• 60. Ein Herz für Vintage - mit Susann Reiner
    Jul 30 2024

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    Und weiter geht's mit den deutschen Folgen! Mein heutiger Gast ist Susann Reiner, alias Madame Süsette, Vintage-Liebhaberin und Geschäftsfrau mit Herz.

    Susann ist ursprünglich aus Thüringen, und floh mit ihrem damaligen Mann kurz vor der Wende in den Westen, wo sie sich in der Nähe von Stuttgart niederließen.

    Susann war ausgebildete Krankenschwester, bevor sie ihren Beruf an den Nagel hängte und in vielen Bereichen tätig wurde - unter anderem führte sie zehn Jahre lang eine Second-Hand-Boutique, zunächst in Deutschland und dann in Malaga, Südspanien, wo sie heute mit ihrem Mann bereits zum zweiten Mal lebt. Momentan arbeitet sie hauptsächlich online, und führt außerdem Vintage-Touren durch ihre Herzensstadt.
    Susann liebt Spanien, die Sonne, Kleider und natürlich vor allem Vintage-Mode und alles was mit Nachhaltigkeit zu tun hat, außerdem hat sie es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, Frauen zu unterstützen. Ihre positive Grundeinstellung und Energie kann man schon beim Zuhören spüren!

    Mehr über Susann und ihr Leben findet ihr auf ihrer Madame Süsette Website, und natürlich auf Instagram.

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    1 hr and 12 mins
  • 59. Going Dutch - with Rossella Davi
    Jul 23 2024

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    We're heading to Rotterdam today. My guest is Sicilian Rossella Davi, who's lived in the Netherlands on and off for the last 12 years.

    While we talk a lot about how national stereotypes aren't always applicable, we also can't escape them, and have a good laugh at Dutch minimalism vs. Italian drama, amongst other culture shocks.

    Find Rossella on Instagram, or check out her Going Expat website if you want to know more about moving abroad, and in particular the Netherlands!

    Want to be a guest on this podcast? Please get in touch, I'd love to hear your story. Check out my website Transcontinental Overload.

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    1 hr
  • 58. Abenteuer Auswandern - mit Monique Menesi
    Jul 15 2024

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    Meine erste Folge auf Deutsch!
    Mein heutiger Gast ist Monique Menesi - vielleicht bereits bekannt durch ihren Muttersprache-Podcast, oder ihren Unternehmer-Podcast zum Business-Aufbau.

    Monique ist erfolgreiche Unternehmerin, Auswandererin und Coach mit mehr als 30 Jahren Erfahrung. Wie sie selbst das Auswandern mit ihrer Familie meistert (Dubai, Katar, Schweiz und USA) und was sie sonst noch für Pläne hat, erfahrt ihr in unserem Gespräch.

    Natürlich sprechen wir auch über ihre große Leidenschaft, das Coachen von Frauen und die Begleitung bei der Unternehmensgründung, und alles, was dazugehört.

    Weitere Infos findet ihr am besten auf Moniques Website, und natürlich auch auf Instagram.

    Viel Spaß!

    Wenn ihr inspiriert seid. und selbst Gast bei mir sein möchtet, meldet euch bitte! Ich freue mich immer über neue Geschichten.

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    1 hr and 7 mins
  • 57. Closing the Culture Gap: the power of vulnerability - with Christian Höferle
    Jun 18 2024

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    My guest today is "The Culture Guy" - Christian Höferle, founder, president and CEO of The Culture Mastery, a coaching, mentoring and consulting company based in Atlanta, Georgia.

    Our conversation starts with Christian's early life in small-town Bavaria (incidentally, the exact same area and time period I grew up in), his experience as a 17-year-old exchange student in the US, and how this part of his life shaped his future mindset. We then meander through his professional life traveling from Germany to the United States, and finish by talking about the nature of his business.

    We cover a multitude of cultural differences, expectations, and the importance of vulnerability in an international setting, and find some special Bavarian aspects of being German - which I'm always happy to talk about!
    Christian shares some amazing insights into the German and American psyche and draws out some fascinating historical coincidences - if you're working in an international environment and are intrigued by how different cultures can work together more productively, you're in for an absolute treat.

    Christian mentions Karl May, a German 19th and early 20th-century author, and in fact one of the most well-known German writers to date. He wrote travel adventure stories about the American Wild West despite never having travelled there himself, and his stories about Winnetou and Old Shatterhand were part of German children's childhoods for over a century.

    Just because I promised it in the episode, here's an American swear word you might not know you needed: "BFE = Butt F%$ Egypt = the middle of nowhere". You're welcome.

    Spider Murphy Gang is a Bavarian pop group we grew up with in the 80s. Watch the video of the song Christian quotes from to get some impressions of summery Munich in the 80s!
    Eisbach-Surfen: The Eisbach is a side arm of the Isar, Munich's beautiful river, and there is a standing wave, where surfers gather at any time of the year to show off their skills.

    Find out more about Christian and what he's up to on The Culture Mastery Website, his very funny and informative YouTube channel and podcast "Two Chaps Many Cultures" on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts and IHeartRadio, or find him on LinkedIn and of course on Instagram.

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    1 hr and 23 mins
  • 56. Embracing the mess: Life in a global family - with Mariam Navaid Ottimofiore
    Jun 13 2024

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    Today's guest is, without a doubt, the most global person I've had the pleasure of talking to! She is none other than two-times author, writer, speaker, economist, language enthusiast and passionate expat, Mariam Navaid Ottimofiore.

    To say that today's episode is a love letter to learning languages is an understatement, and you will find so much wisdom in Mariam's observations. I kept wanting to stop and take notes.

    Mariam was born in Pakistan, grew up in Bahrain, the United States and Pakistan, went to college in the US and Britain, and has lived in Germany, Denmark, Singapore, Dubai, Ghana and Portugal. She met her German-Italian husband at university in Brighton, England, and they're raising their three children with even more than "just" their four home languages.
    They're currently based in Cascais, Portugal.

    I still don't know how we managed to fit it all into one episode, but we cover a huge variety of topics. We talk about how she has managed all those moves, maintained and developed her identity, why learning the language of each country has been so important, and how she keeps all those memories alive for her family.

    Mariam recently published her second book, "The Guilty Can't Say Goodbye", a mystery novel about three global women, and of course we're talking at length about this book and the writing process. I devoured it on a recent trip and wholeheartedly recommend it for your summer reading list!

    For more information about Mariam, her life and her books, visit her website, and make sure you follow her on Instagram.

    Find reviews of her books on Goodreads: The Guilty Can't Say Goodbye, and This Messy Mobile Life.

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    1 hr and 17 mins
  • 55. Turning your expat journey into a book - with Catriona Turner
    Dec 15 2023

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    Today's episode is for all the aspiring writers out there and, of course, their equally important enthusiastic readers!
    My guest is Catriona Turner, a seasoned expat and newly published author. Her memoir, "Nest - a Memoir of Home on the Move" is widely available.

    We chat about Catriona's expat journey, taking her from Scotland to France, Uganda, Congo and Denmark, and then back to Scotland, and how she decided to fulfil her dream of becoming a writer and then a published author.

    Find out more about Catriona on Instagram, or her website: The Frustrated Nester.

    Get the first three chapters of "Nest" for free: https://thefrustratednester.com/overload/
    Sign up via email, and you'll be sent the download link.

    The book that helped Catriona with her memoir is Fast Draft Your Memoir by Rachael Herron. Rachel also hosts a brilliant writing podcast, called How Do You Write.

    If you're interested in joining a writing challenge, NaNoWriMo (national novel writing month) might be the tool for you!

    Another writing resource Catriona mentions is Faber Academy London; this is full of advice, courses, and writing assistance.

    If you're interested in making a Galette des Rois for epiphany, here's Catriona's French recipe, and here's one in English.

    Thank you again, Catriona, for this inspiring, uplifting and informative conversation!
    Have a Fun-filled Festive Season and a Happy New Year!

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    1 hr and 12 mins
  • 54. Humanising education: the importance of emotional intelligence - with Brantley Turner-Bradley
    Sep 15 2023

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    My guest today is an education warrior: Brantley Turner-Bradley, East Asia Education Director for Dwight Schools.

    Born in Brooklyn, NY, Brantley spent 25 years of her life in China and is raising three TCKs with her husband. We spoke in June, while Brantley and her family were in the US; they are currently embarking on a new venture in Hanoi, Vietnam.

    We cover a whole range of subjects, from the importance of cultural immersion for growth, to the Chinese vs US education system, AI and how the current education system is failing young people, the way emotions have been dismissed from curricula over the last few centuries, the differences in remote and in-person learning, the importance of vulnerability - both feeling and showing it - and so many more.

    To connect with Brantley, or learn more about her, find her on LinkedIn.

    The book Brantley mentions is called Emo Sapiens, by Polish author Rafał Ohme, expert in the field of psychology of persuasion, emotions and the subconscious. The book has only been published in Polish at this point.

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    1 hr and 25 mins
  • 53. Written in the stars: How locational astrology can guide your life's story - with Katherine from Bad Days Abroad
    Jun 9 2023

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    Today's guest is Katherine, who was a guest on my podcast two years ago, an expat coach, writer, and locational astrologer.

    Using my own journey as an example, we're traveling the world looking at some of the places I've lived in or visited, and how the date, place and time of my birth are determining how I react to different places in the world.

    If you're interested in finding out more, check out Katherine’s website, or find her on Instagram.

    Special treat: Katherine is offering a 20% discount for listeners of Transcontinental Overload on her Astrocartography packages!! Code ASTROMAP20, bookable here.

    Katherine recommends:

    • You Were Born for This: Astrology for Radical Self-Acceptance and Living Your Purpose by Chani Nicholas
    • The Twelve Houses by Howard Sasportas and Liz Greene.
    • Andrea Dupuis' spiritual approach to astrology, and comprehensive program on her website Rising Woman.
    • Locational astrology entry-level material: Helena Woods' website.

    Planetary line themes:

    • Sun: a place to be seen, the ego can develop, creative talents become more visible
    • Moon: a place to call home, go deeper into yourself, be with family, and nurture self-care practices
    • Mercury: a busy place with lots to do, many people to meet, and so much to learn
    • Venus: a place to love and be loved, to indulge, create, and find pleasure and romance
    • Mars: a place to stake your claim, get motivated, take action on your passions, and do big things
    • Jupiter: a place of expansion, good fortune, luck, overindulgence, and grand new beginnings
    • Saturn: a place of discipline, restrictions, and limitations, tough life lessons that make you stronger
    • Uranus: an unconventional place with lots of twists and turns, alternative experiences and people, and disruptions
    • Neptune: a dreamy place of bliss, spiritual happenings, unexplained phenomena, and the possibility of escapism
    • Pluto: a place for deep soul healing, psychological plumbing, and exploration of the circle of life
    • Nodes: a place you may have been in a past life that can still feel like you’ve been there before, fated experiences
    • Chiron: a place to heal your inner child, explore wounds from the past, and turn pain into art or healing

    MC Line: The Midheaven/Medi-Coeli line is

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    1 hr and 19 mins