• 128. God Needs You!
    Jul 1 2024

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    I want to give a huge shoutout and thank you to all of you who donated and/or prayed for my family’s mission trip to Jamaica.

    We took a group of 65 people down to Jamaica and got to lead 630 people to Jesus!

    Not only that, but my absolute favorite part about this trip was watching my 15-year-old son and my 17-year-old daughter lead over 25 people to Jesus…and as a family of 4, my husband, 2 kids and I all got to lead over 40 people to Jesus…one on one! Praise God!

    On today’s episode, I want to talk about something that God showed me so strongly when I was in Jamaica…and then on Monday morning in my time of prayer with God, I felt Him speak to my spirit and say this again to me, “You are not where you are on accident. The people you encounter whenever you go somewhere, are not placed in your path on accident.”

    You may have thought you were going to the mall to get clothes, but God brought you there, because there is someone there that He wants you to meet and shine the light of Jesus to.

    Proverbs 16:33 in the Amplified Classic version of the Bible says, “even the events that seem accidental are really ordered by the Lord.”

    We don’t realize, but God has us in certain places for certain people. There is a person out there whose future with Jesus will not begin unless you walk into their life.

    What does your summer look like? What is one thing you are doing that will change your life forever? What are you doing that will bring you great friends who love Jesus and help you grow in your walk with the Lord? If your answer is, "not a whole lot," I want to invite you to join me at this year's UncommonTEEN Live! Meet your new bestie, grow in your walk with God, all while having fun!

    Grab Your Tickets Here!

    Ladies, have you gotten your tickets yet for UncommonTEEN Live! You are not going to want to miss this conference!! Can't come to Nashville? Grab your friends, host a Livestream Watch Party and have your own mini conference at home!

    Grab your tickets at: https://UncommonTEEN.com/conference

    Ladies, we have had challenges recently with the UncommonTEEN App and had to close it down. Don't worry, a new app is coming soon!!

    If you still want to ask your Ask Me Anything Questions or if you need prayer, head on over to UncommonTEEN.com.

    For the Ask Me Anything Questions, click on the RED BUTTON at the top of the screen. These questions may used on a future episode of the UncommonTEEN Podcast!

    For any prayer requests or more personal questions, click on the YELLOW CHAT TAB at the bottom right hand corner of the screen. These will not be used on the podcast unless you say you would like it to be used.

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    UncommonTEEN Live Conference:

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    17 mins
  • 127. AMA: How do I Overcome Distractions and Temptations When It's So Hard?
    Jun 24 2024

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    On this week’s Ask Me Anything Episode, Priscilla says, “I’m a homeschooler and I do all my school on my laptop, and I have a really hard time staying off other apps like YouTube. And no matter how hard I try and pray I just can’t seem to get over this. I want to live for God and do His will, but this is really hard to get over.”

    Now, you may not be a homeschooler and you may not do school online, most of you are probably not even doing school right now, because you are on summer break, but I’m sure almost every single one of you can agree with me when I say that there are things that distract you from doing what you know you should be doing...either because we lack the motivation to do it or the willpower to do what we are supposed to do.

    I mean come on, how many times have your parents said, “I thought I asked you to do...fill in the blank…can you tell me why it’s not done?” Or something along those lines…maybe you’ve heard, “how many times do I have to ask you to…again fill in the blank.” I’m sure we’ve all been there at one time or another!

    Or how many times have you told yourself, I am going to read my Bible when I first wake up and then this little rectangle object…and I’m not talking about your Bible…is so enticing you can’t help but grab it. You tell yourself; “I’m only going to check my messages. I’m only going to see if I have any notifications”…and then one hour, two hours, three hours go by and you have totally forgotten about and ditched your Bible.

    As I’ve said, we’ve all been there! A couple weeks ago, I woke up, got into my Bible, but got distracted and had to go back later to pray. Ugh…as Priscilla said, “No matter how hard I try and pray I just can’t seem to get over this. I want to live for God and do His will, but this is really hard to get over.” How do we overcome these distractions? Why are distractions so hard to overcome?

    I want you to think about it this way, the enemy is constantly attacking our minds. If you are living

    What does your summer look like? What is one thing you are doing that will change your life forever? What are you doing that will bring you great friends who love Jesus and help you grow in your walk with the Lord? If your answer is, "not a whole lot," I want to invite you to join me at this year's UncommonTEEN Live! Meet your new bestie, grow in your walk with God, all while having fun!

    Grab Your Tickets Here!

    Ladies, have you gotten your tickets yet for UncommonTEEN Live! You are not going to want to miss this conference!! Can't come to Nashville? Grab your friends, host a Livestream Watch Party and have your own mini conference at home!

    Grab your tickets at: https://UncommonTEEN.com/conference

    Ladies, we have had challenges recently with the UncommonTEEN App and had to close it down. Don't worry, a new app is coming soon!!

    If you still want to ask your Ask Me Anything Questions or if you need prayer, head on over to UncommonTEEN.com.

    For the Ask Me Anything Questions, click on the RED BUTTON at the top of the screen. These questions may used on a future episode of the UncommonTEEN Podcast!

    For any prayer requests or more personal questions, click on the YELLOW CHAT TAB at the bottom right hand corner of the screen. These will not be used on the podcast unless you say you would like it to be used.

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    23 mins
  • 126. How to Stop Emotional Eating with Zach Lloyd
    Jun 17 2024

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    Ladies, we are on part two of an interview with Zach Lloyd. And if you missed last week's episode, be sure to go back and listen to that.

    Last week, Zach gave us a sneak peek into the mind of what teen guys are thinking. This week, we're going to move on with our conversation and talk about emotional eating, or maybe we don't eat when we're emotional. Why do we do this? And what can we do about it?

    Just to give you a little bit of a background of who Zach Lloyd is, he is a fitness and anti diet coach, and he helps a ton of ladies just like you. Overcome these obstacles that we are facing, including emotional eating. So let's get on with this conversation.

    To Grab Zach's "End Calorie Counting Guide," go to http://www.zachlloydcoaching.com/ and scroll down to the bottom of the first page.

    What does your summer look like? What is one thing you are doing that will change your life forever? What are you doing that will bring you great friends who love Jesus and help you grow in your walk with the Lord? If your answer is, "not a whole lot," I want to invite you to join me at this year's UncommonTEEN Live! Meet your new bestie, grow in your walk with God, all while having fun!

    Grab Your Tickets Here!

    Ladies, have you gotten your tickets yet for UncommonTEEN Live! You are not going to want to miss this conference!! Can't come to Nashville? Grab your friends, host a Livestream Watch Party and have your own mini conference at home!

    Grab your tickets at: https://UncommonTEEN.com/conference

    Ladies, we have had challenges recently with the UncommonTEEN App and had to close it down. Don't worry, a new app is coming soon!!

    If you still want to ask your Ask Me Anything Questions or if you need prayer, head on over to UncommonTEEN.com.

    For the Ask Me Anything Questions, click on the RED BUTTON at the top of the screen. These questions may used on a future episode of the UncommonTEEN Podcast!

    For any prayer requests or more personal questions, click on the YELLOW CHAT TAB at the bottom right hand corner of the screen. These will not be used on the podcast unless you say you would like it to be used.

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    16 mins
  • 125. Peek Inside the Mind of a Teen Guy with Zach Lloyd
    Jun 10 2024

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    Ladies, this week we are getting inside the mind of a teenage guy.

    Zach Lloyd is a fitness and anti-diet coach. As a teen guy, Zach was bullied quite a bit until he began to workout and get fit. He understood what it was like to be on both sides of the spectrum as a teen guy...someone who didn't fit in at all to someone who got a lot of attention.

    He talks to us about how teen guys try to gain the attention of teen girls.
    How the majority of teen guys are really insecure, even if they are fit and in shape. He also talks about how they deal with a lot of the same insecurities that we deal with and what we can do to overcome those insecurities.

    This is a two part episode, so be on the lookout, because next week we dig more into emotional eating (or not eating), why we do it and how we can over come.

    Check out Zach's website here: http://www.zachlloydcoaching.com/

    What does your summer look like? What is one thing you are doing that will change your life forever? What are you doing that will bring you great friends who love Jesus and help you grow in your walk with the Lord? If your answer is, "not a whole lot," I want to invite you to join me at this year's UncommonTEEN Live! Meet your new bestie, grow in your walk with God, all while having fun!

    Grab Your Tickets Here!

    Ladies, have you gotten your tickets yet for UncommonTEEN Live! You are not going to want to miss this conference!! Can't come to Nashville? Grab your friends, host a Livestream Watch Party and have your own mini conference at home!

    Grab your tickets at: https://UncommonTEEN.com/conference

    Ladies, we have had challenges recently with the UncommonTEEN App and had to close it down. Don't worry, a new app is coming soon!!

    If you still want to ask your Ask Me Anything Questions or if you need prayer, head on over to UncommonTEEN.com.

    For the Ask Me Anything Questions, click on the RED BUTTON at the top of the screen. These questions may used on a future episode of the UncommonTEEN Podcast!

    For any prayer requests or more personal questions, click on the YELLOW CHAT TAB at the bottom right hand corner of the screen. These will not be used on the podcast unless you say you would like it to be used.

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    22 mins
  • 124. How Do I Keep Peace When Life is Hard?
    Jun 3 2024

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    I don’t think it comes as a surprise to anyone of you when I say that this world is crazy! And on top of that, there is a real enemy out there who wants nothing more than to steal our joy and our peace from us, to kill, and to destroy everything that we have. How do we keep our peace when life is hard. How do we walk through this life and win when we have an enemy who is out to get us?

    We’re all going to face challenging circumstances in life. Many of us have heard about the story of the wise man who built his house on the rock and the foolish man who built his house on the sand. Storms came to both of their houses, but it was the wise man’s house that was still standing after the storm had passed. Storms come to everybody’s house, but it’s what we do in the midst of those storms that really make a difference. Can we actually keep peace when life is hard? The answer is, yes! We can! But how?

    What does your summer look like? What is one thing you are doing that will change your life forever? What are you doing that will bring you great friends who love Jesus and help you grow in your walk with the Lord? If your answer is, "not a whole lot," I want to invite you to join me at this year's UncommonTEEN Live! Meet your new bestie, grow in your walk with God, all while having fun!

    Grab Your Tickets Here!

    Ladies, have you gotten your tickets yet for UncommonTEEN Live! You are not going to want to miss this conference!! Can't come to Nashville? Grab your friends, host a Livestream Watch Party and have your own mini conference at home!

    Grab your tickets at: https://UncommonTEEN.com/conference

    Ladies, we have had challenges recently with the UncommonTEEN App and had to close it down. Don't worry, a new app is coming soon!!

    If you still want to ask your Ask Me Anything Questions or if you need prayer, head on over to UncommonTEEN.com.

    For the Ask Me Anything Questions, click on the RED BUTTON at the top of the screen. These questions may used on a future episode of the UncommonTEEN Podcast!

    For any prayer requests or more personal questions, click on the YELLOW CHAT TAB at the bottom right hand corner of the screen. These will not be used on the podcast unless you say you would like it to be used.

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    18 mins
  • 123. AMA: How Do I Share Jesus without Being Pushy?
    May 27 2024

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    On this week’s Ask Me Anything Episode, we are answering Chloe’s and Danika’s questions.

    Chloes says, “I have a friend who is not sure what to believe. I want to persuade them to turn to God but I’m not really sure how to do it without sounding like I'm forcing them.

    Danika says, “I have a question… I know this girl that is an atheist and she brought up a situation that made her question if the Lord is real. My question it was I sent to help her to turn to the Lord? And if so, how do I help her without pushing her?"

    Know that no two people are the same, every conversation is going to look different and that’s okay! With what we’re going to talk about today, hopefully, you will be ready to crush those comfort zones and step into your God-given purpose as you share the Good News of Jesus with those around you.

    Okay, so how do you even have a conversation with someone, especially a friend or a family member, to know if they are even open to hearing the Good News. Again, no two people are the same—no two conversations are the same. Jesus healed some, He taught others, and to some gave a Word of Knowledge.

    2 Types of Witnessing (Sharing Jesus)

    1. Confrontational-(I don’t suggest this with your friends or family members.) This is really for people who you see once, and you will most likely never see them again. For example, I’m going to Jamaica in a couple weeks to be sharing the Good News of Jesus with Jamaicans. This is the approach we will be using because chances are we will never see these people gain.
    2. Relational. You want to build a relationship with these people before you jump in to asking them about Jesus. This approach is all about making a connection with them. You connect with them, you listen to them, you care about them, you earn their trust. Wait a while before you bring up the topic of Jesus. Get to know them by asking questions. Never underestimate the power of conversations!

    CARE: Connect, Ask Questions, Relate,

    What does your summer look like? What is one thing you are doing that will change your life forever? What are you doing that will bring you great friends who love Jesus and help you grow in your walk with the Lord? If your answer is, "not a whole lot," I want to invite you to join me at this year's UncommonTEEN Live! Meet your new bestie, grow in your walk with God, all while having fun!

    Grab Your Tickets Here!

    Ladies, have you gotten your tickets yet for UncommonTEEN Live! You are not going to want to miss this conference!! Can't come to Nashville? Grab your friends, host a Livestream Watch Party and have your own mini conference at home!

    Grab your tickets at: https://UncommonTEEN.com/conference

    Ladies, we have had challenges recently with the UncommonTEEN App and had to close it down. Don't worry, a new app is coming soon!!

    If you still want to ask your Ask Me Anything Questions or if you need prayer, head on over to UncommonTEEN.com.

    For the Ask Me Anything Questions, click on the RED BUTTON at the top of the screen. These questions may used on a future episode of the UncommonTEEN Podcast!

    For any prayer requests or more personal questions, click on the YELLOW CHAT TAB at the bottom right hand corner of the screen. These will not be used on the podcast unless you say you would like it to be used.

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    21 mins
  • 122. I'm Doubting & Questioning My Faith, What Do I Do?
    May 20 2024

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    Lately, I have had a lot of questions from you amazing ladies talking about your faith, and how doubts creep in or you find yourself questioning your faith and it scares you.

    So, let’s ask these questions, “is it a sin to question your faith? What do you do if doubts start to creep in and you ask yourself questions like, “Does God really exist?” “Is the Bible really true?” Does that mean you’re walking away from God. Does that mean that God is mad at you and that you are no longer a Christian?

    If this is you, let me put your fears to rest…no it is not a sin to question your faith. No it does not mean that you are walking away from God and no it doesn’t mean you are no longer a Christian. God is not mad at you, because of this, either!

    Did you know that questioning your faith can actually be a part of your growth journey as a Christian?

    Why do we have those doubts try to creep in from time to time?

    1. We live in a world that is anti-God, anti-Bible, anti-Truth and anti-Jesus.
    2. We are taught in school that science is not compatible with the Bible.
    3. Negative circumstances either we have faced or someone we know has faced.
    4. Salvation is super easy to receive. We feel like we need to work for, earn or deserve it.

    What do we do with questions and doubt?

    1. Ask God
    2. Search the Bible
    3. Talk to someone who has a strong walk with God that can help you with the questions that you have.

    Podcast Episodes Mentioned in this Episode
    115. Is Jesus Really the Only Way to God? Answering the question, "Why would God send someone to hell if they've never heard about Him?"

    36. If God is Good, Why Do Bad Things Happen?

    What does your summer look like? What is one thing you are doing that will change your life forever? What are you doing that will bring you great friends who love Jesus and help you grow in your walk with the Lord? If your answer is, "not a whole lot," I want to invite you to join me at this year's UncommonTEEN Live! Meet your new bestie, grow in your walk with God, all while having fun!

    Grab Your Tickets Here!

    Ladies, have you gotten your tickets yet for UncommonTEEN Live! You are not going to want to miss this conference!! Can't come to Nashville? Grab your friends, host a Livestream Watch Party and have your own mini conference at home!

    Grab your tickets at: https://UncommonTEEN.com/conference

    Ladies, we have had challenges recently with the UncommonTEEN App and had to close it down. Don't worry, a new app is coming soon!!

    If you still want to ask your Ask Me Anything Questions or if you need prayer, head on over to UncommonTEEN.com.

    For the Ask Me Anything Questions, click on the RED BUTTON at the top of the screen. These questions may used on a future episode of the UncommonTEEN Podcast!

    For any prayer requests or more personal questions, click on the YELLOW CHAT TAB at the bottom right hand corner of the screen. These will not be used on the podcast unless you say you would like it to be used.

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    19 mins
  • 121. Is Being Single Bad? with Grace McCready
    May 13 2024

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    This week I have the honor of interviewing Grace McCready on the UncommonTEEN Podcast! Grace is no stranger to our podcast or tothis week I get the incredible honor of interviewing somebody who is no stranger to the Uncommon Team podcast.

    This is actually the third time that she has been on our podcast, but I get the incredible honor of interviewing Grace McCready and I am so excited about what she's going to be talking to you all about today. Now Grace has a heart for Christian teen girls, talking to you all about the real life challenges that you're walking through in her blog, Tizzy's Tidbits of Truth.

    She was also one of the speakers at Last Year's Uncommon Teen Live. I just love her heart for God. I love her heart for you all, and I'm excited about what she's gonna be talking to you all about today: It's Okay to Be Single!

    What does your summer look like? What is one thing you are doing that will change your life forever? What are you doing that will bring you great friends who love Jesus and help you grow in your walk with the Lord? If your answer is, "not a whole lot," I want to invite you to join me at this year's UncommonTEEN Live! Meet your new bestie, grow in your walk with God, all while having fun!

    Grab Your Tickets Here!

    Ladies, have you gotten your tickets yet for UncommonTEEN Live! You are not going to want to miss this conference!! Can't come to Nashville? Grab your friends, host a Livestream Watch Party and have your own mini conference at home!

    Grab your tickets at: https://UncommonTEEN.com/conference

    Ladies, we have had challenges recently with the UncommonTEEN App and had to close it down. Don't worry, a new app is coming soon!!

    If you still want to ask your Ask Me Anything Questions or if you need prayer, head on over to UncommonTEEN.com.

    For the Ask Me Anything Questions, click on the RED BUTTON at the top of the screen. These questions may used on a future episode of the UncommonTEEN Podcast!

    For any prayer requests or more personal questions, click on the YELLOW CHAT TAB at the bottom right hand corner of the screen. These will not be used on the podcast unless you say you would like it to be used.

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    UncommonTEEN Live Conference:

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    21 mins