• 42. Answering your questions: handling criticism and friend breakups
    Jul 15 2024

    Hey y'all, and welcome back to another episode of "This is for Us." Today, I'm diving into some of the questions you’ve sent in through Instagram DMs, and I’m really excited to tackle these. As always, thank you to everyone who took the time to send in their questions. Let's get into it!

    Link to FREE Quote Journal: Quote Journal

    Follow me on Instagram here: Noel Roberts Coley Instagram

    To order Clearstem visit: clearstem/noelcoley

    Code for Clearstem: NOELCOLEY

    Drop a note on my website: noelrobertscoley.com

    Join the Facebook group here: This Is For Us Facebook Group

    Dealing with a Friend Breakup as a Teenager
    Understanding the Reason
    - Identify why the friendship is ending. Is it due to different interests, relationship issues, or lifestyle changes?
    - Reflect on your role in the breakup and learn from it for future friendships.

    Addressing Relationship Conflicts
    - Have an open conversation with your friend about your feelings and the changes in your relationship.
    - Understand that sometimes people grow apart, and that’s okay. Cherish the memories and move on.

    Navigating Different Life Choices
    - If your friend’s new interests don’t align with yours (e.g., partying, different hobbies), recognize it as a sign that you may be growing in different directions.
    - Value yourself and seek out new friendships that match your values and interests.

    Handling Mean People and Toxic Relationships
    Addressing Mean Behavior
    - Directly communicate with the person about their behavior if it feels safe to do so. Express your desire for a more positive interaction.
    - If the situation doesn’t improve, focus on distancing yourself from the negativity.

    Mean Girls and Conniving People
    - Understand that trying to change someone’s negative behavior is often futile. Their true colors will show over time.
    - Prioritize your peace and happiness by removing yourself from toxic situations and focusing on positive relationships.

    Cutting Ties When Necessary
    - Recognize when it’s time to cut ties with toxic individuals, even if it means being alone for a while.
    - Trust that removing negative influences will create space for healthier and more supportive relationships.

    Maintaining Mental Health
    Personal Practices
    - Utilize a quote journal to find inspiration and clarity when feeling down. Physically writing down meaningful quotes can be therapeutic.
    - Engage in activities that bring joy and relaxation, whether it’s watching a favorite show, taking a walk, or spending time with loved ones.

    Seeking Support
    - Don’t hesitate to seek professional help through therapy. Talking to a therapist can provide valuable insights and coping strategies.
    - Utilize free resources and apps that offer mental health support.

    Practical Advice
    - Reflect on Your Role: Understand your part in any relationship dynamic and learn from it.
    - Communicate Openly: Have honest conversations about your feelings and expectations.
    - Prioritize Yourself: Focus on your well-being and surround yourself with positive influences.
    - Seek Professional Help: Therapy can be a valuable tool for managing mental health.

    Thank you for being here with me and being a part of this journey. Remember, we're all just trying to figure it out, and we’re in this together. If today's episode resonated with you or if you have more questions, please reach out on Instagram or via my website. I appreciate your support and hope you have a fantastic week!

    I hope you love this episode. Xoxo

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    25 mins
  • 41. We have to stop holding back. Feel the fear, and do it anyway!
    Jul 8 2024

    Hey y'all, and welcome back to another episode of "This is for Us." As always, I am so grateful and excited that you are here with me today. At the time that you are listening to this, we would have just gotten through the 4th of July long weekend. I hope you all had the absolute best time. Today, we're diving into a topic that resonates deeply with many of us: overcoming fear and not holding back when pursuing something new.

    Link to FREE Quote Journal: Quote Journal

    Follow me on Instagram here: Noel Roberts Coley Instagram

    To order Clearstem visit: clearstem/noelcoley

    Code for Clearstem: NOELCOLEY

    Drop a note on my website: noelrobertscoley.com

    Join the Facebook group here: This Is For Us Facebook Group

    Personal Connection:

    - Shared personal anecdotes about celebrating the 4th of July with family and its significance.

    - Mentioned the launch of the "This Is For Us" Facebook page and the fears associated with starting it.

    Facing Fears:

    - Discussed the common fears and doubts that arise when starting something new.

    - Emphasized the importance of recognizing and addressing imposter syndrome.

    Wallpapering Your Mind with Truth:

    - Explained the concept of replacing negative self-talk with positive affirmations and truths.

    - Highlighted the necessity of focusing on facts and realities instead of fears and insecurities.

    Being a Beginner:

    - I acknowledge that being a beginner is always scary, regardless of age or experience.

    - Shared personal experiences of starting Diamonds All Stars and the podcast, emphasizing that everyone starts somewhere.

    Encouragement to Act:

    - Encouraged listeners to feel the fear and do it anyway, stressing that action is the key to overcoming fear.

    - Reminded listeners that every dream and opportunity is worth pursuing, despite the potential for failure or judgment.

    Practical Advice

    - Embrace Being a Beginner: Remember that everyone starts somewhere, and it's okay to make mistakes along the way.

    - Replace Negative Self-Talk: Focus on the truths and positive affirmations instead of doubts and insecurities.

    - Take Action: Feel the fear, acknowledge it, and move forward anyway. The only way to overcome fear is through action.

    - Join the Community: Engage with like-minded individuals who support and uplift each other.

    Closing Thoughts

    Thank you for being here with me and participating in this journey. Remember, we're all just trying to figure it out, and we don't have time to hold ourselves back. Feel the fear and do it anyway. This is for you. This is for me. And this is for us.

    I hope you love this episode. Xoxo

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    33 mins
  • 40. Rejection equals protection. Sometimes things fall apart so better things can fall together.
    Jul 1 2024

    Hey y'all, and welcome back to another episode of "This is for Us." As always, thank you so much for choosing to hang out with me and spend your time with me. I am so thankful for that. Today, I wanted to talk about something that so many of us need to hear—something that I still struggle with and have to remind myself of constantly: "Rejection equals protection." It's a simple yet powerful concept that can change how we perceive life's challenges and setbacks.

    Link to FREE Quote Journal: Quote Journal

    Follow me on Instagram here: Noel Roberts Coley Instagram

    To order Clearstem visit: clearstem/noelcoley

    Code for Clearstem: NOELCOLEY

    Drop a note on my website: noelrobertscoley.com

    Join the Facebook group here: This Is For Us Facebook Group

    The Illusion of Perfection
    - We often think others have it all together, but remember, someone else might be looking at you thinking the exact same thing.
    - We share the same struggles and emotions, and we're not meant to do it all alone.

    Understanding Rejection
    - When things don't go as planned, it often feels defeating and heartbreaking.
    - With time and reflection, we often realize that rejection protected us from something that wasn't right for us.

    Personal Stories and Lessons
    - Shared personal anecdotes about how past rejections have led to better opportunities and personal growth.
    - Emphasized the importance of not taking rejection personally and seeing it as a form of protection and redirection.

    Self-Worth and Happiness
    - Encouraged listeners to live for themselves and prioritize their happiness without letting it depend on external validation.
    - Discussed the importance of respecting oneself and setting boundaries in relationships.

    Real-Life Examples
    - Shared a friend's story about dealing with mixed signals in a relationship and how setting boundaries and seeking clarity can lead to better outcomes.
    - Emphasized that the right person will not leave you questioning your worth.

    Practical Advice
    Live for Yourself: Make choices based on your happiness and well-being.
    Embrace Rejection: View it as protection and an opportunity for better things to come.
    Stay Grateful: Focus on the positives in life, even when things don't go as planned.
    Join Our Community: Connect with others who share similar experiences and support each other.

    Closing Thoughts
    Thank you for being here with me and being a part of this journey. Remember, every rejection is a form of protection, and better things are on the horizon. Take care of yourself, cherish those around you, and remember that we’re in this together. This is for you, this is for me, and this is for us.

    I hope you love this episode. Xoxo

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    27 mins
  • 39. When life feels repetitive and boring, find your main character energy.
    Jun 24 2024

    Hey y'all, and welcome back to another episode of "This is for Us." As always, I appreciate your time and support. The fact that you’re choosing to spend this moment with me means the world, especially when you could be doing countless other things. Let’s dive into something that has been weighing heavily on my mind lately.

    Link to FREE Quote Journal: Quote Journal

    Follow me on Instagram here: Noel Roberts Coley Instagram

    To order Clearstem visit: clearstem/noelcoley

    Code for Clearstem: NOELCOLEY

    Drop a note on my website: noelrobertscoley.com

    Join the Facebook group here: This Is For Us Facebook Group

    Finding Joy in Routine: Breaking the Monotony of Everyday Life

    Have you ever felt like your daily routine is repetitive and boring? If so, you're not alone. Today, I want to answer a question that resonates with many of us: "How do you find comfort in an everyday routine when life feels so repetitive and boring?"

    Understanding the Struggle of Routine

    Before diving into practical advice, let's acknowledge the reality. Many of us feel stuck in our daily routines, whether it's our work, relationships, or personal projects. The feeling of monotony can be draining, making it hard to find joy in the everyday.

    Embracing Your Life

    First and foremost, let’s get real: I don’t have everything figured out. Despite appearances, life can be challenging. There are times I find myself feeling overwhelmed and stuck in the mundane. But guess what? It’s okay to feel this way. It’s okay to admit that life can be repetitive and boring at times.

    Finding Moments of Joy

    Here's the thing: It's essential to find moments of joy and excitement within your routine. When is the last time you did something just for yourself, something that genuinely made you happy? We often get so caught up in our responsibilities that we forget to take time for ourselves.

    Shaking Up Your Routine

    Try incorporating small changes into your daily life to make it more exciting. Whether it’s trying a new coffee flavor, going for a spontaneous walk, or planning a fun weekend activity, these little changes can make a big difference.

    Stay Grateful

    Remember to stay grateful for the things you have. Even when life feels monotonous, focusing on the positives can help shift your mindset. Romanticize your life by appreciating the small things and making each day special.

    Join Our Community

    Don’t forget to join our free Facebook community, "This Is For Us," to deepen our connection and continue these conversations.

    If today's episode resonated with you, or if there’s a topic you’d like us to cover, please reach out on Instagram or via my website. Your input is invaluable as we continue to grow this community.

    Until next time, take care and keep cherishing those around you. Remember, we're in this together, and through sharing our stories, we find common ground and healing because This Is For Us.

    I hope you love this episode xoxo

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    26 mins
  • 38. Managing a busy life: tips for wearing all the hats and juggling all the things
    Jun 17 2024

    Hey y'all, and welcome back to another episode of "This is for Us." As always, I appreciate your time and support. The fact that you’re choosing to spend this moment with me means the world, especially when you could be doing countless other things. Let’s dive into something that has been weighing heavily on my mind lately.

    Link to FREE Quote Journal: Quote Journal

    Follow me on Instagram here: Noel Roberts Coley Instagram

    To order Clearstem visit: clearstem/noelcoley

    Code for Clearstem: NOELCOLEY

    Drop a note on my website: noelrobertscoley.com

    Join the Facebook group here: This Is For Us Facebook Group

    Balancing a Busy Life: Strategies for Managing Overwhelm and Self-Care

    Have you ever felt like you're juggling a million things at once? If so, you're not alone. Today, I want to answer a question that resonates with many of us: "How do you manage such a busy life while feeling like you have to be 100 percent wherever you go?"

    Understanding the Struggles of a Busy Life

    Before getting into the practical advice, let's set the stage. Many of us feel overwhelmed by life's demands, whether it's our careers, relationships, passions, or personal projects. The feeling of needing to give everything we have into all these areas can be draining, leaving little room for self-care.

    Accepting Your Reality

    First and foremost, let's be real: I don't have everything figured out. Despite appearances, life can be challenging. There are times I find myself sitting in my kitchen corner, feeling overwhelmed and crying. It happens more often than I’d like to admit. But guess what? It's okay not to be okay. Feeling lost, overwhelmed, and like you're failing is a normal part of life. The key is not staying in that mindset.

    Finding Balance: It's Okay to Be Imperfect

    Here’s the thing: It's nearly impossible to be 100 percent in every role of your life every single day. We often forget that it’s okay not to have all the answers and that perfection is an unrealistic standard. Yet, it’s essential to keep going, even when you feel you can't.

    Embrace Compartmentalization

    Compartmentalizing different aspects of your life can be a lifesaver. By focusing on one role at a time, whether it's being a business owner or a friend, you can give that role your full attention.

    Join Our Community:

    Don’t forget to join our free Facebook community, "This Is For Us," to deepen our connection and continue these conversations.

    If today's episode resonated with you, or if there’s a topic you’d like us to cover, please reach out on Instagram or via my website. Your input is invaluable as we continue to grow this community.

    Until next time, take care and keep cherishing those around you. Remember, we're in this together, and through sharing our stories, we find common ground and healing because This Is For Us.

    I hope you love this episode xoxo

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    40 mins
  • 37. Trust yourself. If it’s on your heart, go for it!
    Jun 10 2024

    Hey y'all, and welcome back to another episode of "This is for Us." As always, I appreciate your time and support. The fact that you’re choosing to spend this moment with me means the world, especially when you could be doing countless other things. Let’s dive into something that has been weighing heavily on my mind lately, particularly during one of the busiest and most stressful weeks I've experienced this year.

    Link to FREE Quote Journal: Quote Journal

    Follow me on Instagram here: Noel Roberts Coley Instagram

    To order Clearstem visit: clearstem/noelcoley

    Code for Clearstem: NOELCOLEY

    Drop a note on my website: noelrobertscoley.com

    Join the Facebook group here: This Is For Us Facebook Group

    Team Selections at Diamonds All Stars:

    These past two weeks have been the most stressful of my year, revolving around team selections at Diamonds All Stars, the all-star cheerleading gym I own in Knoxville, Tennessee. While this podcast isn't strictly about cheerleading, the lessons I learn through it often resonate deeply with other aspects of life. We've been intricately placing hundreds of athletes into teams they'll be part of for the next year, a critical task that determines not just the success of our teams but also impacts athletes and their families profoundly.

    The Pressure of Personal Goals:

    Amidst the demanding team placements, I set a goal to connect more personally with our community through daily Instagram posts for 30 days. Unfortunately, the hectic schedule led to missed days, evoking feelings of failure. This experience has been a stark reminder of how we handle setbacks in any goal, whether personal or professional.

    Choosing to Persevere:

    The challenge now is deciding whether to continue striving towards the goal or to give up due to a few setbacks. This situation mirrors common experiences many of us have, such as dieting or personal projects, where a slip can feel like a total defeat. I’m here to remind both myself and you that it's okay to stumble; what matters is getting back up.

    Overcoming Fear and Opening Up:

    I also want to talk about the fear and stress associated with opening up the "This Is For Us" Facebook community I’ve set up. It's ready, but fear of judgment has held me back from making it active. It’s a lesson in pushing past fears to fulfill commitments, regardless of external opinions.

    Closing Thoughts:

    As we navigate the intricate puzzles of our lives, from professional responsibilities like team selections to personal commitments like social media interaction, the key takeaway is resilience. We must bet on ourselves, trust in our abilities, and push through the fear of failure.

    Join Our Community:

    Don’t forget to join our free Facebook community, "This Is For Us," to deepen our connection and continue these conversations. The link is in the show notes.

    If today's episode resonated with you, or if there’s a topic you’d like us to cover, please reach out on Instagram or via my website. Your input is invaluable as we continue to grow this community.

    Until next time, take care and keep cherishing those around you. Remember, we're in this together, and through sharing our stories, we find common ground and healing because This Is For Us.

    I hope you love this episode xoxo

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    21 mins
  • 36. Wear the Bikini! Ditch the self-doubt, and start living.
    Jun 3 2024

    Hey y'all, and welcome back to another episode of "This is for Us." I’m thrilled you're joining me today. As we gear up for summer—with all its vacations, pool days, and lake visits—I want to dive into what this season really brings up for many of us, especially when it comes to body image and self-consciousness. Summer isn’t just about less clothing and more outdoor activities; it's also when many of us feel the most vulnerable about our bodies.

    Link to FREE Quote Journal: Quote Journal

    Follow me on Instagram here: Noel Roberts Coley Instagram

    To order Clearstem visit: clearstem/noelcoley

    Code for Clearstem: NOELCOLEY

    Drop a note on my website: noelrobertscoley.com

    Join the Facebook group here: This Is For Us Facebook Group

    Embrace the Season:

    In today’s episode, I’m climbing on my soapbox to remind you all to wear the bikini, hit the pool party, and enjoy that ice cream. It is important to challenge the self-doubt and self-conscious thoughts that can hold us back from enjoying the beautiful, sunny days ahead.

    The Real Talk on Body Image:

    We often get self-conscious about our appearances, especially during summer when it feels like everyone is looking flawless in their swimwear. But let’s be real—no one is perfect. Every one of us has insecurities, whether they're visible or not. This episode is my call to you to push past those fears and enjoy summer to the fullest.

    Challenge the Comparison Trap:

    Comparison can steal more than just joy; it can rob us of living fully. This summer, I challenge you not to let fear of judgment keep you from enjoying life. Remember, people are more focused on their own fun, not critiquing you in your swimsuit.

    Encouragement to Live in the Moment:

    If you find yourself hesitating to join in on summer activities because of body insecurities, remember that you're not alone. We all have those moments of doubt. The key is not to let these doubts prevent you from making memories.

    Call to Action - Be the Change:

    Let’s also make it our mission to uplift others. If you see someone at the pool or by the lake looking a bit self-conscious, a simple compliment can do wonders for both of you. Let’s spread positivity and make everyone feel welcome and beautiful.

    Closing Thoughts:

    As always, I love and appreciate each of you for spending this time with me. Let’s make this summer one where we focus on joy, not judgment, and embrace every opportunity to enjoy the sunshine and good company.

    If today's episode resonated with you, or if there’s a topic you’d like us to cover, please reach out on Instagram or via my website. Your input is invaluable as we continue to grow this community.

    Until next time, take care and keep cherishing those around you. Remember, we're in this together, and through sharing our stories, we find common ground and healing because This Is For Us.

    I hope you love this episode xoxo

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    29 mins
  • 35. Fall in Love with the Journey
    May 27 2024

    Hey, y’all, welcome back to "This is for Us," and a very Happy Memorial Day to everyone! I’m excited to dive into today’s episode where we not only celebrate this special holiday but also the joys of gathering with loved ones. As we enjoy our beers and hot dogs—or Diet Coke and cheeseburgers—let’s reflect on the moments and people that make these celebrations memorable.

    Link to FREE Quote Journal: Quote Journal

    Follow me on Instagram here: Noel Roberts Coley Instagram

    To order Clearstem visit: https://glnk.io/rqop/noelcoley

    Code for Clearstem: NOELCOLEY

    Drop a note on my website: https://noelrobertscoley.com/

    Join the Facebook group here: This Is For Us Facebook Group

    Celebrating Keely's Birthday

    Last night, we went out to celebrate Keely's birthday. Keely has been at Diamonds All Stars since its inception—almost 15 years now. Our relationship started as coach and athlete, then she became a coach, and over the years, we’ve built a sisterhood and friendship. She is one of the most important people in my life, and celebrating her is always something I absolutely love and look forward to. She means the world to me.

    A Night Out with the Team

    So anyway, we went out for Keely's birthday—all of our staff did. It's a tradition for us to go out for everybody's birthday because we love each other, celebrate each other, and always have the absolute best time. While this isn't the main topic for today, I just wanted to share it with you because it means so much to me.

    The Joy of Celebrations

    You know that feeling when you're excited to go out with people you cherish? That excitement and joy are what make moments like celebrating Keely's birthday so special. It's not just about the event; but the love and connections we share that make these celebrations memorable.

    Closing Thoughts

    As we wrap up today’s episode, remember that it’s the people in our lives who enrich every celebration. Whether it's a national holiday or a personal milestone, it’s the shared laughter and support that truly matter.

    If today's episode resonated with you, or if there’s a topic you’d like us to cover, please reach out on Instagram or via my website. Your input is invaluable as we continue to grow this community.

    Until next time, take care and keep cherishing those around you. Remember, we're in this together, and through sharing our stories, we find common ground and healing because This Is For Us.

    I hope you love this episode xoxo

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    38 mins