
  • Rhian Hughes-Hodgkinson - Earl Transport
    Jul 22 2024

    This time on women torque BACK, Jo Dawson-Gerrard interviews Rhian Hughes-Hodgkinson from Earl Transport.

    Rhian is passionate about the transport industry - one of her favourite quotes being “I expect respect and I give respect, it doesn’t matter whether I’m a man or a woman.”

    Rhian shares some of her two decades of professional experience and her mission of streamlining logistics and supply chain management to ensure efficient operation and delivery excellence.

    Contact: marketing@backhouses.co.uk
    Website: backhousejones.co.uk

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    27 mins
  • What is meant for you won’t pass you by - Sarah Boyd, MD, Lothian Buses
    Jul 4 2024

    This time on women torque BACK Jo Dawson-Gerrard and Libby Pritchard speak with Sarah Boyd, the Managing Director of Lothian Buses.

    Responsible for overseeing all aspects of the company, she works closely with the company’s senior team to deliver strategy, direction and leadership.

    Currently Scottish Vice-Chair of the Confederation of Passenger Transport (having previously been Chair), Sarah is also a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport. She also chaired a subgroup of the Scottish Government’s Bus Taskforce, looking at improving driver shortages across the bus industry in Scotland after the pandemic.

    With over 20 years in the bus industry, and a PCV licence-holder herself, Sarah is passionate about the transport industry and the people in it. Believing in the mantra “what is meant for you won’t pass you by” Sarah kindly shares some of her experiences of the industry with us today.

    Contact: marketing@backhouses.co.uk
    Website: backhousejones.co.uk

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    35 mins
  • Our members are our power - Sonya Byers, CEO of Women in Transport
    May 15 2024

    Women and girls make up 51 per cent of the UK population. The female employment rate is 72.3 per cent, yet women remain underrepresented in the transport sector accounting for only 26 per cent of workers. So, this time on Women torque BACK, Jo Dawson-Gerrard talks with Sonya Byers, CEO of Women in Transport.

    Women in Transport is a not-for-profit that empowers women in the industry to maximise their potential. Membership provides exclusive access to events, our professional development programmes and the All Party Parliamentary Group for Women in Transport.

    Having spent many years of her career in the transport sector, Sonya tells us about what Women in Transport do, about their Advance mentoring programme, their virtual “Lead” leadership development programme, the D & I Bus Group and some of the projects the organisation is currently working on.

    The Women in Transport website is here:


    The Women in Transport Equity Index Report 2023 referred to in this episode can be found here:


    Information on the Inclusive Cab Summit referred to in this episode can be found here:


    The content of this podcast is correct at the time of broadcasting and isn’t meant to be specific medical or legal advice. If you need advice, we recommend that you take proper medical or legal advice for your individual situation.

    Please leave us a review and of course details of any areas you would like us to cover in Your employees' health and your business future episodes. We do read them and it helps others find our podcast. Enjoy!

    Contact: marketing@backhouses.co.uk
    Website: www.backhousejones.co.uk

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    25 mins
  • Sami Bowler - For some people, transport is just in their DNA!
    Apr 25 2024

    This time on Women Torque BACK, Jo Dawson-Gerrard speaks with Sami Bowler of Sami Bowler Transport Management.

    They discuss what it was like growing up in the transport sector, being an external transport consultant and the issues crossing her desk on a daily basis.

    Sami spends her days keeping operators out of Public Inquiries, but she secretly confesses that operators actually respond well after enforcement action has been taken - whether at the roadside by the DVSA or in the Public Inquiry room before a Traffic Commissioner.

    The content of this podcast is correct at the time of broadcasting and isn’t meant to be specific medical or legal advice. If you need advice, we recommend that you take proper medical or legal advice for your individual situation.

    Please leave us a review and of course details of any areas you would like us to cover in Your employees' health and your business future episodes. We do read them and it helps others find our podcast. Enjoy!

    Contact: marketing@backhouses.co.uk
    Website: www.backhousejones.co.uk

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    27 mins
  • BACKing a positive approach - Laura Taylor from the RHA
    Mar 29 2024

    This time on Women Torque BACK, Jo Dawson-Gerrard speaks with Laura Taylor, Human Resources Director at the Road Haulage Association. They discuss the RHA’s Member Assistance Programme (a confidential service to help people deal with personal or work-related challenges), equity, diversity and inclusion initiatives, hybrid working, getting the best out of people with a positive approach and much more.

    The content of this podcast is correct at the time of broadcasting and isn’t meant to be specific medical or legal advice. If you need advice, we recommend that you take proper medical or legal advice for your individual situation.

    Please leave us a review and of course details of any areas you would like us to cover in Your employees' health and your business future episodes. We do read them and it helps others find our podcast. Enjoy!

    Contact: marketing@backhouses.co.uk
    Website: www.backhousejones.co.uk

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    42 mins
  • BACK with the ladies from BHJ - PIs; maintenance issues; the role of the driver; cameras in cabs; clandestine entrants; uninsured loss recoveries; and HR changes for 2024
    Mar 5 2024

    This time on Women Torque BACK, Jo Dawson-Gerrard speaks on International Womens’ Day with Libby Pritchard, Heather Lunney, Laura Smith, Claire McKie and Charlotte Fowler from Backhouse Jones about some of the more pressing transport related topics coming across their desks at the moment.

    We discuss:

    • what we are seeing in public inquiries;
    • maintenance issues;
    • the role of the driver;
    • cameras in cabs;
    • clandestine entrants;
    • uninssured loss recoveries; and
    • HR changes for 2024.

    As well as our take on these subjects, we offer up some anecdotes and key take-aways.

    The content of this podcast is correct at the time of broadcasting and isn’t meant to be specific medical or legal advice. If you need advice, we recommend that you take proper medical or legal advice for your individual situation.

    Please leave us a review and of course details of any areas you would like us to cover in Your employees' health and your business future episodes. We do read them and it helps others find our podcast. Enjoy!

    Contact: marketing@backhouses.co.uk
    Website: www.backhousejones.co.uk

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    34 mins
  • Season 2 kick-off - Getting your house in order! Lindsay Plummer of Plumwood Ltd
    Nov 29 2023

    All Episodes


    Kicking the brand new second season of Women Torque BACK off, Jo Dawson-Gerrard is speaking to Lindsay Plummer from the transport consultancy Plumwood Ltd.

    With a decade of on-the job experience, Lindsay talks about the issues she is seeing most frequently in the industry, helping operators get their house in order and what she envisages the future will hold.

    The content of this podcast is correct at the time of broadcasting and isn’t meant to be specific medical or legal advice. If you need advice, we recommend that you take proper medical or legal advice for your individual situation.

    Please leave us a review and of course details of any areas you would like us to cover in Your employees' health and your business future episodes. We do read them and it helps others find our podcast. Enjoy!

    Contact: marketing@backhouses.co.uk
    Website: www.backhousejones.co.uk

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    23 mins
  • Just one less? Protecting people and business against diabetes risk & liability - Kate Walker
    Feb 14 2023

    This time on Women Torque BACK Jo Dawson-Gerrard is speaking to another inspiring woman – namely Kate Walker.

    As well as being a fan of adrenaline sports, Kate has a wealth of experience covering Health, Nutrition, Diabetes, Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Sport and Exercise Science. She is a published author and the founder and Managing Director of the Diabetes Safety Organisation.

    The Diabetes Safety Organisation was established to address the ever-present and increasing safety risk posed by diabetes. Getting organisations in sectors such construction and the transport to recognise there is a huge invisible risk that is currently not being addressed, leaving employees exposed to a potential fatality and companies open to criminal liability.

    Kate is passionate about helping people manage their condition and provide support for companies to create a safe environment for people to work in.

    Find out more here: https://diabetessafety.org/

    You can contact Kate at: enquiries@diabetessafety.org
    Tel: 0333 577 5735

    The content of this podcast is correct at the time of broadcasting and isn’t meant to be specific medical or legal advice. If you need advice, we recommend that you take proper medical or legal advice for your individual situation.

    Please leave us a review and of course details of any areas you would like us to cover in Your employees' health and your business future episodes. We do read them and it helps others find our podcast. Enjoy!

    Contact: marketing@backhouses.co.uk
    Website: www.backhousejones.co.uk

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    44 mins