• 33. How to harness the power of your hunger for more to grow your business
    Sep 27 2024

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    Every Starseed comes to Earth with one special quality - an insatiable hunger for MORE.

    More experiences, more knowledge, more sensations, deeper understanding of self.

    This hunger can be a beautiful gift that will help you expand in your life and business.

    But it can also be a curse if you tap into its dark side.

    In today's episode, I'm diving into how you can harness the power and beauty of this hunger to grow your business.

    So that you can keep creating and expanding and helping more and more people through your work.

    Dive in and let me know what you think!

    Much love, empowerment and fun,


    Thank you for listening!
    If you have and questions or comments, feel free to write to me at maria.katolikova@authentick-you.com
    Or follow me and shoot me a message on Facebook!
    If you'd like to benefit from some awesome free resources I offer, feel free to check my Resources Library.
    And if you'd like to work with me, please visit my website.

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    30 mins
  • 32. What makes starseeds perfect for entrepreneurship
    Sep 17 2024

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    Have you ever asked yourself if you're cut out for entrepreneurship?

    If you truly have what it takes within you to begin that journey and then keep walking that path despite any roadblocks you might encounter?

    I'll be honest with you, business can be fun but it's also not the journey for the faint of heart.

    It will require a lot from you.

    Fortunately, as a starseed, you come very well equipped for that!

    In this episode, I'm diving into the qualities that starseeds possess that make them perfect for entrepreneurship!

    I invite you to dive in, see what resonates and share in comments how many of those qualities you've already noticed in you.

    If you've had any doubts so far as to whether you should create your business, I hope this episode will give you the inspiration and the nudge you need!

    And if you'd love to begin building your soul business with me so that you can make an impact in people's lives and make money through your spiritual gifts, I invite you to join me inside Impact & Wealth.

    Much love, empowerment and fun,


    Thank you for listening!
    If you have and questions or comments, feel free to write to me at maria.katolikova@authentick-you.com
    Or follow me and shoot me a message on Facebook!
    If you'd like to benefit from some awesome free resources I offer, feel free to check my Resources Library.
    And if you'd like to work with me, please visit my website.

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    30 mins
  • 31. 3 powerful mindset shifts to go from employee to entrepreneur and pave the way to success in your business
    Sep 7 2024

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    When you start your own business, and you want it to grow and be successful and profitable, it`s crucial to begin thinking of yourself as a CEO rather than an employee.

    In this episode, we dive into 3 powerful mindset shifts you can make from the get-go to help you with that!

    Dive in and let me know how it lands.

    And if you`d love to create and grow your thriving soul business in the next 4 months. So that you can begin making an impact in people`s lives and money through your gifts, I invite you to join me inside my upcoming 4-month program Impact&Wealth.

    Much love, empowerment and fun,


    Thank you for listening!
    If you have and questions or comments, feel free to write to me at maria.katolikova@authentick-you.com
    Or follow me and shoot me a message on Facebook!
    If you'd like to benefit from some awesome free resources I offer, feel free to check my Resources Library.
    And if you'd like to work with me, please visit my website.

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    33 mins
  • 30. The biggest mistake many beginner spiritual entrepreneurs make that costs them thousands
    Aug 28 2024

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    When you know your purpose is to help other people, and you're ready to create a business to accomplish that, it's important to be very clear on who you're here to serve and how.

    Helping people is a VERY vague notion.

    It can include so many different directions.

    And when you have a big heart like most starseeds do, sometimes it can lead to wanting to help everyone rather than choosing a direction.

    And that's a mistake that can cost you a lot of money and energy.

    So in today's episode we dive deeper into this BIG mistake, what consequences it has to everyone involved (and not just you) and what you can do to avoid it right from the start as a new entrepreneur.

    And save yourself a lot of time, money, frustration and energy.

    Dive in and let me know how it goes for you!

    And if you want my help to get crystal clear on what your soul business might look like ( so that you don't make that mistake we discussed today), you're very welcome to join me inside Gifts to Profit. We begin on the 31st on August!

    Much love, empowerment and fun,


    Thank you for listening!
    If you have and questions or comments, feel free to write to me at maria.katolikova@authentick-you.com
    Or follow me and shoot me a message on Facebook!
    If you'd like to benefit from some awesome free resources I offer, feel free to check my Resources Library.
    And if you'd like to work with me, please visit my website.

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    28 mins
  • 29. 3 major starseed fears around entrepreneurship and how to release them
    Aug 18 2024

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    When you begin thinking of creating your own business, inevitably, fears and insecurities start creeping into your mind.

    Some of the most common fears are:

    What if it doesn't work out?

    What if I lose everything I have?

    What if my family doesn't support me?

    And we, starseed, have an additional layer of fears on top of all that.

    If you allow them to be louder than your soul's calling, you won't be able to step into your mission and begin making the impact you came here to make.

    And of course, the money you desire.

    So in today's episode, I'm breaking down 3 major fears that starseeds have around entrepreneurship and how you can release them.

    So that you can create your own soul business, massively change lives and make an income through your own gifts and magic.

    I invite you to tune in and let me know afterwards how it lands for you.

    And if you feel the burning desire to create your own business but lack clarity as to what it looks like, I'd love to invite you to my upcoming event Gifts to Profit!

    It's going to be super powerful and life-changing!

    Much love, empowerment and fun,


    Thank you for listening!
    If you have and questions or comments, feel free to write to me at maria.katolikova@authentick-you.com
    Or follow me and shoot me a message on Facebook!
    If you'd like to benefit from some awesome free resources I offer, feel free to check my Resources Library.
    And if you'd like to work with me, please visit my website.

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    28 mins
  • 28. How to find your soul purpose and create your thriving soul business
    Aug 8 2024

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    Every starseed comes here with 2 missions: a personal and a collective one which are intimately intertwined.

    To serve humanity through their gifts and wisdom and to experience life on Earth in all its beauty.

    And if lately, you've been feeling the pull to help people more than ever, it means you're ready to step up and begin doing the work you came here to do.

    You're ready to remember your purpose.

    And this episode is for you.

    In it, I'm diving into how you can remember your purpose and create your soul business so that you can begin making the impact you came here to make and be generously compensated for your work.

    I'm also dropping some details about a super powerful 3-day event I'll be hosting very soon.

    It's called Gifts to Profit and it starts on the 31st of August.

    And of course, you're invited if that resonates with you!

    Much love, empowerment and fun,


    Thank you for listening!
    If you have and questions or comments, feel free to write to me at maria.katolikova@authentick-you.com
    Or follow me and shoot me a message on Facebook!
    If you'd like to benefit from some awesome free resources I offer, feel free to check my Resources Library.
    And if you'd like to work with me, please visit my website.

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    30 mins
  • 27. Why many Starseeds have a lot of health issues and how to begin healing your body
    Jul 29 2024

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    Many starseeds have health problems.

    If you've ever felt that you've been given a "defective" body because it's sick all the time and felt upset or angry with it.

    If you've ever felt that your life would be so different, and you'd be able to do so much more with it if you were healthy.

    If you've been trying to heal without much success so far.

    Then this episode is definitely for you!

    In it, I'm explaining:

    - why starseeds often have illnesses.
    - how your body gets sick over time.
    - 3 main steps to begin healing it so that you can start enjoying your life and step into your sacred mission on Earth.

    Feel free to tune in and let me know how it lands!

    And if you need my support on your healing journey, feel free to reach out to me or check the resources below!

    Much love, empowerment and fun,


    Thank you for listening!
    If you have and questions or comments, feel free to write to me at maria.katolikova@authentick-you.com
    Or follow me and shoot me a message on Facebook!
    If you'd like to benefit from some awesome free resources I offer, feel free to check my Resources Library.
    And if you'd like to work with me, please visit my website.

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    36 mins
  • 26. Starseeds & Interdimensional Travel
    Jul 19 2024

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    Have you ever wanted to travel to other dimensions?

    To close your eyes while sitting in meditation and be transported somewhere magical and beautiful?

    Then this episode is for you!

    I'm sharing one thing all starseeds have in common when it comes to interdimensional travel.

    And I reveal how you can begin travelling at will rather than just in your sleep.

    And finally, I'm very excited to present to you my upcoming program - Adventures in Multiverse - in which I'll guide you through all the steps to activate your ability to travel and then bring you to 5 magical places in this Universe for powerful activations and healing.

    If you want to have fun, infuse yourself with higher vibrational frequences and dramatically improve your life, this is for you!

    Feel free to check it out and if it speaks to you, I'll be super excited to welcome you in it!

    Much love, empowerment and fun,


    Thank you for listening!
    If you have and questions or comments, feel free to write to me at maria.katolikova@authentick-you.com
    Or follow me and shoot me a message on Facebook!
    If you'd like to benefit from some awesome free resources I offer, feel free to check my Resources Library.
    And if you'd like to work with me, please visit my website.

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    32 mins