
  • It's Not Your Fault But It Is Always Your Responsibility
    Jul 28 2024

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    Hi There, welcome to this week’s episode of The Universe Is Your Friend!

    Today I am sharing a controversial take... get ready to crucify me! No, it's not that bad, but I am going to be giving some tough love to you all and potentially offending some people.

    I have been excited to make an episode on this topic since the very start of my podcast. I learnt about today's topic four years ago when I read my first ever self-help book, The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A Fuck by Mark Manson. It's stuck with me since!

    Today's episode is based on the theory that it's not always your fault but it is ALWAYS your responsibility.

    Meaning that every single person is responsible for every single thing that happens in their lives, including the things that are not their fault and out of their control.

    Simply put, every moment of every day, we have a choice. A choice in how we respond, feel, think, talk and behave. Every choice that we make, is our responsibility and the consequences of our choices, are ALSO our responsibility.

    It can be a tough pill to swallow, especially because majority of people have this incorrect belief that responsibility and fault are the same thing. They are not, and just because you take responsibility for something, doesn't make it your fault. Whether it is big, small, traumatic, tragic or mundane.

    Toward the end of the episode, I go through some of the benefits of taking responsibility and how it will 100% improve your life, as well as your manifestations.

    If you enjoy please leave me some love in the form of a like, a subscribe and review, it truly means SO much! If you REALLY wanna show me some loving, share this episode with someone who might enjoy it. I look forward to seeing you every Monday for a new episode! xoxo

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    31 mins
  • Manifest By Roxie Nafousi - An Underrated Book?
    Jul 21 2024

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    Hi There, welcome to this week’s episode of The Universe Is Your Friend!

    Today I am doing a deep-dive into the fantastic and, in my opinion, highly underrated book Manifest by Roxie Nafousi.

    This little killer of a book is the bees-knees if you're looking for a manifestation exercise. Within seven finely crafted steps, Roxie gives us exercise after exercise, technique after technique, to help us perfect our manifesting power!

    I will be sharing my favourite exercises, tips and quotes from each of Roxie's seven steps, which include:

    Be Clear In Your Vision
    Remove Fear And Doubt
    Align Your Behaviour
    Overcome Tests From The Universe
    Embrace Gratitude (Without Caveats)
    Turn Envy Into Inspiration
    Trust The Universe

    Plus, I start the episode off telling you why I actually hated this book when I first read it years ago! Sheesh... tough crowd.

    I highly recommend trying out "Manifest: The 7 Steps To Living Your Best Life" for yourself and let me know what you think!

    If you enjoy please leave me some love in the form of a like, a subscribe and review, it truly means SO much! If you REALLY wanna show me some loving, share this episode with someone who might enjoy it. I look forward to seeing you every Monday for a new episode! xoxo

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    45 mins
  • Manifestation Isn't Just About Getting What You Want
    Jul 14 2024

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    Hi There, welcome to this week’s episode of The Universe Is Your Friend!

    Today I am talking about how extensive and versatile the Law of Attraction truly is.

    First, I start the episode off by telling you guys about a recent manifestation of mine that truly shocked me. More specifically, I talk about how I have overcome my bad habits of self-doubt, manic manifesting and struggling to let-go. My efforts to undo these bad habits is really what allowed my recent manifestation. HOORAY!

    Recently I had the strange urge to re-read Manifest by Roxie Nafousi, which led me to the idea for this very episode.

    One the first page of the book Roxie mentioned something about her own manifestation journey and it made realise just how different the Law of Attraction is for every single person.

    For some, It's a trendy life-hack that focuses on getting a material item quick and easy. For others, it's a life-saving, spiritual experience, deeply rooted in self-development.

    Though neither of these approaches are wrong or lesser-than, they do create a very different experience for someone looking to manifest.

    Today I talk all about the different ways Law of Attraction can impact a person if they use it to it's highest potential.

    Plus, I talk about how Law of Attraction can be a catch 22, and how you can actually repel your desire if you focus too intently on getting-getting-getting.

    If you enjoy please show me some love in the form of a like, subscribe and review, it truly means SO much! I look forward to seeing you every Monday for a new episode!

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    41 mins
  • My Favourite Law Of Attraction Tool... Visualisation!
    Jul 7 2024

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    Hi There, welcome to this week’s episode of The Universe Is Your Friend!

    In today's episode I am talking all about one of the best Law of Attraction Techniques, visualisation.

    Visualising is one of my personal favourite manifestation tools for so many reasons, most of which I explore throughout today's episode.

    Visualising - the process of deliberately forming a vivid image of your desire in your mind's eye - is SO easy, and yet, it's one of the most effective tools to manifest with insane specificity. Talk about underrated!

    Throughout this episode I explore the never-ending benefits of visualising, what is actually happening in our brain when we do this exercise, and the many ways that we can do a visualisation task.

    If you enjoy please show me some love in the form of a like, subscribe and review, it truly means SO much! I look forward to seeing you every Monday for a new episode!

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    39 mins
  • The Law Of Attraction Really Is Very Simple...
    Jun 30 2024

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    Hi There, welcome to this week’s episode of The Universe Is Your Friend!

    In today's episode I am simplifying the Law Of Attraction!

    But first, let me warn you! This episode is a liiiittle bit rough. This week I've been a bit under the weather and experienced one of the worst migraines God's every gifted a person. It was a treat and it somehow left my brain scrambled for a few days. So after many failed attempts at recording this episode, I finally got it together and made this little beauty. It really isn't all that bad. If I had a PR lady she would hate me. But anyway, I present to you...

    I recently watched a video of the great Esther Hicks delivering a speech on the mechanics of Law of Attraction and it made me realise how I've been completely overthinking the whole thing!

    At it's core, manifesting is very simple. In it's entirety, it's the Universe responding to thought. That's it. I know I have said this very thing 100 times, so you might be wondering why it's suddenly so revolutionary. Sometimes you hear something worded so beautifully, it gives you an epiphany! That was this.

    I find that with all the Law of Attraction techniques, exercises, advice, formulas and crucial steps, I become so overwhelmed and confused. I end up either doing nothing at all, or I practically off myself trying to do it all perfectly!

    But I now see, it doesn't HAVE to be so convoluted. When we find ourselves in these moments of chaos, we can strip it all back to the basics and focus on what the Law of Attraction is at it's core: Universe responding to thought.

    That is our primary focus: what our thoughts are doing.

    Every Law of Attraction exercise, though great in their own way, is a tool. They're optional tools there to help make the process of deliberate thought more convenient, easy and practical. Don't misidentify them and start acting as if it's the exercises that manifest your desire.

    The Universe HEARS you and the Law of Attraction is constantly working, allow this to take some pressure off of you. You don't have to be perfect to manifest your desire. You don't have to do a certain number of manifestation tasks, in a certain order, for X amount of days in a row to qualify for your dream.

    It's all your thoughts babe, take it one day - NAY, one thought at a time.

    If you enjoy please show me some love in the form of a like, subscribe and review, it truly means SO much! I look forward to seeing you every Monday for a new episode!

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    28 mins
  • Is Finding a Passion a Game Changer?
    Jun 23 2024

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    Hi There, welcome to this week’s episode of The Universe Is Your Friend!

    In today's episode I am talking all about passion!

    I truly believe that passion may be the answer to all of life's problems... well, maybe not entirely but almost!

    For a few years now I have been in that stage of life where we just have NO CLUE what we're doing! It's like the blind leading the blind around here.

    For the first time in YEARS I have an idea of what I want to do in life. What type of career I would like to pursue and the steps I am going to take to get there. "What changed", you ask? I cultivated a passion.

    I believe that too many of us have been raised to believe that chasing money is the best way to approach life. We are trained to believe that working incredibly hard is admirable, working more hours than you have free time is normal and the more money you make, the happier you'll be.

    But I think we've had it all wrong.

    Too many of us have chosen careers that pay the bills but make us want to cry every time we wake up. It does not have to be this way! Life is such a precious gift and we SHOULD NOT waste it slaving away at jobs that we hate simply because society says that it's normal.

    I recently have been reading Angela Duckworth's fantastic book "Grit". It's all about how the world's most successful and talented people have a common practice of combining passion and perseverance in a way that propels them toward success. A chapter I recently read about passion inspired me to make this episode and you will hear a quote or two directly from Grit that gives us some great, actionable advice on how to find and cultivate a passion for ourselves.

    Plus, I share an amazing quote that I heard recently from a man named Alan Watts. The perspective that Watts shared with us is truly transformational and should be appreciated by the masses. I am so excited to share it with you!

    If you enjoy please show me some love in the form of a like, subscribe and review, it truly means SO much! I look forward to seeing you every Monday for a new episode!

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    30 mins
  • Ask, Believe, Receive: Manifestation Techniques All In One Place
    Jun 16 2024

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    Hi There, welcome to this week’s episode of The Universe Is Your Friend!

    In today's episode, I am trying to cut your work in half!

    I am sure you've heard the phrase "Ask, Believe, Receive" throughout your Law of Attraction journey. It is one of the most popular manifestation formulas within the Law of Attraction.

    The ask, believe, receive formula is popular for a reason; it's the absolute basics of the Law of Attraction. It does not matter if you're a beginner or an expert, who you're learning from or what you're trying to achieve... if you are manifesting, you are practicing these three important steps.

    However, I believe almost everybody is practicing these steps in a unique way. I have mentioned before on the podcast that there are SO many different exercises and techniques that can be used to practice the Law of Attraction. Plus, each exercise and technique can be adapted differently by every individual.

    This can be great as it means that every person can find exercises that fit their unique needs perfectly. However, it can also make the process of learning and practicing the Law of Attraction extremely time-consuming, confusing and frustrating. When there are SO many options, how can we ever find the ones that are perfect for us?

    On top of this, there is another issue that can make it extremely difficult for us as consumers to find what works best.

    The Law of Attraction community is made up of many talented and knowledgeable experts/coaches. Many coaches have their tried, tested and perfected formula that they teach their audiences to use. It might contain a number of exercises and techniques that work wonderfully for many people, but one size does not fit all.

    Which means that so many consumers, like myself, have to learn from 5 different experts, read 15 different books and listen to 50 podcast episodes in order to find the formula that works for them. It's EXHAUSTING!

    So I have created today's episode (the first of many that are yet to come), in which you can find multiple Law of Attraction techniques for each step of the process - Ask, Believe, Receive.

    I want to create these episodes so that you can find all of the different options in one easily accessible place. You do not have to search high and low, wasting precious time and effort, to find the basics of the Law of Attraction.

    Today's episode is not necessarily to teach you how best to use each exercise/technique, but simply to inform you that they are an option! If something stands out to you, you can go straight to an expert who does use that technique within their formula. You can also search through my episodes, as I do deep-dives into many Law of Attraction techniques.

    I decided to keep today's episode brief. However, I will be making more episodes in the future expanding on this topic as I learn more about manifestation. Almost like a little Law of Attraction glossary... except it's not in alphabetic order. So keep your eyes out for that.

    If you enjoy please show me some love in the form of a like, subscribe and review, it truly means SO much! I look forward to seeing you every Monday for a new episode!

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    29 mins
  • Give Yourself Permission To Feel Happy NOW!
    Jun 9 2024

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    Hi There, welcome to this week’s episode of The Universe Is Your Friend!

    In today’s episode I am talking about how some of us sabotage and punish ourselves because we feel that we haven’t achieved enough.

    I recently spoke to someone who told me that they're not very happy. They confessed that they’re not necessarily sad all the time, but they only feel truly happy every now and then when something exciting is happening in their lives, otherwise, they are just okay – floating through life.

    When I told them that they SHOULD feel happy regularly, that they DESERVE to feel more in life than just meh. They told me that they don’t feel they deserve to feel any better than they currently do because they are not progressing in life in the way that they would like to.

    This all too real conversation got me thinking about how many people would feel this way.

    I’m sure so many people, even unconsciously, reject happiness and feeling high-vibe because they are disappointed with their current life circumstance. They might be punishing themselves for not accomplishing more. They might feel that if they are happy or content, they will become complacent and stay forever stuck where they are. They might believe that the thing they wish to achieve is what will actually bring them happiness - that without it, happiness is not available to them.

    Regardless, this belief system is deeply flawed and it will actually keep you from reaching your potential.

    There are two reasons why I think it is SO important for everybody to accept happiness for themselves now, wherever they are in life. You will hear all about my thoughts on this, plus a little bit about my own experience of learning to accept happiness.

    No matter where you currently are in life, how much you’re achieving everyday or perhaps not achieving, you deserve happiness. You deserve to feel peace. It is actually imperative to feel these things if you want to improve your life and reach your potential.

    If you enjoy please show me some love in the form of a like, subscribe and review, it truly means SO much! I look forward to seeing you every Monday for a new episode!

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    26 mins