• Punishment-Free Parenting with Dr. Tina Payne Bryson #22
    Apr 30 2024

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    Do we need to punish our kids to be effective parents?

    That's exactly what Dr. Tina Payne Bryson and I navigate through in this enriching discussion on punishment-free parenting. By distinguishing between discipline as a means to teach, rehearse, and impart skills and punishment as an alternatively counterproductive reaction, we illuminate a path where parents can regulate their emotions and approach each day with a fresh, constructive mindset.

    Embark on a journey with us into the essence of 'whole parenting,' where the well-being of both parent and child is in the spotlight. This episode strips away the veneer of parenting perfection, as we share candid stories and acknowledge the slip-ups that accompany the challenge of raising our young.

    We lay out the blueprint for fostering secure attachments and resilience in our kids, underlining the power of being present, consistent, and approachable, while recognizing the unique dynamics of parenting through various stages, especially the teenage years.

    Wrapping up, Tina and I probe the delicate dance of discipline, where the art of being both firm and flexible fosters an environment ripe for our children to learn and make good decisions.

    The insights shared here are about more than mere techniques; they celebrate the precious relationship between parent and child and offer a fresh perspective on parenting with purpose and joy.

    Dr. Bryson's wisdom coupled with personal reflections make this episode a guiding light for parents aspiring to create a nurturing and supportive space for growth.

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    1 hr and 12 mins
  • Why kids usually "prefer" one parent #021
    Apr 23 2024

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    Ever felt like it's all on you and your kids ONLY wants you?
    Ever felt like, no matter what you do, you're always just second best in your child's eyes?

    You're not alone. In this episode, we examine the emotional rollercoaster of the attachment hierarchy in families. Sharing my own experiences as a non-preferred parent, I peel back the layers of this complex dynamic.

    As we traverse the spectrum of parenting challenges, from feeling like the backup to handling jealousy, you'll uncover strategies and reassurance that will redefine your approach to these sensitive situations.

    Parenting is not a competition, yet it can certainly feel that way.

    This episode sheds light on the evolutionary underpinnings of why children may gravitate towards one caregiver and how this is not an indictment of your parenting prowess. We'll navigate the tricky emotions that come with parental comparisons, offering insights into fostering secure attachments and empowering both preferred and non-preferred parents.

    Then I address preferred parents and non-preferred parents directly and ask "What can you do, based on your role, to support your child and your partner?"

    This was one of the most vulnerable episodes for me to record; I hope that you are encouraged and helped through listening!

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    50 mins
  • Picky Eaters (with @Kids.Eat.in.Color) #020
    Apr 18 2024

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    The resource Jennifer mentioned:
    Picky Eater Screener

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    Have you ever felt like you're in a mealtime showdown with your toddler, armed with nothing but a spoon and the "wrong" color cup? Me too. Every day.

    Today I'm joined by Jennifer Anderson of Kids Eat in Color to arm you with the strategies you need to turn mealtime battles into family building fun. We dissect the mystery behind toddler diets, discussing ways to make eating fun and how parents can lead by example to encourage adventurous food choices. This isn't just about getting peas onto their plate; it's about setting the foundation for a lifetime of healthy eating.

    Let's be real—feeding a picky eater can feel like trying to solve a Rubik's cube blindfolded (where the colors change every meal). Jennifer and I get personal, sharing our own experiences with the challenges of nurturing diverse palates. We tackle the rainbow of eating behaviors from choosy to chowhound and offer a fresh perspective on introducing new foods. This chat goes beyond the plate, delving into how to build a positive body relationship with your kids, ensuring they grow up with confidence in their food choices and themselves.

    Forget what you've heard about sugar and hyperactivity, or the myths that red dye is the root of all meltdowns. We're here to debunk these and other common misconceptions about kids' diets. Plus, we're dishing out practical tips like using micro portions and engaging kids in meal prep to encourage a more varied diet. By the end of our conversation, you'll have a toolkit filled with strategies to support your child in developing a healthy, resilient relationship with food—one joyful bite at a time. Join us on this culinary adventure and watch your little ones flourish into wholehearted, healthy eaters.

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    1 hr and 7 mins
  • Why Kids Lie (Part 2 of 2) #019
    Mar 21 2024

    Click Here to listen to Why Kids Lie: Part 1

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    As a parent, confronting the uncomfortable truth of a child's lie can be a heart-wrenching moment. On today's Whole Parent Podcast, we delve into the delicate balance of handling such revelations with empathy and understanding. Our conversation is grounded in personal experiences and the gentle wisdom of Fred Rogers, offering a guiding light to navigate through these parenting waters. From a tale of suspected stealing to the crucial steps of addressing mistakes, this episode is a heartfelt exploration of fostering honesty and growth in our little ones.

    Parenting is an art form, and just like any artist, we must learn from each brushstroke, each mistake. This episode provides a three-step process for responding to children's slip-ups in a way that builds trust and encourages learning. We tackle the intricate dance of communication, where curiosity leads and judgment takes a backseat, allowing our children to feel empowered rather than shamed. Role reversal becomes a tool, not just for understanding our kids but also for teaching them the value of empathy in their own interactions.

    Lastly, we broach the complex issue of theft, emphasizing the need for ethical conversations from the sandbox to the courtroom. By engaging our children in discussions about morality, we prepare them for the larger stage of life where right and wrong are often shades of gray. It's here, through non-judgmental dialogue and positive assumptions, that we lay the foundations for a future of ethical decision-makers. Join us on this journey of parenting with purpose, and don't forget to subscribe for more insights that strengthen our resolve and confidence as the sculptors of tomorrow's adults.

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    30 mins
  • Why Kids Lie (Part 1 of 2) #018
    Mar 19 2024

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    Kid's lie. There are so many reasons kids lie and probably the most UNLIKELY one is the one most parent's believe.

    Our latest episode peels back the layers of childhood dishonesty, offering a comforting guide for parents grappling with their three-year-old's first ventures into untruths. We kick off with a candid look at the developmental milestones of toddlers, revealing why expecting unwavering honesty from someone still mastering the art of language and emotion is a step too far. I share practical advice for addressing your child's fibs about everyday tasks like bathroom use or teeth brushing, striking a balance between teaching right from wrong and understanding their stage of growth.

    Navigating the complex path towards raising honest kids, this episode underlines the vital role of autonomy. Discover how empowering your child's sense of agency through challenges like constructing intricate Lego masterpieces can actually steer them away from the need to lie. We dive into the nitty-gritty of fostering positive independence, celebrating our kids' triumphs, and knowing when to step back and let them revel in their own achievements. It's about nurturing their growth without inadvertently pushing them towards dishonesty in a quest to please us.

    And for those with children in the imaginative whirlwind of five to seven years, rest assured, your little one's fairy-tale narratives are a healthy part of their development. We explore how their vibrant imaginations bolster critical thinking skills essential for both current problem-solving and future success. So, before you correct your little one's next adventurous story, tune in to understand why their creative fabrications might just be a stepping stone to brilliance.

    Our journey doesn't end here, though; keep an ear out for our next episode, where we'll explore why older children may opt to weave a web of lies to sidestep consequences, completing our nuanced look at this integral part of growing up.

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    35 mins
  • Dad Life (with @TheDadEdge Larry Hagner) #017
    Mar 14 2024

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    When your past knocks on the door unexpectedly after 18 years, you realize that fatherhood isn't just a role—it's a journey full of profound discoveries.

    This realization comes to life in my heartfelt sit-down with Larry Hagner from the Dad Edge podcast. We peel back the layers of what it means to be an active, engaged parent, touching on everything from the transformative effects of a standing desk to the emotional rollercoasters tied to our own childhood stories.

    As a father to four boys and a husband for over two decades, Larry brings a wealth of experience and insight into the art of communication and the power of vulnerability within family relationships.

    We share tales from our personal lives, revealing how past pains, like dealing with an absent father or the trials within stepfamilies, have sculpted our approaches to parenthood. It's a conversation that traverses the peaks and valleys of raising kids and nurturing a marriage, all while continuously growing as individuals.

    The promises we make as parents and the effort it takes to fulfill them are the pillars of this episode. I get real about the intricacies of discipline, the commitment to creating a loving environment, and the intentional raising of emotionally intelligent boys. We discuss the importance of setting boundaries while also being a beacon of safety and guidance.

    These stories and advice are woven into a rich tapestry that reflects the enduring impact of fatherhood on personal growth and the legacies we build for our children.

    Join us for a discussion that's not just about parenting but about the essence of manhood and the indelible marks we leave on those we love.

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    1 hr and 8 mins
  • Attention Seeking #016
    Mar 12 2024

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    For the Episode referenced with Eli Harwood:

    Ever found yourself perplexed by your child's seemingly endless quest for attention? We're peeling back the layers on why kids clamor for the spotlight and how you might be contributing to it without even realizing it. Tap into a wealth of compassion-fueled insights and practical strategies as we tackle the myth that ignoring attention-seeking behaviors is the best route. From the seven-year-old who can’t play alone to understanding the unique needs of children with ADHD, discover how to guide your little ones towards healthy, independent connections.

    Remember the times when a simple hug could make everything better? That's the power of targeted, reassuring love we're advocating for in today's conversation. I'm drawing from my own journey as a parent with ADHD to share the kind of attention that enriches the parent-child bond and caters to neurodivergent children. You'll hear not just theories, but real-life applications that can turn around your child's playtime blues and bolster their emotional resilience.

    Wrapping things up, we're not just talking about managing attention-seeking antics; we're building a foundation for our children's future.

    Listen to heartwarming stories, like the one about my own son, that illustrate the triumphs of nurturing our kids' independence within a supportive framework. And yes, we're fostering frustration tolerance, but not at the expense of our relationship with our children. This is your roadmap to raising well-adjusted kids who know their emotional needs are just as important as their physical ones.

    Join us, and let's navigate this parenting adventure together.

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    46 mins
  • Raising Sibling (Part 1) #015
    Mar 6 2024

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    and HERE is the episode on bringing home a new baby!

    Navigating the ebbs and flows of sibling relationships just got a little easier. Today's episode is a treasure trove of wisdom for parents embroiled in the trials and joys of raising siblings. From tackling sibling rivalry head-on to celebrating each child's unique spirit amidst the arrival of a new family member, we've got you covered. Prepare to walk away with proven strategies that not only manage the complexities of sibling dynamics but also cultivate an environment where love and individuality thrive in equal measure.

    Have you ever wondered how to balance the scales of attention between your children, especially when a fresh little face joins the family? We've got insights and heartfelt discussions about the art of connection that transcends the usual parenting advice. Discover the powerful impact of 'kid dates' and other one-on-one outings that can strengthen your bond with each child. Plus, learn how to turn everyday moments into golden opportunities for nurturing those precious relationships.

    But what about when toys become the center of a tug-of-war? Dive into our conversation on teaching siblings to share peacefully, respecting personal property rights, and guiding children through the nuances of early developmental stages. Conflict is part of the growth journey, and we explore how to equip your little ones with the tools for fair fights and lasting friendships. So, join us as we pave the way for harmony in the household and foreshadow exciting projects on the horizon that will continue to support you on this incredible parenting adventure.

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    42 mins