
  • From Held Back To Masters Degree with Guest Philip Long
    Jul 15 2024

    Philip shares his journey with dyslexia, starting from his early challenges in school to his college years. He discusses the difficulties he faced, such as not understanding cheating in second grade and being held back in second grade due to dyslexia. Philip highlights the importance of supportive teachers, particularly his grandmother and English teacher, in helping him learn to read and write. He also mentions the bullying he experienced and the impact of having two parents who were educators. Philip talks about the challenges he faced in college and how technology, such as text-to-speech software, helped him succeed. Philip Long shares his experience of navigating college with dyslexia and how he developed strategies to succeed. He emphasizes the importance of understanding what teachers are looking for and focusing on the key points. He also discusses his journey of learning languages, including Spanish and Chinese, and how he used listening and visualization techniques to overcome dyslexia challenges. Philip highlights the significance of self-advocacy and finding one's own path in education and career. He encourages individuals with dyslexia to never give up, focus on their strengths, and utilize technology to support their learning.


    • Supportive teachers and mentors can make a significant difference in a dyslexic student's learning journey.
    • Bullying and social challenges are common experiences for dyslexic individuals, but finding a supportive community can help overcome these obstacles.
    • Having parents who are educators can be both a blessing and a challenge, as they may struggle to understand dyslexia but also provide valuable support.
    • Technology, such as text-to-speech software, can be a game-changer for dyslexic individuals in accessing and comprehending written information.
    • Dyslexic individuals are often highly intelligent, but their struggles with reading, writing, and spelling can create a gap between their knowledge and their academic performance. Understand what teachers are looking for and focus on the key points
    • Use listening and visualization techniques to overcome dyslexia challenges
    • Be your own advocate and communicate your needs
    • Focus on your strengths and utilize technology to support your learning


    dyslexia, challenges, school, learning, support, bullying, parents, educators, college, technology, dyslexia, college, strategies, success, understanding, focus, languages, self-advocacy, strengths, technology, ADHD, adults with dyslexia, support for adults.

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    Más Menos
    47 m
  • Funny Dyslexia & ADHD Moments with Andrée Kenny
    Jul 8 2024

    In this conversation, Stephen and Andre share funny stories and experiences related to dyslexia and ADHD. They emphasize the importance of being able to laugh at oneself and not taking everything too seriously. They discuss moments of clumsiness, mix-ups in texting and messaging, misheard song lyrics, and mistakes in booking dates. The main takeaway is to embrace and accept these moments as part of who they are and find solutions rather than dwelling on the mistakes.


    • Embrace and accept funny moments and mistakes as part of who you are.
    • Find solutions and learn from these experiences rather than dwelling on the mistakes.
    • Laughing at oneself and not taking everything too seriously is important.
    • Shared experiences and stories can help others feel connected and find humor in their own challenges.


    dyslexia, ADHD, funny stories, laughter, clumsiness, mix-ups, texting, messaging, misheard song lyrics, mistakes, acceptance, adults with dyslexia, support for adults.

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    19 m
  • 5 Fundamentals of Neurodiversity (Must Knows)
    Jul 1 2024

    In this episode, Stephen shares his five neurodiversity fundamentals that have made a massive impact on his life. These fundamentals are: sleep and diet, being present practice, thought release, and self-acceptance. Stephen emphasizes the importance of taking care of one's sleep and diet as they directly impact productivity and overall well-being. He also discusses the significance of having a practice that helps in staying present and grounded. Thought release is another crucial aspect where one can share their thoughts and gain external perspectives. Lastly, self-acceptance is a journey that involves accepting and loving oneself, which can lead to a sense of strength and power.


    neurodiversity, dyslexia, ADHD, autism, sleep, diet, being present, thought release, self-acceptance, adults with dyslexia, support for adults.


    • Taking care of sleep and diet is crucial for productivity and overall well-being.
    • Having a practice that helps in staying present and grounded is important.
    • Thought release involves sharing thoughts and gaining external perspectives.
    • Self-acceptance is a journey that involves accepting and loving oneself.
    • These five neurodiversity fundamentals can make a massive impact on one's life.

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    23 m
  • How The Dyslexic Brain Works - With Andrée Kelly
    Jun 24 2024

    In this conversation, Stephen Martin and Andre Kelly discuss how the dyslexic brain works and the crossover between dyslexia and ADHD. They explore research on the differences in brain functioning between neurotypical individuals and those with dyslexia. They also touch on the ability of dyslexic individuals to see the bigger picture and their sensitivity to stimuli. The conversation delves into the challenges of living in a society that is not conducive to neurodiverse individuals and the importance of finding support and understanding.


    dyslexic brain, dyslexia, ADHD, neurotypical, research, crossover, understanding, sensitivity, challenges, support, adults with dyslexia, support for adults.


    • The dyslexic brain works differently from neurotypical brains, with information processing occurring in the back part of the brain.
    • Dyslexic individuals have the ability to see the bigger picture and notice details that others may miss.
    • There is a significant crossover between dyslexia and ADHD, with many dyslexic individuals also exhibiting ADHD traits.
    • Living in a society that is not conducive to neurodiverse individuals can be challenging, but finding support and understanding can make a difference.

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    23 m
  • Planning and Diary Hacks for the Dyslexic/ADHD brain
    Jun 17 2024
    Great question from Emma on planning and diary management with a family. I wanted to share 5 (or maybe more) things that I do in my daily life that make a difference.
    Más Menos
    16 m
  • 5 Communication Hacks for Dyslexics
    Jun 11 2024
    in this episode, I talk about different communication tips that can help you as a dyslexic or someone with ADHD to communicate better at work in life and in relationships.
    Más Menos
    14 m
  • #updatecast - Getting out of your way and real hypnosis
    Jun 3 2024

    In this episode, Stephen shares updates and learnings from his recent experiences. He emphasizes the importance of seeking professional help and not trying to solve problems on your own. He shares his own experience of getting stitches and getting his shoulder fixed, realizing that he should have sought help earlier.

    Stephen also discusses his journey towards getting fit and healthy and how he has struggled with mental patterns that work against him. He talks about his recent session with a hypnotist and how it has made a positive impact on his mindset and choices. He encourages listeners to take action and seek help when needed.


    updates, learnings, seeking help, professional, stitches, shoulder injury, getting fit, healthy, mental patterns, hypnotist, positive impact, mindset, choices, dyslexia, adults with dyslexia, ADHD, support for adults.


    • Don't hesitate to seek professional help when needed. Trying to solve problems on your own can be time-consuming and may lead to unnecessary pain and effort.
    • Prioritize your health and well-being. Addressing issues early on can prevent them from becoming more serious and difficult to treat.
    • Be open to alternative therapies like acupuncture and hypnosis. These can provide effective solutions and bring about positive changes in your life.
    • Challenge your mental patterns and beliefs that may be holding you back. Sometimes a simple shift in mindset can make a significant difference in achieving your goals.

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    13 m
  • Self Hypnosis For Dyslexia & ADHD
    May 27 2024

    The podcast episode explores the potential benefits of self-hypnosis for individuals with dyslexia and other neurodiverse conditions. Self-hypnosis is described as a process where individuals induce a state of relaxation, making the subconscious mind more receptive to positive suggestions and changes. The script discusses how self-hypnosis works, its scientific basis, and practical tips for getting started. Benefits of self-hypnosis include stress management, improved focus, and enhanced learning capabilities.

    The script includes a success story and mentions Dr. Daniel Siegel's work on neuroplasticity and mindfulness. It also provides tools and resources for those interested in exploring self-hypnosis further. The episode concludes with an invitation to visit the podcast's website and Facebook group for more information and community support.


    Dyslexia, Neurodiverse conditions, Self-hypnosis, Focused relaxation, Positive suggestions, Traditional hypnosis, Stress management, Improved focus, Enhanced learning, Brain waves, Alpha waves, Neuroplasticity, Neural pathways, Deep relaxation, Mental clutter, Distraction resistance, Positive study habits, Success story, Dr. Daniel Siegel, Mindfulness, Self-awareness, Challenges, Consistency, Therapeutic practices, Guided sessions, Apps, Audio books, Workshops, Training programs, Community engagement, adults with dyslexia, ADHD, support for adults.


    • Introduction to Self-Hypnosis: Self-hypnosis is described as a personal and adaptable tool for inducing relaxation and accessing the subconscious mind, particularly beneficial for individuals with neurodiverse conditions like dyslexia and ADHD.
    • Scientific Understanding: The script explains the science behind self-hypnosis, including the shift in brain waves to alpha waves and the role of neuroplasticity in creating and reinforcing positive changes in behavior and thinking patterns.
    • Getting Started: Practical tips are provided for initiating self-hypnosis sessions, including finding a quiet space, using imagery and affirmations, and utilizing guided recordings or apps for structure and support.
    • Benefits for Neurodiverse Individuals: Self-hypnosis is highlighted as a powerful tool for managing stress, anxiety, and improving focus, which are common challenges for individuals with dyslexia and ADHD. The script also emphasizes its potential for enhancing learning capabilities.
    • Success Story and Expert Insights: A success story illustrates the tangible benefits of self-hypnosis, while a shout-out to Dr. Daniel Siegel's work underscores the importance of mindfulness and self-awareness in mental well-being and cognitive function.
    • Overcoming Challenges: The script acknowledges potential challenges in practicing self-hypnosis and offers strategies for building a routine and enhancing effectiveness through consistency and combination with other therapeutic practices.
    • Tools and Resources: Various tools and resources, including apps, audio books, and workshops, are recommended to support individuals on their self-hypnosis journey.
    • Closing Remarks and Community Engagement: The episode concludes with a reminder of the uniqueness of the self-improvement journey and encourages listeners to share experiences and explore further resources through the podcast's website and Facebook group.

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    7 m