• EP 20 : Success is 80% mindset and 20% skillset
    Jul 14 2024
    Welcome to another episode of 'Unfiltered with Kanika' on Audiopitara. If I tell you 'success is 80% psychology, what would you say? You would probably say I don't believe in hardwork and rely majorly on wishful thinking. But that is not true. It takes a lot of work to change your mindset. It is like changing your DNA. But no one tells us this in school or college. Very often we discover this much later in life, after failing many times. Massive success cannot come with skill-set alone. I feel legendary life is our birthright and we must know how to claim it. Do listen to this episode and let me know what you think. Please listen to this episode to know my views. I would be eagerly waiting for your comments :)
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    9 mins
  • EP 19 : Being civil in a civilised world - How real is this
    Jul 7 2024
    Welcome to 18th Episode of 'Unfiltered with Kanika' on Audiopitara. We live in a world which claims to be civil. We are taught manners and etiquettes in school which sometimes imply hiding our real emotions. We all have a dark side to us which never leaves us. Then are we really being authentic by being civil? How does one deal with emotions of jealousy, hatred, anger, while being in a social setup. It takes a lot of energy to put up a facade and pretend to be nice when we are actually feeling otherwise. We also suffer from the guilt of not being authentic. Authenticity has the highest vibration and guilt has lowest. How do we then improve our vibrational state? Please listen to this episode to know my views. I would be eagerly waiting for your comments :)
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    9 mins
  • EP 18 : Judo and Divine wisdom (Part 02)
    Jun 30 2024
    Welcome to 18th Episode of 'Unfiltered with Kanika' on Audiopitara. We live in a world which claims to be civil. We are taught manners and etiquettes in school which sometimes imply hiding our real emotions. We all have a dark side to us which never leaves us. Then are we really being authentic by being civil? How does one deal with emotions of jealousy, hatred, anger, while being in a social setup. It takes a lot of energy to put up a facade and pretend to be nice when we are actually feeling otherwise. We also suffer from the guilt of not being authentic. Authenticity has the highest vibration and guilt has lowest. How do we then improve our vibrational state? Please listen to this episode to know my views. I would be eagerly waiting for your comments :)
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    9 mins
  • EP 17 : Judo and Divine wisdom (Part 01)
    Jun 23 2024
    Welcome to the 16th Episode of 'Unfiltered with kanika" on Audiopitara. The mystical and spiritual side of Judo has always intrigued me. Judo means the 'gentle way'. The art encourages non-violence. A diligent practitioner learns both physical and mental discipline. He learns to stay calm during an attack and not be a slave of his aggression. He learns how to bounce back with his head held high. This kind of wisdom cannot be learnt by merely reading books. It has to be practiced. Lets keep a track of our everyday challenges and our response to them. It's only when we master solving small issues with grace that we start moving towards our true greatness.
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    8 mins
  • EP 16 : Detach from goals to achieve them faster
    Jun 16 2024
    Welcome to "Unfiltered with Kanika" on Audiopitara. Do you know detachment from goals will get you more happiness and will fasttrack your growth. When we detach we take off a very heavy burden from our shoulders and anything that is light is bound to soar higher, effortlessly. Listen to my episode to know how you actually save a lot of time by detaching from your goals and let me know what you think. Hoping to hear from you soon !!
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    8 mins
  • EP 15 : Limits to earning money created by generally used statements
    Jun 9 2024
    Welcome to another episode of 'Unfiltered with Kanika' on Audiopitara. Words silently yet powerfully affect our subconscious. Our subconscious has a blueprint for everything, even money. If we tell ourselves often that money is bad because it brings bad habits or can't buy happiness or creates problems in relationships, we are diminishing the money blueprint. All the problems that I just listed have nothing to do with money. These problems are present even when there is no money. Money only highlights them. It's crucial to understand because people normally do not like to take the blame and are always looking for something to put the blame on. I hope you will find this episode interesting. It's not about being greedy, it's about earning money and becoming your best version so that you can give back to nature and society for all that it has done for you.
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    8 mins
  • EP 14 : Creativity is the greatest rebellion in existence
    Jun 2 2024
    Welcome to Unfiltered by Kanika on Audiopitara. This episode is about creativity and rebellion. Creativity is about doing something that has never been done before. To be different is to be courageous. This may even call for a rebellion. And history can vouch for that. But we use the same knowledge that has been passed on to us by our ancestors. Rarely do we create our own paths or discover a new place. The fear of being laughed at or annoying people keeps us in the safety zone. Let's be brave. Let's annoy a few. Believe me they will eventually come back. Do let me know what you created. Chao for now !
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    8 mins
  • EP 13 : Nothing is ever missing from our lives
    May 26 2024
    Welcome to my 13th episode on Audiopitara. This episode talks about the beautiful concept of nothing is ever missing. I first came across this concept when I watched a video of Dr. John Demartini. Everything we want is already present in some form of energy. Nature never denies anything. We are the ones who block our desires from manifesting. The roadmap to our desires lies in a relaxed state of mind and to get into the relaxed state we must believe that we already "have" what we want. This is because the energy of the "want state" is very repulsive. I am a follower of OSHO and much of my beliefs spring from his teachings. Let me know what you feel about these beliefs. Here's wishing all your desires manifest !!
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    9 mins