
  • Rethinking the Role of Preacher
    Jun 24 2024

    The role of preacher is a central part of most churches today. But is it supposed to be?

    We discuss:
    - The Biblical concept of the preacher
    - Stereotypical preacher problems
    - Are sermons overrated?
    - The problem of members disrespecting their ministers
    and more!

    With Will Harrub, Jack Wilkie, and Joe Wilkie

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    1 hr and 6 mins
  • Is Every Christian Called to Evangelize?
    Jun 17 2024

    Not everyone is going to be a preacher, elder, teacher, or missionary... so how can they serve the church? What has God called them to do?

    We discuss:

    - How we've overrated ministry and church work and underrated other efforts
    - What is the end goal of "making disciples?"
    - What's true and untrue about "all of life is worship"
    - What "priesthood of all believers" means in practical terms
    - Is every Christian called to evangelize?
    - How the church has misunderstood kingdom work

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    1 hr and 1 min
  • Rethinking Camp, VBS, and Summer Spiritual Highs
    Jun 10 2024

    Summer is usually a church's busiest time of year as VBS, camp, and other events start to fill the calendar. We discuss the pros and cons of these events for spiritual formation. Topics include:

    • Have youth and family ministries been sincere but misdirected from the start?

    • When camps help young Christians grow into spiritual adulthood, and when they hinder

    • The danger of building a walk with God around scheduled spiritual highs

    • Is it time to reconsider VBS?

    With Will Harrub, Jack Wilkie, and Joe Wilkie

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    57 mins
  • Pride Month: Where Did the Slippery Slope Start?
    Jun 3 2024

    As June begins and the rainbow flags start flying again, we revisit the origins of the LGBT movement and how the decline goes back much farther than we typically think.

    We discuss:

    - 90's propaganda
    - The sexual revolution
    - Abortion's role
    - The rise of pornography in the 1950s
    - How Christians opened the door to it all by forfeiting the family

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    1 hr and 6 mins
  • Taylor Swift, Andrew Tate, and Today’s Role Models
    May 27 2024

    People have long had cultural role models, but in today's world of social media there are more voices than ever before. Who are today's major voices, what are they teaching, and how do we navigate the positive and negative influences?

    We discuss:

    - Taylor Swift, Candace Owens, Andrew Tate, "Trad Wives," Joe Rogan, and more
    - Feminism on the left and the right
    - Powerless masculinity, powerful masculinity, and finding balance
    - How parents and church leaders can use cultural role models to teach lessons

    With Will Harrub, Jack Wilkie, and Joe Wilkie

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    57 mins
  • Pharisees in the Church?
    May 20 2024

    "Pharisee" is a religious insult so broadly used that is often becomes almost meaningless. But the word does have a meaning, and it's important we understand it. We discuss:

    - The history of the Pharisees and why they weren't all bad
    - How progressives overuse the term
    - What Pharisaical Bible study looks like
    - What Pharisaism looks like in the church today
    - How to guard against a Pharisaical heart

    With Jack Wilkie and Joe Wilkie

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    58 mins
  • Rejecting Brain-Free Christianity
    May 13 2024

    Not everything is a black and white, thou shalt/thou shalt not issue. For some, this means we should not talk about such issues but rather leave everything up to individual interpretation. Phrases like "But is it a sin?" and "You can't bind that" are thrown around to shut down discussion.

    But discernment is at the heart of Christian maturity. This week, we discuss the difference between the two approaches and why God wants us to engage our brains. Topics include:

    - The importance of discerning Good/Better/Best on any issue
    - Is it legalistic to get into specifics like school choices, entertainment options, etc.?
    - Why a "broad brush" is a good and proper tool for Bible teaching
    - Why avoidance of the controversial kills unity

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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • Is "Placing Church Membership" Biblical?
    May 6 2024

    You won't find the words "place membership" in the New Testament. And, when you're baptized, you're added by God to His church.

    So do we need to publicly declare our membership with a local congregation? We discuss, including:

    - Defining "church" and "member" Biblically
    - Is church an "organism" or an "organization?"
    - Do baptized teens become members separate from their parents?
    - Individualism vs. Collectivism
    - The importance of elders (and other church leaders) in defining membership

    With Will Harrub, Jack Wilkie, and Joe Wilkie

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    1 hr and 1 min