
  • The #Righteous, #Christians, #Murdered, #Sentenced, #Kenya, #Gospel, #Uganda
    Jul 25 2024
    The #Righteous, #Christians, #Murdered, #Sentenced, #Kenya, #Gospel, #Uganda, #Haiti, #Persecution #Advocacy @WarnRadio The Righteous globally face #persecution. This week #believers are murdered, sentenced, persecuted, and find the strength of #Christ #Jesus and the #power of #HisSpirit to move forward with the #gospelmessage of #redemptivepower. In the face of opposition, danger from others who jealously guard against the Message of #Christ. Despite opposition #hearts of #unbelievers give their deference to the #LoveofGod in Christ Jesus and find the #hope and #joy of salvation, forgiveness, joy, and restoration. The #CrossofChrist and the #resurrection of our #Savior has given the #believers who #spreadthemessage the courage and stalwart #Faith to see people redeemed. Despite the dangers, #martyrsoffaith, and the imprisonment of many; the results of the battle serve notice to the devil that the #powerofGod in Christ will deliver the message of Hope that breaks all the bondages people face. Turning them from #unbelievers and a lost people into #dynamic voices and #Evangelists who walk in Christs name the power of His Spirit. #TheRighteous 🎧Listen now, go to Post: To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website https://www.DanaGlennSmith.com Visit https://Warn-Usa.com
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  • #Resurrection #Hope the #Redeeming #Christ Pt8
    Jul 12 2024
    Resurrection Hope looks at the reality of the #heavenlyhope we have which transcends the human reality and human understanding which people all over the world have. Many times, their reality is based on their traditions and what other religious figures have left behind. Yet for #Christians, #ourhope looks beyond this world and the status quo. We find ourselves among the heavenlies and our reality lay with the Father and our Great God and the #Messiah Jesus Christ, #Yeshua. This week we bring the #redeemingChrist to ground zero in the nations of men and the hearts of the #believers in #Jesus #Christ. For the truth is, unlike many others on this globe, our hope is beyond this plane of existence. As Paul reminds the Corinthians in chapter fifteen and verses nineteen and twenty saying: "If in this life only we have #hopeinChrist, we are of all men most miserable. But now is #Christrisen from the dead and become the #firstfruits of them that slept." #Ourhope is meant to bring us into the heavenly sphere with our #God and #Father and our #Lord #JesusChrist. Our hope is neither this planet nor its #systems of #law and #governance. We await a new Home, within the #heavenlies and the #presenceofGod with the Lord bringing us into the #NewKingdom. #HeavenlyHope Visit https://Warn-Usa.com 🎧Listen now, go to Post: To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website https://www.DanaGlennSmith.com
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  • #Zion's #Travail #Isaiah's #Prophetic #Book Pt222 Battle Lines
    Jul 12 2024
    Zion's Travail brings us face to face with the LORD rendering recompence to His enemies. Yet we look at the context of this portion and find before she travailed, she brought forth a man child. Yet, even as this sounds unbelievable, the question is asked "who has heard such a thing or seen such things”? A #nationborn at once, for Zion travailed and behold she brought forth her children. Nothing was to stop this bringing forth a nation, yet as we see Zion, #Jerusalem was #desolate. #Zion will bring forth a nation one that is brought forth from a #manchild. Here we find that even through the #desolation and #judgment of #Judah and seventy years in captivity, #Godforgave and #restored her. This nation of Judah already was an established nation formed in #judgment and #God #redeemed her. The man child herein is seen, for example Albert Barnes refers to the birth of the #MessiahYeshua and the increase thereof, birthed #spiritually as a #nation out of the Messiah. The blessed Zion, the restored Judah, and the #Messiah #prophesied to come are born. Out of him will come a multitude all of which are born from the #seedofZion. The Seed is Yeshua the Messiach. #ZionsTravail 🎧Listen now, go to Post: To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website https://www.DanaGlennSmith.com Visit https://Warn-Usa.com
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  • #Perilous #Christian #Living, #Hunger for #God, #Coming to #Faith, #Iran
    Jul 11 2024
    Perilous Christian Living brings us to the end of the end of days. Here the battle rages on amidst the global turmoil of nations, the threat of one world government, and here in America the rejection of truth of the #Gospel and #unbelief have led countless American youth and young adults astray. In spite of this, we find #revival fires and the #redeeming #Truth of #JesusChrist being spread, even amongst the unbelief and rejection. However, the #cost of this #battle is met daily and as Paul writes in the same epistle but verses eight and nine saying "We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are #perplexed, but #notindespair; #Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed." It is here believers #LoveGod and #Loveothers yet fight a battle of life and death here at the #endoftheworld. For we are #notcastdown, nor is the message limited, but #believers gather to celebrate the #Christ of the #Cross and the #redemption through the Atonement. So, stand #Christian and #believe, be #stalwart, knowing that our #God and #ChristJesus #willneverforsakeus. Amen #PerilousChristianLiving 🎧Listen now, go to Post: To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website https://www.DanaGlennSmith.com Visit https://Warn-Usa.com
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  • #Eternal #Life the #Redeeming #Christ Pt7
    Jul 5 2024
    #Eternal #Life the #Redeeming #Christ Pt7 Eternal Life has been offered to masses of peoples on this planet since #Messiah #Yeshua walked this earth during the rule of Rome. It was the Caesars who controlled #Jerusalem and who gave the Jews power in Rome to have their temple and practice of Judaism. It was also Rome, through General Titus who destroyed Jerusalem, the Jewish Temple, and killed more than a million Jews at the time. It was Later that the Jews followed another Prophet besides Yeshua. Jesus #Christ told the Jews they would follow one who came after him, who would come in His own name. They rejected the #Lord who came in #HisFathersName. Today, the issue of salvation is solved because of the work of Atonement by #ChristJesus on the #crossofCalvary and the #bloodatonement. Yet even as #Jesus, #Yeshua walked on the streets of Jerusalem and the surrounding countryside, the issue of #salvation and #redeemingpeople was foremost on the agenda of the Lord. Today let it be known, there is help, #hope, #redemption, and eternal life for all who call upon the #Lord #JesusChrist in #Truth and #Sincerity. #EternalLife Visit https://Warn-Usa.com 🎧Listen now, go to Post: To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website https://www.DanaGlennSmith.com
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  • #Lifestyle #Choices #Isaiah's #Prophetic #Book Pt221 Battle Lines
    Jul 4 2024
    #Lifestyle #Choices #Isaiah's #Prophetic #Book Pt221 Battle Lines Lifestyle Choices brings us to the last chapter and the final words of the #ProphetIsaiah. Here we find the Lord addressing the humble that trembles at the #WordoftheLord. These met with condemnation, being also cast out of the #Temple. Herein, the Lord tells them that the "Lord will appear to your joy" and those who condemned you will "be ashamed." These words also reflect this last chapter of Isaiah, here being Sixty-six and the verses one through twenty-four. The beginning to the end of this chapter is summed up. As above we see the #Humblecomforted, the #ungodlycondemned, at the #Lordsappearance. All while #Jerusalem is made a #joyonearth. From the beginning of #Isaiah there was a difference between those who followed and #obeyed and those who did not. As Isaiah chapter three reminds us, this is the beginning of the book as you know. We find the Lord making the difference clear. Isaiah was told to "Say ye to the #righteous, that it #shallbewell with him: for they shall eat the fruit of their doings. #Woe unto the #wicked! it shall be ill with him: for the #rewardofhishands shall be given him"- Isa 3:10-11. #LifeStyleChoices 🎧Listen now, go to Post: To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website https://www.DanaGlennSmith.com Visit https://Warn-Usa.com
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    59 m
  • #Gospel #Faith #Persecuted, #Evangelize, #ChristiansExpelled, #FoodAid
    Jul 3 2024
    Gospel Faith Persecuted Finds its way amidst all the tribulations and troubles in the world as we look at the #GospelFaith going forth by those who stand firm in #JesusChrist, despite #tribulation. There is trouble in many parts of the globe, but in America we also find much division, trouble, and a bitter rivalry between the conservative and liberal portions of this country. Despite that, the truth goes forth. For those who oppose the gospel do not know the #Lord of the #Gospel nor the #Father who sent our #LordJesusChrist to the #cross. The #ApostlePaul categorically states in First Thessalonians chapter one, verse four "So that we ourselves glory in you in the #churchesofGod for your #patience and faith in all your #persecutions and #tribulations that ye endure." Today as the #gospel goes forth, there is much opposition both in #America and in the #nationsofmen. Despite the cost of this, #believers are #overcomebyfaith standing firm. These also despite opposition do so although facing possible #death or #imprisonment. #GospelFaithPersecuted To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website https://www.DanaGlennSmith.com Visit https://Warn-Usa.com
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  • #Reconciled #Declaring the #Redeeming #Christ Pt6
    Jun 28 2024
    Reconciled and Declaring the Redeeming Christ Jesus. How can a world be saved unless there is a Savior. In Him, Christ Jesus who died for our sins reconciled us to God and our Father through His Atonement. We are saved, here the word is past tense; for we have this promise that God is not man that he should lie, nor that His hand short that he cannot save. Within the #atonement and shedding of the blood of Christ, we find the Passover Lamb who delivered the Jews from the Death Angel in Egypt. That being a figure of things to come Jesus Christ has fulfilled #Passover, for he was and is the #LambofGod as John witnessed. Thus, the #RedeemingSon of #God, by His blood and our faith agreeing that coming to the Lord believing on this work alone; that we would be saved. For #God has #imputed to us #righteousness for our #Faith and #belief in the #workofGod through #Christ on the #Cross. On this stands the Law, the Prophets, and the #Church of the #livingGod, who by #JesusChrist, #Yeshua has made it possible for all men to find #salvation, #hope, #deliverance, and #everlastinglife. Addressing our ability to continue in the Faith we must realize this. In order to continue in the Faith; it needs to be there to begin with, through Christ Jesus and the Atonement. Amen. #Reconciled, #DeclaringtheRedemption, #JesusChristRedeemer Amen. Visit https://Warn-Usa.com 🎧Listen now, go to Post: To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website https://www.DanaGlennSmith.com
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    59 m