
  • Attachment Style: Disorganized
    Jun 21 2022

    We round out or series on Disorganized attachment style.  I think the biggest lesson learned in this series is learning compassion towards all people.  We can't control the attachment style we have but we can love those and learn to understand those who differ from us.  

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    16 mins
  • Attachment Style: Anxious
    May 24 2022

    We continue our series on attachment styles, and we are talking about the anxious attachment style.

    This type usually has the motto "If you are okay, then I am okay"... if this is you, maybe dig a little deeper to see if you have an anxious attachment style.  Also, for people with this attachment style, please know you aren't too much and your feelings aren't too big.  You are worth loving and are meant to be loved!

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    20 mins
  • Attachment Style: Avoidant
    May 10 2022

    Next up is Avoidant attachment style!  Spoiler alert, both Jasmine and Amanda have this attachment style! About 20% of people have this attachment style, and though it is hard to swallow when you realize your attachment style isn't secure or perfect, please show yourself grace and overtime, grace to your caregiver too.

    This style is developed at such a young age, but there is still time to course correct and change. Our mind is wild and can do so much!

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    21 mins
  • Attachement Style: Secure
    Apr 26 2022

    Nerd out with us as we go through each attachment style.  We started with an easy one... Secure.

    Attachment styles are cultivated at a very young age and shape how we see and do relationships!  One word we want to give to you throughout this series is grace.  Show yourself and others grace!  

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    20 mins
  • Grief in Family
    Apr 12 2022

    Family is tricky, messy and beautiful.  Over time we learn to guard our hearts in these relationships because they can cause the most damage.  How do we show ourselves grace and our family grace while simultaneously working through grieving wrongs done to us or those close to us?  How do we set up boundaries to create healthy sustainable relationships with our family while also grieving a relationship we will never have?

    This series has been deep, hard and life giving.  Just remember grief is a discipline and through practice we learn to heal.  Check out the closing episode of this series! Tell us what you think at theknownmam@gmail.com

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    25 mins
  • Grief in Romantic Relationships
    Mar 29 2022

    We have all been there.  Dated someone, broke up with said person and then never really grieved it.

    All relationships teach us something and take up room in our hearts.  We need to learn how to move on in a healthy way and learn to heal through grief.  Listen to Amanda and Jasmine as they talk about past relationships, how they tripped over grieving well and feel seen in their experiences.  No one ever does this perfectly but bringing all those feelings to light is a good first step!

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    23 mins
  • Grief in Friendships
    Mar 15 2022

    Did you know grief is a discipline?  We can actually get better at it?  We discuss this and more in our 3 part series on grief.  Today we discuss grief in friends, we talk about grieving the end of friendships and the change of friendships.

    Friendships, like all relationships have highs and lows.  It is also hard to remember that very few relationships will last, and that is OK.  Life is seasonal and so is freindship!

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    21 mins
  • What is your personal brand?
    Mar 1 2022

    We are all image bearers, what do you want your image to say about you?  Amanda and Jasmine talk to image consultant Lenna Alsulaiman about style, image, mental health and so much more.  
    So many of us women live in our insecurities and hide who we are and who we want to be.  It is time to step out and take ownership of how we want the world to see us.  We must learn to be the confident and beautiful women we were created to be.  

    1. Your image is a reflection of how you feel
    2. How are you using clothes to camouflage you?
    3. Let's be each other's hype girls  

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    37 mins