• Paul’s Macedonian call
    May 9 2022
    Following a disagreement between Paul and Barnabas, they separated and Paul took Silas on his journey. The Holy Spirit hinders his progress in Bithynia and Paul has a vision of a man from Macedonia calling him to go there - to Europe.
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    28 mins
  • The church planted in Philippi
    May 9 2022
    Paul went to Philippi. He met Lydia at the place of prayer. She responded to the Gospel message. A slave girl disrupted Paul's work until he cast out the evil spirit from her in the name of Jesus, causing her owners to lose income. They took Paul and Silas to the magistrates, who beat and imprisoned them. Overnight God set them free through an earthquake. The jailer was saved and the magistrates escorted Paul and Silas out of the city.
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    30 mins
  • The ups and downs of church planting
    May 9 2022
    Paul and his team visits Thessalonica where there is open opposition from the Jews. He moves on to Berea where they are more receptive until men come from Thessalonica to disrupt the mission. Paul moves on to Athens but Silas and Timothy stay to strengthen the church.
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    31 mins
  • Paul preaches in Athens
    May 9 2022
    Paul is alone in Athens. He engages with the Jews in the synagogue and the Epicureans and Stoics in the marketplace. He introduces them to new ideas about God, the afterlife and Jesus.
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    30 mins
  • Corinth - the dynamics of church planting
    May 9 2022
    Paul moves to Corinth where he has a team to help him spread the gospel. They leave the synagogue along with the leader of the synagogue who had become a believer. Paul then travels back to his sending church in Antioch in Syria before his next mission.
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    30 mins
  • Preaching and miracles at Ephesus
    May 9 2022
    Paul, and his team, spend a long time in Ephesus. He speaks to the synagogue but then holds discussions with others in an educational setting. The gospel spreads out from Ephesus as people experience miracles and the power of the Holy Spirit.
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    32 mins