
  • Karl Popper on Historicism and Indeterminism
    Jul 28 2024

    TODAY IN PHILOSOPHY OF HISTORY: Karl Popper on Historicism and Determinism

    Sunday 28 July 2024 is the 122nd anniversary of the birth of Karl Popper (28 July 1902 - 17 September 1994), who was born in Vienna on this date in 1902.

    Popper’s philosophy of history, expressed his The Open Society and Its Enemies in 1945 and The Poverty of Historicisim in 1957, can be understood as an application of his conception of knowledge, worked out in his philosophy of science, to history and the social sciences, which he equates as both being illicitly involved in a project of attempting to make historical predictions. Denying the possibility of prediction in history, Popper argued again historical determinism and inevitability.

    Quora: https://philosophyofhistory.quora.com/

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    #philosophy #history #PhilosophyofHistory # KarlPopper #historicism #prediction #indeterminism #determinism #PhilosophyofScience

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    29 mins
  • The Bolton Thesis and Hemispherical History
    Jul 21 2024

    TODAY IN PHILOSOPHY OF HISTORY: The Bolton Thesis and Hemispherical History

    Saturday 20 July 2024 is the 154th anniversary of the birth of Herbert Eugene Bolton (20 July 1870 – 30 January 1953), who was born on a farm in rural Wisconsin on this date in 1870.

    Bolton was an American historian whose engagement with Spanish colonial history in the Spanish-American borderlands led to his formulation of the Bolton Thesis, that American history needs to be hemispherical history. Bolton trained hundreds of historians who came to be known collectively as the “Bolton School.”

    Quora: https://philosophyofhistory.quora.com/

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    #philosophy #history #PhilosophyofHistory #HerbertEugeneBolton #BoltonThesis #BoltonTheory #HemisphericalHistory #frontier #borderlands

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    17 mins
  • Thomas Kuhn on the Structure of Scientific Revolutions
    Jul 18 2024

    TODAY IN PHILOSOPHY OF HISTORY: Thomas Kuhn on the Structure of Scientific Revolutions

    Thursday 18 July 2024 is the 102nd anniversary of the birth of Thomas Kuhn (18 July 1922 – 17 June 1996), who was born in Cincinnati on this date in 1922.

    Kuhn wrote an extraordinarily influential book, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, first published in 1962, which thereafter changed the way that history and philosophy of science were pursued. Strangely enough, this book appeared in a series of monographs, The International encyclopedia of Unified Science, which was a logical empiricist undertaking, which today seems as dated as Kuhn’s work seems timely. It is ironically appropriate that Kuhn’s work on paradigm shifts appeared within an organ intended to contribute to a paradigm that Kuhn would undermine.

    Quora: https://philosophyofhistory.quora.com/

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    #philosophy #history #PhilosophyofHistory #ThomasKuhn #science #HistoryofScience #Paradigm #KuhnCycle

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    23 mins
  • Walter Benjamin on the Concept of History
    Jul 16 2024

    TODAY IN PHILOSOPHY OF HISTORY: Walter Benjamin on the Concept of History

    Monday 15 July 2024 is the 132nd anniversary of the Birth of Walter Benjamin (15 July 1892 – 26 September 1940), who was born in Berlin on this date in 1892.

    Benjamin is primarily known to philosophy of history through a short essay which was the last he wrote before he killed himself, “On the Concept of History,” though some of his earlier works also betray an interest in history. As a Marxist, Benjamin was explicit in his historical materialism, though he diverges from Marx on several important points. Even as he took over Bloch’s interest in messianism, his work prefigured much that was to come in literary theory.

    Quora: https://philosophyofhistory.quora.com/

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    #philosophy #history #PhilosophyofHistory #WalterBenjamin #Marxism #HistoricalMaterialism #Jetztzeit #now-time #revolution

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    30 mins
  • Hans Blumenberg and the Legitimacy of the Modern Age
    Jul 14 2024

    TODAY IN PHILOSOPHY OF HISTORY: Hans Blumenberg and the Legitimacy of the Modern Age

    Saturday 13 July 2024 is the 104th anniversary of the birth of Hans Blumenberg (13 July 1920 – 28 March 1996), who was born in Lübeck on this date in 1920.

    Blumenberg’s interest in modernity touched off a debate with Karl Löwith about the legitimacy not only of philosophy of history as a discipline, but of the modern age itself. Blumenberg approached modernity by several pathways, including Petrarch’s ascent of Mount Ventoux, the origins of Copernicanism, and Löwith’s use of the idea of secularization.

    Quora: https://philosophyofhistory.quora.com/

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    #philosophy #history #PhilosophyofHistory #HansBlumenberg #modernity #Löwith #secularization

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    24 mins
  • Ernst Bloch and the Principle of Hope
    Jul 9 2024

    TODAY IN PHILOSOPHY OF HISTORY: Ernst Bloch and the Principle of Hope

    Monday 08 July 2024 is the 139th anniversary of the birth of Ernst Bloch (08 July 1885 – 04 August 1977), who was born in Ludwigshafen on this date in 1885.

    Bloch wrote in a prophetic and paradoxical voice that wouldn’t work well for a lot of philosophers, but it allowed Bloch to synthesize Marxism, messianism, theology, and eschatology. Bloch’s major work, The Principle of Hope, is essentially about utopias, surveying utopias in all of their forms—medical utopias, social utopias, technological utopias, architectural utopias, and geographical utopias, and the themes of his thought all cluster around the utopian ideal—hope, striving toward and into the future, possibility, and potentiality.

    Quora: https://philosophyofhistory.quora.com/

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    #philosophy #history #PhilosophyofHistory #ErnstBloch #Marxism #hope #utopia #not-yet

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    21 mins
  • Marc Bloch and the Annales School of History
    Jul 7 2024

    TODAY IN PHILOSOPHY OF HISTORY: Marc Bloch and the Annales School of History

    Saturday 06 July 2024 is the 138th anniversary of the birth of Marc Bloch (06 July 1886 – 16 June 1944), who was born on this date in Lyon in 1886. Bloch was shot by the Gestapo on 16 June 1944 because of his involvement in the French resistance.

    Bloch was a founder of the Annales school of history, along with Lucien Febvre and Fernand Braudel. The Annales school emphasized the longue durée as the structure of history, and Bloch adopted this perspective in his classic work Feudal Society.

    Quora: https://philosophyofhistory.quora.com/

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    #philosophy #history #PhilosophyofHistory #MarcBloch #longuedurée #Annales #Braudel

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    26 mins
  • The Fourth of July
    Jul 4 2024


    On Thursday 04 July 1776—248 years ago today—the Continental Congress of the not-yet-existing United States approved the Declaration of Independence, formalizing the armed struggle between American colonists and the British Empire, and precipitating the American Revolutionary War. It took years to win the war, and years more to converge on a constitution that the former colonies could accept. Today we reflect on the place of this conflict within the history of ideas.

    Quora: https://philosophyofhistory.quora.com/

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    #philosophy #history #PhilosophyofHistory #IndependenceDay #FourthofJuly #4thofJuly #revolution #AmericanRevolution #RevolutionaryWar

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    22 mins