
  • What would Jesus say about the hot topics of today? Feat. Jamie Bambrick
    Jun 7 2024

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    There is no doubt that conversations about Abortion, LGBTQ+, race and every other hot topic have become unavoidable... for the disciple of Jesus we must ask ourselves how would Jesus talk and engage with these issues? Is there a blueprint? An instruction? Perhaps God has revealed clarity to us on reality that in turn we can give to the world?

    How would Jesus talk about the hot topics of today?

    0:00 - Intro
    1:26 - The WHY behind this podcast
    8:45 - How do we know what Jesus would think x why listen to him?
    18:47 - Jesus wasn't controversial so neither should his followers be?
    25:54 - Should we try be friends with everyone? Or should we accept being hated as a normal reality of a disciple of Jesus in a fallen world?
    41:26 - How do I as a follower of Jesus talk about these issues on a practical level?
    49:30 - A summary
    52:03 - Jamie's one takeaway

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    55 mins
  • Standing up for Jesus in sport | Feat. Simon Barr
    Mar 22 2024

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    We know why we are on this earth and that is to proclaim the praises of the one who called us from darkness to marvellous life, yet, there are some dark environments that can be testing. Sporting environments can be hard to stand for Jesus, so in this podcast we are joined with Simon Barr as he speaks in to this context and gives insight as to how we can STAND FOR JESUS.

    Time Codes:

    0:00 - Intro
    2:59 - Is sport something christians should engage with?
    10:27 - Conforming instead of informing
    15:05 - How do we stand out for Jesus?
    18:14 - Meeting people & making friends vs meeting people & making disciples
    18:59 - How do I discern what I should and shouldn't do?
    21:26 - Do I go out drinking?
    22:26 - What advice would you give to disciples in sport?
    27:08 - Simon's one thing...
    27:23 - Summary
    28:47 - Don't try building his kingdom without spending time with the King
    30:03 - Conclusion

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    31 mins
  • The awe and intimacy of praise | Feat. Ramona De-cock
    Mar 15 2024

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    Praise is often a neglected, misunderstood and abused practice!
    Yet in scripture we see it emphasised time and time again.

    In this podcast Ramona and Luke discuss the beauty of praise and how it should be a diverse and natural response of every disciple of Jesus.

    Time Codes:

    0:00 - Intro
    2:48 - What is praise?
    9:21 - Is praise supposed to be intimate?
    13:43 - What is the role of reverence and awe in praise?
    19:44 - How do we praise with a conscious mind of what we are doing?
    27:07 - Summary
    28:50 - Ramona's one thing
    30:02 - Conclusion

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    30 mins
  • To drink or not to drink? That is the question | Feat. Joshua Stewart
    Jan 12 2024

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    Is this the most pervasive question that exists within the christian community? Especially among the younger generations. It is no question that we live in a world that is morally lapsing left, right and centre, particularly in the area of ALCOHOLISM and DRUNKENNESS. However, our response to this as Gods bride has been so poor, we either enter staunch legalism mode or permissible Peter mode. "Drink whatever you want and how much you want!," "If one drop even touches your lips you are a hopeless heathen." We lack the authority and compassion of Christ greatly when it comes to alcohol. In this podcast we address this topic through conversation in the hope that we might learn, be taught, rebuked, corrected and trained.

    0:00 - Intro
    2:06 - Why is this topic so controversial
    4:03 - This is a conversation PEOPLE
    5:26 - Discerning what is sin, preference and conscience
    15:30 - Scriptures position on alcohol
    19:36 - Sin & the prohibition
    20:17 - Deep dive into conscience
    21:09 - Was alcohol the same back then as it is today
    26:04 - Conscience framework
    33:16 - Wisdom from Joshua
    41:44 - Legalism and drinking
    49:01 - Practically what do I do with alcohol?
    58:52 - Summary | Where we stand
    1:03:37 - One thing to take away
    1:03:18 - Conclusion

    Music by
    Over the limits

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    1 hr and 4 mins
  • Do God's people really have to restore?
    Jan 5 2024

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    Restoration? What actually is this? Do christians have to do it, if you look at church history you would think that we probably don't need to, if you looked at your church maybe you would conclude its not important and if you looked at your own life, it is a signpost that reads "restoration is only done when it is convenient for the one restoring." Yet we would have to reject the good news of the gospel that teaches Jesus Christ restored everything back to himself on the cross! And so christians follow suit in emulating Jesus in restoring and when we restore we provide the greatest witness of what Jesus has done in our own lives.

    Time Codes:

    0:00 - Intro
    6:47 - We have been given an opportunity
    9:59 - What have we been instructed not to do
    14:46 - Living offensive lives
    16:36 - What we have been instructed to do
    19:05 - How do we love as Jesus loved us?
    31:11 - Conclusion

    Music by
    Over the limits

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    35 mins
  • Thinking the spiritual gifts | Feat. Stephen Bartley
    Dec 8 2023

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    What do we mean by the spiritual gifts? When it comes to this topic we are more inclined to lean towards controversy as opposed to wonder, debate as opposed to collective pursuit and disunity over unity! In this podcast we talk about what the spiritual gifts are, cessationism, continuitionism and how we can pursue the gifts as God has commanded!

    Minute 57:07 | *Edification in Christ* Not edification of Christ.

    Time Codes:

    0:00 - Intro
    2:19 - What do we mean by the gifts?
    5:22 - Why does there exist a dichotomy between charismatic gifts and other spiritual gifts?
    17:29 - Cessationism?
    28:06 - Continuationism?
    40:08 - How do we pursue the gifts?
    50:01 - Spiritual gifts at the expense of Gods word?
    53:15 - G.I.F.T
    56:22 - Summary
    59:03 - Stephen's closing thought
    59:59 - Conclusion

    Music by
    Over the limits

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    1 hr and 1 min
    Nov 10 2023

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    When it comes to life we often are told, believe and live out as if there is only one lane, one path and one way of doing things! Especially when it comes to 'big' things of life.

    In this podcast we explore the fact that there is more than one option, that you could be called to another country, you be called to celibacy, you could be called away from education and employment as opposed towards.

    Maybe there is more than just the white picket fence that is so often presented, how can we know? Maybe you'll never know if you don't take a peek over, if you don't take a step to see what is on the other side!

    Time Codes:

    0:00 - Intro
    1:51 - Samuel's story
    8:53 - Providence over coincidence
    11:14 - Instilling passion, following conviction
    14:31 - Calling of God is context
    17:20 - Ephesians 2:10
    20:16 - Walking his will brings the clarity
    25:42 - Samuel's wisdom and advice
    28:39 - Things to think about when it comes to Gods will
    31:23 - What one thing should you take away?
    31:57 - Conclusion

    Music by
    Over the limits

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    35 mins
  • How do I Pray? Feat. Joshua Stewart
    Oct 20 2023

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    In the previous podcast we looked at why we would pray... So by this point we should desire nothing more than to pray, pray and pray some more! But maybe the next question you have is how do I do this? In this podcast we will take a deep dive into passion, humility, confession, persistence, discipline, love, pursuit and more as we unpack the natural and God ordained means to which we communicate with God.

    Time Codes:

    0:00 - Intro
    1:21 - What is prayer?
    3:11 - Who is prayer for?
    7:31 - Why do we do prayer?
    12:11 - Old Testament examples of prayer
    17:37 - Passion in prayer
    19:25 - Humility in prayer
    22:34 - Confession in prayer
    24:41 - Faith in prayer
    27:32 - Discipline and persistence in prayer
    29:41 - Summary
    30:36 - Conclusion

    Music by
    Over the limits

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    32 mins