
  • Freedom - Are We Really Free? Part 1
    Mar 20 2022

    A comment on last week's show prompted this discussion. Are we really free and are the most commonly considered 'free' nations really free? We end up discussing whether people should be free to earn as much money as they want and if they should be able to keep it. We decided to split this conversation into 2 parts... See you next week!


    Más Menos
    1 h y 25 m
  • Bern Bueckert vs Justin Trudeau - One Trucker's Story from Ottawa, Canada
    Mar 14 2022

    Tonight we talk to Bern Bueckert, one of the Canadians who drove his truck to Ottawa to take part in the Convoy looking for freedom from the mandates that his government has imposed on their country. As well, Mallory Smith joins us to talk about his role in supporting Bern.
    For more of his story, watch this interview as well... https://tinyurl.com/mv6xc9e4


    Más Menos
    1 h
  • A World Gone MAD - What is Freedom Anymore?
    Feb 27 2022

    We are watching war in Ukraine, protests around the globe and truckers are still making the news in both the USA and Canada. How do we define the freedoms we hold true and how do we apply those freedoms to our society and culture?


    Más Menos
    57 m
  • Canadian Truckers Unite - Will It Solve anything?
    Feb 27 2022

    Truckers from across Canada convoy to Ottawa to protest the mandates in Canada. We see things very differently and tackle this topic from two very different viewpoints. Come along for a conversation where we do not agree to disagree, but agree that it is OK to hold very different opinions regarding a controversial topic.


    Music for the show today was created and provided :
    Trees on the Hill (ID 1390) by Lobo Loco  & Country Road Drive
    by Scott Holmes Music. All Music is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

    Más Menos
    1 h
  • Bill O'Reilly and Jon Stewart - Two Opinions, Civil Discourse
    Feb 20 2022

    Several years ago, John Stewart went on the Bill O=Reilly Show and they talked about a great many things. We love how the bantering was pointed, yet never mean spirited. Let's learn from these two entertainers, and emulate the attitude of respect for each other.

    The full episode can be found HERE

    William goes on a bit of a rant about a recent episode of Matt Walsh's podcast. Do you agree with his viewpoint? Listen to the full episode HERE and send us a line and let us know what you think.


    Más Menos
    1 h y 4 m
  • Canada In Crisis
    Feb 20 2022

    We invite Jessica Davenport in to talk about her experience on the ground in Ottawa Canada during the trucker convoy/protest that has seen massive police intervention not seen in Canada since the G20 protests in 2010.

    The opening Song is by True Swans, and we thank them for allowing us to share their music on this episode. You can find more of their music HERE

    Más Menos
    57 m
  • Sean Hannity - A Shining Example Of How NOT To converse
    Feb 1 2022

    Need we say more? Sean Hannity might be a popular guy, but his conversational skills are severely lacking.


    Más Menos
    45 m
  • Ben Shapiro and Sam Harris... We Can Learn From These Two
    Jan 30 2022

    We examine a conversation between Ben Shapiro and Sam Harris, two people that could not be more different and yet, they have a civil conversation on a wide range of topics that they probably do not agree on at all. We can appreciate how they can hold very different values and beliefs and still carry on a civil conversation


    You can watch the full interview HERE

    Más Menos
    46 m