• West Side Church of Christ - Elkton Ky

  • By: Doug Gregory
  • Podcast

West Side Church of Christ - Elkton Ky

By: Doug Gregory
  • Summary

  • This podcast includes Sermons and other content for the West Side Church of Christ located at 725 W. Main St, Elkton KY. We hope that you can join us for services. We have bible class on Sunday mornings at 9 am and Worship at 10 am. We meet again at 5:30 pm Sunday Evenings, and Wednesday at 6:30 pm. If you are not able to join us then please enjoy our content. :-)
    © 2024 Doug Gregory
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  • Faith Must Work(From our 9-29-24 Worship)
    Oct 2 2024
    Watch the video version here: https://youtu.be/oY_Tz1kPLH4Transcript:When I say the phrase the American dream, what comes to your mind? Probably some rags to riches story where a person is able to maybe in one generation completely changed not only their life, but maybe their entire family tree. And you think about that. How do you How do you achieve the American dream for a California born man named Richard Montanez. The way that he achieved the American dream was maybe a little out of the, out of the ordinary. His was achieved with Flamin Hot Cheetos. Now, Mr. Montanez was working in a Frito Lay factory in 1992 when Flamin Hot Cheetos were first introduced. They were introduced into a test market, they went wild, and then all of a sudden they lost them nationally. and then, uh, all over the world. But the interesting thing is, is when, when he developed this new flavor, he was not a product engineer.He was not a scientist or a chemist. He was a janitor. And you say, How did the janitor develop flaming hot cheetos? Well, it's a long story, but the crux of it is, is that One day, the president of Frito Lay made a video to show internally the company. He was trying to boost morale. And one of the things he said in that video is, is, I want everybody in the company to act like an owner of the company. Well, for most people, that message went in one ear and out the other. They didn't pay much attention to it. But it meant something to Mr. Martinez. So, a few days later, he was at work and Besides his regular duties, the other thing that he did was if something happened on one of the lines and the line stopped when they had to fix the machine, generally what had to happen was they had to empty out the entire line to clean it and reset it and started again.So Mr Martinez was at work one day and a machine broke down at the very end of the line, the machine that put the powder on the cheetos, you know, let's sticks to your fingers. So there was this whole section of Cheetos that were fully cooked, but they hadn't. They didn't have powder on them yet. So, Mr.Martinez, I'm not being an owner. Instead of just taking those and gathering up and throwing them away, he gathered up and took him home. And when he took him home, he decided that I wonder if I could develop something else to put on the outside of this. that would be, you know, be better than a normal Cheeto. So he pulled on some other, uh, typical Hispanic, uh, treats of the day, and he created his own recipe. He dusted those Cheetos that he took home, and he started passing them out to friends and neighbors, and everybody loved them. You see, there was something, something about his recipe that spoke to the Hispanic market especially.It would And they kept encouraging. You got to go. You got to go take this to work. You got to tell him about this. You know, it'd be such a wonderful thing. But he's he's a janitor. Well, eventually they encourage him enough and he does something pretty brave. Mr. Martinez goes to work. He gets through the company phone book and he looks up the number for the CEO's office. And a janitor in a Frito Lay company. Calls the CEO's office and it may be a slight miracle that the secretary didn't laugh in his face and hang up the phone. But within just a few minutes, Mr Martinez was on the phone talking to the CEO of Frito Lay and he told him about his idea. He said, Well, I'll be there in two weeks.I want you to make a presentation. You see, when we think about how you achieve the American dream, It's kind of funny to say, well, his was achieved by Flamin Hot Cheetos, but that's not really how it was achieved. It was achieved by what? By hard work. And work that went above and beyond just normally sweeping the floors, isn't it? Not only did he have to work to develop this new flavor, but when the CEO of Frito Lay looked at him and said, Okay, in two weeks you can make a presentation in front of the entire board for Frito Lay. Mr. Martinez was a man who had dropped out of school, not even high school, dropped out of school very early to help support his family working in the, in the fields as migrant workers. So, you know, the whole public speaking and marketing and all those skills were not exactly something he had in his back pocket. For two weeks he went into a mad dash to develop those skills. He even had to go out and buy a suit and tie, and he didn't have time to figure out how to tie the tie, so his neighbor had to tie it that morning and put it on him. And of course, he made that presentation and the rest, he says, history. Think about hard work. It's maybe not a message that's so popular today. And yes, it is the key to the American dream, but it's also, when you think about it, it also has to do, a lot to do with, with a Christian in a spiritual walk. The Bible has a lot to say about work. Gotcha. Bible's going ...
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    23 mins
  • Gratitude Dilutes Negativity(From Our 9-22-24 Worship)
    Sep 25 2024
    Watch The Video Version Here: https://youtu.be/5aBhahbwrYYTranscript:It's taller up here. It was New Year's Day two thousand and sixteen and Matthew South Carolina police officer Quincy Smith was on duty. This was the first time this year that he would be on patrol and for a long while, it would be the last time he would be on patrol. He received a call about an attempted burglary that had happened. call. Come in the 911 and, and a description was given. And when he got on the scene to his surprise, standing literally behind the building was a guy who matched the description of the suspect. And he was standing there talking on the cell phone. Now, officer smith didn't think much of this. He just figured it was somebody you'd have a little too much celebration. So he goes and he gets out of his police car and he rolls up on this guy and he's talking with his cell phone in one hand and he has his other hand in his coat pocket. Officer Smith asked him to remove his hand from his pocket and he won't. He asked him again. He asked him again. And the fourth time the man finally turns in anger. and removes his hand from his coat. And in his hand is a 38 caliber. He opens fire on Officer Smith. Four shots rang out. All four of them hit him. There's video of him making it back to the car and talking to dispatch him sitting there thinking that he was not going to make it. Well, the last things he said before he passed out was Tell my family I love them most time. A situation like that ends in tragedy. But in this case, it did not be taking a little over a year and a half. But Officer Smith would fully recover from his injuries and nobody would have blamed him if he got out of law enforcement business. But he didn't hop out. He hopped back in. He went right back on patrol as soon as he could. And there's a reason why this story did not end in tragedy. Because that morning, before he answered that call, Officer Smith had went, and he had put on something that was very critical. This right here, is a bulletproof vest. My son come running in the office and said, Daddy, are you one of those secret spy people?I If you don't know, this is Jeremy's rig, because God made Jeremy be the type of guy to run towards danger, not away from it. I told my wife, I said, I got a bulletproof vest coming. She said, you order it on Amazon? No, they don't have 5X bulletproof vests, I bet. But what he put on that morning saved his life. Two of the four shots went center mass. And these things don't work like in the movies, of course, they'll stop the bullet, but when you get hit, there's still thousands of pounds of force that hits you right in the chest. But what he put on saved his life. And when you think about being a Christian, in a spiritual sense, what we decide to put on decides our eternity, doesn't it? I didn't realize until this lesson, but how much the Bible talks about You think about putting on. You think about Galatians chapter three, verse, starting in verse 25. But now that faith has come, we are no longer under the guardian, for in Christ Jesus, you're all sons of God through faith, for as many of you as were baptized into Christ have what, have put on Christ. I can't imagine being a police officer and going in the line of danger and not putting on all the protection that I could. And yet so many people in this day and time want to go and live their lives like eternity does not matter. And they don't care anything about putting on Christ. Putting on the only form of protection that can save their souls from eternity separated from their God in hell. Now, that's a lesson in and of itself, but that's not the lesson that I had planned this morning. If you need to know more about putting on Christ we can sit down and we can study that after this. But this morning I want to go to the book of Colossians. You got your Bibles, go with me to the book of Colossians because There's some very interesting things here.Paul uses the word put a great number of times And the things that we're going to see him talk about here are going to help us now This morning's sermon is a little bit different. I usually have multiple poets and and Go through the thing. There's just one point today, but I've got to explain some things to get to the point.So if you're wondering when, when's he gonna get to the point? I'll tell you what I'm gonna get to the point. Okay, but we gotta set the framework. Okay. In Colossians chapter three, we're gonna get in verse five. Put to death. Therefore, what is earthly in you? Sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, covetousness, which is idolatry. On account of these, the wrath of God is coming. In these, you too once walked when you were living in them. You see, Paul tells them, if you're going to put on Christ, you're going to have to put off some other things, ...
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    27 mins
  • Take Heart, Jesus Has Overcome The World(From our 9-15-24 Worship)
    Sep 16 2024
    Watch The Video Version Here: https://youtu.be/0vn4GCY-lFoTranscript:Have you ever had a hard day? October the 20th of 2013 was a hard day for a a Decatur, Georgia native named Antoinette Tuff. Turns out she was going to be named pretty correctly, or the last name at least. Before we talk about October the 20th, I need to tell you about all the days that kind of led up to that. You see, October the 20th 2013 was gonna made was gonna be made harder and better because of all the hard days that Miss Antoinette had been struggling with up to that point. She had a child with several, several development, developmental problems and several health problems that went, went along with that. And they had struggled for years. through all the health struggles that went along with that. Then, right before this day in 2013, when she went to work, her marriage had fell apart and her husband left after 33 years of marriage. She was left with a home and with a child to take care of. And on top of everything else, with only one income, She was several months behind on the mortgage payments. She was worried that she was going to lose her home and didn't know what was going to happen. All of those things were swirling around in her mind as she stepped into her office at, at a, um, a school there in Decatur, Georgia.Had about 800 students in it that morning. But that morning, a man named Michael Brandon Hall Stepped into that school with an AK 47 and enough ammunition to change the community forever. But on that day, there would be no school shooting. On that day, there would be no loss of life because it's Mr Brandon walked into the school with his rifle ready to do an evil, horrible and atrocious thing. The first thing he did is he went to the office. And there he come into contact with Antoinette. And Antoinette did something that was incredibly brave. Some might have thought it was foolish. But she began to talk to Michael. And I want you to hear her own words. About this young man who, who was coming to do something evil. Listen to what she said. Okay? I could see the pain on his face. He was a hurting soul, and I felt that I just kept telling him it was going to be okay. I understood what he was going through, dealing with depression and feeling alone. I told him about my own struggles to let him know that he wasn't the only one. You see, for about 35 40 minutes, Michael Brandon Hall was inside that school with an assault rifle and he did fire a few shots out the door towards police. But the more Antoinette talked to him, the more he began to calm down. She was able to get 911 on the phone and become an intermediary intermediary between him doing Michael and the police. And after I'm sure what seemed like an eternity, Michael laid his rifle down and laid that on the ground and surrendered himself to police. You see, the things that she had been through in her life, even though I'm sure, you know, maybe when this first started, she's thinking, of all, of all things that's been going on in my life today, we've got to deal with this, right? You imagine. But all those hardships she went through in her life. Allowed her to build a bridge to a soul that was hurting. And because of that bridge, she was able to stop an unspeakable evil. I don't know why good people have to suffer. I wish that you didn't have to suffer. I, I wish that you never had to feel any pain, but I, I just know, I know that you will. I know that if you haven't been through it yet, that you will. I mean, the last few days have just reminded me over and over again. I went to the which Spring Hill Tennessee yesterday and went and said goodbye to a christian sister who left three daughters and a husband. Her husband was a is a preacher there and a mentor of mine and they're hurting. There are people who are dealing with sickness. They can't diagnose it. They don't know what's going on. We've heard the cancer word far too much here lately. Why do these things have to happen to good people? I mean, I know the answer. I know the answer. We live in a fallen and broken world. I get it. But if you're like me, even if your mind knows the answer when it's When it's you that's hurting, when it's your loved one that's hurting, your, your heart don't want to buy it. That's just not good enough. It's not good enough. So what do you do? How do you, how do you struggle? How do you, how do you hang on? I want to try to maybe answer that question this morning by looking at one of the most stressful pieces of scripture that I can imagine. And when I say stressful, what I mean by that is We're going to try to put ourselves in the place of those that were going through these things and And I think For the apostles and for Jesus, this is one of the most stressful Pieces of scripture that there is But I also know I...
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    29 mins

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