• 2020 hit our team hard mentally and emotionally. How can I help them and the business reset for success in 2021?
    Mar 11 2021
    Disconnected, disheartened, exhausted and misaligned. Teams, have been hit hard by 2020 in both their working and personal lives. 2021 will hopefully look better and very different to last year, but how can you help your team set up for success and reset after a long and trialling year? Advice, experiences and insights from Rajeeb Dey MBE (Founder and CEO of Learnerbly), Charlotte Hamill (COO & Partner at Born Social), Jessica Hayes (VP Peopleat Whereby) and Tom Fraine (Chief People Officer at Bulb).
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    44 mins
  • How do we stop people leaving when internal promotions keep getting delayed?
    Feb 18 2021
    Every individual thinks and expects different types of promotions and if they’re denied them for too long motivation and team retention will suffer. But how can you manage promotions in a way that works for both the individual and the business? Advice, experiences and insights from Rajeeb Dey MBE (Founder and CEO of Learnerbly), Charlotte Hamill (COO & Partner at Born Social), April Williams (Founder of Can?Did!, HR & Talent Consultant) and Tom Fraine (Chief People Officer at Bulb).
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    36 mins
  • How do you make your team more responsible for their own development?
    Feb 4 2021
    L&D is vital to company success and the retention of your team. But how do you motivate them to take more responsibility with their own development - without holding their hands through it? Advice, experiences and insights from our experienced panel: Rajeeb Dey MBE (Founder and CEO of Learnerbly), Jessica Hayes (VP People at Whereby), Charlotte Hamill (COO & Partner at Born Social) and Ben Gateley (Co-founder and CEO of CharlieHR).
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    44 mins
  • How do you deal with an existing toxic culture?
    Jan 14 2021
    Aside from employee happiness, a toxic culture can be detrimental to retention, attraction and the ability of your team to give their best. But how do you undo it, when it's already established? Experiences, advice and insights in conversation with Jessica Hayes (VP People & Talent at Whereby), April Williams (Founder of Can?Did!, HR & Talent Consultant), Charlotte Hamill (COO of Born Social) and Tom Fraine (Chief People Officer at Bulb).
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    39 mins
  • How do you manage the challenges to company culture as you grow?
    Dec 17 2020
    Our panel dive into the most common challenges to scaling company culture as you grow. Heading into a period of expansion and rapid hiring can instils fear of losing that close-knit, candid and productive team culture. But how can you manage that culture shift? Experiences, advice and insights in conversation with Rajeeb Dey (Founder & CEO of Learnerbly), April Williams (MCIPD) (Founder of Can?Did!, HR & Talent Consultant), Charlotte Hamill (COO of Born Social) and Ben Branson-Gateley (CEO & Co-founder of CharlieHR).
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    36 mins
  • My CEO isn’t leading by example - what do I do?
    Dec 3 2020
    If a CEO doesn't embody the qualities they ask for from their team it can be hard hard for company culture, engagement and productivity to thrive. But what can you do to tackle this issue, if you’re not in a position to set the example yourself? Experiences, advice and insights in conversation with Rajeeb Dey MBE (Founder & CEO of Learnerbly), April Georgia Williams (MCIPD) (Founder of Can?Did!, HR & Talent Consultant), Charlotte Hamill (COO of Born Social) and Tom Fraine (Chief People Officer at Bulb).
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    33 mins
  • How to receive feedback well even if you hate it.
    Nov 19 2020
    This is one for both employees and managers - because both the individual and business performance will suffer if individuals take feedback poorly. Practical advice on how to receive feedback well by reframing it in your mind and how to give feedback to someone who you know struggles to receive it. Experiences, advice and insights in conversation with Rajeeb Dey (Founder & CEO of Learnerbly), Ben Branson-Gateley (CEO and Co-Founder of CharlieHR), Charlotte Hamill (COO of Born Social) and Jessica Hayes (VP People & Talent at Whereby).
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    37 mins
  • Two people on my leadership team don’t get along. How do I fix this?
    Nov 5 2020
    This goes beyond relationships. If the leadership team don’t get along, your teams and businesses will suffer. In this episode of There's This Thing At Work, our expert panelists Jessica Hayes (VP People & Talent at Whereby), Charlotte Hamill (COO of Born Social), Rajeeb Dey (Founder & CEO of Learnerbly) and Tom Fraine (Chief People Officer at Bulb) discuss the different types of leadership cultures at work - their merits and shortcomings and dive into how to help managers who don’t get along, get along.
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    38 mins