• Words That Edify - The What, Why, and Who's
    Aug 29 2022

    In this episode, Dr. T shares some of her personal prayer journal to help listeners understand the purpose and power behind Words That Edify. Listeners will hear how Words That Edify evolved from a prayer for self-transformation to a message for others to transform their lives through transforming their speech through the Word of God.

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    35 mins
  • No More Silly Women Part 1
    Sep 4 2022

    Are you an easy target for deception? Do you find yourself saying, "How did I end up in this situation for so long?" Or, "Why didn't I see that coming?" Whatever your story may be, know that God has given us the necessary tools to strengthen our areas of vulnerability and arm ourselves against deception. Listen to this first episode in the series to find out whether or not you fall into the category of a silly woman, and to understand who is the real enemy. Watch for future episodes as Dr. T uses the Word of God to detail the tactics the enemy uses in the process of deceiving us. Gain spiritual wisdom as the Word of God edifies, fortifies, and renews us!

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    32 mins
  • No More Silly Women Part 2
    Sep 4 2022

    How could I have been so stupid? I can't believe I fell for that! If you've uttered these (or similar) words, you want to listen to this episode! We go back to the very beginning to dissect the first deception that ever took place in Genesis 3. If you can master the key concepts revealed in this episode, you will be well on your way to understanding how to NOT be an easy target for deception. Take these spiritual lessons and apply them in a practical way so you know how to avoid deception in everyday life, then share the same lessons with others! Together, we can achieve the goal of no more silly women!

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    34 mins
  • No More Silly Women Part 3 - The Takedown
    Sep 14 2022

    Sometimes we just talk too much! Did you know we can also listen too much? Tune in to this episode to hear about how entertaining certain conversations for too long can lead to deception, confusion, and ultimately, to devastation. It is always important to know when we should stop talking, but there are times when we should also stop listening as well!

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    32 mins
  • No More Silly Women Part 4 - The Consequences
    Sep 14 2022

    No matter how much a person tries to convince you there are no consequences for sin, there are! One of the tactics the enemy uses to coax is to sinning is to convince us that we will not suffer any type of consequences or chastisement for our sinful acts, and that even if there were consequences, the pleasure is worth the ensuing pain. In this episode, we examine the consequences Adam and Eve suffered after Eve's deception, and how those consequences apply to our lives today.

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    32 mins
  • No More Silly Women - The Prey - Part 1
    Sep 25 2022

    Are YOU a silly woman? Would others consider you to be an easy target to deception? To truly know whether or not you fall into the category of a silly woman, you must first understand what constitutes a silly woman. Listen to this episode as Dr. T unwraps the characteristics of the deceiver's prey. Take a moment for deep, inward reflection to discover what (if any) personal characteristics may place you dead center in the predator's sights, then keep listening to find out how to avoid being an easy target!

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    36 mins
  • No More Silly Women - The Prey - Part 2
    Sep 25 2022

    Listen in to Part 2 of No More Silly Women - The Prey to discuss the last few characteristics of the silly woman as outlined in 2 Timothy 3:6-7. Tune in for follow-on episodes to find out how to avoid being an easy target to deception.

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    26 mins
  • No More Silly Women - The Prescription Part 1
    Oct 8 2022

    We are not victims of the enemy's deceptive tactics, but we are victors! God has provided us with several tools to equip ourselves against deception. In the last episode, we finished discussing exactly what a silly woman is. In this episode, we begin learning the specifics of how to avoid being deemed a "silly woman". Listen in to discover the powerful tools God has given us to arm ourselves against the enemy and no longer be easy prey!

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    37 mins