• Authority of the Believer: In the Beginning
    Apr 26 2021

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    Welcome to Word of Life Study Series- The Authority of the Believer! In this first episode we will be laying a foundation, by examining the origins of the authority that God had given to mankind from the beginning.

    1. The Origin of Mankind

    Mankind was created in the image of God; the first man Adam was created as a physically mature adult. We did not evolve from comic goo. Nor are we an accident of nature, but were originally created as the crowning jewel of God’s re-creation of the earth- Acts 17:26.

    2. Human Beings Consists of Three Parts

    We are not just a physical body; we are a spirit, we have a soul, and we live in a body- 1 Th. 5:23. With our spirit we contact the spirit realm; conscience is the voice of the human spirit. With our soul (mind, will and emotions) we contact the intellectual realm; reason is the voice of our soul. Finally with our physical body (5 physical senses) we make contact with the material world; feelings is the voice of the body. We are three dimensional beings.

    3. God Gave Mankind Dominion

    Yet as soon as He finished restoring the earth to a habitable state, He turned it over to Adam on a lease, to be a steward and caretaker of it- Genesis 1:26-28. God created us for His glory (Isaiah 43:7) to have a relationship with Him- what an amazing honor! As a result, God made us a little lower than Himself (Psalm 8:3-9), “You made mankind a little lower than God (Hebrew word “elohiym”- for God).” The most High God made humanity the “gods” of this earth- Psalms 82:6; John 10:34-35.

    4. The Probation of Mankind

    In Genesis 2:15, concerning the Garden of Eden, God told Adam to “take care of it or to keep it.” Obviously that implied to guard and protect it from intruders. This is the first reference to man’s adversary- the devil. Why put that tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the garden in the first place anyway? To have an opportunity to make a choice.

    5. The Fall of Mankind

    Just as Satan enticed 1/3 of the angels to rebel, here he is tempting Adam and Eve. The goal, was to usurp Adam’s God given authority by enticing them to commit high treason. If Satan could get Adam and Eve to obey his words and do what he says, they would then become his slave and Satan would gain Adam’s dominion by forfeit- Romans 6:16.

    6. The Origin of Satan

    There was an Arch-Angel at one time named Lucifer- an Arch-Angel is a high ranking angel. Isaiah 14:12-17 (KJV), “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!” Before Adam and Eve were created, which we call the Pre-Adamite age, spanning millions of years- the time before Genesis 1:2. Lucifer had authority given to him upon this earth, a throne over the nations of that time- Isaiah 14:12-15; Ezekiel 28:11-19.

    7. The Kingdom of Darkness

    The Lord does not want us ignorant, unaware or afraid of Satan’s devices- 2 Cor. 2:11. Being informed and equipped keeps us from being taken advantage of. Satan prefers anonymity, if people think he does not exist- no one will oppose him. It is vital that we understand that Satan incarnates all that is evil and wicked in this world.

    8. Trials, Tests & Temptations

    It is critical for the believer to know the source of Good and Evil. Jesus made it plain in John 10:10; Good God vs Bad devil, simple theology- please don’t mix this up. A person can have 10 miles of trials and not grow an inch unless they stand on God’s Word in the midst of those trials, otherwise they become another victim or statistic. Let’s not get ripped off

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    2 hrs and 15 mins
  • Authority of the Believer: Our Glorious Redemption
    May 1 2021

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    Welcome to Word of Life Study Series- The Authority of the Believer! Any authority is only as good as the power that backs it up. In this second episode we will explore the fundamentals of what backs our authority in Jesus Christ. What Jesus accomplished through His death, burial, resurrection paid the price for our glorious redemption from sin and death. Jesus is now seated at the right hand of God the Father, victorious and triumphant over the kingdom of darkness.

    1. Blood Covenant

    We need to briefly lay a foundation concerning blood covenant. The basis by which God and the ancient civilizations entered into agreement with one another. I am absolutely convinced that the subject of blood covenant is one of the most important and misunderstood subjects in the Bible. When the child of God fully grasps in his/her spirit the ramifications of these powerful truths, all things truly become possible to them who believe as Jesus said in Mark 9:23.

    2. Authority Given to Human Beings on this Earth

    Remember back in Genesis, it was to mankind that God had given dominion to rule over His creation. In order for God or the devil to exert influence upon the earth, it must be done through people.

    3. Death, Burial & Resurrection

    What Jesus did in His death, burial and resurrection was the fulfillment of this Promise of deliverance, freedom, restoration and reconciliation for mankind in Genesis 3:15. To fully appreciate and operate in the authority that we have in Christ Jesus, we must first have a firm foundation and understand the glorious redemption that was bought and paid for on our behalf by Jesus. The subject of redemption covers what we have been redeemed from and what we have been redeemed to.

    4. Seated Together with Jesus at the Right Hand of the Father

    We were raised together with Christ. He was raised up by the glory of the Father, when He had satisfied the claims of Justice for our sins, and had met our great enemy Satan and his army in the dark regions of hell and conquered them. He then was made alive in His spirit as the firstborn from among the dead.

    5. Baptized Into the Name of Jesus

    The Greek the word “Baptism” means to “Submerge, immerse; to make overwhelmed, fully wet.” We will cover four different kinds of baptisms, but will go into greater detail on the first baptism that Christians undertake- being baptized into Jesus Christ.

    6. The Court Room of Heaven

    I’m confident that this segment will really open our eyes to the intricacies and dynamics concerning the court room in heaven. Scripture not only points to a future judgment for all people, but we must realize that there is a spiritual court in session 24/7 today. What we do and say can and will be used for us or against us in this court of law.

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    2 hrs and 12 mins
  • Authority of the Believer: The Name of Jesus
    May 8 2021

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    Welcome to Word of Life Study Series- The Authority of the Believer! In this third episode we will be diving right into the power and use of the Name of Jesus. Acts 4:12, “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” The Christian experience begins with calling on the person of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. The reality of the power in the Name of Jesus continues to resonate throughout this life and for all eternity.

    1. Mankind and Miracles

    When reason takes the place of the miraculous, Christianity loses its vitality, fascination and fruitfulness. Christianity is not a religion, it is the very life of God in human beings. The religion of humanism and secularism leaves people empty, confused and hungry for God. The answer to the universal cravings of mankind for the supernatural is found only in the Lord. Specifically, found in the new birth, being baptized with the Holy Spirit and the Name of Jesus. We crave the manifest presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

    2. How Jesus obtained a more excellent Name

    I need to point out that names in the Bible are really significant because they are titles of authority that point to a particular office and represent great achievements or victories- they serve a function. A person’s name represents a person, names have meanings. They shed light as to their character and destiny. When we learn about the Name of Jesus we will come to understand the person of Jesus.

    3. The Name of Jesus- what is behind it!

    If one is planning to use the Name of Jesus in prayer, praise and power evangelism, one needs to know the power invested in that Name which God esteems above every other name. The Name of Jesus is just as wonderful as Jesus, all His conquests, power and victories are in the Name of Jesus and the Name of Jesus belongs to us, to use in every area of life today!

    4. The Great Commission

    This concept, “The Power of Attorney” is foundational in understanding the authority of the Believer. Jesus gave us the power of attorney, the legal right to use His Name. Value of the Name of Jesus is based on how much power is backing the Name that it represents. So how much power and authority does Jesus have? We will explore that question in depth together.

    5. The Unqualified Use of the Name of Jesus

    Authority is delegated power. God Himself is the power behind the authority that was given unto us through the Name of Jesus. Believers that are thoroughly convinced of the divine power that is behind them and of their own authority that has been delegated to them and exercises it, can face the enemy without fear or hesitancy.

    6. The Place of Faith in the Use of the Name

    Most Christians believe the Name of Jesus belongs to them, but having faith in the Name is not the same. That is why we are not performing the same miracles they had in the early church, because our faith in the Name is not the same. Does not matter what we feel, our strength comes from the Lord and the power of His might- let's get that revelation into our spirit.

    7. The Use of the Name

    It would behoove us to see in the Scriptures how the Name of Jesus was used as it pertains to the plan of salvation and its relation to the believer in his/her Christian life. Christianity would have a whole new element about it if we taught the people according to the Word what it meant to believe ON the Name as a sinner and then to believe IN the Name as a believer.

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    3 hrs and 25 mins
  • Authority of the Believer: Spiritual Warfare
    May 15 2021

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    Welcome to Word of Life Study Series- The Authority of the Believer! I trust that you’ve been enjoying this series. As we continue our journey through this vital subject, I can’t stress enough how vital it is for all Christians to obtain a solid grasp of these Biblical revelations in our spirits. In this episode we will go into the particulars of spiritual warfare, deliverance ministry and the operation of demons. As always, God's Word is our source of truth- Acts 17:11.

    1. The Mandate Continues- Setting the Captives free

    God never intended that there should ever be any change in the methods of ministry down through the ages. Only as nations developed, should these methods be broadened, but the miraculous element enfolded in the Name of Jesus should be the means of opening closed doors to the Church everywhere; the sick should be healed; the power of Satan broken over lives and captives set free.

    2. The Name of Jesus- Still Controversial

    Jesus knew the place His Name would hold among humanity. People would love it enough to die for it; others would hate it enough to commit murder on account of it. This Name that makes demons tremble and saints rejoice. It’s no wonder that sinners use that Name in vain when they curse God.

    3. Enforcing Satan’s Defeat

    Have you ever noticed how throughout the ministry of Jesus that He had regularly encountered the devil and evil spirits and put them in their place- casting them out of the lives and bodies of people! There are two extremes today- no devil or a devil behind every tree. The reality is that the Bible has a lot to say about demons, their habits, influence and power over people.

    4. Our Place of Authority in Combat

    Does the Church have authority that she has not recognized- yes, we have not even gotten into the edge of it. However, when Jesus returns, there will be a host of believers who will have raised up to this place. We as the Church have been given the authority that Jesus had obtained through conquest. His intent is that we exercise it on the earth today as His Body.

    5. Another look at the Trichotomy

    We are a three-fold being known as a Trichotomy- spirit, soul and body. I am a spirit being, I have a soul and I live in a body. Our development should encompass all three dimensions. To train only the physical is to make an athlete. To train only the mental is to make an intellectual academic. To train only the spiritual is to make a fanatic. God’s plan is for the development and training of the whole person.

    6. What we need to know about demons

    The theological subject of “demonology” is more relevant today in a western culture that ignores or denies the existence of the spirit realm. Satan prefers anonymity in order to afflict humanity without taking the blame. We will explore some basic concepts of how the demonic seek to influence people.

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    2 hrs and 43 mins
  • Authority of the Believer: Deliverance Ministry Mechanics
    May 20 2021

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    Welcome to Word of Life Study Series- The Authority of the Believer! This will be our last episode for this season. Our Christian experience is grounded in the Word of God, so when it comes to the practical application of deliverance ministry- the Bible is our textbook. The Scriptures are full of teaching and examples of what deliverance ministry should look for the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    1. Is the Devil or just the Flesh

    When I talk about the “Flesh” I am talking about the old sinful human nature that is still left in the bodies of every Christian alive on the earth today. This means, that believers is Jesus Christ are very capable of committing sin. We are perfect now through righteousness in our born again spiritual natures, just not perfectly walking it out in our daily lives. Some things that folks attribute to the devil are really nothing more than works of the flesh. Most of the time Christians just need to learn how to bring their flesh under the dominion of their recreated spirit- that's called sanctification.

    2. The difference between Oppression, Obsession and Possession

    To really understand how demons affect people, it’s also important to understand the difference between oppression, obsession, and possession. Many people use these terms interchangeably when they are actually referring to three separate degrees of demonic influence. The primary way Satan tries to gain access to people is through their mind and body. However, the enemy cannot possess a Christian in their spirit- Holy Spirit is already there!

    3. Spiritual Warfare: Are we Wrestling or Resting

    Spiritual warfare and demonology are subjects some Christians are overemphasizing today in a way that is not in line with the Word of God. Many believers become fearful if we talk about the devil, demons, and evil spirits and their activities. The other extreme is when people seem to think it would be better not to even mention the devil or evil spirits. We need to know our enemy. The Bible says we are not to be ignorant of Satan’s devices and schemes. One of Satan’s devices is to get people off into the extreme, even in the area of spiritual warfare.

    4. Pulling down Strongholds

    Evil spirits like to remain in the locality where they have established strongholds. The Bible gives us an example of this in Mark chapter 5 when Jesus delivered the madman of Gadara. When traveling, it can be easy to discern what kinds of spirits are in a given locality. The evil spirits that dominate a city will try to get into the local churches, if allowed to; the church of Corinth in the Bible is a good example- 1 Cor. 5.

    5. Praying Scripturally

    How can we pray so that our prayers will affect change in our cities/nations? Only the Word of God will prevail over every circumstance, demon or force of evil. A revivalist once said, “It is no more supernatural for believers to have a revival than it is for farmers to reap a crop.” The same principles for sowing/reaping a crop apply to both the natural & spiritual realms. We prepare the ground of people’s hearts through scriptural prayer. The Word has to be sown in people’s hearts through the preaching/teaching of the Word. The Word and Prayer working together results in signs and wonders – revival in the land!

    6. Is Deliverance Ministry Scriptural?

    If you are a Christian, healing and deliverance belongs to you. The word “deliverance” doesn’t just mean deliverance from demons- there’s a greater application. We’re talking about freedom from anything that would try to bind us is

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    3 hrs and 9 mins
  • Healing is the Children's Bread: God's Compassion in Action
    May 24 2021

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    Welcome to Word of Life Study Series- Healing is the Children’s Bread! The subject of divine healing is significant in the Scriptures and is woven throughout the entire Bible as part of God’s redemptive plan for humanity. In this season we’ll take a comprehensive look concerning God’s will concerning healing. I’m convinced that the essence of divine healing is found in God’s love and His compassion in action for suffering humanity; as a result of the curse of sin and death in the world. I named this series “Healing is the Children’s Bread” because the Word of God plainly makes it a major staple for the believers to receive, enjoy and share with others. In Acts 5:20 the angel told Peter who was delivered from jail, “…tell the people the full message of this new life.”

    1. Healing Bread

    Bread in ancient times has been the symbol of life and nourishment for our bodies. It always has been regarded as something wholesome and good; representing the basic necessity of life. Is it no wonder that God makes a divine connection between natural bread and the Word of God? As Jesus said in John 6:63, “The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life.” As natural bread sustains physical life, Jesus Christ, the Word of God sustains us on all three dimensions of our being- spirit, soul and body. “For in him we live and move and have our being,” Acts 17:28.

    2. Who has Believed the Report?

    Isaiah 53:1, “Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?”

    My encouragement to you as you read this material is to be open in your thinking. There may be some unbiblical traditions and mentalities that will be challenged along the way, please don’t turn me off. Of course you are not obligated to accept anything in this material if you can’t see it plainly in the Word of God and bears witness with your spirit- Acts 17:11. However, if you begin to see things in the Word of God that may be a little different from what you have been accustomed to, we need to stay with the truth of God’s Word and not what we thought the Bible said, or what another person said they thought the Bible said. I don’t know about you, but if I am wrong in my thinking, I want to know about it and change so I can receive God’s blessing in my life.

    3. God at Work

    Jesus had been healing on the Sabbath, which was a favorite thing for Him to do, and the religious leaders where upset with Him; for in their religious interpretations, Jesus was breaking the Sabbath day. In response Jesus said to them in John 5:17, “My Father is always at work to this very day, and I too, am working.” Jesus was emphatically stating that getting people healed, like getting people saved from sin, is considered the work of God- Healing people is God’s business! We see the same thing in Acts 10:38, “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with Him.” Thankfully, neither God the Father nor the Lord Jesus Christ has changed as they continue to work through believers, healing people today as part of the Great Commission- Mark 16:15-20.

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    1 hr and 13 mins
  • Healing is the Children's Bread: Under the Old Covenant
    May 28 2021

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    Welcome to Word of Life Study Series- Healing is the Children’s Bread! In this episode we will be examining how God’s provision for healing worked under the Old Covenant; which served as a type and shadow for better things to come under the New Covenant. Someone will ask, “What does healing under the Old Covenant that have to do with us today? That was back then and applied to Israel.” God is the same God now as He was then. The Bible says He does not change according to Malachi 3:6. God was against sin in the Old Testament and He is against sin in the New Testament. He was against sickness in the Old Testament, and He is against sickness in the New Testament. He made provision for healing in the Old Testament, and He made provision for healing in the New Testament.

    1. God’s Healing Provision for Israel

    God always has been opposed to sickness, not in favor of it. Even in the Old Testament, He always made provision for His covenant people to be healed. If sickness was His will, He wouldn’t have made that provision. When Israel crossed the Red Sea and started toward their homeland, the Lord said: In Exodus 15:26, the Lord declares Himself to be “I am the Lord that heals you.”

    As long as Israel walked in the Covenant, there was no sickness among them. There is no record of a premature death- no babies, young people, or middle-aged people dying. With sickness taken away from among them, the children of Israel lived out their lives without disease- they just fell asleep at a ripe old age, full of years. When the time came for them to go, they would lay hands on their children and pronounce blessings upon them. Then they would gather their feet up into bed and their spirit would simply leave their body. This experience is referred to as the “Death of the Righteous,” no wasting disease eating away at them, no Alzheimer’s or mental debilitation. This is God’s best for His people.

    2. God’s Covenant Names

    The great poet William Shakespeare once posed this question: “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell sweet.” Our modern society places little significance on the meaning of a name. Parents usually name their children after beloved relatives or well-known persons. Sometimes they pick a child’s name merely because it “sounds good.” But seldom would they give thought to the meaning of a name. Yet names do mean something. Ideally, they correspond directly to the one designated by the name.

    This is certainly true of God. The Bible refers to God by many different names, and each one reveals some aspect of God’s character or His relationship with us. The translators who gave us the King James Version and other English versions of the Bible simply translate His name as “God” or “Lord”; but significantly, several Greek or Hebrew names are used in the original manuscripts. If we want to become a serious student of the Word of God, we should be familiar with those Greek and Hebrew names because they contain a wealth of truth about the wonderful God we serve.

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    40 mins
  • Healing is the Children's Bread: Healing and the Atonement
    Jun 4 2021

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    Welcome to Word of Life Study Series- Healing is the Children’s Bread! Most if not all Christians know that Jesus bore their sins on the cross. And because He did that, they know that forgiveness of sins has been purchased for them with His blood. But not many Christians know that Jesus also bore their sicknesses on the cross and purchased healing for them with His blood. In other words, they do not know that healing is in the atonement or redemptive work of Christ. They do not know that Christ has actually redeemed them from sickness.

    Why is this point so important? For one important reason, redemptive equivalency. Most Christians have tremendous faith in the forgiveness of sins through the blood of Jesus because it is taught so much in local churches- that is a good thing of course. Since the Bible puts healing on the same redemptive ground as forgiveness of sins, folks can also direct the same faith and confidence in receiving healing (1 Peter 2:24) as they do the forgiveness of sins (1 John 1:9).

    1. The Right Sacrifice

    The account of Cain and Abel is very significant because it points out a very important principle in regards to the means by which fallen man can be reconciled back to God. In other words, how do we deal with the sin problem, in order for our relationship with God to be restored? This fact has tremendous application to healing. As the story goes, Cain put his trust in his own labor as an offering to be acceptable to God, but it was rejected. Cain is a type and shadow for religion today, mankind’s manufactured effort to come to God on their own terms. Abel on the other hand was a man of faith who obeyed God’s instructions to offer a sacrifice of blood.

    2. A Sure Foundation

    The foundation for believing in divine healing and health is the cross of Jesus- His perfect, finished work. There is no other foundation. We cannot say that we believe in divine healing because we saw or know of someone who was miraculously healed by God. Why? Because when we see or know of someone who was not healed after prayer, our faith will be shaken. So we must see healing provided for us in the atonement of Christ. We must see it in His redemptive work and Word. That is our sure and firm foundation.

    3. Jesus our Substitute

    Jesus took our place so that we could take His place. He traded places with us, so to speak. He became our divine substitute or scapegoat. As the old hymn goes, “He paid a debt He did not owe, I owed a debt I could not pay, I needed someone to wash my sins away.”

    For example, Jesus took our sins so that we can take His righteousness. He was forsaken by God so that God will never leave us nor forsake us. He became poor so that we can be made rich, lacking in nothing. He wore the crown of thorns for the restoration of our soul- peace of mind and deliverance from all mental anguish. And, of course, He took our sicknesses so that we can receive His health. He was scourged so that we can be healed.

    4. Redeemed from the Curse

    Whenever the Bible makes reference to sickness it is always spoken of in terms of being a curse and not a blessing. Obviously a curse is always something bad, evil, hurtful, undesirable and destructive, and to be avoided. The curse as described in Deuteronomy chapter 28 is punishment in response to breaking God’s laws- punishing rebellion and disobedience. Jesus took our curse, was punished for our sin, and absorbed the full measure of pain and suffering as our substitute. As a result of the Lord’s death, burial and resurrection, we have been redeemed from everything that

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    1 hr and 29 mins