
  • We need to learn we are not right most of the time
    Jul 25 2024

    5FS-0677 Thursday 5-Minute Fresh Start July 25, 2024, Join us today for a moment of daily devotion to nurture your faith. Let's reflect on scripture together, gaining strength and insight from our shared beliefs. Engage with us by liking, sharing, and commenting to empower our mission of spreading God's word. Your interactions are a beacon of encouragement for our spiritual community. Join us on our website www.watchersoftruth.com #DailyDevotion #FaithFilled #ScriptureReflection #EngageInFaith #StrengthInCommunit

    Más Menos
    5 m
  • Be intentional to be and think like a Christian
    Jul 24 2024

    5FS-0676 Wednesday 5-Minute Fresh Start July 24, 2024, Sebastian emphasizes the importance of prioritizing spiritual growth over earthly matters. He encourages a shift from worldly thinking to spiritual thinking, urging the audience to put off negative behaviors and adopt a renewed mindset. The talk underscores the need to change our perspective through belief in Jesus Christ and to intentionally pursue spiritual growth while turning away from worldly distractions. Engage with us by liking, sharing, and commenting to empower our mission of spreading God's word. Your interactions are a beacon of encouragement for our spiritual community. Join us on our website www.watchersoftruth.com #DailyDevotion #FaithFilled #ScriptureReflection #EngageInFaith #StrengthInCommunity #bible #sebastianlucido#SpiritualGrowth #WorldlyDistractions #RenewedMindset #JesusChrist #IntentionalPursuit

    Más Menos
    4 m
  • Spiritual Growth is all about revelation knowledge
    Jul 23 2024

    5FS-0675 Tuesday 5-Minute Fresh Start July 23, 2024, Today Sebastian emphasizes the significance of grace and peace in understanding God and Jesus. God's divine power provides us with everything necessary for life and godliness, including precious promises. Through revelation knowledge, we can embrace what God has given us, leading to peace and escape from corruption. Prayer is about convincing ourselves to accept what God has already provided. Increasing our knowledge of God enhances grace and peace in our lives. Adding virtues and love to our faith and knowledge aids in our growth in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. Engage with us by liking, sharing, and commenting to empower our mission of spreading God's word. Your interactions are a beacon of encouragement for our spiritual community. Join us on our website www.watchersoftruth.com #DailyDevotion #FaithFilled #ScriptureReflection #EngageInFaith #StrengthInCommunity #bible #sebastianlucido#Grace #Peace #Knowledge #God #Jesus

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    5 m
  • Proclamations by three Angels concerning the end time ministry
    Jul 22 2024

    5FS-0674 Monday 5-Minute Fresh Start July 21, 2024, Sebastian delves into the three angels' proclamations over the end times. He discusses the first angel's gospel about Jesus, the second's warning of Babylon's fall, and the third's caution against worshiping the beast. The teachings underscore the importance of fearing God, obeying His commandments, and maintaining faith. The video also explores the rapture, resurrection, and events leading to Armageddon. Engage with us by liking, sharing, and commenting to empower our mission of spreading God's word. Your interactions are a beacon of encouragement for our spiritual community. Join us on our website www.watchersoftruth.com #DailyDevotion#ThreeAngelsProclamations #EndTimes #Gospel #BabylonFall #Armageddon

    Más Menos
    6 m
  • Untitled Episode
    Jul 20 2024

    The Apostate and Deminishioning End Time Church
    5FS-0673 Saturday 5-Minute Fresh Start July 20, 2024, today we delve into the disciples' queries about the signs of Jesus' coming and the end of the age. The discussion starts with the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple, then moves to the signs of Jesus' coming, using the analogy of birth pangs. The narrative shifts to the persecution of the church, the rise of offense and apostasy, and the diminishing influence of the church in society. The importance of endurance for salvation is underscored, ending with a call to support teaching God's word. Engage with us by liking, sharing, and commenting to empower our mission of spreading God's word. Your interactions are a beacon of encouragement for our spiritual community. Join us on our website www.watchersoftruth.com #DailyDevotion #FaithFilled #ScriptureReflection #EngageInFaith #StrengthInCommunity #bible #sebastianlucido#SignsOfJesusComing
    #EndOfAge #PersecutionOfChurch #Apostasy #EnduranceForSalvation

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    5 m
  • He looked like a believer
    Jul 19 2024

    5FS-0672 Friday 5-Minute Fresh Start July 19, 2024, today we delve into Mark chapter 14, focusing on the Last Supper. Jesus foretells a disciple's betrayal, leading to sorrow among them. He identifies the betrayer and outlines the repercussions. The Last Supper is detailed, with Jesus symbolizing his body and blood through bread and wine. He speaks of the new covenant and future drinking in God's Kingdom. The narrative concludes with reflections on the Last Supper's somberness and an examination of Judas' betrayal. Engage with us by liking, sharing, and commenting to empower our mission of spreading God's word. Your interactions are a beacon of encouragement for our spiritual community. Join us on our website www.watchersoftruth.com #DailyDevotion #FaithFilled #ScriptureReflection #EngageInFaith #StrengthInCommunity #bible#LastSupper
    #JudasBetrayal #MarkChapter14 #NewCovenant #KingdomOfGod

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    5 m
  • There is a demand to repent
    Jul 18 2024

    5FS-0671 Thursday 5-Minute Fresh Start July 18, 2024, Sebastian delves into the Book of Acts, highlighting the significance of understanding salvation. He underscores the necessity of recognizing sin and repentance, cautioning that leading with love alone can result in misguided choices. Salvation, as depicted in the Book of Acts, involves belief, repentance, a change of direction, and adherence to the Word. God's love, manifested through Jesus Christ, offers a route to righteousness and eternal life. The emphasis is on living according to God's expectations and conquering sin. Engage with us by liking, sharing, and commenting to empower our mission of spreading God's word. Your interactions are a beacon of encouragement for our spiritual community. Join us on our website www.watchersoftruth.com #DailyDevotion #FaithFilled #ScriptureReflection #EngageInFaith #StrengthInCommunity #bible #sebastianlucido #BookOfActs #Salvation #Repentance #GodsExpectations

    Más Menos
    4 m
  • Ministry for money enrichment and worldly status
    Jul 17 2024

    5FS-0670 Wednesday 5-Minute Fresh Start July 17, 2024, our discussions begin with an introduction to the topic of false teachers, as discussed in Titus chapter one, verse 10. The importance of rebuking these false teachers and avoiding their deceptive teachings is emphasized. The focus then shifts to the prosperity gospel, highlighting the need to give to honor God, not for personal gain. We stress the importance of prioritizing Jesus and God's kingdom over worldly gain and shares their ministry's approach of offering free materials and relying on donations for growth. Engage with us by liking, sharing, and commenting to empower our mission of spreading God's word. Your interactions are a beacon of encouragement for our spiritual community. Join us on our website www.watchersoftruth.com #DailyDevotion #FaithFilled #ScriptureReflection #EngageInFaith #StrengthInCommunity #bible #sebastianlucido#FalseTeachers
    #ProsperityGospel #SpiritualGrowth #TitusChapterOne #MinistryApproach

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    5 m