• Where History and Hearts Meet: Discovering Borobudur Together

  • Sep 17 2024
  • Duración: 20 m
  • Podcast

Where History and Hearts Meet: Discovering Borobudur Together

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  • Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Where History and Hearts Meet: Discovering Borobudur Together Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/where-history-and-hearts-meet-discovering-borobudur-together Story Transcript:Id: Di bawah matahari kemarau yang cerah, Candi Borobudur berdiri megah di ujung cakrawala.En: Under the bright summer sun, Borobudur Temple stands majestically on the horizon.Id: Karang-karangnya yang rumit dan stupa-stupanya menjulang di antara pepohonan hijau dan gunung-gunung di kejauhan.En: Its intricate carvings and stupas rise among green trees and distant mountains.Id: Dewi, seorang mahasiswa arsitektur, berdiri di antara turis-turis lain, memperhatikan sambil berpikir tentang tesisnya.En: Dewi, an architecture student, stood among other tourists, observing while pondering her thesis.Id: Pemandu wisata, Rizal, telah memulai tur.En: The tour guide, Rizal, had started the tour.Id: Suaranya bersemangat ketika ia menjelaskan sejarah candi yang menakjubkan ini.En: His voice was enthusiastic as he explained the incredible history of the temple.Id: Dewi terpesona oleh pengetahuannya dan cara ia bercerita.En: Dewi was captivated by his knowledge and storytelling.Id: Namun, di dalam dirinya, ada keraguan untuk terlalu terlibat dalam percakapan di luar akademis.En: However, within herself, there was a reluctance to engage too deeply in conversations outside of academia.Id: "Apakah ada yang punya pertanyaan?En: "Does anyone have any questions?"Id: " tanya Rizal, mengakhiri penjelasannya tentang bagian relief.En: Rizal asked, concluding his explanation about the relief sections.Id: Dewi, dengan rasa ingin tahu, mengangkat tangan.En: Curious, Dewi raised her hand.Id: "Bisakah Anda ceritakan lebih banyak tentang simbol-simbol ini?En: "Can you tell us more about these symbols?Id: Apakah ada makna tersembunyi yang tidak banyak orang tahu?En: Are there hidden meanings that most people don't know?"Id: "Rizal tersenyum, senang dengan pertanyaan yang mendalam itu.En: Rizal smiled, pleased with the depth of the question.Id: "Tentu saja," jawabnya, mata bersinar.En: "Of course," he replied, his eyes shining.Id: Ia mulai bercerita tentang cerita rakyat dan filosofi di balik setiap ukiran.En: He began to talk about folk tales and the philosophy behind each carving.Id: Ia memberikan Dewi perspektif baru, lebih dari sekadar informasi standar yang dia hafal.En: He offered Dewi a new perspective, more than just the standard information he had memorized.Id: Saat tur berlanjut, mereka berbicara lebih banyak.En: As the tour continued, they talked more.Id: Percakapan mereka beralih dari arsitektur ke budaya, dan akhirnya ke impian dan pengalaman pribadi.En: Their conversation shifted from architecture to culture, and finally to personal dreams and experiences.Id: Dewi mulai merasa hangat di hati.En: Dewi started to feel a warmth in her heart.Id: Ketertarikan akademisnya mulai berubah menjadi rasa ingin tahu personal terhadap Rizal.En: Her academic interest was beginning to turn into personal curiosity about Rizal.Id: Di akhir tur, matahari mulai terbenam di balik candi.En: By the end of the tour, the sun was setting behind the temple.Id: Warna langit perlahan berubah menjadi jingga keemasan, memantulkan keelokan Borobudur.En: The sky slowly turned a golden orange, reflecting the magnificence of Borobudur.Id: Dewi dan Rizal berdiri berdampingan, menikmati suasana yang menenangkan.En: Dewi and Rizal stood side by side, enjoying the tranquil atmosphere.Id: "Indah sekali, bukan?En: "It's beautiful, isn't it?"Id: " kata Rizal pelan, memecah keheningan.En: Rizal said softly, breaking the silence.Id: "Iya," jawab Dewi sambil mengangguk.En: "Yes," Dewi replied, nodding.Id: "Dan lebih dari itu, terima kasih telah membuka mataku.En: "And more than that, thank you for opening my eyes.Id: Bukan hanya mengenai candi ini, juga tentang hal-hal lain di luar buku dan studi.En: Not just about this temple, but also about things beyond books and studies."Id: "Rizal merasa hangat oleh pujian itu.En: Rizal felt warmed by the compliment.Id: "Aku senang bisa berbagi dan belajar juga dari sudut pandangmu.En: "I'm glad to share and also learn from your perspective."Id: "Mereka berbicara sampai matahari benar-benar tenggelam.En: They talked until the sun completely set.Id: Di momen itu, mereka merasa koneksi yang berbeda, lebih mendalam daripada yang pernah mereka rasakan.En: In that moment, they felt a different connection, deeper than they had ever experienced.Id: Dewi merasakan panggilan baru.En: Dewi felt a new calling.Id: Dia tidak mau hubungan ini berakhir dengan tur yang selesai.En: She didn't want this relationship to end with the conclusion of the tour.Id: "Aku pikir aku akan tetap lebih lama di Yogyakarta," katanya, memandang Rizal.En: "I think I'll stay longer in Yogyakarta," she said, looking at Rizal.Id: "Mungkin kita bisa menjelajahi tempat-tempat lain bersama?En: "Maybe we can explore other ...
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