
  • Quick Money-Making Tips to Gain Financial Freedom
    Jul 16 2024

    In this episode, Hazel shares quick money-making tips for those looking to kickstart their journey towards financial freedom. She provides a variety of practical suggestions, ranging from utilising cashback offers and checking for entitlements to renting out a room in your home or starting a side hustle. Hazel emphasises the potential for anyone, regardless of their current financial situation, to start building wealth by exploring different avenues for earning extra income. Her engaging and informative tips offer listeners inspiration and actionable steps to begin growing their financial resources.


    • Quick money-making tips were shared to help individuals start their journey towards financial freedom.

    • Various methods such as cashback offers, benefits entitlements, and providing lodgings in one's home were suggested to earn extra cash.

    • Online opportunities like selling unwanted items, participating in market research, and affiliate marketing were highlighted as potential income sources.

    • Turning hobbies or skills into a side hustle, such as tutoring, selling merchandise, or offering services like gardening or babysitting, can also generate additional income.

    • Work-related quick fixes like overtime, asking for a pay raise, or taking on part-time work were recommended to boost monthly earnings.


    "I sometimes get people come to me and say, Hazel, I would love to start my journey towards financial freedom. However, I don't have much left at the end of each month to start working with."

    "You could also potentially take in foreign exchange students for a short period of time, maybe a week, maybe a couple of weeks or a month. And again, get paid for that."

    "My mother was the absolute queen of this. She turned her hand to a number of different things. She was pretty skilled and very arty, and so she turned her passion for cooking into doing cookery courses for a period of years."

    "There really is no excuse to actually start making yourself an extra bit of cash so that you can put that towards your own financial freedom journey and you can, you know, build up a pot to work with."

    "Even if you have a pound, start with a pound and think of the different ways that you can increase that pound. How could you double it? What could you do? You know, it's just, it gets the juices flowing and it gives you inspiration as to what's possible when you start to see it accrue."


    Click here to download your FREE gift, our Financial Freedom Spreadsheet, to help you get a 'snap shot' of your finances...



    Having started her career as a professional, classical musician, Hazel de Kloe also had a personal quest to become financially free.

    She and her husband built a successful, multi-million-pound property business, next to their own careers, but soon realised that true freedom doesn’t JUST come from being financially independent…

    Having meant so much to her family, it has been her passion ever since, to inspire, educate and empower others on their journeys towards this 'Holy Grail'.

    During one particular property mentoring session back in 2009, she had a powerful recognition of exactly how to facilitate this. Nicknamed now, The Wealth Whisperer, she has a unique way of getting to the crux of what is needed to help fulfil this quest.



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    16 mins
  • 12 Steps to Financial Freedom
    Jul 9 2024

    You’re seeking new ways to create true wealth and more time freedom in your life. We get it! If this describes you, you’re in the right place…

    Join us each week for wealth-creation wisdom, new and innovative investing insights, and inspired ways to help you realise more financial and lifestyle freedom alongside your busy career or business (or perhaps just 'life' here?), with our dedicated and experienced ‘Wealth Whisperer’, Hazel de Kloe.

    If you want to truly break free from the everyday grind (who doesn’t?!) and live a life of purpose, passion and freedom, this show is for you!

    Do you have a deep interest in all matters related to living a free, joyous and inspired life? Then listen in to explore your own journey towards true, personal, freedom.


    • Start to manage your finances: Know what’s coming in and, more importantly, what’s going out. Once you’ve determined how much is going out you can start to know and understand what you’re working towards.
    • Learn to manage your debt well: Know and understand what your credit score is, it’s very likely that you’re going to need to play the game and take out credit to help you along the way as it will benefit you to do so. Know and understand what your debts are, have a list of them, figure out the most expensive ones and pay them off first or negotiate the rates.
    • Learn how to negotiate: This can be one of the most powerful tools in your financial freedom box. Start of haggling on the little things and then apply this to the bigger things. You can save yourself a literal fortune over time.
    • Learn about investing and generating passive income: Categorically, I can say, without fail, no matter how nig your salary is, you will never earn as much as you can make by investing well.


    ‘Have a clear goal in mind: Resistance is created through a lack of clarity.’

    ‘Learn how to budget, it helps you to live within your means and as frugally as you can afford to.’

    ‘Save as much as you possibly can.’

    ‘Take full responsibility for your finances. No one else will ever have your best interests at heart than you.’


    Click here to download your FREE gift, our Financial Freedom Spreadsheet, to help you get a 'snap shot' of your finances...



    Having started her career as a professional, classical musician, Hazel de Kloe also had a personal quest to become financially free.

    She and her husband built a successful, multi-million-pound property business, next to their own careers, but soon realised that true freedom doesn’t JUST come from being financially independent…

    Having meant so much to her family, it has been her passion ever since, to inspire, educate and empower others on their journeys towards this 'Holy Grail'.

    During one particular property mentoring session back in 2009, she had a powerful recognition of exactly how to facilitate this. Nicknamed now, The Wealth Whisperer, she has a unique way of getting to the crux of what is needed to help fulfil this quest.



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    20 mins
  • Let’s Talk About Money
    Jul 2 2024

    You’re seeking new ways to create true wealth and more time freedom in your life. We get it! If this describes you, you’re in the right place…

    Join us each week for wealth-creation wisdom, new and innovative investing insights, and inspired ways to help you realise more financial and lifestyle freedom alongside your busy career or business (or perhaps just 'life' here?), with our dedicated and experienced ‘Wealth Whisperer’, Hazel de Kloe.

    If you want to truly break free from the everyday grind (who doesn’t?!) and live a life of purpose, passion and freedom, this show is for you!

    Do you have a deep interest in all matters related to living a free, joyous and inspired life? Then listen in to explore your own journey towards true, personal, freedom.


    • Talking about money is such a big subject and is quite taboo in some cultures. Why is that? Maybe it’s time to break the spell/myth about talking about money. It’s such a fundamental part of our society, it should be talked about at school, in society in general & even at home with our nearest and dearest.
    • My parents talked to me about money and their struggles with it when I was young. This gave me a good, healthy relationship with understanding what it took to have money coming in, why it was important to manage where it was going out & how they could work with what they had to save and do what they wanted to do with it.
    • Are we just sent to school to be churned out to be good employees or money-makers for the taxman/government/anyone else who wants a piece of us? How often are we shown how to make it work for us?


    ‘Why, as a society, have we not been encouraged to talk about money/finance and how to work with it? Why is it not one of the major topics in the education system? It should be.’

    ‘When was the last time you have a really great conversation about money? How much you could earn, what you could do to improve your situation and grow your wealth.’

    ‘Tax Freedom Day is around the end of May, meaning that for the first 5 months of the year you are paying your entire salary towards taxes. That’s insane! What’s it being spent on?’


    Click here to download your FREE gift, our Financial Freedom Spreadsheet, to help you get a 'snap shot' of your finances...



    Having started her career as a professional, classical musician, Hazel de Kloe also had a personal quest to become financially free.

    She and her husband built a successful, multi-million-pound property business, next to their own careers, but soon realised that true freedom doesn’t JUST come from being financially independent…

    Having meant so much to her family, it has been her passion ever since, to inspire, educate and empower others on their journeys towards this 'Holy Grail'.

    During one particular property mentoring session back in 2009, she had a powerful recognition of exactly how to facilitate this. Nicknamed now, The Wealth Whisperer, she has a unique way of getting to the crux of what is needed to help fulfil this quest.



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    13 mins
  • How To Save Money
    Jun 25 2024

    You’re seeking new ways to create true wealth and more time freedom in your life. We get it! If this describes you, you’re in the right place…

    Join us each week for wealth-creation wisdom, new and innovative investing insights, and inspired ways to help you realise more financial and lifestyle freedom alongside your busy career or business (or perhaps just 'life' here?), with our dedicated and experienced ‘Wealth Whisperer’, Hazel de Kloe.

    If you want to truly break free from the everyday grind (who doesn’t?!) and live a life of purpose, passion and freedom, this show is for you!

    Do you have a deep interest in all matters related to living a free, joyous and inspired life? Then listen in to explore your own journey towards true, personal, freedom.


    • Rather than talk about switching utilities, mobile phone contracts & checking your insurance renewals, I want to share with you the more unusual ways to save money and make your cash go further each month.
    • The coffee story comes from my husband, you average 1 coffee a day which costs around £4. If you add that up over the course of a year, that comes to £1,460. What if you had a nice machine so you could have your coffee at home? Each pod costs 50p, that’s an eighth of the cost which is £182 per year. That’s a heck of a saving. What other items do you buy each and every day that you could apply this to?
    • If you can get good at haggling on small items, like clothing from an independent boutique or antiques shop you can start to develop your skills in terms of the bigger purchases in life. You can negotiate with some of the larger stores as well, certainly if you’re buying a car or holiday.


    ‘When shopping for big purchases (white goods/furniture/holiday/car) wait for the sales, don’t impulse purchase, shop around.’

    ‘Shop around on your debt (credit cards/loans/mortgages) see if you can switch to a better deal.’

    ‘Be careful with spending by touchless with your phone, it’s too easy to make purchases easily. This applies to subscriptions – which do you need, use & want, get rid of the rest.’


    Click here to download your FREE gift, our Financial Freedom Spreadsheet, to help you get a 'snap shot' of your finances...



    Having started her career as a professional, classical musician, Hazel de Kloe also had a personal quest to become financially free.

    She and her husband built a successful, multi-million-pound property business, next to their own careers, but soon realised that true freedom doesn’t JUST come from being financially independent…

    Having meant so much to her family, it has been her passion ever since, to inspire, educate and empower others on their journeys towards this 'Holy Grail'.

    During one particular property mentoring session back in 2009, she had a powerful recognition of exactly how to facilitate this. Nicknamed now, The Wealth Whisperer, she has a unique way of getting to the crux of what is needed to help fulfil this quest.



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    19 mins
  • Apportioning
    Jun 18 2024

    You’re seeking new ways to create true wealth and more time freedom in your life. We get it! If this describes you, you’re in the right place…

    Join us each week for wealth-creation wisdom, new and innovative investing insights, and inspired ways to help you realise more financial and lifestyle freedom alongside your busy career or business (or perhaps just 'life' here?), with our dedicated and experienced ‘Wealth Whisperer’, Hazel de Kloe.

    If you want to truly break free from the everyday grind (who doesn’t?!) and live a life of purpose, passion and freedom, this show is for you!

    Do you have a deep interest in all matters related to living a free, joyous and inspired life? Then listen in to explore your own journey towards true, personal, freedom.


    • Apportioning is simply allocating your funds, the spare cashflow that you have at the end of each month in a very specific way. If you have a spare £100-£1,000 a month, this episode is definitely for you.
    • Divide your cashflow up into separate pots so the money is split between all those items you’re saving up for, such as becoming financially free, a rainy day/emergency fund, travel/holiday fund, a fun account, or even a giveaway/donation fund.


    ‘Find a bank like Monzo that allows you to set up pots to save for specific things.’

    ‘Having a ‘fun’ account will really exercise your money muscle in terms of spending.’


    Click here to download your FREE gift, our Financial Freedom Spreadsheet, to help you get a 'snap shot' of your finances...



    Having started her career as a professional, classical musician, Hazel de Kloe also had a personal quest to become financially free.

    She and her husband built a successful, multi-million-pound property business, next to their own careers, but soon realised that true freedom doesn’t JUST come from being financially independent…

    Having meant so much to her family, it has been her passion ever since, to inspire, educate and empower others on their journeys towards this 'Holy Grail'.

    During one particular property mentoring session back in 2009, she had a powerful recognition of exactly how to facilitate this. Nicknamed now, The Wealth Whisperer, she has a unique way of getting to the crux of what is needed to help fulfil this quest.



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    13 mins
  • How Could You Already Be Financially Free?
    Jun 18 2024

    You’re seeking new ways to create true wealth and more time freedom in your life. We get it! If this describes you, you’re in the right place…

    Join us each week for wealth-creation wisdom, new and innovative investing insights, and inspired ways to help you realise more financial and lifestyle freedom alongside your busy career or business (or perhaps just 'life' here?), with our dedicated and experienced ‘Wealth Whisperer’, Hazel de Kloe.

    If you want to truly break free from the everyday grind (who doesn’t?!) and live a life of purpose, passion and freedom, this show is for you!

    Do you have a deep interest in all matters related to living a free, joyous and inspired life? Then listen in to explore your own journey towards true, personal, freedom.


    • It was truly liberating when my husband and I became financially free. We’d got to the point where our passive income from property was covering all our expenses & starting to build so we had more over & above our expenses so we could enjoy life. This meant we could move out of London to the south coast of Kent, by the sea which was a dream of mine. It meant the world to us.
    • Think about how much you actually need to live on each month and how much would you really like to have coming in to flourish? This will be a considerably different figure. Living in our current economy, everything is expensive & basic running costs can easily be in the thousands, just have fun with the idea in the first instance; figure out where else you could live that is cheaper than where you are.
    • If you were able to re-organise your life so you’ve got money coming in and you’re able to relocate yourself and are able to switch to a more online version of what you’re doing, and you want to work between 15-20 hours a week. What kind of business could your run or start to achieve that?


    ‘It did take us over a decade to get to financial freedom, this may seem like a long way off and it was a lot of hard work, dedication and commitment.’

    ‘We took inspiration from the 4 Hour Work Week book by Tim Ferris, I highly recommend you get that book.’

    ‘How can you change this up in your world so that you can achieve this faster than we did?’


    Click here to download your FREE gift, our Financial Freedom Spreadsheet, to help you get a 'snap shot' of your finances...



    Having started her career as a professional, classical musician, Hazel de Kloe also had a personal quest to become financially free.

    She and her husband built a successful, multi-million-pound property business, next to their own careers, but soon realised that true freedom doesn’t JUST come from being financially independent…

    Having meant so much to her family, it has been her passion ever since, to inspire, educate and empower others on their journeys towards this 'Holy Grail'.

    During one particular property mentoring session back in 2009, she had a powerful recognition of exactly how to facilitate this. Nicknamed now, The Wealth Whisperer, she has a unique way of getting to the crux of what is needed to help fulfil this quest.



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    15 mins
  • How To Manage Your Money
    Jun 18 2024

    You’re seeking new ways to create true wealth and more time freedom in your life. We get it! If this describes you, you’re in the right place…

    Join us each week for wealth-creation wisdom, new and innovative investing insights, and inspired ways to help you realise more financial and lifestyle freedom alongside your busy career or business (or perhaps just 'life' here?), with our dedicated and experienced ‘Wealth Whisperer’, Hazel de Kloe.

    If you want to truly break free from the everyday grind (who doesn’t?!) and live a life of purpose, passion and freedom, this show is for you!

    Do you have a deep interest in all matters related to living a free, joyous and inspired life? Then listen in to explore your own journey towards true, personal, freedom.


    • Managing your money is the most important subjects when it comes to making the most of your finances & how to get a grip on where you’re at right now and where you can make improvements.
    • I’ve worked with hundreds of clients over the years and the ones that have the most money coming in have had the least amount of savings and the least clue as to what their financial life really looks like and vice versa.
    • My boyfriend (now husband) and I started from the ground up, with nothing, and took small, steady steps to save and build our life and our wealth situation. It doesn’t take an awful lot of income to make a difference in your life.
    • Most people know & have a good grip on what’s coming in every month. They may have a salary & they know almost to the penny every month and they can run their lives from there. Some people have a better grip in budgeting, and they know what they need in order to live & function every month and how much there may or may not be left at the end of each month. But the vast majority don’t necessarily know how much money is going out each month.


    ‘It doesn’t really matter if you have loads of money coming in or not very much, what matters is what you’re doing with it.’

    ‘Just because you don’t have a 6-figure salary doesn’t mean you won’t be financially wealth, that’s a myth.’

    ‘Monthly expenses can change and vary, making it harder to keep track of. Itemise all the regular outgoings each month and bigger yearly expenses. When you take this away from your income you get your cashflow figure.’

    ‘An asset is simply something that puts money into your pocket and a liability is something that takes money out of your pocket.’


    Click here to download your FREE gift, our Financial Freedom Spreadsheet, to help you get a 'snap shot' of your finances...



    Having started her career as a professional, classical musician, Hazel de Kloe also had a personal quest to become financially free.

    She and her husband built a successful, multi-million-pound property business, next to their own careers, but soon realised that true freedom doesn’t JUST come from being financially independent…

    Having meant so much to her family, it has been her passion ever since, to inspire, educate and empower others on their journeys towards this 'Holy Grail'.

    During one particular property mentoring session back in 2009, she had a powerful recognition of exactly how to facilitate this. Nicknamed now, The Wealth Whisperer, she has a unique way of getting to the crux of what is needed to help fulfil this quest.



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    15 mins
  • The Wealth Whisperer with Hazel de Kloe
    Jun 18 2024

    You’re seeking new ways to create true wealth and more time freedom in your life. We get it! If this describes you, you’re in the right place…

    Join us each week for wealth-creation wisdom, new and innovative investing insights, and inspired ways to help you realise more financial and lifestyle freedom alongside your busy career or business (or perhaps just 'life' here?), with our dedicated and experienced ‘Wealth Whisperer’, Hazel de Kloe.

    If you want to truly break free from the everyday grind (who doesn’t?!) and live a life of purpose, passion and freedom, this show is for you!

    Do you have a deep interest in all matters related to living a free, joyous and inspired life? Then listen in to explore your own journey towards true, personal, freedom.


    • When we talk or think about becoming financially free and building wealth, one of the first things we think about is the money. When my husband and I first started, it was about the money. It is important to dream big when you’re starting out on this journey. However, I’ve found along the way that money is not the be all and end all.
    • I wondered why some people were more successful than others at achieving their goals, especially financially. My lightbulb moment came when I realised that the most successful people weren’t chasing the money, they were the ones who knew 100% what it was that they wanted inside, and they were following that.
    • The mistake people make is that they think that having the thing, circumstance or situation in their life as a result of becoming financially independent is going to make them feel that way when they get there. If you want to feel a certain way when you have those things, it’s actually about feeling those things NOW to help you build your life and financial freedom on that basis.
    • If you don’t build your dream in this way and you’re stressing out or getting worried or finding it hard, then the journey is going to be stressful, hard and you’re not going to enjoy it as much, nor will you enjoy the final result.


    ‘What’s your ‘why’? The reason behind why you want to become financially free or build wealth for yourself… or both?’

    ‘I didn’t want to have to work or do a job that I didn’t want to do or become beholden to anybody else.’

    ‘There’s always a feeling you’re looking for, not an object/situation/circumstance. Think about that feeling and write down at least 10 things that already make you feel that way.’

    ‘It’s always about the journey, not the destination.’


    Click here to download your FREE gift, our Financial Freedom Spreadsheet, to help you get a 'snap shot' of your finances...



    Having started her career as a professional, classical musician, Hazel de Kloe also had a personal quest to become financially free.

    She and her husband built a successful, multi-million-pound property business, next to their own careers, but soon realised that true freedom doesn’t JUST come from being financially independent…

    Having meant so much to her family, it has been her passion ever since, to inspire, educate and empower others on their journeys towards this 'Holy Grail'.

    During one particular property mentoring session back in 2009, she had a powerful recognition of exactly how to facilitate this. Nicknamed now, The Wealth Whisperer, she has a unique way of getting to the crux of what is needed to help fulfil this quest.



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    14 mins