
  • Meeting Friends as an Expat
    Mar 2 2024

    It takes some time when you move to another city to meet new people you connect with who you can call your friends. There is a level of loneliness at first that you have to go through that grows you to become more grounded in yourself. Meeting friends as an expat is not easy at first and requires time to discover who you are, your interests and where you fit in that new city before you can start making connections. Those friends that you do make over time end up challenging you to see new perspectives, new ways of life, making you question what you truly value and where you fit in the world. The friends you meet on your expat journey become the inspiration for your new self as you grow into your new self. You meet these new friends on a deep level you meet yourself on the journey. These new friends become apart of your identity in a way and hold a special place in your heart that leads you to understand yourself, the world and who you are in the world. These friends I met along my expat journey will be my life long friends I look forward to connecting with for years to come.

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    30 mins
  • How to Ground Yourself in Times of Stress
    Feb 23 2024

    Stress is inevitable in our lives as humans. Stress can be good in situations to help motivate us and then sometimes stress can cause adverse affects that has the ability to affect our daily life in negative ways. Over the years I have built up the knowledge and the tools for grounding myself during moments of stress and adversity and conflict. This episode I share with you some of the ways I have learnt how to cultivate the self awareness in myself and engage in grounding as a life practice but also for when I need it in those adverse moments to help navigate those difficult situations by responding rather than reacting.

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    30 mins
  • Love and Jewelry
    Feb 16 2024

    The energy you cultivate in yourself is the energy you share outwards. When you cultivate love within yourself, thats the energy you have to share with others. When I reflect back on the day of love that just past, I think about the most meaningful moments of love in my life and how I remember those moments. Jewelry is by far my favourite and the most meaningful gift to me. Not because of it's superficiality but because it's a nice reminder of the love, experience and meaning that person has/had in my life. The earrings I wear are whispers of wisdom from my aunty who has past and the Tiffany's necklace is a reminder of the love for myself that is needed into order to share love with others. Jewelry is a lasting energy.

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    27 mins
  • Why Did I Name My Podcast Unbecoming
    Feb 9 2024

    A name is really important for setting the stage for how you want your audience to relate to your words. It was important that I chose a name that would reflect myself, what my content was going to include and the way I wanted to brand myself online. I'm no marketing guru, nor do I have a marketing degree but I do know that branding on your socials is important for authentic connection to my audience. It was important to me that my podcast be a passion project that would come from an authentic place in order to connect authentically with those who were meant to listen in on my podcast. A name has just as much meaning as the content it reflects.

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    26 mins
  • "7 Jobs! Stefanie, You Have 7 Jobs!"
    Feb 2 2024

    Curious how I do it? I also had to sit back and really think about how I do it. Join me in this weeks podcast as I dive into multitasking at it's finest and the foundational approach I use to be able to still have energy, spirit and motivation to accomplish all the things.

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    24 mins
  • Live to Learn
    Jan 26 2024

    My family would say I have made school a career. I can't argue with that statement. My curiosity and heart has led me to live a purposeful life. Don't worry, I have stumbled upon some failures along the way but that only taught me how to pivot and find new meaning in something that was more in alignment with myself. I truly adopt a live to learn philosophy to life. Listen in to this weeks podcast as I go over the many different career paths I have taken and how that has shaped the direction I plan to go.

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    25 mins
  • I Bought a Mercedes Benz, Now What
    Jan 19 2024

    A car is an extension of your identity. It represents who you are both internally but also externally to the outside world. Growing up around cars, I very much adopted a inner race car drive persona. Having a nice car that represented who I am is so important to me. A car represents freedom but also freedom of expression. You can always tell when girl is going through change when she changes her hair and her clothes. For me, you can always tell I'm going through a major life change when I buy a new car.

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    24 mins
  • Returning Home After Living The Expat Journey
    Jan 12 2024

    After living abroad for a year and living the expat journey, you realize that when you go back home, you are not going back home to the person you were before you left. You are going back home a new person. I very much felt different and the internal process of transitioning to go back home was not an easy process. It meant I needed to go through grieving my life I lived the last year to diving into the unknown of my new journey ahead back home.

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    23 mins