• The Path to Becoming Who You Want to BE Through My Journey
    May 25 2024

    I was asked these questions in regards to my own "BEingness," so I address them in this podcast to share my journey to help enlighten and empower others.....

    * How did I develope my philosophies and ways of being?

    * Where they trickled in or did they click all at once? For example, was there a moment when you figured out weighing the costs [of thoughts, feelings, actions, results] were of major importance in our consciousness?

    * What were your initial thoughts about our unconscious?

    * What factors contibuted to learning about consciousness? Books, people, self-examination?

    * What inspires you?

    I never knew that "Beingness" even existed until I learned about ontology, mind and brain function. I was living my life by DOing (achieving and producing results) and HAVE-ing (things in the material world). All the while, I was an unhappy, unfulfilled human BEING. Eventhough I achieved alot, and had alot!!!!!

    Now, I focus on how I am feeling and who am I being, first and foremost, which makes "Doing" and "Having" things radically FUNner, FREEr and most of all, profoundly, HAPPIER.

    It's a lifelong persistent journey to create who we ARE internally, NOT externally, as life's circumstances challenge us deep within our core BEing.

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    1 hr and 42 mins
  • Balancing SPIRITualness and HUMANness with Guest: Jonathan Beaudette
    Apr 7 2024

    Being extremely spiritual and profoundly connected to the spiritual realm never made the remarkable difference in my life until I learned what it really means to be HUMAN. Especially, understanding the limitations of the human brain, which tricks the mind into blocking and stopping us from dealing with reality! And, radically living into what we passionately desire.

    I invited my incredible former client and friend, Jonathan Beaudette to join me for this enlightening discussion because of his extensive spiritual backround. Yet, sought out working with me to get rid of the unconscious blocks that were stopping him from his relationship to earning more money in alignment with his core creative brilliance.

    Jonathan is a professional music composer, artist and producer of music that changes your soul.

    By understanding how our brain and mind work for us, but mostly against us, we are able to create a deeper bond to our SELF-Worth, Trust, Belief and overall #SenseOfSELF that transforms our reality. The more enriched we feel from within, the more richness shows up in our material world.....

    Through my own experiences, I have come to believe that our relationship to our Humanness exponentially enhances our relationship to what we believe in spiritually. Not the otherway around.

    However, it is still an intricate DANCE that I will forever continue to explore for my own Peace of Mind, Heart and SOUL.

    Ultimately, it is a Spiritual Journey Through A Human Experience.

    #KarenLoveLee #EmpoweringYouThroughUs #KarenLoveLeeEmpowersYOU #LoveBeingHuman

    Jonathan Beaudette, Founder of Cinematic Meditation Music, just released his first album, "Emergence," which is streaming on all music platforms.


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    1 hr and 32 mins
  • I Overcame Another Evacuation from Life-Threatening Mudslides! #MindOverMatter
    Feb 11 2024

    Crisis will make or break us. I was evacuated from the inferno of the California wildfires. When the evacuation order sounded, I froze.  This time having learned from that experience, and since then,  trained rigorously for high level mental performance, I did NOT freeze. I was ready!

    However, I had no REAL idea how ready I was, until I was faced with the IRL ordeal. 

    Night and day difference of how I was able to deal with this mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically and financially. Everything lined up better than I could have ever foreseen. The more I trusted the process and overrid my fears, the more confident and resilient I felt. The more miraculously the evacuation process flowed with ease and synchronicity. 

    Another test of my inner fortitude. This was yet again, another necessary wake up call that put my whole life into a far greater perspective. What I got out of this experience is beyond priceless....

    #KarenLoveLeeEmpowersYOU #WhatReallyMatters #MindOverMatter #EmpoweringYouThroughUs #LessonsLearned #NoTrauma #NoDrama 


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    1 hr and 52 mins
  • Over DOing Masks Subconscious Pain
    Feb 10 2024

    Over "Doing" is a cover up and mask for underlying emotional pain, predominantly UNconscious fear of feeling insecure and not good enough.  

    My client, Kris and I talk about why this happens and how to stop it!  Human beings are automatically taught to DO more than feel in order to survive through life.

    Simply put, we are taught to do more to have more to be happy and fulfilled.

    This is completely wrong! Actually, counterproductive. I lived this way, and it NEVER worked, nor was it ever close to sustainable.

    It's counter intuitive, and I've learned by experience that the fastest, freest funest way to live the life of our DREAMS is to feel happy and fulfilled first. This makes do-ing feel virtually effortless and materializing the results becomes inevitable. 

    #EmpoweringYouThroughUs #KarenLoveLeeEmpowersYOU 

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    38 mins
  • Happy New Year 2024! Happy New YOU! Part 3
    Jan 1 2024

    Wrapping up this episode takes us down more roads of wisdom into the Counter-Intuitive ways of getting what we want in the year ahead. Achieving goals. Forward projections. Future intentions. Progress. Results. Desires. Dreams.

    The direct streamline route is living in the Right Here Right NOW. Being in the present moment based on our powerful perceptions that fuel our emotions that drive our actions!!!!!!!!!!

    Are you functioning from REaction or PROaction? Big difference. 

    Managing your emotions or are they managing YOU? 

    Are you forcing growth or growing freely? Working harder or smarter? 

    Ease and effortlessness is sourced from the inner-workings of the brain, heart and mind. Collaboratiing, NOT conflicting!

    Happy New YOU! Happy NEW Life! 

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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • Happy New Year 2024! Happy New YOU! Part 2
    Jan 1 2024

    Whoopsy :-O So sorry, we dropped off because I didn't plug in my computer ~ LOL! I quickly recap with the benefits of deeply understanding our Sense of Self.  

    Kris had to go, but he'll be back for Part 3.

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    7 mins
  • Happy New Year 2024! Happy New YOU! Part 1
    Jan 1 2024

    A NEW year requires a new YOU by mentally and emotionally creating new perceptions. A fresh, mostly contradictory, perspective is the key living a transformative life! I'm referring to radically changing form, nature and character to an unrecognizable state.  Simply put, a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. 

    As a recovering over-achiever, a new year brings stress and overwhelm in my thoughts of what's next? What am I doing? Where am I going? Now what? Then I get triggered into, "I can't stand the 'same old same old'" So, while others are gearing up to celebrate, I'm energetically bogged down by my grim outlook. 

    My incredible client and guest, Kris and I delve into this for greater insights, empowerment and inspiration.  The most profoundly passionate way to grow your future is to grow your PRESENT.... truly an invaluable GIFT. True wealth is having what you desire most in all areas of life! 

    Eternal thanks Kris for joining me to help ring in a New Year of MIRACUOUS health, success and DREAMs come true!!!!


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    48 mins
  • My Experience With Therapy & How It Influenced My Purpose As A Coach ~ Guest: Kris K
    Jan 1 2024

    "To each his (your) own," as the saying goes! Sharing my expereinces and thoughts on the pros & cons of my personal experience with conventional therapy. And, how it has directly and indirectly influenced not only my coahing methods, but my life. 

    Every human being can benefit from "Therapy." I highly recomment it! And then, there is taking Self-Development to a whole NEW level, and the coaching I practice, teach and preach "Blew My MInd." It connected me to mySELF, and to all Human Beings in ways I never thought possible! 

    This may sound weird, but since early childhood, I could never understand the meaning of life, and was not a fan of being human, nor liking other human beings ~ LOL!! True story. 

    All I can say, is that I woke up and now "Get it," because I get ME. This transformed my whole world in the realm of what it is to BE human, and the value of "Getting" all other humans for all that we are, and more importanly, for all that we are NOT. With no judgement. Just acceptance.

    Happy Humans Happy World

    My deepest thanks to Kris K for joining me for this episode. His remarkably radical growth, progress and results speak for themselves. The evidence doesn't lie ;-) I'm truly honored to be his coach, and teach through not only knowledge, but by experience, which makes the REAL difference! Kris, thanks for being A BRILLIANT LIGHT.


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    1 hr and 12 mins