as simply ‘working out’
    • Why you should have some kind of physique goal(s) as you age and are actively working to add muscle to your body
    • How training to build muscle and lose fat (aka body recomposition) will be different than training simply to lose weight
    • Focusing on progressive overload with your workouts + how this will look with your reps and rest
    • Why you need to be both specific and consistent with your training, regardless of the workout plan you choose to follow
    • Choosing movement that you love and will also support you in building strength and long-term health

    How to work with me:

    FIT CLUB is a monthly membership with workouts designed to take the guesswork out of your fitness routine and get you the body you want. These workouts can be done at home or at the gym.

    PRIVATE COACHING is my 1:1 program, where we work closely together to cut the BS, and learn what to do to get the results you want-for life! This is the best way to fast track your results and truly understand the journey, and you can choose a 3 month or 6 month option!

    MASTER YOUR MACROS COURSE is available now! Go at your own pace and learn how to make macros fit into your lifestyle.

    💁🏼‍♀️ Where to find me:

    Connect with me on Instagram @kristycastillofit and @unfuckyourfitnesspodcast so we can keep this conversation going! Be sure to tag me in your posts and stories!

    Shop new Unf*ck Your Fitness merch!

    Join my FREE Facebook group, Kristy Castillo Fit!

    Click HERE for all my favorite fitness and life things!

    Más Menos
    24 m
  • 120. Breaking Old Habits and Creating Change: Real Life Stories from My Clients Navigating Their Fitness Journeys
    Jul 9 2024

    You’ve probably heard the saying ‘old habits die hard’; this has been a common theme among many of my clients lately as they’re navigating their fitness journeys and implementing new habits. This probably WILL feel hard at first, because changing your habits (even if you’re excited to do so), is never a smooth or easy process. This doesn’t mean you should give up on being able to successfully do so, but you have to figure out how all of this is going to look for you in YOUR unique season of life.

    Maybe you’re dealing with the infamous #momguilt that makes you feel like you can’t prioritize yourself, feeling guilty about indulging in your favorite foods, setting healthy boundaries with your loved ones, or something else. Whatever life situation you’re experiencing (all of these are real examples my clients have been working through), you have to realize that while changing your habits is going to feel uncomfortable, it will get easier over time.

    It’s totally possible to stay ‘on track’ and make progress toward your goals when you have the right tools and support in place (that’s where I come in for my ladies)! It’s also okay to go at a pace that feels doable for you, and won’t leave you in that vicious ‘I’ll start again on Monday’ cycle. Ultimately, your body, your health, & your life is your responsibility. This shit is NOT optional, and I know you have what it takes to create lasting change on your fitness journey!

    In today’s episode, we cover:

    • Why old habits die hard, and new ones aren’t necessarily ‘easy’ to make time for and implement into your life
    • The never-ending struggle of #momguilt + the importance prioritizing yourself along the way
    • Why you shouldn’t beat yourself up for eating extra foods & treats when you’re having fun and enjoying life
    • Setting boundaries with your family and friends in social settings
    • Understanding that getting ‘off track’ is going to happen sometimes + choosing to recognize it, get support where you need it, and keep moving forward
    • Realizing that the state of your body & your life is YOUR responsibility + why it’s also okay to make changes gradually and at a pace that works for you

    How to work with me:

    FIT CLUB is a monthly membership with workouts designed to take the guesswork out of your fitness routine and get you the body you want. These workouts can be done at home or at the gym.

    PRIVATE COACHING is my 1:1 program, where we work closely together to cut the BS, and learn what to do to get the results you want-for life! This is the best way to fast track your results and truly understand the journey, and you can choose a 3 month or 6 month option!

    MASTER YOUR MACROS COURSE is available now! Go at your own pace and learn how to make macros fit into your lifestyle.

    💁🏼‍♀️ Where to find me:

    Connect with me on Instagram @kristycastillofit and @unfuckyourfitnesspodcast so we can keep this conversation going! Be sure to tag me in your posts and stories!
    Shop new Unf*ck Your Fitness merch!

    Join my FREE Facebook group, Kristy Castillo Fit!

    Click HERE for all my favorite fitness and life things!

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • 119. How to Stay on Track with Your Fitness Goals and Still Enjoy Your Summer
    Jul 2 2024

    Summer is officially here - it’s my favorite time of year! It’s also a time that seems to throw so many of us off track with our health and fitness goals, so it’s something that I’m regularly talking about with my clients. I know our schedules are different and extra ‘stuff’ is often crammed in during Summer, but that doesn’t mean we can’t learn to adapt along the way. Whether it’s the literal change in season, or a different ‘season’ in your life (like getting married, having a baby, changing careers, etc.), you totally can stay on track with your fitness goals, and still enjoy your life along the way.

    The reality is, we ALL have circumstances that are going to make us pivot at times, so it’s important to set yourself up for success, and get support where you need it. Whatever ‘track’ that you’re currently on, that track has to be realistic for you. You should be prioritizing the ‘unsexy', foundational things that will allow you to keep progressing toward your fitness goals, and keep it simple when it comes to your food and workouts.

    You better believe I’m staying focused on my fitness goals, but I’m also enjoying myself this summer - I want this for you too! Make sure the ‘track’ that you’re on is attainable for you, be intentional with what you’re doing, and have FUN this summer!!

    In today’s episode, we cover:

    • Understanding that you HAVE to be willing to adjust and pivot during different ‘seasons’ of life (both literal and figurative)
    • Choose the ‘track’ you’re currently on + make sure you’re setting yourself up for success and being realistic with what this looks like for you
    • How I lay out and organize my schedule each month to fit in my ‘non-negotiables’ for my health + how you can too
    • Why you need to make sure your workouts are actually geared toward your specific fitness goals
    • The simple foundational things you can start doing right away that will help you with reaching your fitness goals
    • Some of my current favorite foods & snacks for summer + what this looks like with my current schedule
    • Taking inventory of what you’re already doing + staying focused on your goals while still enjoying life and having fun this summer

    How to work with me:

    FIT CLUB is a monthly membership with workouts designed to take the guesswork out of your fitness routine and get you the body you want. These workouts can be done at home or at the gym.

    PRIVATE COACHING is my 1:1 program, where we work closely together to cut the BS, and learn what to do to get the results you want-for life! This is the best way to fast track your results and truly understand the journey, and you can choose a 3 month or 6 month option!

    MASTER YOUR MACROS COURSE is available now! Go at your own pace and learn how to make macros fit into your lifestyle.

    💁🏼‍♀️ Where to find me:

    Connect with me on Instagram @kristycastillofit and @unfuckyourfitnesspodcast so we can keep this conversation going! Be sure to tag me in your posts and stories!

    Shop new Unf*ck Your Fitness merch!

    Join my FREE Facebook group, Kristy Castillo Fit!

    Click HERE for all my favorite fitness and life things!

    Más Menos
    31 m
  • 118. My Top Supplements for Maintaining My Body and Health At Age 43
    Jun 25 2024

    Today’s episode is all about supplements - those trusty aids that really can positively impact your fitness journey! Honestly, the majority of supplements I currently use I have been for awhile. I’m a creature of habit and don’t change up my routine too often..especially if I’m using something and it’s working well for me. I want to share more about my top picks for supplements (like why they’re actually beneficial), and why I personally enjoy taking them.

    In this episode, I’m discussing my supplements routine, and how these tried-and-tested products have supported me through different seasons of life. From the critical role of protein in muscle growth and maintenance, to my go-tos like protein powder, glutamine, creatine, essential amino acids, and more, I’m diving into all things supplements, and why these specific types may be helpful for you to add into your own regimen.

    Just like with anything I share, I’ll always be transparent and authentic about what I’m doing. I’m not super strict about my supplements, and have learned to change and adapt when necessary as my body changes, as I get older, etc. While supplements can be incredibly beneficial (and I do believe they’re more needed now), it’s vital that you find what works best for YOUR unique health and fitness needs - it won’t look exactly like mine, or someone else’s. Wherever you are with your fitness journey, I hope this episode gives you some valuable insights on supplements, and of course, optimizing your body for long-term health and wellness!

    Related episodes mentioned:

    Episode 7 | Supplements 101: My 7 Favorites, and How They Can Benefit Your Health & Fitness

    Supplement Guide (mentioned in episode)

    How to work with me:

    FIT CLUB is a monthly membership with workouts designed to take the guesswork out of your fitness routine and get you the body you want. These workouts can be done at home or at the gym.

    PRIVATE COACHING is my 1:1 program, where we work closely together to cut the BS, and learn what to do to get the results you want-for life! This is the best way to fast track your results and truly understand the journey, and you can choose a 3 month or 6 month option!

    MASTER YOUR MACROS COURSE is available now! Go at your own pace and learn how to make macros fit into your lifestyle.

    💁🏼‍♀️ Where to find me:

    Connect with me on Instagram @kristycastillofit and @unfuckyourfitnesspodcast so we can keep this conversation going! Be sure to tag me in your posts and stories!

    Shop new Unf*ck Your Fitness merch!

    If you’re looking for more of my best fitness and nutrition tips and community with other like-minded ladies and more, join my FREE Facebook group, Kristy Castillo Fit!

    Click HERE for all my favorite fitness and life things!

    Más Menos
    34 m
  • 117. Juicing, Detoxing, and Intuitive Eating: My Honest Take on These Popular Trends
    Jun 18 2024

    In today’s episode, I’m diving into 3 popular health trends that I’m frequently asked about - juicing, detoxing, and intuitive eating! With all of the Summer vacations, holidays, barbecues, and more happening this time of year, it seems that many of you think that juicing and detoxing are the best ways to help you reset and ‘get back on track’ after indulging a little too much. They’re almost like a form of punishment, and something to continually fall back on as you stay trapped in the vicious ‘on again, off again’ dieting cycle. Like..what’s the point of this, and what good is it really doing you?!

    I’m also sharing my very real and unfiltered thoughts regarding intuitive eating, and what I see so often with the ladies I work with who are ‘eating intuitively’. I don’t believe you should just ‘wing it’, and simply guesstimate what/how much you should be eating - I would rather you take some time and learn how to track your macros, so you can properly fuel your body for the long-term!

    ALL of this comes down to intentionality with your health and fitness goals, and the habits you choose to build for yourself. Ultimately, I want you to find freedom with your food and be in tune with your body so you CAN feel empowered and confident in your everyday life. If you need support doing so, I would love to help you do that!

    In this episode about juicing, detoxing and intuitive eating, we cover:

    • Why you don’t need to do a juice cleanse or ‘detox’ after every vacation, holiday, special occasion, etc. + what would be more helpful to do instead
    • Taking time to consider WHY you continue ‘going off the rails’ or ‘falling off track’ so often + how to actually stop doing this
    • My thoughts on intuitive eating + the eye-opening results my clients typically see when they start accurately tracking macros
    • Why macro tracking doesn’t have to be a tool that you absolutely dread

    Related episodes mentioned:

    Episode 17 | Intuitive Eating: What Is It, And Should You Be Doing It?

    How to work with me:

    FIT CLUB is a monthly membership with workouts designed to take the guesswork out of your fitness routine and get you the body you want. These workouts can be done at home or at the gym.

    PRIVATE COACHING is my 1:1 program, where we work closely together to cut the BS, and learn what to do to get the results you want-for life! This is the best way to fast track your results and truly understand the journey, and you can choose a 3 month or 6 month option!

    MASTER YOUR MACROS COURSE is available now! Go at your own pace and learn how to make macros fit into your lifestyle.

    💁🏼‍♀️ Where to find me:
    Connect with me on Instagram @kristycastillofit and @unfuckyourfitnesspodcast so we can keep this conversation going! Be sure to tag me in your posts and stories!

    Shop new Unf*ck Your Fitness merch!
    If you’re looking for more of my best fitness and nutrition tips and community with other like-minded ladies and more, join my FREE Facebook group, Kristy Castillo Fit!
    Click HERE for all my favorite things!!

    Más Menos
    25 m
  • 116. Social Gatherings Without Guilt: Tackling Food and Drink Pressure From Others
    Jun 11 2024

    In today’s episode, I want to dig into a topic that has been coming up a lot in conversations I’ve been having with sooo many ladies lately: the unnecessary pressure and judgment from others regarding your nutrition and fitness choices. This is something that fires me UP; I’ve dealt with this often myself throughout my fitness journey, so you better believe this one is going to be spicy! Unfortunately, judgment from others will always be there, but I want to tackle this subject as it relates to your health and fitness.

    While it can be really tough to stand up to others when they’re questioning your food and drink choices, you have got to STOP making yourself uncomfortable by giving in to them. This isn’t helping anyone, and constantly feeling like you have to conform to what others are doing can really derail you and your goals. For some reason, people think that if someone is choosing to eat healthier and skip the drinks, they feel the need to comment, and make them feel guilty for doing so. Yet, when others are throwing back the alcohol and eating allll the shitty foods, no one questions a thing. Talk about a double standard!!

    At the end of the day, YOU have to be assertive, and f*cking stand up for yourself - you don’t owe anyone an explanation for anything. It’s time to embrace your healthy habits, and be proud of what you’re doing on your fitness journey - I’m always here to talk and will happily encourage you when you need it, too!!

    In this episode, we cover:

    • The unnecessary judgment we often receive from others + why you need to STOP making yourself uncomfortable in order to make other people feel comfortable
    • Understanding that your family and friends probably aren’t trying to sabotage you and your goals, but they also have no business commenting on what you’re doing
    • The never-ending pressure surrounding food and alcohol in social settings
    • The ‘double standard dilemma’ when it comes to healthy choices in social settings
    • Why you need to stay strong and stand up for yourself, and realize that you owe no one an explanation for your food and drink choices (‘healthy’ or not)

    How to work with me:

    FIT CLUB is a monthly membership with workouts designed to take the guesswork out of your fitness routine and get you the body you want. These workouts can be done at home or at the gym.

    PRIVATE COACHING is my 1:1 program, where we work closely together to cut the BS, and learn what to do to get the results you want-for life! This is the best way to fast track your results and truly understand the journey, and you can choose a 3 month or 6 month option!

    MASTER YOUR MACROS COURSE is available now! Go at your own pace and learn how to make macros fit into your lifestyle.

    💁🏼‍♀️ Where to find me:

    Connect with me on Instagram @kristycastillofit and @unfuckyourfitnesspodcast so we can keep this conversation going! Be sure to tag me in your posts and stories!

    Shop new Unf*ck Your Fitness merch!
    If you’re looking for more of my best fitness and nutrition tips and community with other like-minded ladies, join my FREE Facebook group, Kristy Castillo Fit!
    Click HERE for all my favorite life and fitness things!

    Más Menos
    29 m