
  • Diane Calderon's son is her afterlife coach, from Mom to Medium
    Sep 20 2024
    Living & Loving Life All Day Every Day, Diane Calderon, Amazon Affiliate Link, A journey through loss, grief, and love. Matthew’s passing led to a remarkable series of signs and communications from the afterlife, all proving that life never ends.

    Foreword: I know that you will enjoy this helpful, hopeful, and healing true story from someone I deeply admire. - Susanne J. Wilson, MA – The Carefree Medium & Intuition Educator; Author, Soul Smart: What the Dead Teach Us About Spirit Communication. May 2023, Carefree, Arizona, USA.

    Summary: Diane retired from government service, expecting to enjoy a relaxed retirement lifestyle. Instead, she found herself becoming a full-time caregiver for her husband. As he slid into the depths of Lewy Body Dementia, her son Matthew died in a tragic car accident. Incredibly, Matthew was able to connect with his mom immediately upon passing, in a most unusual way.

    Matthew’s continued presence and encouragement sent Diane on a quest to learn about the afterlife, discover the remarkable abilities of spirit communications, learn how to connect with others in spirit, and pursue numerous opportunities to work for and with incredible evidential mediums.

    Bio: Client services manager for Susanne Wilson the Carefree Medium. Diane has completed Medium and Reiki Master certification and is an author and spiritual/intuitive advisor. She has also published in Psychic News Magazine and is one of the featured presenters in the Amazon Prime documentary, Life to Afterlife: I want to talk to the Dead.

    Amazon Reader Review:
    "Sometimes life gives such a double whammy that it can cause tremendous despair. This book shows how to find and use the best coping skills possible for overcoming these kind of tragedies."

    Helping Parents Heal: I was attending as a bereaved parent, my son Matthew transitioned several years ago. He connected with me, from his new home in the world of spirit, immediately upon his passing. My life has never been the same. One huge aspect of this new direction was Matthew leading me to this HPH group, these shining light souls. Continued on Diane's blog.

    Website: DianeCalderon.com

    Wendy's blog: https://talkingtonightlights.wordpress.com/
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    59 m
  • Orville walked into a portal - Board Camp Crystal Mine
    Sep 15 2024
    Orville and Cheryl Murphy continue to experience extraordinary events at Board Camp Crystal Mine in Mena, Arkansas.

    This is one of the few contemporary accounts I am aware of from someone who knowingly walked into a portal and returned with at least some conscious memory of the event. Even better, there were two people who walked into that same portal.

    They experienced entirely different circumstances but each had some memory of what they witnessed and an encounter with beings while in the portal.

    --- Cheryl included pics when she described the event. Here is her description.

    Walking into a portal. Orville and Jason - Evening. December 7, 2023.

    "The light appeared at the top of the hill and seemed to shine from the ground up through the trees, as you can see from the photograph that Jason took. First Orville went up the hill toward the light to see the origin of it. Then Jason followed him being worried about Orville going alone.

    When Jason got to the top, he saw Orville step into the portal and Jason stepped in behind him. Orville will explain what he and Jason remember of their experience in the portal, before they became conscious at the end of the experience, that they were back out on the crystal mine property at two different locations. Then they each walked back to the stage and met each other there."


    I asked Orville if he thought he was in another dimension. He didn't call it that. He did say, wherever he was - it wasn't here.

    Orville's portal story will be featured in an upcoming documentary. The "fluorescent spaghetti" description is reminiscent of a pilot's encounter featured in an episode of One Step Beyond. Encounter.

    Board Camp Crystal Mine in Mena, Arkansas checks in as one of the most unique, Bigfoot/Sasquatch hot spots in North America because it is also open to the public, offering crystal digging and UnXplained Tours.

    Orville and Cheryl's books about ongoing paranormal and unexplained activity at Board Camp Crystal Mine: BEAMS 1 and BEAMS 2, Amazon Affiliate Link.

    Website: Link.
    Featured on an episode of Expedition Unknown.
    YouTube: Link.
    Example of the strange lights at Board Camp Crystal Mine. YouTube.

    Wendy's Coffeehouse blog: https://talkingtonightlights.wordpress.com/
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    58 m
  • Mind empowered, Mitch Horowitz: New Thought refreshed
    Sep 13 2024
    A guide to creating miracles in your own life through the power of thought. The Miracle Club, Amazon. Author, Mitch Horowitz. Following the path of Neville Goddard, Mitch says the key is to be 'exquisitely clear, passionate and forthright about your goals.'

    [I clearly had quite the caffeine buzz that morning! He was a very good sport and played along.] We cover ground way beyond the stuff mentioned in the book. I credit news headlines and his book notes. Topics: UFOs, Bigfoot, my Grandma's manifesting advice, and a memorable H.S. yearbook quote from Mitch's friend, Kenny.]

    Endorsement: “As part of my scientific work, I study the relationship between mind and matter under strictly controlled laboratory conditions. I’ve found that those who laugh the loudest about the ‘power of affirmations’ will often ask me, but only after drinking a few beers and in hushed tones, ‘Seriously, do thoughts really influence reality?’ I respond by saying that based on the results of hundreds of published scientific experiments, it appears that yes, they really do. But that’s not what they want to know. They’re asking if their thoughts affect their reality in their everyday lives. To answer that question, there’s only one way to find out--try it yourself. For the clearest and most eminently rational description of exactly how to test the power of your thoughts, there is simply no better choice than Mitch Horowitz’s The Miracle Club.”Dean Radin, Ph.D., author of Real Magic

    Reference: YouTube presentation with Mitch focusing on Neville.

    Bio: Mitch Horowitz is a PEN Award-winning historian, longtime publishing executive, and a leading New Thought commentator with bylines in The New York Times, Time, Politico, Salon, and The Wall Street Journal and media appearances on Dateline NBC, CBS Sunday Morning, All Things Considered, and Coast to Coast AM. He is the author of several books, including Occult America and One Simple Idea. He lives in New York City.

    - Wendy's Coffeehouse - KCMO Talk Show refreshed from the archive - minus music bumpers.

    Website: https://www.mitchhorowitz.com/
    Writing: https://mitch-horowitz-nyc.medium.com/

    Wendy's Blog: https://talkingtonightlights.wordpress.com/
    Más Menos
    34 m
  • Paranormal true stories - Michael Peter Langevin
    Sep 12 2024
    Travel Tales From Unknown Realities, Amazon. Michael Peter Langevin

    A magical life. Reconnecting to talk about more stories. Some of the encounters in this interview include:
    - Visit to a portal in South America.
    - Voodoo and vampires in New Orleans.
    - Missing time after a UFO encounter.
    - Sasquatch.
    - Phineas Goodhue, the ghost who told Michael the human bone collection was a bad idea and should be returned to the cemetery.
    - Drinking tea with an Immortal - the experience he was supposed to forget.
    - A wish granted by a Genie.
    and more....

    Paranormal potluck.

    A life-long explorer of the occult and ancient mysteries, Michael Peter has traveled to and spent time studying many exotic locales all over the world. He studied with many shamans, magicians, holy men and gifted psychics. This collection of stories recounts true life experiences. Living in New Orleans, his story collection continues to expand.

    Bio: Michael Peter Langevin, former CEO of CSI Media, and the Founder of Magical Blend Magazine, Natural Health and Beauty Magazine, Transitions Magazine, and The Echo World magazine.

    Author of Secrets of the Ancient Incas: A Modern Approach to Ancient Ritual and Practice, and The Secrets of the Amazon Shamans: Healing Traditions from South America. Amazon Author Page. Affiliate Link.

    Previous interview: https://audioboom.com/posts/8348686-michael-peter-langevin-travel-tales-from-unknown-realities-real-magic

    Follow him on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

    Some stories we talk about are not included in the book. The portal story I reference is included in the [September 2024] interview with Orville and Cheryl Murphy. Orville walked into a portal/vortex and describes the beings he met.]

    Wendy's Blog: Link.
    Más Menos
    1 h y 9 m
  • Paranormal Sasquatch: Board Camp Crystal Mine, Orville and Cheryl Murphy
    Sep 5 2024
    Board Camp Crystal Mine in Mena, Arkansas checks in as one of the most unique, Bigfoot/Sasquatch hot spots in North America because it is also open to the public, offering crystal digging and UnXplained Tours.

    Visitors can see evidence of Sasquatch activity (Some of us have also had an encounter. Mine was telepathic) up close and personal.

    After talking with Orville and Cheryl Murphy, something compelled me to clear my schedule and travel to see the crystals. When Andy and I visited in Spring of 2018, I had no idea about the Sasquatch presence.

    In this interview Orville and Cheryl Murphy are joined by son Josh who was present for that initial beams event.

    Orville and Cheryl's books about ongoing paranormal and unexplained activity at Board Camp Crystal Mine: BEAMS 1 and BEAMS 2, Amazon Affiliate Link.

    Website: Link.
    Featured on an episode of Expedition Unknown.
    YouTube: Link.

    Blog related: Link. Mentioned in the conversation - I posted my picture of the log in a tree that appeared overnight, prior to our arrival. Impressive and a bit intimidating.

    Wendy's Coffeehouse blog: https://talkingtonightlights.wordpress.com/
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    30 m
  • Bermuda Triangle Survivor, Bruce Gernon - Science will catch up
    Aug 30 2024
    Fly through a wormhole and survive? Bruce Gernon believes he flew through one in the Bermuda Triangle. To provide a better description of his incredible experience, he's created a video. YouTube Link.

    A life changing encounter. Bruce began researching the event after it happened in 1970 and has continued exploring the science of what could make such an event possible.

    [I interviewed Bruce but I can't improve the sound quality any further -- the audio is better in this video with his wife Lynn as his witness to the electronic fog anomaly. YouTube.]

    "It took Bruce Thirty (30) years to discover the theory of how this fog works. He says if you think about a question for a very long time, eventually you will come up with the answer - this is what he did." - Amazon Affiliate Link

    His goal is to provide the necessary details/proof/evidence required to validate the experience for scientists - and warn other pilots. What we have yet to discover about time will make all the difference for future space travel.

    I spoke with Bruce previously. The big difference now is he can include more of his personal background. Including a childhood UFO sighting and the voice he heard after the Bermuda Triangle experience that told him to remember the events of that day because it would be important for the world to know in the future.

    Information provided by remote viewer Joe McMoneagle also offers another unique
    UFO link.

    A new mystery. Have you ever seen a hexagon shape - like an open window in storm clouds? Bruce posted a video of a curious event he and his granddaughter captured on his website. There might be something more to that phenomenon.

    - Bermuda Triangle Survivor: Pilot Tells What He Experienced in The Heart of the Phenomenon, Amazon Affiliate Link

    - Beyond the Bermuda Triangle: True Encounters with Electronic Fog, Missing Aircraft, and Time Warps, Bruce Gernon/Rob MacGregor, Amazon Affiliate Link
    “I didn’t believe in time travel or teleportation until it happened to me. I flew through the heart of the ‘Bermuda Triangle’ before I’d even heard the term.” Bruce Gernon

    "He has created a new video with animations that are three dimensional and shown never seen before details of what it looked like when he experienced the space/time warp and Electronic Fog. He has hopes that this will help students, researchers and scientists to open their minds and solve the mystery."

    Website: https://www.electronicfog.com/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Beyondbermudatriangle

    Wendy's Blog: https://talkingtonightlights.wordpress.com/
    Más Menos
    49 m
  • EVP - Edd Edwards - Did you hear it?
    Aug 24 2024
    EVP - Electronic Voice Phenomena

    Wiki definition: Within ghost hunting and parapsychology, electronic voice phenomena (EVP) are sounds found on electronic recordings that are interpreted as spirit voices. Parapsychologist Konstantīns Raudive, who popularized the idea in the 1970s, described EVP as typically brief, usually the length of a word or short phrase.

    Interference? The audio sources for this segment are phone. The audio is recorded via a podcast board without external links. In this brief segment - the phrase - is intact and unchanged. I then amplify it to highlight the anomaly.

    There is a audible voice word and there is a whisper word overlay.

    "The island." "Get out."


    [It made sense to Edd. He gave me permission to share it.]

    After I registered my first and best EVP "nightlight" on a solo show, I wondered if I had been editing them out. Then I decided - if it was important - I would find whatever might show up.

    I've now managed to isolate a few EVP anomalies in some of my shows. Two are related to the topic of Ingo Swann. {Very active in the energy field} EVPs were captured in the show with his niece, Elly Flippen and in my interview with The English Psychic Paula Roberts.

    We reference that and other interesting EVP observations in my archived interview with Tom Butler: Link.

    Tom Butler is Co-director at Association TransCommunication (ATransC) Facebook.

    On the
    website: "Here, you will find articles about visual Instrumental Trans-Communication or ITC, and audio ITC which is better known as Electronic Voice Phenomena or EVP. This includes techniques and examples."

    "But perhaps the most important articles on this site are the personal stories of how contact across the veil has helped people cope with the transition of a loved one."

    Tom's Website:

    A Model for EVP. Academia

    Curious? This [free] youtube film is an excellent resource. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVfUepUsUq4.

    One of the ghost hunters says the top ghost hunting group is Scottish Paranormal.

    Wendy's Blog: Link.
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    2 m
  • PK, Energy Healer Edd Edwards - Energy on Demand
    Aug 21 2024
    "My grandmother, a hands-on healer with roots in the Cherokee lineage of the Kituwah settlement, instilled in me the belief that this energy stemmed from the Holy Spirit. Those who have experienced being pain-free within seconds in my presence can attest to the authenticity of this power." - Edd Edwards

    Edd has teamed up with Laura Rinaolo to offer weekly energy sessions. Check the website for current schedule. For info on the class Edd mentioned, here is the info: BIRE Class: Restarting the Brain Generator. Link.

    Listen at appx 19 minutes for the mini energy session. Edd and Laura offer a demonstration. More information is available on Edd's website and his YouTube channel. If interested in anything requiring a promo code - type - WENDY.

    About Edd - Bio: Since childhood, I have possessed a unique sensitivity to and control over an energy field. For more than 30 years, scientists have examined my ability to activate the body’s natural healing mechanisms.

    My grandmother, a hands-on healer with roots in the Cherokee lineage of the Kituwah settlement, guided me in nurturing these gifts from early childhood. By the age of three, I was already well-acquainted with this energy field, thanks to her teachings.

    The energy I generate has been categorized by various terms, including psychokinesis, bio-photons, bio-field therapy, bioenergy, scalar energy, super potential scalar energy, and Bio-Intrinsic Resonant Energy (©B.I.R.E.).

    -Study on Healer Edd Edwards at the Rhine Research Center, August 2019-

    Edd Edwards, a well-known healer with on-call psychokinetic abilities, used hands-on healing in the Rhine Bioenergy Lab while working on study author Judith Pennington.

    During a 10-minute session which healed chronic low back pain in the recipient, Edwards produced near-coherent and highly coherent brainwaves across all frequencies, including low, mid and upper gamma.

    This preliminary study awaits biophoton measurements taken by Executive Director John Kruth with a photomultiplier tube."

    Teaching Workshops and Webinars

    Edd offers live webinars and workshops to help others enhance their energy levels. By becoming a member, you’ll receive notifications about upcoming opportunities to participate in these enriching sessions.

    Website - https://eddedwards.com
    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@EddEdwards
    The lightning story - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGYdtmkgdSs

    Wendy's blog - https://talkingtonightlights.wordpress.com/
    Más Menos
    42 m