
  • Truth Wanted 07.30 07-26-2024 with ObjectivelyDan and AJ (@WaysToHuman)
    Jul 27 2024
    Discover the truth today with Objectively Dan and AJ! They run through a discussion about morality before being joined by Kelley Laughlin for a final wrap up.

    Rogue Show in SC is asking about opinions on morality and if the hosts think it is objective or subjective. There is a battle in the caller’s mind between the two viewpoints. Christianity teaches that morality is objective, and when you deconstruct, you have to rethink this. Objective morality is just a thing we say to make us feel better. We have ways of considering this, especially in light of what can cause harm to people. It is important not to connect things that we “ought” to do with things that just are. There is no need to follow a book that says we need to do something for the rest of our lives. How do people’s meaning of, “better” impact their decisions on morality? There are many other metrics to use other than whether or not something causes harm. All morality comes from our interests, and other people’s interests.

    Thank you for tuning in this week! Prompt of the week is: What not to do in a haunted house:

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/truth-wanted--3195473/support.
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    1 hr and 14 mins
  • Truth Wanted 07.29 with ObjectivelyDan and godlessengineer 2024-07-19 18-55-17
    1 hr and 48 mins
  • Truth Wanted 07.28 with Kelley Laughlin and Scott Dickie
    1 hr and 10 mins
  • Truth Wanted 07.27 with Kelley Laughlin and Jimmy Jr. 2024-07-05 18-55-27
    Jul 6 2024
    Get your tin foil hat on as you discover the truth today with Kelly Laughlin and Jimmy Jr. as they burn barcodes into all who don’t experience reality after death as a Christian displays his persecution complex all while diving into the realms of colonoscopies through remote viewing.

    Wesley in WV warns us about the mark of the beast. Everyone is going to get $32,523 through a barcode that is laser burned called the Omni, and this is the blotch(mark) of Egypt. What is the connection to Egypt and why is it called this? Why is it not a country that has more to do with oil? Who is going to be holding this laser gun to do the branding? Try to listen to the questions and answer them carefully.

    Jeffrey, a Christian in PA takes the position that things seen during a near death experience(NDE) are real. Being based in reality and being real are different things. When a blind person experiences the ability to see during an NDE, how do we know that person did not already have this description from what they have picked up somewhere? At what point should we investigate a claim further and when should we not? If these were real experiences, why is it that no one else in the room can pick up on something? Why do people always see something that is congruent with their own religions? Is it possible for you as a Christian to receive the 72 virgins that Muslims get when y
    ou die and go to heaven? How do we know what happens after death is true?

    Sea Bass, a Christian in CA, believes that when people die, we are knocked out until Jesus comes to get us. Was there external pressure put on you to believe these things you read in the Bible? There are mathematical laws that explain why seemingly miraculous coincidences happen. Asking detailed questions about your experiences is not the same as persecuting you as a Christian.

    David in CA leans towards spirituality and tends to believe some of the stories of NDEs that people have, and sees that universal claims can be problematic. These experiences can seem very real when it is hypoxia. Maybe we need to explore what is happening biologically more. Asking questions of these experiences should be automatic so we can gain evidence or proof if they are real. What does it mean to be spiritual? Why do you feel there is more than just atoms? It is worth exploring why you believe what you believe.

    Coyote Boy in TX reminds us of remote viewing and how if it were real, we would be using it for colonoscopies. If one country can get another country to believe they are spying in a way they really aren’t, that misdirection ends up being useful because there will be investigations into things that never happened.

    Jon, a theist in Canada, says that people believe in the Bible because it gives them comfort, and asks why we believe that we are here by random accident. We don’t know anyone here by random accident. If we are going to put our belief in something, we want to know that what we believe is true. Evidence is not the same as proof and what we need is proof. Why is it god when it is something that you can’t explain, and how did god get on the list for potential causes?

    Thank you for discovering the truth with us today! Question of the week is: What is inappropriate to say to a psychic?

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/truth-wanted--3195473/support.
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    1 hr and 32 mins
  • Truth Wanted 07.26 with ObjectivelyDan and Eli Slack 2024-06-28 18-55-10
    Jun 29 2024
    Discover the truth as ObjectivelyDan and Eli Slack discuss the future of AI and how Moon landing conspiracy theorists obtained their beliefs.

    Nirro in TN has a conspiracy theory about AI where the bot “Crawler” will be spawning lots of webpages that spread Christian and religious propaganda. This is another thing that keeps us up at night! We don’t even know how creative we can be with this stuff yet. There are AI created websites that you can build in real time.

    Mr. Crabs in MD explains how ChatGPT is not the same as AI because it is restructuring things that humans generate; AI needs to create its own to be called AI. How would this disqualify it from being AI? It just takes information that it has been trained on and generates words. What happens when a model is pushed beyond what it is trained to do? We have to figure out what we need to do to adapt to this new world. There have been things that have happened in the last few years that people did not expect for another twenty. Tools that we figure out how to use responsibly can be beneficial.

    Ellen in AL has some friends that no longer believe in the moon landing. This is probably within the top five of conspiracy theories, at least in the U.S. The more deeply held this belief is, the harder it will be to change their mind. If they don’t even know how they got to this belief in the first place, it makes it more difficult to change. Be the friend they can talk to about this belief because they will not be as likely to isolate themselves and question that belief. This kind of thing starts with a little bit of mistrust of what they are being told, and can spiral from there. Being an atheist does not insulate one from this pitfall.

    Jeff in OH says that AI should be regulated to prevent harm caused by bad decisions made by the AI like that of self driving cars. How do you think this will affect things like insurance? What about ships doing freight routes and planes flying people around? Maybe there is a way to make this more safe when people’s lives are involved. Who should make the decisions about regulation? Knowing how one AI model works does not mean you will know how all AI models work.

    Thank you for tuning in this week! Prompt for the week is: What do you NOT say when firing someone?

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/truth-wanted--3195473/support.
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    1 hr and 14 mins
  • Truth Wanted 07.25 06-21-2024 with ObjectivelyDan and Secular Rarity
    Jun 22 2024
    In today’s episode ofTruth Wanted, Objectively Dan and Secular Rarity play with moonlight and Lucifer as they dive into utilitarianism that brings them full circle to the founding of our government and exposing clear violations of the First Amendment.

    Howard in Spain is a theist searching for truth by using the scientific method and believes that being agnostic is the best position to hold. He asks why atheists ignore the existence of Lucifer when we can all see the “Light Bearer” with the naked eye as Venus. Cultures had very different ideas about planetary values and stars; why should we believe the culture that assigns Lucifer to venus? What reason do you have to think you know better than astronomers who have studied this? Venus is not directly in front of the sun relative to our position and does not emit its own light. How then is it a “Light Bearer”? We don’t have to be experts in every field to understand the consensus of facts. Howard then proceeds to state a debunked flat earth myth that water set out in moonlight has a lower temperature than water that is left in moon shade. If you are correct, why would all scientists be so hardcore against your position?

    Kyna in WA believes that utilitarianism is shaky as a moral foundation. As a basis this does not make sense, but as a way of navigation it is a good way. How would we deal with sociopaths with and without this method?

    Frank in TX asks which version of the Ten Commandments should be put up and if it should be the one that includes a feast of unleavened bread. There are different interpretations of these stories and Jesus did not care about most of them. This precedent set can very quickly roll out of proportion. For instance, why is it okay that a football coach stands in the public field inviting people to pray to his version of god? This is profoundly anti-American to its core. We don’t like violations of church and state.

    Jon in Canada asks why the hosts are offended by the Ten Commandments being posted in public schools. Do you see problems with the Tenants of Satanism being posted? How Is the violation of The Constitution not enough of a reason? We are secular and the separation of church and state is a founding principle of our government. The “Year of Our Lord” is not mentioned in The Constitution, at all. If you are a citizen, read The Constitution.

    Thank you for discovering the truth with us! Question of the week is: Aliens would not abduct me because________.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/truth-wanted--3195473/support.
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    1 hr and 30 mins
  • Truth Wanted 07.24 with ObjectivelyDan and Jon the Skeptick 2024-06-14 18-55-11
    Jun 15 2024
    Discover the Truth today with ObjectivelyDan and Jon the Skeptick! They earn their wings as they fly with the angels swooping over Lake Worth to view a monster and then flap through the woods to debunk Slender Man right before landing in a convenience store parking lot where they give a panhandling angel some change.

    Elane in KY asks how to respond to people when they say an angel saved them from a car wreck. Dan suggests asking questions to get them to talk about it more and Jon removes the angel from the equation entirely and suggests asking how sure they are that it was an angel. For example: On a scale of 1 to 100, how confident are you that it was an angel? What would it take to change that number?

    Billy Pilgrim in TX wants to talk about the Lake Worth Monster that was from the first man made lake in Texas that was built in 1913. He tells us the secret of how this monster was a contraption of intertubes and row boats. There was also a stark reminder for Dan of the terrifying Goat Man. The only monster is man once you think about it! There are some really dumb criptics out there!

    Allison in MO explains an experience as a kid where she saw this figure walk out of the treeline and back into the treeline. This figure was too tall to be a man and too small to be another animal. What could this have been? Could it have been a man on stilts? What could the most rational explanation for this be? It helps to take a step back and “Scooby Do” what you see. People do things to mess with others just out of fun. Remember when people dressed as clowns and scared others in the dark?

    Ben in VA was told a story where someone was contacted by an angel that disguised himself as a homeless person, but then said, “Your daughter is going to be okay.” This type of thing probably comes from The Gospels. If your friend was on the phone talking about his daughter prior to being approached by this homeless angel, what are the possibilities of this person hearing the phone conversation? If there is a way to get your friend to call in to describe the details, that would be beneficial to everyone. If you need to keep a low profile about this stuff, let us do the dirty work and take care of it.

    Thank you for joining us, you truthful angels! Question of the week: Name a time win autocorrect went totally wrong!

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/truth-wanted--3195473/support.
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    1 hr and 17 mins
  • Truth Wanted 07-23 Dr Ben and ObjectivelyDan
    Jun 8 2024
    In today’s episode of Truth Wanted, ObjectivelyDan and Dr. Ben sort through unexplained UFO sightings before getting into a heated discussion about misgendering and morality as spooky trucks are spotted in the Afghanistan desert.

    Daniel, a theist in Canada describes Jacques Vallee’s work on UFO sightings and how we tend to forget about the small percentage that have no explanation. There is a difference between what is said to the public and what they know because the press can leak far and the process of being stealth can be inhibited. If you did see a UFO, what would that change in your life and is it part of the reality that we experience? Why is there a need to explain something you don’t understand? How do we demonstrate this happened and do something about it?

    Annie, a theist in Canada asks why misgendering makes someone immoral, if morality is considered to be subjective. How you address somebody is a matter of respect and since people perceive respect differently, it is important to gain consent for things and have conversations. Problems arise when actions are in direct violation of someone’s communicated ways of being respected. We are not talking about accidental misgendering, but intentional disregard. Why is it such a big deal to call someone by the name or pronoun they have communicated to you? This is kindergarten level stuff. We live in a society that works together. Why would you not care about other people? Why would you not include as many different people as possible when deciding what is best for humanity? Would it be cool to secretly serve pork products to a group of people that do not eat pork? It is not much to ask to call people what they want to be called. Why are you okay with having an institutional reason to hate trans people?

    Dan in Canada told us a spooky story where he could see a truck using night vision in an Afghanistan desert, and his mom woke up from her sleep worried about her son and prayed that he made it through the night.

    Thank you for exploring the truth this week! Question of the week is: What hill would you die on?

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/truth-wanted--3195473/support.
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    1 hr and 17 mins