• Unemployment
    May 24 2023

    So many of us who are artists suffered greatly during the pandemic. I think our government should take action in response to that. I believe that there should be a program established for artists so that we can receive symphonies, grants, or investments in artists because our work is so vital, heartbreaking, and involves the whole of our being. Every breath, every move, every reaction—all of our blood, sweat, and tears—go into creating our life's work, and all we receive in return is cash or other tokens of appreciation. For an artist, this is challenging because they want to feel appreciated, fulfilled, cared for, and like they have a path toward their goals without constantly overcoming obstacles. However, the life of an artist is not an easy one.

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    7 mins
  • Overturning Roe vs. Wade
    May 17 2023

    Someone feels less when their bodily autonomy is taken away from them. Please excuse me if I find anything about what they did to be really uncomfortable. We’re supposed to commemorate our independence, but in all honesty, I don't feel like a citizen. Yes, it is correct. My freedom has been seized from me. There is no such thing as the American dream, in my opinion. No one of us will be free once we are all free. America is descending a tyrannical slope. I can't continue to live my life this way, therefore something needs to change. Nobody else should spend their lives this way, in my opinion. We need to improve.

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    11 mins
  • Legends and Icons
    May 10 2023

    An icon or a legend? Someone else's interpretation may differ from mine. Like when I consider a legend or an icon, I consider someone who has had a lengthy career in entertainment. And I think that even now, the entertainment industry still shames women because they don't think we're thin enough or convincing enough. But now how things are going, these icons are important to pay attention to for a purpose. And when we need them, they assist us in getting through difficult situations. They have the ability to see spirits, and we can think of them as friends who are aware of our needs, so that's my thing.

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    8 mins
  • Toxic Disease in America
    May 3 2023

    There is so much hatred, and it appears that the US government is censoring it. It's challenging to see what laws we can enact without simply burying our heads in the sand. Our surroundings are evolving. It is always evolving. Even though we can't see it or feel it, it changes every day. I notice it in the air we inhale. Inhaling harmful gases is not good. There is just so much negativity spread throughout our nation. And I'm not sure if I actually want to visit some of those locations where I won't be welcomed. I should be able to visit different states and remind those who are new to this country to do so with open arms.

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    11 mins
  • Democracy on the Ballot
    Apr 26 2023

    Let me just stress that no one has the authority to revoke your right to vote. Your vote is also crucial. No one has the authority to take away your vote, regardless of whether you are a Democrat, Republican, or Independent. I beg you to choose candidates who share your views, who will support you, with whom you can communicate successfully and who will pay attention to you, rather than choosing someone who would cast your vote against you. And I don't mean that in a malicious way. I would answer that because I desire a better future for you and because I have voted numerous times throughout the years. And I sincerely hope that you desire a brighter future for yourself. Democracy needs to be preserved because it is an ideal worth defending. But regrettably, it is currently in danger.

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    13 mins
  • Power of Choice
    Apr 19 2023

    Pause, calm down, and smell the roses, take some time for yourself, and truly consider what you're putting yourself through or what situation you're putting yourself through because I've been there too many times and started with a thing that will benefit me. Either you can or you can't get through the day. And in the end, life gives you options. And I would prefer to select a circumstance in which I had control over the outcome. I believe that ultimately, you have to decide to maintain your mental health. It's not a scenario you want to be in, though. My advice is to simply take each day as it comes. Make a forward-looking plan if you want to. Although I can't always prepare ahead for everything, try to avoid overcommitting and leave yourself enough free time to experience life.

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    6 mins
  • Mental Health for Actors
    Apr 12 2023

    Mental illness affects people from all walks of life. And it's developed this stigma that makes us reluctant to discuss it because we don't believe it could or would happen to us. A significant problem is mental health. And I don't believe we discuss it enough in our daily lives, professions, vocations, or passions. We don't usually talk about mental health because it feels like people are punished for having problems with their mental health or are just punished for being miserable. And in today's world, that is generally the wrong mentality. We also need to pay attention to others whose opinions may differ from our own.

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    8 mins
  • My Mom, My Sweet Trail Blazer
    Apr 5 2023

    My mother makes me incredibly proud, and I hope to keep writing and sharing her knowledge. I want to do everything I can to honor her. I find a lot of inspiration in her. She is the reason I am the woman I am today. No matter how difficult life appeared to be for me and my family, I have always tried to see the bright side. I always just smiled and watched when something went wrong. The reason why that happened will always be a mystery, but I think it has to do with the strength my mother instilled in me. I know it sounds cliche to say that my mother has had the most impact on me, but I'd be lying if I said otherwise. There are so many things that I don't think I would ever be able to accomplish if it weren't for my mother's encouragement to strive for greater things.

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    #WomenInEntertainment #MarissaPepple #TheProposal #WomenEmpowerment #ActorsPodcast #EmpoweringWomen

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    7 mins