• How to Continue Glorifying God With Your Business
    Jun 18 2024

    In today’s increasingly secular society, the intersection of faith and business can be contentious, and even difficult at times. However, for us as Christian women entrepreneurs and business owners, integrating faith into our professional lives is not just a choice but a calling.

    Glorifying God through our business practices not only fosters a sense of purpose and mission but also sets a foundation for ethical conduct and genuine service through our businesses.

    Glorifying God in your business is also a powerful testimony in today’s world. It’s about making your professional life, your business, a living witness to your faith.

    In this episode of the Truth & Business Show, we chat about how you can. . .

    • have faith in a hostile culture
    • stay confident when you clash with the culture
    • show up courageous with your faith
    • lead your business with humility, and
    • cultivate uncompromising character

    so, it is God who gets the glory in your business.

    Join us Wise Woman for another episode as we (DeneenTB & Mary Alore) explore the intersection of faith and business and dive into the topic of how to continue to glorify God with your business.


    Make an appointment for a Clarity Callhttps://deneentb.com/clarity-call

    #servingGodinbusiness #glorytoGod #DeneenTB

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    36 mins
  • How to Keep Delivering Excellence in Your God Centered Business
    Jun 4 2024

    Building a God-centered business is about more than just making money—it's about working with excellence. Whether you're just starting out or have been in business for years, there's always room to grow in faith and excellence. With God at the center, anything is possible.

    It's easy to get caught up in the pursuit of success and forget about what truly matters. But for those of us striving to build businesses that honor God, there's a different standard to uphold—one that goes beyond profits and metrics.

    It's about working with excellence, rooted in our commitment to God and guided by His principles every step of the way.

    In this episode of the Truth & Business Show, we go over six excellence-actions that you can do each day to build excellence in your business.

    They are. . .

    • commitment to God
    • persistence in the work
    • creating empowering habits and rituals
    • working steadily
    • celebrating progress
    • staying present in the moment

    Join us Wise Woman for another episode as we (DeneenTB & Mary Alore) explore the intersection of faith and business and dive into the topic of working our God-centered businesses with excellence.


    Make an appointment for a Clarity Call https://deneentb.com/clarity-call

    #Godcenteredbusiness #workingwithexcellence #DeneenTB

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    Where you can find Mary:





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    31 mins
  • Why Staying Committed to Your God-Centered Business Is So Hard
    May 21 2024

    In the hectic pace of life and now entrepreneurship, it's easy to lose sight of the reason you felt led to be in business. Are you struggling to maintain consistency in your God-centered business?

    Why is it so hard to stay committed to something you know is from God? AND, do you feel guilty for not staying committed and consistent?

    Maybe it's time to pause, reflect, and realign what is happening and how you can turn things around.

    On this episode of the Truth & Business Show, we’ve (DeneenTB and Mary Alore) got three transformative principles for you to consider.

    How. . .

    • aligning your values
    • understanding your unique design, and
    • focusing wholeheartedly on God's will brings you motivation and keeps you committed to the things that truly matter

    These three principles, when evaluated and embraced, will not only raise your commitment level but will also bring more success in your business.


    Make an appointment for a Clarity Call https://deneentb.com/clarity-call

    Where you can find DeneenTB:



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    Where you can find Mary:





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    43 mins
  • What Does It Take To Stay Committed to God’s Calling in Business
    May 7 2024

    Do you have the qualities of a successful entrepreneur? How committed are you to doing what it takes to succeed? AND, what does it take for you to stay committed to God’s calling?

    Entrepreneurs are special creatures. We need certain characteristics or qualities to be successful. AND, when God has called us into business, we need to understand how He has already equipped us.

    Some of these qualities are natural talents; others, may require some work to achieve. Either way, if God has given you a calling to be in business, then He has placed the resources and opportunities in front of you so you can learn to be successful.

    The question is. . . Are you willing to be committed to being an entrepreneur and business owner?

    On this episode of the Truth & Business Show, we’ve (DeneenTB and Mary Alore) got seven characteristics or qualities you need as an entrepreneur. Join us as we go through these seven:

    • passion
    • work ethic
    • people skills
    • determination
    • creativity
    • confidence, and
    • discipline

    Let us help you take your entrepreneurial temperature to see how committed you really are to what God is calling you to do.

    Where you can find DeneenTB:



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    Where you can find Mary:





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    43 mins
  • Creating a Spiritual Family (Outside of Church) as a Christian Entrepreneur
    Apr 16 2024

    Imagine how OIKOS. . . a house, the house of God, a spiritual family, a spiritual house, a home. . . could play out today with a community of women, believers on mission, doing business God’s way.

    Imagine how a community committed to growing strong in the LORD, finding satisfaction in Him, and boldly sharing Jesus with others can flourish.

    Imagine a similar space for Christian Women Entrepreneurs & Business Owners where you feel you are in a ‘household of believers’. Part of a family of other women who understand your struggles and want to celebrate your triumphs.

    Imagine how belonging to OIKOS as a Christian Women Entrepreneur can help you build a chosen family where we are on ONE mission, to impact others, showing them the goodness of God in the marketplace, and making disciples.

    Imagine no more! On this episode of the Truth & Business Show join us, DeneenTB and Mary Alore, as we take you through the steps of creating your own spiritual family (outside of church), by answering four simple questions. . .

    • What should a spiritual family do?
    • Who needs to be in a spiritual family?
    • How should a spiritual family be structured?
    • What’s the culture of a spiritual family?

    Join us for this discussion!


    Learn more about the benefits of the Calling Clarity Community at https://deneentb.com/community

    Make an appointment for a Clarity Call https://deneentb.com/clarity-call

    #Christianbusinesscommunity #spiritualfamily #DeneenTB

    Where you can find DeneenTB:



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    Where you can find Mary:





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    30 mins
  • Christian Businesses: The Counter Cultural Rules for Doing Good Business
    Apr 2 2024

    In a culture increasingly demanding us to conform to its ideals of tolerance and acceptance and the absolute pursuit of happiness, we have a great opportunity to contrast that self-centered worldview with the enduring hope of belonging to God and impacting our world with our God-centered businesses.

    On this episode of the Truth & Business Show we (DeneenTB & Mary Alore) chat about Four Key Principles that are counter cultural in business and what it means for you to do good business by adapting them.

    We want to show you that as Christians we are called to be countercultural but not counter-culture, imposing our beliefs on non-Christians. Just as Jesus prayed in His high priestly prayer, “Keep them safe because they are in the world but not of the world”.

    We need to stand out counterculturally in our businesses.

    Join us for this discussion!


    Learn more about the benefits of the Calling Clarity Community at https://deneentb.com/community

    Make an appointment for a Clarity Call https://deneentb.com/clarity-call

    #Christianbusiness #counterculture #DeneenTB

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    Where you can find Mary:





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    54 mins
  • How to Create the Best Business Community for Faith-Driven Entrepreneurs
    Mar 19 2024

    How can we create the BEST Business Community for Faith-driven entrepreneurs? By integrating and weaving together both Hebrew and Greek thought into how we approach community.

    You may not have realized it, but these ancient styles still influence how we build communities today! The Hebrews, with their focus on shared history and faith, remind us of the power of belonging and support. And the Greeks, with their emphasis on reason and active participation, are like bustling town squares brimming with ideas.

    Our modern Christian business communities can be like beautiful tapestries woven from both threads. Imagine business communities where shared faith creates a strong foundation, but open communication and diverse perspectives help everyone grow.

    So, what kind of community tapestry will we weave? The answer lies in finding the right balance, drawing on the strengths of both these ancient perspectives.

    In this Episode of the Truth & Business Show join DeneenTB and Mary Alore as they talk through how we can pull from Hebrew thought that is all about community, collective responsibility, and tradition, and at the same time lean on Greek thought that is more about individualism, intellectual curiosity, and innovation to create a new mosaic of what it means to be in a Christian, faith-driven, business community.

    Join us as we explore the Hebrew and Greek styles of community and see how they can weave a powerful tapestry for your Christian business! We’ll look at four specific areas that are the foundation to the best community when woven together correctly.


    Learn more about the benefits of the Calling Clarity Community at https://deneentb.com/community

    Make an appointment for a Clarity Call https://deneentb.com/clarity-call

    Where you can find DeneenTB:



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    Where you can find Mary:





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    47 mins
  • Finding the Right Fit: 5 Tips for Choosing a Christian Business Community
    Mar 5 2024

    The right Chrisitan business community can be a catalyst for professional and personal success as well as spiritual growth.

    However, with so many Christian business communities available, how do you know which one is right for you?

    On this episode of The Truth & Business Show join us, Mary Alore and DeneenTB, as we explore five essential tips to help you evaluate and choose your perfect community.

    We know that finding the right fit in the dynamic world of business, finding a community that aligns with your values and beliefs can make all the difference.

    Join us as we explain on these FIVE tips to help you determine which Christian business community is right for you by:

    1. focusing on what you need,

    2. Knowing your goals for participation,

    3. finding a competent leader who is compatible with you,

    4. determining your level of involvement, and

    5. checking for recommendations.

    They will help you choose the best Biblical business community for you. We know you want to be in a community that grows you in all areas of your life, Why not choose the best!


    Learn more about the Calling Clarity Community at https://deneentb.com/community

    Make an appointment for a Clarity Call https://deneentb.com/clarity-call

    Where you can find DeneenTB:



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    Where you can find Mary:





    Show more Show less
    38 mins