
  • Karin Hurt and David Dye, Powerful Phrases for Dealing with Workplace Conflict
    Jul 29 2024

    Welcome back to Your World of Creativity, where we delve into the minds of innovative thinkers and leaders who shape our creative worlds. Today, we are thrilled to have Karin Hurt and David Dye, the duo behind Let's Grow Leaders.

    Karin and David's Website

    Karin and David on YouTube

    @karinbhurt on Instagram

    Karin and David's Facebook page

    In this episode, they discuss their latest book, "Powerful Phrases for Dealing with Workplace Conflict," offering practical tools and insights to balance feedback and creativity while handling workplace conflict effectively.

    - **Balancing Creativity and Feedback:**

    - **Karin Hurt:** "When you have real genuine conversations and are not afraid to bring your perspective to the table, even if the other person disagrees, that's often where real creative breakthroughs happen."

    - **Workplace Conflict in Changing Environments:**

    - **David Dye:** "70 percent of people said they're experiencing the same or more conflict as they had in the past. The changing workplace is definitely one of the reasons why."

    - **Four Dimensions of Productive Conflict:**

    - **Karin Hurt:** "Connection and curiosity are so key. If you start by looking for common ground and showing curiosity about what others bring to the table, you can navigate conflict more effectively."

    - **Creative Problem Solving:**

    - **David Dye:** "One of the GOATs (greatest of all time phrases) for clarity is 'What would a successful outcome do for you?' This helps uncover motivations and craft solutions that work for everyone."

    - **Post-Project Celebration:**

    - **Karin Hurt:** "Instead of a postmortem, we suggest a post-project celebration to get curious about what worked and celebrate learning, even when things go wrong."

    Key Quotes:

    - **Karin Hurt:** "When you have real genuine conversations and are not afraid to bring your perspective to the table, even if the other person disagrees, that's often where real creative breakthroughs happen."

    - **David Dye:** "70 percent of people said they're experiencing the same or more conflict as they had in the past. The changing workplace is definitely one of the reasons why."


    - Visit Let's Grow Leaders Karin and David's Website

    - Check out the Powerful Phrases Resource Center for templates, discussion guides, and job aids.

    If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and leave a review. Stay creative and join us for our next episode as we continue to unlock your world of creativity.

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    25 mins
  • Rob Mabry, Filmmaker, The Legend of El Chupacabra
    Jul 22 2024

    In this episode, we dive into the world of indie filmmaking with Rob Mabry, discussing his journey, challenges, and triumphs in creating his first feature film, "The Legend of El Chupacabra."

    Rob's Website

    @thechupacabramovie on Instagram

    Rob on YouTube

    1. **Blending Horror and Comedy:**

    - Rob shares insights on balancing horror and comedy, noting their similar structures of anticipation and payoff.

    - "Horror and comedy are about anticipation and payoff... jokes build up tension to a punchline, and horror builds tension to a scare."

    2. **Character and Creature Development:**

    - Emphasizes the importance of character-driven comedy and using real-life inspirations for character behaviors.

    - "Good comedy is built out of character... I take a lot of inspiration from my daily life and the people I interact with."

    - Discusses working with creature designer Sergio Gara for the Chupacabra costume, highlighting the blend of creativity and engineering.

    3. **Production and Logistical Challenges:**

    - Rob describes the complexities of indie filmmaking, from crowdfunding to logistical planning.

    - "It's stressful... when you're an independent filmmaker, you're not just wearing the director hat; you're managing logistics, locations, and ensuring everyone is fed."

    4. **Distribution Strategy:**

    - Rob talks about the evolving landscape of film distribution, particularly for indie films, and the importance of physical media.

    - "It's a challenging time for indie filmmakers to surface above the noise and get their film out there... taking advantage of social media is crucial."

    5. **Creative Roots and Inspiration:**

    - Reflects on his early passion for storytelling, from writing plays and comic books to filming with a Super 8 camera.

    - "I was that kid always writing my own comic books, writing plays... and my dad, who owned a Super 8 film camera, let me borrow it once in a while."

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    23 mins
  • Reunion Panel, with Mark Graban, Jeff Leisawitz, and Chris Hood
    Jul 15 2024

    Welcome back to "Your World of Creativity"! In this milestone episode, we reconnect with past guests from various corners of the country to catch up on their journeys and future plans.

    Join us as we travel to Cincinnati, Seattle, and LA to hear the latest from Mark Graban, Jeff Leisawitz, and Chris Hood.

    - Mark Graban shares insights from his book "The Mistakes That Make Us" and discusses the importance of learning from mistakes in personal and professional settings.

    - Jeff Leisawitz talks about his new book, "The Magical Impact of Storytelling," and his unique art form combining coffee stains and typewritten quotes.

    - Chris Hood reveals his transition from Google to founding a video game company, emphasizing the significance of fun and creativity in the workplace.

    - Discussions on the implications of dissolving non-compete agreements and how they might impact employee satisfaction and mobility.

    - Reflections on the importance of storytelling for personal and organizational growth.

    Key Quotes:

    - Mark Graban: "When we can reduce some of the risk involved in speaking up, it reduces vulnerability and makes it easier for everyone to speak up."

    - Jeff Leisawitz: "At its best, storytelling is a way for us to be seen, expressed, healed, and connected."

    - Chris Hood: "If you think about having fun at work, it's not just for the benefit of the culture you're building; it's also at the benefit of the consumer engaging with you."

    Join us for this engaging reunion episode as we explore the creative journeys of our guests and discuss how they've evolved since their last appearance. Stay connected and inspired with "Your World of Creativity"!

    Links to our guests’ projects and social media can be found in the panel interview. Thank you for joining us on this creative journey, and here's to many more episodes of inspiring conversations!

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    23 mins
  • Music Highlights: Recorded at Eagle Coffee
    Jul 8 2024

    Exploring Musical Creativity: With Mark from Eagle Coffee and Bakery

    Join us for a special episode recorded from Eagle Coffee and Bakery where host Mark Stinson merges his passions for podcasting and supporting local artists. Delve into the musical creative process, inspiration, and launching works into the world with insights from various singer-songwriters.

    Featured Artists:

    - Victoria Simmonds

    - Stephen DiJoseph

    - Nismah Osman

    - Luanne Hunt

    - Eleyet

    Tune in for future episodes as we continue to explore creativity in various forms and uncover the stories behind talented individuals. Don't miss out on more inspiring conversations and discoveries on Your World of Creativity!

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    14 mins
  • John Novello, Grammy-winning jazz pianist and author, The Invisible Architect
    Jul 1 2024

    Welcome back to Your World of Creativity, where we travel to creative capitals around the world and talk to creative practitioners about their inspiration, idea organization, and confidence in launching their work.

    Today, we stamp our creative passport in Nashville, Tennessee, with Grammy-winning jazz pianist and composer, John Novello.

    John's Website

    John's Facebook page

    John shares insights from his musical journey and his transformational self-help book, *The Invisible Architect*. This episode dives into his inspirations, key moments in his career, and the principles of his book aimed at designing a perfect life from within.

    Key Highlights:

    - **Early Inspiration**: At three years old, John’s fascination with a keyboard set him on a path to a music career, highlighting the importance of early inspiration and intuition.

    - **First Gig**: His first paid gig at 13, where he learned the power of music to engage and captivate an audience, setting the stage for his future success.

    - **Breakthrough Opportunity**: A serendipitous encounter during a snowstorm led to his band getting a record deal, illustrating the impact of being prepared for unexpected opportunities.

    - **Transition to Writing**: After a successful music career, John wrote *The Invisible Architect*, focusing on how internal thoughts shape external realities.

    - **Mentorship**: John’s one-on-one mentorship program helps individuals apply the principles from his book to achieve their personal and professional goals.

    Pull-Out Quote:

    “We are not the power; the architect is the power. The way we design our lives is by networking with the architect, sharing our desires, and collaborating with this quantum intelligent energy field.”

    Recommended Music:

    - Artist: Gonzalo Rubalcaba. Described as the Franz Liszt or Vladimir Horowitz of jazz piano, Gonzalo's work is a must-listen for any jazz enthusiast.

    Thank you for joining us on this inspiring journey with John Novello. Stay tuned as we continue our global exploration, talking to creatives about their processes and experiences in bringing their visions to life.

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    27 mins
  • Barry LaBov, author of The Power of Differentiation
    Jun 24 2024

    Welcome back to *Your World of Creativity*, where we explore the inspirations, processes, and journeys of creatives from all corners of the globe.

    Today’s episode dives into the power of differentiation with Barry LaBov, a renowned expert in marketing and branding. Barry, who has just released his new book, *The Power of Differentiation: Win Hearts, Minds, and Market Share*, shares his insights on what it takes to stand out in a crowded market.

    Barry's Website

    Barry on YouTube

    Barry's Facebook page

    Book: https://www.amazon.com/Power-Differentiation-Barry-Labov/dp/1954676867/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&dib_tag=se&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.GMSGp42GMOAmYgyzEH19tqKEDbdNobhSY_7xhA3a9lo.rbMxlQs3MQmOCStR7d8W_VD8wpL4Rn3tbWbMr6ZqzG4&qid=1716999973&sr=1-1

    Key Highlights:

    - **Understanding Differentiation**: Barry discusses the importance of making your brand stand out by winning the hearts and minds of both your employees and your customers.

    - **Engaging Employees**: Emphasizing that employees need to be deeply connected with the brand, Barry explains how this internal alignment drives external success.

    - **Real-World Examples**: Barry shares case studies from working with major brands like Audi, demonstrating how standing firm on brand values can lead to long-term growth.

    - **Creativity and Leadership**: Barry talks about his unique approach to leadership, inspired by his experience as a rock musician, where every team member's strengths are utilized to the fullest.

    - **AI in Creativity**: The discussion touches on the potential and pitfalls of AI in the creative process, stressing the importance of maintaining a genuine voice amidst technological advancements.

    Pull-Out Quote:

    "I would rather have an army of people who feel that what they're doing for me is meaningful and significant than have a bunch of robots out there that say, 'I don't care.'"

    Join us as we uncover the strategies and stories that can help you unlock your own creative potential and set your work apart in today’s competitive landscape.

    Stay tuned for more inspiring conversations on *Your World of Creativity*. We continue to explore the innovative minds and creative journeys that shape our world. Don’t miss our next episode as we travel to new destinations and unlock more secrets to creative success.

    Remember to subscribe and leave a review if you enjoyed this episode. Your feedback helps us bring more inspiring content to you.

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    24 mins
  • Creativity in Sustainability, with Author Panel
    Jun 17 2024

    Welcome back to "Your World of Creativity," where we celebrate creativity and innovation around the world, particularly in sustainability. In our latest project, we've brought together diverse talents to produce a collaborative book, "Creativity for a Sustainable Future," showcasing contributions from around the globe.


    - Diverse Collaborations: We're joined by Katja Tschimmel, Sandra Horlings, Daniela Marzavan, and Dorte Nielsen, all contributors to the book, to discuss the process and outcomes.

    - Creative Initiatives: Katja explains the origins of the project, linking creativity with sustainability during the World Creativity and Innovation Week. Daniela highlights the snowball effect in networking, fostering global collaboration.

    - Global Perspectives: Sandra emphasizes the importance of diverse viewpoints in addressing complex challenges, while Dorte underscores the actionable nature of the book, promoting real change through creative thinking.

    - Practical Applications: Daniela discusses bridging the gap between academia and practical application, showcasing the book's mix of theoretical and practical contributions.

    - Design and Artistry: Katja elaborates on the book's design, emphasizing its sustainability and creative elements, including innovative cover designs and interactive features.

    - Call to Action: The panelists emphasize the book's role as a catalyst for action, inspiring creatives across disciplines to contribute to a more sustainable future.

    - Future Directions: The conversation concludes with reflections on the ongoing journey of creativity and sustainability, with plans to continue fostering collaboration and innovation.

    Pull-out Quotes:

    - Katja Tschimmel: "Creativity in the context of sustainability acts as a catalyst for innovative solutions for a better world."

    - Daniela Marzavan: "The book serves as a call to engage in dialogues between worlds, bridging academic depth with practical application."

    - Sandra Horlings: "Creativity is not limited to creatives; it's a strength within everyone to spark change and enable a sustainable future."

    - Dorte Nielsen: "The book demonstrates how creative thinking can be applied universally, offering hope and inspiration for a more sustainable future."

    - Mark Stinson: "If you're a creative working in sustainability, I'd love to hear from you. Let's continue unlocking creativity and innovation together."

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    34 mins
  • Jeff Wetzler, Author of ASK
    Jun 10 2024

    In this episode of "Your World of Creativity," host Mark Stinson welcomes Jeff Wetzler, author of the new book "Ask."

    Jeff's Website

    Jeff on YouTube

    @askapproach on Instagram

    Jeff delves into the simple yet profound idea of asking questions to unlock hidden wisdom and insights from those around us. He explores the psychological and practical barriers to asking and provides a structured approach to overcoming them. This episode is packed with actionable advice and reflective insights that emphasize the transformative power of curiosity and inquiry in both leadership and life.

    Key Takeaways:

    - Choose Curiosity: Embrace a mindset of curiosity to unlock new perspectives and insights.

    - Make It Safe: Create a safe environment for open and honest communication.

    - Pose Quality Questions: Ask questions that elicit valuable information and insights.

    - Listen to Learn: Practice active listening to truly understand and absorb what others are saying.

    - Reflect and Reconnect: Reflect on the information gathered and reconnect with the person to acknowledge their contribution.

    Pull-out Quote:

    "When you ask someone for directions, maybe you're not just going to find out the fastest route, but also, 'Hey, by the way, there's this great coffee shop that you should stop by.'" - Jeff Wetzler


    - Barriers to Asking: Jeff discusses common reasons people avoid asking questions, such as fear of appearing ignorant or imposing.

    - The Power of Curiosity: Emphasizing the importance of staying curious to continually learn from those around us.

    - Creating a Safe Space: Tips on building trust and ensuring others feel comfortable sharing their honest opinions.

    - Quality Questions: Examples and strategies for asking questions that lead to meaningful conversations and insights.

    - Reflective Practice: The importance of reflecting on the information gathered and closing the feedback loop with the other person.

    Join Mark and Jeff as they explore how the simple act of asking can lead to unexpected breakthroughs and deeper connections. Tune in to learn how to harness the power of questions in your personal and professional life.

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    21 mins