• Embracing My Fat Body - 3 Key Steps
    Jun 27 2024

    Welcome to another episode of the Unapologetically Fat Podcast. In this episode, Tish discusses 3 key steps that she needed to take to move forward in her body acceptance and radical self-love journey.

    This episode stems from a question she’s been asked frequently by other plus-size women – how did she become so comfortable in her skin & unapologetically fat?


    [00:05:37] – Accepting reality, rejecting diet and beauty standards.

    [00:09:05] – Dealing with strangers' body shaming experiences.

    [00:11:44] – Clapped back at a troll with a humorous video. (You can see it here: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg5DuAiFDcc/)

    And hey, before I forget – I would LOVE it if you would take a few minutes to leave a review of the show on your favorite podcast app. And of course, don’t forget to subscribe too, so you get notified when new episodes get published :-)

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    14 mins
  • Overcoming Body Shame: My Path to Confidence and Self-Acceptance
    Jun 13 2024

    Welcome to another episode of the Unapologetically Fat Podcast. In this episode, Tish chats about the journey of self-acceptance and body positivity. She shares her personal experiences, from growing up in an environment that constantly criticized her weight to finding herself living life on the sidelines because of body shame.

    She opens up about the pivotal moments that created her shift towards radical self-love, including her first plus-size yoga class and the emotional breakthrough it brought – including rejecting diet culture and societal bullshit body standards, ultimately leading her to some plus-size modeling experiences and becoming passionate about advocating for body positivity.

    It’s a powerful message to all who feel marginalized because of their bodies: you are beautiful, worthy, and have the right to take up space unapologetically.

    This episode is a must-listen for anyone struggling with body image and self-esteem, promising inspiration and actionable insights for radical self-acceptance.

    Here's a few key timestamps you may want to jump to:

    [00:09:50] - Emotional breakthrough: acceptance and freedom from body shaming.

    [00:11:25] - Embracing confidence, pursuing modeling.

    [00:17:50] - Embrace self-worth, love, and belief in yourself.

    Key takeaways from today's episode:

    1. Body Insecurity and Personal Experiences

    • Avoiding full-length mirrors & living life on the sidelines
    • Negative comments from family and strangers

    2. Societal Perceptions and Personal Struggles

    • Fat stereotypes and social expectations
    • Fatness seen as unacceptable
    • Fat people perceived as lazy and unworthy

    And hey, before I forget - I would LOVE it if you would take a few minutes to leave a review of the show on your favorite podcast app. And of course, don't forget to subscribe too, so you get notified when new episodes get published ;-)

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    19 mins
  • Breaking Down Body Positivity and Neutrality: Key Differences and Benefits
    Jun 6 2024

    Have you ever wondered about the difference between body positivity and body neutrality? In today's episode, that's what I'm talking about. You'll hear definitions, benefits, and challenges, and I even share some tips for incorporating both into your life. Whether you're all about loving the skin you're in or simply finding peace with your body as it is, this episode is sure to offer some valuable insights. So stick around as we navigate this journey toward body and self-acceptance together. Let's jump right in!

    Here's a few key timestamps you may want to jump to:

    [00:01:28] - Body positivity definition

    [00:02:52] - Body neutrality definition

    [00:04:09] - Body neutrality promotes acceptance without constant positivity.

    [00:08:36] - Both body positivity and neutrality boost confidence.

    [00:13:47] - Embrace self-care and self-reflection.

    [00:16:02] - Embrace body acceptance and uniqueness. Personalize your journey.

    Key takeaways from today's episode:

    • Comparison of body positivity and body neutrality
    • Benefits of body positivity and body neutrality
    • The challenges
    • Tips for incorporating body positivity and body neutrality (into your daily life)

    And hey, before I forget - I would LOVE it if you would take a few minutes to leave a review of the show on your favorite podcast app. And of course don't forget to subscribe too so you get notified when new episodes get published ;-)

    Links I mentioned:

    Wikipedia - body positivity definition: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_positivity

    WebMD - body neutrality definition: https://www.webmd.com/beauty/what-is-body-neutrality

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    17 mins
  • Discover 6 Practical Ways to Embrace Body Neutrality
    May 30 2024

    In some recent conversations with plus-size women, a 'theme' has popped up—they're looking for a more realistic way (than body positivity) to have a relationship with their bodies—body neutrality. In this episode, we'll explore what body neutrality means, why it's important, and 6 ways to start practicing it right now.

    Timestamps to check out:

    [02:00] - Body Neutrality Definition

    [05:56] - Diet culture messages fuel comparison and body dissatisfaction struggles.

    [07:28] - Struggle with body acceptance, aim for neutrality.

    [11:33] - Ditch diet culture.

    [14:45] - Stop talking negatively about your body.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Why unconditional body positivity can be challenging & how it can be "easier" to find a more neutral approach - body neutrality.
    • The importance of body neutrality.
    • 6 practical ways to practice body neutrality in your own life.

    That's it for today's episode! Please subscribe and leave a review on your favorite podcast app :-)

    Next week, we'll dive into body positivity VS body neutrality.


    • Body Neutrality definition from Web MD: https://www.webmd.com/beauty/what-is-body-neutrality
    • Body Neutrality definition from Psychology Today: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/eating-disorder-recovery/202312/moving-beyond-dichotomies-about-our-bodies
    • Learn more about Soft Hiking here (I called it gentle hiking in the episode - ooops!): https://www.countryliving.com/uk/wellbeing/a45137114/soft-hiking/

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    16 mins
  • Can You Be Both Body Positive & Body Neutral?
    May 26 2024

    In this episode, I chat about the question from the "stranger" (listen to last week's episode if you haven't already for the full story) that sparked a whirlwind of emotions and self-reflection. This question led me to think about body positivity & body neutrality. I talk about how all of this ultimately leads me to question whether it's possible to practice both body positivity and body neutrality at once... well on different days.

    So you don't have to listen to me ramble, here are a few important timestamps:

    [00:02:35] - The "stranger's" question that was still bugging me a week later (and led to today's episode & what I'm questioning now!)

    [00:04:22] - Questioning body acceptance, emotions, and self-reflection journey.

    [00:12:54] Questioning body acceptance, emotions, and self-reflection journey.

    I don't have any key takeaways for today's episode, but I'm curious—what are your thoughts about body positivity and body neutrality? Can you practice them both?

    I would be so grateful if you would subscribe to the show on your favorite podcast app and leave a review because it helps get the show seen & being new, I could use all the help I can get ;-)

    (Sidenote: This episode was released late because I was sick all week! Better late than never... I guess?!)

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    14 mins
  • A Breakfast Conversation: Would You Love Yourself If You Were Fatter?
    May 16 2024

    Hey, hey, hey! Welcome to the Unapologetically Fat podcast with me - your FAT host Tish. In today's episode, I dive into an unexpected and emotional encounter I had at the beach. It all started with having breakfast with a stranger & her intriguing question: “Would you still accept, embrace, and love your body if you were bigger? Because you're not THAT fat!” This question sent me on a journey of introspection about body positivity, self-worth, and radical self-love.

    Here are some note-worthy time-stamped points to check out:

    [00:01:29] - Waiting to be seated at breakfast; this is where things got interesting!

    [00:04:29] - The "strangers" question that led me down a road of all sorts of emotions the next few days!

    [00:05:46] - The answer to her question.

    [00:09:15] - The day after the question...

    [00:11:17] - Pondering the question... yet again!

    [00:11:52] - 3 things I walked away from this experience knowing.

    The key takeaways from this episode:

    Be open to conversations and experiences with strangers! You never know what might happen :-)

    There's always a "message" - we just have to be open to hearing/finding it.

    But the three most important takeaways from today's episode are:

    [00:12:01] - Bodies change...

    [00:12:24] - Body positivity will always have NOTHING to do with...

    [00:12:43] - All people, regardless of body size, have inherent worth & dignity!

    I would love it if you left a review and subscribed to the show on your favorite app that supports podcasts, such as Apple, Amazon, Spotify, and more!

    Next week, unless another intriguing experience happens, I'll publish the episode that was planned for this week - body neutrality.

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    14 mins
  • The Origin of Body Positivity: A Look into the Movement’s History and Evolution
    May 9 2024

    Welcome to the Unapologetically Fat Podcast, where I encourage plus-size women to find a sense of liberation through body acceptance & radical self-love! In today's episode, I delve into the meaning of body positivity and its roots. I also share a fun new audience segment - Body Positivity Wins - and share the first win from a listener (who happens to be a friend too) ;-)

    Note Worthy Timestamps:

    [05:37] - Fat activism called out reducing industries (aka diet culture), faced challenges.

    [07:14] - Introducing fun new segment: Body Positivity Wins & a listener submitted win is shared.

    [08:08] - Body positivity wins are inspiring and worth celebrating.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Defining Body Positivity
    • Emphasis on the appreciation of body functionality rather than just physiological appearance
    • The origins of body positivity to the fat rights movement, dating back to 1969.
    • Body Positivity Wins (listener wins) - submit your wins to me: tish@unapologeticallyfat.com

    Next week, I'll be talking about body neutrality, so be sure to tune in next Thursday.


    • Tigress Osborn article: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z2w7dp3
    • Wikipedia definition: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_positivity
    • Has Body Positivity Movement Forgotten Its Roots article: https://untitled-magazine.com/has-the-body-positivity-movement-forgotten-its-roots/

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    10 mins
  • My Path to Body Positivity: Learning to Love Myself
    May 2 2024

    [00:00:00]: Picture this, you're in 5th grade and the school year is coming to an end. You're thinking freedom, swimming pools, ice cream and enough Doritos to die for. At least that's what was in my head when someone came to bribe me and that's where the story starts today. Hey. Hey. Hey. I am Tish. You're fat and fabulous host of the unapologetically fat podcast.

    [00:00:31]: You can find me on any app that supports podcasts like Apple, Amazon, Spotify, and more. I would love it if you would subscribe and leave me a review. I left off mentioning the end of 5th grade was near. I was excited about swimming pools, eating ice cream, and tons of Doritos. But someone came to bribe me. That person was my aunt. And let me tell you, oh, she made that bribe good. She said she was gonna take me on a $300 shopping spree for the next school year.

    [00:01:10]: I was so flipping excited. $300? That was so much money all on me. All I had to do was lose weight. That meant all I had to do that summer was diet and count calories. There would be no Doritos, no ice cream cones, no other quote unquote junk food, but $300. $300. I could do it. Right? I did get to go on that shopping spree, and it was really a lot of fun.

    [00:01:50]: And I got some really cool clothes. But yet, it was still sad because my aunt took me and her daughter together. And, of course, she was able to get way cuter clothes and had way more choices because my cousin was thin and our society tells girls, big is bad. You don't deserve to dress pretty. Unfortunately, fat shaming is one of the few forms of discrimination that's still mostly okay in our society. I've literally had actual doctors tell me I'd gotten a cold because I was overweight. Women tell me to cover my arms because my arms are too fat and no one wanted to see that. The problem is, when you hear something often enough, you start to believe it.

    [00:02:48]: And after a while, no one even has to tell you these things because you're telling yourself and you start to believe that you're too big to take up space in the world. And I'm not talking just physical space. I'm talking you shrink your life, your ideas, your expectations so you're not taking up too much space. When I got older, I finally had a boyfriend and I was so happy because little girls grow up and have boyfriends. Having a boyfriend meant that I was attractive enough to have gotten one and I was so thankful that he loved me. Except when I got so fat, he was embarrassed to be seen with me in public. But I was grateful. I mean, he didn't break up with me.

    [00:03:44]: We just stayed in. And I thought that was okay because the stories in my head that I continued to tell myself about me was that I was lucky to have him. Oh, nowadays, I can't even believe that was me. So what changed? I had spent most of my life dieting, losing weight, gaining it back, plus more, holding myself back and shrinking who I was, all to try to fit into some fantasy mold that wasn't made for me. And I knew something had to change because I didn't even like me. So, I began to work on myself, not yo yo dieting and berating myself for being fat. I began working on my mindset, doing the inner work that would change my life. And I discovered I had value.

    [00:04:51]: Fat Tisha had value. And I decided I deserved a hell of a lot more. I knew for certain I wouldn't be going out with anyone else who was embarrassed to love me for me. You know, it's funny how life works because I met a man, an actual man who loved me for who I was. And you wanna know why? All because I started loving myself. As I continued to want to, I don't wanna say improve myself or fix myself because I don't think I'm broken. I don't think any of us are broken and need fixing. But as I continued to want to live a better life, I decided mindfulness and yoga might help.

    [00:05:49]: I needed to stop feeling...

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    9 mins