
  • Today's Bible Reading: Acts 17 - 18 Passionate Proclamation, Cultural Confrontation, and the Power of the Resurrection
    Jul 22 2024

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    What if you encountered a message so powerful it sparked both passionate belief and fierce opposition? Join me, Isaac Carroll, on this episode of "What Do I Know" as we journey through Acts 17 and 18 with Paul and Silas. Witness the tension and triumph as they travel through Amphipolis, Apollonia, Thessalonica, and Berea, proclaiming Christ's resurrection. Experience the intensity of Paul's debates with the Jews and Greek philosophers, the uproar that follows their teachings, and the dramatic moments when they must flee for their safety. Feel the weight of Paul's convictions as he reasons from the Scriptures and see the varied reactions from those who hear his message.

    When Paul reaches Athens, the story takes a riveting turn. Confronting the city's widespread idolatry, Paul delivers a stirring speech at the Areopagus, skillfully connecting with the Athenians through their own customs and literature. Listen as he proclaims the existence of one true God and calls for repentance in light of the resurrection. Through eloquent storytelling and keen insights, this episode reveals the cultural and religious bridges Paul builds, and challenges listeners to reflect on faith and reason in the spread of early Christianity. Don't miss this engaging exploration of Acts 17, where history, theology, and human experience intertwine.

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    8 m
  • Today's Bible Reading: Acts 15 - 16 Apostolic Debates, Unity in Diversity, and the Power of Encouragement
    Jul 20 2024

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    Can faith truly transcend cultural boundaries? This episode of "What Do I Know" presents the compelling story of Paul and Barnabas as they confront a heated debate on whether circumcision is essential for salvation. As they journey to Jerusalem, they seek guidance from the apostles and elders, sharing their remarkable experiences of Gentile conversions. Hear about the surprising consensus reached, emphasizing the unity of faith regardless of cultural differences.

    Join us as we explore the heartfelt letter sent to the Gentile believers in Antioch, Syria, and Cilicia, outlining specific guidelines while offering encouragement. Feel the congregation's joy and strength as they receive this message, bolstered by Judas and Silas's inspiring words. We also touch upon the intense disagreement between Paul and Barnabas over John Mark's role, leading to their eventual separation yet continued mission work. This episode is a profound look into the early Christian community's struggles and triumphs, showcasing the resilience of faith and fellowship.

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    10 m
  • Today's Bible Reading: Acts 13-14 - Missionary Adventures, Divine Encounters, and the Expansion of the Gospel
    Jul 19 2024

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    Join us on a fascinating journey through Acts 13 and 14, where we trace the early missionary efforts of Barnabas and Saul (Paul) as they navigate their divine calling. Beginning in Antioch, we follow them as they're set apart by the Holy Spirit, encounter a deceitful magician named Bar-Jesus, and witness the remarkable conversion of the proconsul Sergius Paulus in Cyprus. As Paul delivers a powerful sermon recounting Israel's history and proclaiming Jesus as the promised Savior, you'll discover how these events laid the groundwork for the spread of the Gospel.

    Experience the highs and lows of Paul and Barnabas's missionary journey, where resilience and faith triumph over adversity. From Paul's miraculous recovery after being stoned in Lystra to their tireless efforts in Derbe, Iconium, and Antioch, we celebrate the formation of new disciples and the appointment of elders through prayer and fasting. Their return to Antioch marks a momentous occasion as they report back on the incredible opening of faith to the Gentiles. Tune in to hear these inspiring stories and prepare for our next session, where we'll dive into the pivotal events of Acts 15.

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    10 m
  • Today's Bible Reading: Acts 10-12 - Visionary Encounters, Divine Judgments, and the Unstoppable Spread of God's Word
    Jul 18 2024

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    What if a vision could change everything you thought you knew about your faith? Join us as we explore the transformative story of Cornelius and Peter from Acts 10, where divine visions challenge deeply ingrained customs and lead to a groundbreaking meeting. Cornelius, a devout centurion, receives a heavenly instruction to seek out Peter, while Peter himself has a vision that redefines purity and inclusion. As these two paths converge, witness the powerful collapse of barriers between Jews and Gentiles, culminating in the Holy Spirit's embrace of new believers. Peter's recounting of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection not only enlightens but also unites different communities in a shared faith journey.

    In the second chapter of our discussion, we shift our focus to the dramatic downfall of King Herod and the unstoppable spread of God's message. After a political clash with the people of Tyre and Sidon, Herod's hubris leads him to a fatal mistake—embracing the title of a god. His failure to honor the true God results in a swift and divine judgment, showcasing the futility of human pride against divine will. Yet, amid this dramatic turn of events, the word of God continues to flourish. We wrap up with the return of Barnabas and Saul from Jerusalem, accompanied by John Mark, signaling the continuity of their mission. Don't miss this episode as we prepare to venture into Acts 13 and uncover even more compelling stories.

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    11 m
  • Today's Bible Reading: Acts 7-9 - Faithful Testimonies, Transformative Encounters, and Miraculous Perseverance
    Jul 17 2024

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    What if you could witness firsthand the astonishing resilience and growth of the early Christian church? Journey with us as we recount the profound moments that shaped its foundation, starting with Stephen's compelling speech before the high priest. We'll explore God's promises to Abraham, the dramatic rise of Joseph in Egypt, and the pivotal role of Moses. Stephen's narrative doesn't shy away from the Israelites' repeated disobedience, yet it highlights God's unwavering faithfulness. As we move through history, you'll learn about the construction of the tabernacle and its journey until Solomon's temple, underscoring a divine continuity despite human failings.

    But the story doesn't end there. Follow Philip's transformative encounter with the Ethiopian eunuch, a moment that underscores the importance of understanding and faith. Witness Saul's dramatic conversion on the road to Damascus, from blindness to becoming a fervent advocate for Jesus. And be inspired by Peter's miraculous raising of Tabitha in Joppa, a moment that brought many to believe in the Lord. These compelling narratives illustrate the extraordinary power of faith and the remarkable spread of early Christianity. Join us for these riveting stories that showcase the resilience and transformative power of the early church.

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    15 m
  • Today's Bible Reading: Acts 4 - Apostolic Boldness, Miraculous Healing, and Spirit-Empowered Unity
    Jul 15 2024

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    What if you were questioned for your beliefs and faced the threat of punishment? Could you stay steadfast? Join us on "What Do I Know" with Isaac Carroll as we explore the riveting account of Peter and John in Acts 4. Hear how these apostles, despite being seized by religious leaders, boldly proclaimed the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Experience the astonishment of the onlookers and the miraculous healing that left everyone, including their opponents, speechless. Witness the unyielding courage that Peter and John displayed as they stood their ground, even under intense scrutiny.

    This episode also shines a light on the incredible unity and generosity of the early Christian community. Discover how the believers shared all they had, ensuring no one was in need, and how the Holy Spirit empowered them to speak God’s word with unparalleled boldness. Listen to the heartfelt prayers of the believers and feel the palpable sense of unity that bound them together. This is not just a historical recount; it’s an inspiring reminder of faith, community, and the enduring power of a united spirit. Tune in for a deeply moving and uplifting session that echoes the timeless message of hope and solidarity.

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    11 m
  • Today's Bible Reading: Acts 1-3 - Apostolic Faith, Prophetic Guidance, and the Power of Pentecost
    Jul 15 2024

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    What can the book of Acts teach us about faith, prophecy, and divine fulfillment? Join us on a fascinating exploration of the early days following Jesus' ascension, where we unravel the advice he imparted to his apostles through the Holy Spirit, his significant appearances over forty days, and the momentous promise of the Holy Spirit's arrival. Witness with us the awe-inspiring scene as Jesus is lifted into heaven and the apostles receive mysterious guidance from two men in white robes. Together, we reflect on the apostles' commitment to prayer, their crucial decision to appoint Matthias as Judas' successor, and the transformative event of Pentecost, where the Holy Spirit empowers them to speak in a multitude of languages, leaving the gathered Jews in Jerusalem astonished. Peter's powerful address, connecting this miraculous event to the prophecy of Joel, serves as a profound reminder of divine promises fulfilled.

    In our continuation, we delve into the prophecy made by Moses and its profound implications. Discover how Moses' foretelling of a prophet from among their brothers echoes the messages of other prophets like Samuel, emphasizing a seamless thread of divine promise through generations. Reflect on the sacred covenant with Abraham, underscoring that through his descendants, all families on earth would find blessing. We also discuss the essential role of God's servant in guiding people away from wickedness, thus blessing them profoundly. Don't miss our next episode as we journey into Acts 4, unraveling even more rich historical narratives and divine insights.

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    12 m
  • Today's Bible Reading: Romans 15-16 - Unity in Faith, Paul's Personal Connections, and the Power of Communal Support
    Jul 13 2024

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    Ever struggled with understanding the importance of unity in faith? Get ready to uncover the profound lessons embedded in the final chapters of the book of Romans. Join me, Isaac Carroll, as we navigate Paul's heartfelt messages of hope, unity, and the incredible power of mutual support within the Christian community. We'll tackle the challenging names and uncover why Paul’s acknowledgment of each individual is a testament to the communal strength and shared faith that were crucial in early Christianity.

    This episode brings you face-to-face with Paul's teachings on bearing with the failings of the weak, living in harmony, and glorifying God as one united body. We’ll explore his mission to spread the gospel to the Gentiles and his deep longing to connect with the believers in Rome. Plus, we’ll touch on his plans to aid the saints in Jerusalem, demonstrating the interconnectedness and solidarity among early Christians. Listen and be inspired by the enduring impact of the gospel, the joy that comes from faith, and the boundless hope offered through the Holy Spirit.

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    7 m