• When Life Is Split In Two
    Jul 5 2024
    When a traumatic event, such as addiction in the family, hits, it is natural for us to start thinking of life before and after (or during). It is a life split in two. This discussion will get you thinking about being mindful that not everything before the trauma was good, and not everything after is terrible. Become a Warrior in Hope: www.WarriorsinHope.com
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    18 mins
  • Things You Never Wanted To Know
    Jun 26 2024
    We all experience things we wish we didn't. We learn about things we could have gone our whole life without knowing. There is so much about my daughter's addiction that I wish I never had to learn. The details of her murder, I would like to have just been a crime drama. There are things about our journey you wish you didn't know. But here we are. What can we do with those "things you never wanted to know?" Let's talk about that in this episode. Link arms with Valerie at www.WarriorsinHope.com
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    19 mins
  • Have We Made The Nest Too Comfortable?
    Jun 19 2024
    In modern society, there is a growing concern that we may be making our children too comfortable, hindering their ability to develop courage and confidence. Providing them with a safe and secure environment may inadvertently shelter them from challenges that could help them grow and thrive. This idea is echoed in eagles' behavior, who deliberately make their nests uncomfortable as their young ones grow. By layering their nests with sticks, thorns, and other sharp objects, eagles create a sense of discomfort that ultimately motivates their offspring to venture out and learn to fly. If we are past the point of changing this situation, there are still ways we can make a difference.
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    22 mins
  • Stop Waiting For Our Recovery: You Deserve to Live Your Life
    Jun 10 2024
    This insightful episode is a discussion with a Warrior in recovery from addiction. It's also a powerful message to moms (and other family members impacted by addiction). Sandy has done the work to beat the odds and is living a life she never imagined, but what I am most impressed with are the following: - Her "no victim" mentality. - She shows compassion for what family members go through and how they deserve to live their lives. - How she vigorously works on her recovery. As family members, we need to do the same - fight vigorously for our recovery! We have to stop waiting for someone else and get on with the business of living our lives. We have to do the work!! Our process of creating a courageous life filled with peace, purpose, and hope. I am so proud of Sandy for many reasons, but also because she made it out of Jamie's life. Sandy was Jamie's friend in addiction, and now Jamie is her angel in her new life. P.S. Warning - a couple of 4-letter words, but if you have been living with a Beast as a result of addiction in your family, I'm sure it won't be the first time.
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    36 mins
  • Time To Take On The Family Of Beasts
    May 29 2024
    Everyone is living with a Beast. Some are twins, and others have MANY siblings. I have discovered that this family is close-knit and has many of the Sam characteristics! They love to get us down on the mat and force us to believe lies about ourselves and others. This fun episode is a bit tongue-in-cheek, but it's also serious. Let's link arms and take on this family of horrid creatures! Connect with me at: www.WarriorsinHope.com
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    15 mins
  • Live Above Their Addiction
    May 27 2024
    When a loved one falls victim to the Beast that is addiction, its claws dig deep into our own lives, intertwining our struggles. The overwhelming mix of love and fear drives us to fixate on saving them, especially when it is our son or daughter. The sorrow, anguish, and agony that addiction brings to a family are undeniably profound, but they need not define our existence. It is crucial to hit the brakes on the Roller Coaster From Hell, taking the first steps towards reclaiming our own well-being. Even as our thoughts and actions are consumed by our loved one's struggles, we must realize that we can still stand strong and work on our recovery journey. Separating ourselves from their addiction allows us to focus on our healing without abandoning hope for theirs.
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    15 mins
  • Nobody's Bringing A Casserole When Addiction's Involved
    May 15 2024
    When addiction is involved, the dynamics of support and care often shift. Unlike other situations where neighbors and friends may rally around with loving gestures like bringing a casserole to symbolize their support, addiction can elicit feelings of fear, shame, blame, and stigma. The isolating nature of addiction for us moms and other family members can make it challenging for loved ones to know how to help or express their concerns in ways that are meaningful. It is time for us to all come together because addiction is no longer a family problem but a community problem. If you know someone who needs to understand what you are going through, have them listen to this episode. And be courageous enough to help people not on your journey to know how to bring you those metaphorical casseroles! We are all in this thing called life together. If you are a mom or another woman with an addiction in your family, please join us at www.WarriorsinHope.com
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    20 mins
  • Don't Allow Your Story To End With Addiction
    May 7 2024
    Addiction is not the final chapter of your story; it is a challenging plot twist that can be overcome with resilience and determination. Whether you are personally struggling with addiction or witnessing its impact on a loved one, remember that there is always hope for a brighter future. Instead of letting addiction define your story, choose to stand up and fight back against its grip. Remember, you are not alone in this battle. Countless individuals have faced similar challenges and emerged stronger on the other side. Your story is not defined by the addiction Beast but by your resilience, courage, and willingness to confront adversity head-on. Embrace the journey towards healing and recovery, knowing each step forward is a victory. With perseverance and determination, you can rewrite the ending of your story, transforming it into a tale of triumph over adversity. Stand tall, face the challenge, and write a new chapter filled with hope and strength. Connect with Valerie: www.ValerieSilveira.com
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    12 mins