• Walking With The Shepherd
    Sep 1 2024

    Welcome to “Walking With The Shepherd,” the inaugural sermon in our enlightening new series, “Journeying With The Shepherd,” presented by Pastor Mark Medley. This profound discourse takes us deep into the pastoral imagery of Psalm 95:6-7, unveiling the layers of our spiritual journey with God through the dynamic of shepherd and sheep.

    In this sermon, Pastor Mark Medley delves into what it means to walk with God daily, exploring how this continuous spiritual journey influences every aspect of our lives. The concept of walking with God, which originates from the earliest stories in Genesis and extends through the New Testament, symbolizes our ongoing, day-to-day choices that must align with God’s divine path.

    Drawing from personal experiences, Pastor Mark shares captivating stories from his pilgrimage with shepherds in the mountainous regions of Poland. These narratives not only bring to life the traditional shepherd-sheep relationship but also illustrate profound truths about our relationship with God. By observing the trust and communication between shepherds and their flocks, Pastor Mark draws powerful parallels to how we, as followers of Christ, should interact with and depend on our divine Shepherd.

    The discussion deepens as Pastor Mark introduces insights from Magda, an expert in leadership training who utilizes shepherding principles to teach effective leadership to corporate teams. Her experiences underscore the importance of clear, consistent communication in building trust—a vital component in both earthly and spiritual leadership.

    This sermon also revisits the timeless Psalm 23, breaking down its promises of guidance, provision, and comfort from the Lord, our Shepherd. Pastor Mark reflects on the life of David, emphasizing the steadfast nature of God’s care, even in our darkest moments. Through this exploration, we gain a richer understanding of how God shepherds us through various life challenges, guiding us on paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.

    Furthermore, Pastor Mark discusses how these biblical insights apply to our modern roles as leaders in our families and communities. He challenges us to embody the characteristics of a good shepherd—compassion, vigilance, and unwavering guidance. By adopting these traits, we not only walk closely with God but also lead others along the path He has set for us.

    Join us in “Walking With The Shepherd” for a transformative experience that will deepen your understanding of what it means to be part of God’s flock and how to live out your faith authentically and courageously. Whether you are well-versed in your spiritual journey or just finding your footing, this sermon offers valuable lessons on leadership, trust, and the profound relationship we are called to have with our Shepherd.

    Tune in to this powerful sermon and be inspired to reflect on your own spiritual walk, making every step count under the watchful eyes and skillful hands of our Good Shepherd. This journey promises not only to enhance your understanding of God’s role in your life but also to empower you to lead and nurture others in the way of Christ.

    We are Trinity Community Church in Knoxville, Tennessee.
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    46 mins
  • The Gospel-Centered Community - A Community on Mission
    Aug 25 2024

    Welcome to the stirring conclusion of our series, “The Gospel-Centered Community,” with Pastor Tyler Lynde’s sermon, “A Community On Mission.” This sermon intricately weaves theological depth with practical application, exploring what it truly means to live as ambassadors for Christ, rooted in the transformative teachings of 2 Corinthians 5:17-21.

    Pastor Tyler begins with a captivating tale from his own life, sharing a poignant memory of his grandfather, Timberjack Joe Lyons. This narrative not only illustrates a profound moment of personal transformation but also sets the stage for understanding our broader mission within the Christian community. Tyler uses this story to paint a vivid picture of how individual faith experiences can influence and drive our collective purpose.

    Throughout the sermon, Tyler challenges common misconceptions about missionary work. He emphasizes that missionary work isn’t just for those who travel across oceans; it’s for everyone who follows Christ. He argues that we are all called to be missionaries, whether in our homes, workplaces, or broader communities. This mission involves living out the gospel not only through words but through every action and interaction we engage in daily.

    Delving into Paul’s message to the Corinthians, Tyler elucidates how being a new creation in Christ underpins our call to mission. He discusses the concept of “old things passing away” and how our new identity should radically alter our lives and relationships. This transformation, driven by the Holy Spirit, compels us to reconcile others to God just as we have been reconciled.

    Using examples from the early church in Acts 2, Tyler illustrates how their practices of communal living, sharing resources, and supporting one another were natural outflows of their faith and mission. He connects these practices to modern initiatives within our community, such as the upcoming mission trip to Tanzania, highlighting how these actions continue to fulfill Christ’s command to be His witnesses in every part of the world.

    Furthermore, Tyler addresses the role of the family in this mission-oriented lifestyle. He underscores the importance of parents and grandparents in modeling and transmitting faith to younger generations. Through stories of personal and community experiences, he shows how these fundamental relationships can become a powerful avenue for gospel transmission.

    As we conclude “The Gospel-Centered Community” series, this sermon is a call to action for every listener. Pastor Tyler invites us to embody the mission of Christ in our everyday lives, urging us to turn every environment we enter into a mission field. He encourages us to embrace our roles as Christ’s ambassadors, bringing the message of reconciliation wherever we go.

    This episode is packed with inspiration and practical advice on how to live out Christ’s love and message daily. Tune in to “A Community On Mission” for a transformative experience that will challenge and equip you to make a meaningful impact in your community and beyond. Whether you’re deeply entrenched in your faith or just starting to explore what it means to be part of a gospel-centered community, this sermon offers valuable insights that can help you live out your faith boldly and authentically.

    We are Trinity Community Church in Knoxville, Tennessee.
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    49 mins
  • The Gospel-Centered Community - A Grace-Filled Community
    Aug 18 2024

    Welcome to our profound sermon, “A Grace-Filled Community,” part of “The Gospel-Centered Community” series with Kelly Kinder. This sermon delves into the transformative power of grace and its capacity to rejuvenate our modern faith communities, drawing richly from John 1:14-17. Pastor Kelly eloquently discusses how the grace and truth that came through Jesus Christ can breathe new life into our spiritual environments, just as unexpectedly as finding fish in the Dead Sea.

    Pastor Kelly begins with a thought-provoking metaphor about this discovery, using it to illustrate how grace, when it penetrates areas of our lives that seem barren, can lead to vibrant new growth and vitality. He integrates insights from C.S. Lewis, emphasizing that grace is the cornerstone that sets Christianity apart from all other belief systems. This unique balance of grace and truth, embodied perfectly in Jesus, provides a blueprint for our interactions and the culture within our faith communities.

    Throughout the sermon, Pastor Kelly discusses the practical dynamics of grace within our churches. He addresses how internal barriers like fear and pride can stifle the flow of grace, making it difficult to cultivate a community that truly reflects the gospel. Through personal anecdotes, such as his challenges with growing basil, he draws parallels between these gardening efforts and our spiritual lives, highlighting how both require patience, persistence, and the removal of weeds that hinder growth.

    Pastor Kelly also tackles the complex issue of favoritism within the church, illustrating how it can prevent the full expression of grace. He encourages a culture of self-reflection, urging listeners to examine their own lives for areas where grace may be restricted by personal biases or fears. This segment of the sermon is particularly impactful as it offers practical insights into recognizing and overcoming these spiritual obstacles.

    A significant focus of the sermon is on the concept of “grace upon grace” from John 1:16, emphasizing that God’s grace is always sufficient for our needs. Pastor Kelly shares touching stories of grace in action, such as unexpected kindness during a family emergency, to demonstrate how God’s grace not only supports us in crisis but also in our everyday interactions. These stories inspire listeners to become conduits of grace, channeling God’s unmerited favor through their actions and relationships.

    As the sermon wraps up, Pastor Kelly calls on the congregation to embrace their identity as stewards of God’s grace. He encourages everyone to use their unique gifts not just for self-benefit but as instruments of grace that build up the church and glorify God. The sermon concludes with a powerful call to action, challenging listeners to strive towards being a grace-filled church that magnifies God’s glory in every aspect of community life.

    This exploration into grace is not merely theoretical but deeply practical, offering listeners a roadmap to transforming their personal lives and their community engagements through the power of grace. Join us in discovering how embracing a life of grace can lead to profound changes in personal faith and communal dynamics, making us true reflections of Christ’s love and mercy in the world.

    Tune into “A Grace-Filled Community” for a transformative experience that will deepen your understanding of grace and inspire you to live out this divine principle

    We are Trinity Community Church in Knoxville, Tennessee.
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    51 mins
  • The Gospel-Centered Community - An Honest Community
    Aug 11 2024

    Welcome to our latest sermon in the series “The Gospel-Centered Community,” featuring Pastor Derrick Overholt discussing “An Honest Community.” This sermon delves deep into the essential role of honesty in building genuine connections within our families and church communities. Through personal stories and scriptural insights, Derrick reveals how living authentically is not just a moral choice but a transformative practice for both individuals and communities.

    Derrick begins the sermon with a candid story from his personal experience with online dating, where he encountered deception that not only led to immediate disappointment but also sparked deeper reflections on authenticity in relationships. This story sets the stage for a broader discussion on the dangers of the false selves we often present to the world, and how such facades can undermine the very foundation of trust and connection we strive to build in our church communities.

    As the sermon progresses, Derrick shares his challenges and observations from growing up in a church environment that often valued appearances over authenticity. He reflects on his teenage quest for a spiritual family, his encounters with seemingly perfect churchgoers, and how these experiences led him to seek deeper, more honest connections. He discusses the influence of renowned spiritual leaders like Brennan Manning and Conrad Cook, who emphasized the importance of emotional honesty and the perils of living as an impostor.

    Further exploring the theme, Derrick emphasizes the scriptural calls to honesty found in 1 John 1:5 and James 5:16—verses that compel us to live in the light and confess our sins to one another. He connects these teachings to practical aspects of our daily lives, encouraging transparency in our interactions within the family unit. Derrick highlights how showing our true selves to our children and spouses not only teaches them about the human condition and the grace of repentance but also strengthens the communal bonds of the church.

    The discussion also addresses the critical need for an honest community in the church. Derrick challenges listeners to embrace authenticity, not just in personal relationships but also in how we interact within our church settings. By fostering an environment where people can freely share their struggles and triumphs without fear of judgment, we can cultivate a community that truly reflects the body of Christ.

    Towards the end of the sermon, Derrick calls on the congregation and listeners to apply these principles of honesty to their daily lives. He underscores the transformative power of living truthfully, how it can liberate us from the shackles of superficiality, and lead to a more fulfilling and spiritually aligned life. The sermon concludes with a powerful reminder that an honest community is not only about revealing our flaws but also about celebrating our collective journey towards grace and redemption.

    Tune in to this profound exploration of what it means to be part of “An Honest Community.” Discover how transparency and truth can revolutionize our relationships and help us build a stronger, more connected church.

    We are Trinity Community Church in Knoxville, Tennessee.
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    47 mins
  • The Gospel-Centered Community - A Humble Community
    Aug 4 2024

    Welcome to our sermon series “The Gospel-Centered Community,” where today, Pastor Tyler Lynde delves into the critical role of humility in our latest discussion titled “A Humble Community.” Drawing deeply from Philippians 2:1-8, Tyler explores how embracing humility can dramatically transform our personal lives and, by extension, our community.

    Tyler opens with a personal reflection on his struggles with what appeared to be humility but was cloaked in pride. By sharing his revelations about self-deprecating humor and its role in masking true feelings, Tyler sets the stage for a deeper exploration of humility. He challenges listeners to consider how often their actions, intended as humble, might stem from a place of pride.

    The sermon progresses by highlighting the transformative power of the Holy Spirit in instilling humility among believers. Tyler emphasizes that true humility is not a human achievement but a divine gift cultivated through our ongoing relationship with the Holy Spirit. This discussion invites listeners to open their hearts to spiritual guidance and transformation, making it clear that humility is both a starting point and a continual journey in the Christian faith.

    Throughout the sermon, Tyler tackles the contrasting mindsets of consumerism versus servanthood. He vividly describes how modern society often pushes us toward a self-centric view that values personal gain above all. In stark contrast, Tyler presents the servant mindset, demonstrated by Jesus, as the biblical standard. This part of the sermon includes practical advice on shifting one’s focus from seeking to receive to eagerly giving and serving others, which is essential for fostering a humble community.

    An interactive portion follows, where listeners are encouraged to engage in self-reflection. Tyler introduces exercises designed to help identify personal inclinations towards pride—whether it manifests as arrogance or fear. This interactive approach makes the sermon engaging and practical, as it provides listeners with tools to recognize and combat pride in their everyday lives.

    As the sermon nears its conclusion, Tyler powerfully reflects on the societal impacts of humility. He discusses the role of humility in mending and strengthening relationships, particularly within families. By advocating for an honest assessment of one’s shortcomings and a heartfelt apology where needed, he illustrates how these humble acts can lead to healing and reconciliation.

    The sermon wraps up with a compelling call to action, inviting listeners to embrace humility not just as a personal virtue but as a communal necessity. Tyler’s closing prayer focuses on seeking God’s help in overcoming pride and fostering a spirit of unity and service within the community.

    This episode offers a profound look into how humility can reshape our interactions and community life. By weaving together personal anecdotes, biblical teachings, and practical exercises, Tyler provides a comprehensive guide to living a life marked by humility. Tune in to discover how you can contribute to building a humble community that reflects the love and grace of Christ.

    We are Trinity Community Church in Knoxville, Tennessee.
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    47 mins
  • The Gospel-Centered Community - A Joyful Community
    Jul 28 2024

    Join Pastor Tyler Lynde in exploring the profound impact of genuine, gospel-centered joy in the sermon “A Joyful Community.” Drawing from Romans 15:13, this sermon delves into how true joy, rooted in faith and the Holy Spirit, transcends the fleeting happiness often celebrated in our culture.

    The sermon begins with a heartfelt story about Pastor Tyler’s son, Benjamin, whose selfless actions during Christmas beautifully illustrate biblical joy. Unlike the temporary excitement typically associated with receiving gifts, Benjamin’s joy in giving to others highlights a deeper, more enduring joy that comes from a life anchored in faith and generosity.

    Pastor Tyler emphasizes that biblical joy is a consistent trait that should permeate the lives of believers, as stated in Galatians 5:22 and 1 Peter 1:8-9. This joy, a fruit of the Spirit, not only enhances our personal lives but also serves as a powerful witness to the strength and beauty of our faith. By maintaining a joyful demeanor, believers can attract others to the faith, echoing Martin Lloyd-Jones’s teachings on the indispensable role of joy in Christian witness.

    The sermon further explores the theological concepts of justification and sanctification, which profoundly influence our understanding and experience of joy. Justification through faith in Christ offers believers lasting peace and joy by affirming their right standing with God. Sanctification, the process of becoming more like Christ, involves daily taking up this joy as we grow and face life’s challenges.

    Through personal anecdotes and reflective prayers, Pastor Tyler invites the congregation to seek spiritual renewal and a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit. This call to deepen our spiritual practices aims to ensure that joy remains a stable, visible quality in our lives, even amid trials.

    In concluding, “A Joyful Community” challenges listeners to not only experience this joy but to actively cultivate it within their communities. Pastor Tyler advocates for a community where joy is not an occasional guest but a permanent resident, shaping how we interact with each other and the world around us.

    This sermon is a powerful reminder of the transformative potential of living a life characterized by deep, abiding joy. Tune in to discover how embracing joy rooted in the gospel can transform your life and community, making each a beacon of hope and a testament to God’s enduring faithfulness.

    We are Trinity Community Church in Knoxville, Tennessee.
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    55 mins
  • The Gospel Centered Community - Faith Working Through Love
    Jul 21 2024

    Join Pastor Mark Medley as he explores the practical implications of the gospel on love and relationships in his sermon "Faith Working Through Love." This sermon delves into how our understanding of faith influences our ability to love in a world where genuine affection often struggles to surface amid widespread division.

    Pastor Mark begins by highlighting the disconnect between the idealized portrayal of love in culture and the reality of practicing it daily. Using Paul's teachings from Ephesians 1 through 2:9, he emphasizes the spiritual blessings and grace that are foundational to Christian life. This part of the sermon helps listeners understand that resting in what Christ has accomplished is essential for developing a sincere and wise approach to relationships.

    Throughout the sermon, metaphors of marriage and adoption illustrate how our identities transform through faith. These analogies bring to life the concept that our new identity in Christ affects not just our legal standing before God but also our everyday actions and decisions. Pastor Mark outlines a Christian life of resting in faith, walking in obedience, and wrestling against spiritual challenges.

    A significant focus is given to the 'one another' scriptures, which direct us to support, value, and love each other. These scriptures are practical tools for building healthy relationships within the church and beyond, reflecting the communal nature of God Himself.

    Practical aspects of gospel-centered love are also discussed, particularly how we handle common issues like gossip and conflicts within marriage. Pastor Mark provides straightforward advice on applying grace and forgiveness in these situations, emphasizing that such challenges are opportunities for growth and deeper understanding.

    The sermon also revisits the unity that Jesus established in the early church, breaking down barriers between different groups and creating a single community under God. This historical example encourages modern believers to overcome prejudices and extend love across cultural and racial lines.

    Ending with a reflection on Ephesians 3:17-19, Pastor Mark shares Paul's prayer that we may grasp the vast dimensions of Christ's love. This deeper understanding enables us to love more effectively, promoting unity and peace in our own circles.

    "Faith Working Through Love" encourages us to take active steps in resting in Jesus’ work, walking in line with God’s commands, and tackling life’s challenges with spiritual vigor. Tune in for insights on living out your faith through everyday acts of love.

    We are Trinity Community Church in Knoxville, Tennessee.
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    47 mins
  • The Gospel-Centered Community - How Community Shapes Us In The Gospel
    Jul 14 2024

    Join Pastor Scott Wiens for a profound exploration of “How the Gospel Shapes Community.” This sermon unpacks the transformative influence of the gospel on both personal relationships and broader church dynamics. Starting with insights from biblical scholars and theologians, Pastor Scott sets the stage for understanding the essential role of the gospel in cultivating a unified community of faith.

    Central to his message is Jesus Christ’s dual purpose—redemption of humanity and the establishment of His church. Citing Ephesians 2:19-22, Pastor Scott vividly describes how believers, once strangers, are now integral members of God’s family, called to live in unity empowered by the Holy Spirit. He tackles the challenges faced by the church today, encouraging resilience and faithfulness amidst trials.

    The sermon also delves into practical applications of gospel principles. Pastor Scott discusses how understanding the gospel can transform our approach to common challenges within the church, such as gossip and marital strife. By applying principles of grace, repentance, and forgiveness, we can foster healthier relationships that reflect the love of Christ.

    Ending with a powerful call to action, Pastor Scott encourages listeners to be beacons of truth and transformation, inspired by Sinclair Ferguson’s teachings and the apostolic exhortations in Galatians 6. This sermon is a call to live out the gospel boldly and authentically, making a lasting impact on our communities and beyond.

    We are Trinity Community Church in Knoxville, Tennessee.
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    50 mins