• The Glass Cliff: How we’re setting women and global majority men up for leadership failure
    May 23 2024

    In this episode Siân Harrington speaks to Sophie Williams about the concept of the glass cliff, where women and marginalized groups are often hired in leadership roles when a business is already underperforming, setting them up for failure. It delves into the impact of the glass cliff on women in the workplace, the reasons behind it and the implications for organizations. The discussion also covers practical advice for HR leaders and individuals to mitigate the glass cliff and create more inclusive work environments.

    Key takeaways:

    • Women are now in regression, not progression, around the world
    • The glass cliff phenomenon sets up women and marginalized groups for failure by hiring them in leadership roles during times of organizational crisis
    • The impact of the glass cliff extends beyond individual experiences to the broader implications for workplace diversity and organizational culture
    • The Great Break-Up: why women in leadership positions are leaving organizations
    • The need for organizations to create more inclusive work environments and recognize the value of diverse leadership perspectives
    • Practical steps for both HR leaders and individuals to mitigate the effects of the glass cliff

    About Sophie Williams

    Sophie Williams is the author of the new book The Glass Cliff, which draws on almost 20 years of research from around the world on The Glass Cliff phenomenon. She is a former global Leader at Netflix and has held the titles of COO and CFO in London advertising agencies. Williams is also author of Millennial Black & Anti-Racist Ally, a TED Speaker, the voice behind Instagram’s @OfficialMillennialBlack, and part of the UN Women UK’s delegation to the Commission of the Status of Women conference in 2023 and 2024.

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    44 mins
  • From Frankenstein Managers to Operational Coaches: The Power of Questions
    Apr 23 2024

    In this episode Siân Harrington speaks to Laura Ashley-Timms about the importance of asking good questions as a management superpower. Laura highlights the challenges faced by managers in today's complex and rapidly changing work environment and the need to reinvent the traditional command and control culture of management. She introduces the concept of the Frankenstein manager, who is made up of bits and pieces of knowledge and experience, and explains why organisations are not set up to ask the right questions. Laura presents a practical framework for developing the superpower of asking questions and driving action, and shares the results of a research study that demonstrates the effectiveness of operational coaching.

    Key Takeaways

    • 75% of bosses are accidental managers with no formal training in people management or leadership
    • Employee engagement is stagnating, with only 23% of global employees being engaged
    • Accidental managers are ill-equipped to deal with the complex and rapidly changing work environment
    • The traditional command and control culture of management needs to be reinvented to focus on asking powerful questions
    • Operational coaching, which involves an inquiry-led approach and asking the right questions, can drive performance and productivity increases
    • A research study found that managers who underwent operational coaching increased the time they spent coaching by 70% and improved their skills in all management competencies
    • Operational coaching can lead to positive organisational outcomes, such as improved retention and increased employment
    • Asking powerful questions will become even more important in the age of AI, as it is crucial for getting the most out of AI and making informed decisions.

    About Laura Ashley-Timms

    Laura Ashley Timms is the chief operating officer of performance consultancy Notion and an expert on how to leverage operational coaching behaviours across organisations to drive commercial results and improve productivity and engagement levels. She has helped leaders and managers in over 40 countries to implement the award-winning STAR® Manager programme, has been recognised as one of the UK’s top executive coaches and as one of 40 outstanding global women. More recently she is co-author of management bestseller The Answer is a Question.

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    40 mins
  • It's Not the What, It's the Why. Steps to Evidence-Based HR: Rob Briner
    Mar 28 2024

    In this episode, Siân Harrington speaks with Rob Briner about the challenges and benefits of adopting an evidence-based approach in HR. They discuss the focus on HR fads and the need to shift towards a more informed and effective HR practice. They explore the role of data and analytics in evidence-based HR and the mindset and skills required to implement this approach. They also highlight areas of HR that are poorly evidenced and discuss how taking an evidence-based approach can lead to more meaningful, healthy, inclusive and sustainable work.

    Key takeaways

    · Why HR fads are often ineffective and can be corrosive to the profession

    · How evidence-based HR involves looking at multiple sources of evidence, including data, personal experience, stakeholder input and scientific research

    · Challenges in implementing an evidence-based approach

    · How data and analytics play a crucial role in evidence-based HR but it is important to consider the quality and relevance of the data

    · Areas of HR that are poorly evidenced include diversity and inclusion, employee engagement and leadership development

    · Some organisations are leading the field in evidence-based HR but there is still a need for more widespread adoption

    · Taking an evidence-based approach can help make work more meaningful, healthy, inclusive and sustainable by focusing on what is important and making better-informed decisions.

    · Three steps to help you start on the journey towards an evidence-based approach.

    About Rob Briner

    Rob is professor of organizational psychology at Queen Mary, University of London and associate research director at Corporate Research Forum (CRF). He is also currently a visiting professor of evidence-based HRM at Birkbeck (University of London) and professor at Oslo Nye Høyskole. He was previously co-founder and scientific director of the Center for Evidence-Based Management and has held positions at the Institute for Employment Studies, London School of Economics, King’s College (University of London), Bath University and University of Edinburgh. For more information on his recent work with the Corporate Research Forum on evidence-based HR please check out the Evidence-Based HR Knowledge Hub.

    • Interested in insights about people leadership, HR and the future of work? Sign up for our free fortnightly newsletter here: https://bit.ly/TPSupdates
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    44 mins
  • The Innovation Misstep. Redirecting Focus for Meaningful Outcomes: Cris Beswick
    Feb 9 2024

    In this episode, Siân Harrington speaks to innovation expert Cris Beswick about misconceptions about innovation and how the way we approach it today is not delivering the outcomes businesses want.

    Cris emphasises that innovation is not just about new products or technology. He defines innovation as the introduction of new or different solutions that solve genuine problems and add value. He highlights the importance of innovation in today's rapidly changing business landscape and explains why it is crucial for organisations to focus on it.

    Cris also addresses the challenges in approaching innovation, the role of leadership and the need for a culture of innovation. And he shares practical steps for leaders to foster innovation within their organisations.

    Key takeaways:

    • Innovation is not just about new products or technology; it is about introducing new or different solutions that solve genuine problems and add value
    • Innovation is vital for organisations to thrive and stay competitive in today's rapidly changing business landscape
    • Organisations needs to focus on how owns, drives and contributesto the innovation agenda
    • Why does everyone blame the 'permafrost' middle manager? Managers are frozen by the system around them
    • Innovation should not be limited to a specific department or team; it is a capability that should be embraced by everyone in the organisation
    • You can't build a culture of innovation, so what do we mean by that phrase? Building a culture of innovation requires a clear purpose, conscious leadership decisions and alignment of processes, practices, behaviours and culture
    • Why HR needs a seat at the innovation table
    • Practical steps you can take to become more innovative.

    About Cris Beswick

    Cris Beswick is a leading thinker and strategic advisor on innovation leadership and culture and a pioneer in the field of measuring corporate innovation maturity. He’s the co-founder of innovation advisory firm Outcome and best-selling author of Building a culture of Innovation.

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    40 mins
  • The ROI of Empathy. How Compassionate Leaders Drive Business Results: Michael Jenkins
    Nov 3 2023

    In this episode of Work's Not Working... Let's Fix It, Siân Harrington and acclaimed thinker Michael Jenkins, author of Expert Humans: Critical Leadership Skills for a Disrupted World, explore why a blend of altruism, empathy and compassion is key to transforming today's workplace into a thriving, humane environment where individuals and organizations can succeed together.

    Today's workplaces, more often than not, lack these essential qualities. Transactional relationships, metrics-driven evaluations and mechanistic tasks can sometimes make us forget the genuine human connections that form the essence of a thriving organisation. Yet, evidence suggests those who embrace compassion who understand and act upon it, are the ones more likely to climb the professional ladder, to earn higher incomes and to contribute more profoundly to their organisations

    Just imagine a workplace where the heart meets the machine, where compassion intertwines with technology to create a harmonious, productive environment. In this age of AI let's not forget our intrinsic human advantage, our ability to care, connect and create meaningful relationships. This is what Michael calls being expert human.

    Key takeaways

    • Importance of compassion and empathy: Why these traits are crucial in the workplace for fostering a humane environment conducive to growth and how 'expert humans' leverage care, connection and meaningful relationships
    • Digital transformation and disruptors: How AI, the pandemic, inequality, sustainability and trust are disrupting modern society, plus the "tyranny of the algorithm" and why being an expert human matters more than ever
    • ACE Model - Altruism, Compassion, Empathy: An explanation of the ACE model and what each of these traits mean in practice
    • How you can personally develop altruism, compassion and empathy: Practical approaches to enhancing your personal empathy and your organizational compassion
    • ROI of Empathy and Compassion Training: How to develop the business case for empathy and compassion training
    • Real-life business implementations: Hear how organizations are using ACE
    • Practical steps for leaders: The first three steps you should take to become a compassionate and empathetic leader

    About Michael Jenkins

    Michael Jenkins, born in Malaysia, has had a distinguished career across continents. A Durham University alumnus with advanced studies from Nanzan University, he's worked at Toyota and was a director at INSEAD. A former CEO of Roffey Park leadership institute, he founded Expert Humans and partners with the Future Work Forum. He is author of Expert Humans: Critical Leadership Skills for a Disrupted World and Toxic Humans - Combatting Poisonous Leadership in Boards and Organisations, published in January 2024.

    • Interested in insights about people leadership, HR and the future of work? Sign up for our free fortnightly newsletter here: https://bit.ly/TPSupdates
    • Follow Siân on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sian-harrington-thepeoplespace/
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    43 mins
  • Let's call time on greenwashing: From ESG compliance to sustainable performance: Dean Sanders
    Sep 27 2023

    Sustainability has become a top agenda item for organizations globally. But many get stuck in a compliance rut, missing real opportunities for innovation and competitive edge. In this episode Dean Sanders tells Siân Harrington how leaders can move their organizations from box–ticking to transformational and profitable sustainability.

    As chief enterprise officer at ESG consultancy Anthesis Dean has decades of experience guiding major brands and multinationals. He believes we’re at a pivotal "reality of now" moment. The data shows shocking resource depletion and climate impacts. But there’s still time to act, if leaders can shift mindsets and strategy.

    Key takeways:

    • The difference between sustainability and sustainable performance. The latter views sustainability through the lens of business strategy and competitive advantage, not just compliance
    • Many businesses get stuck in compliance mode, box-ticking to meet regulations. This is the "day one" survival mentality
    • Leaders need a "day two" mindset – re-approaching sustainability as an opportunity for innovation, new partnerships and strategic advantage. This requires entrepreneurial spirit, social purpose and grit
    • People/HR functions have a key role in attracting talent who care about purpose and embedding sustainability across the organization's culture. But accountability must sit with senior leaders
    • Have optimism backed by science/evidence. Many sustainable businesses are growing underground and will shoot up. Focus on your purpose and the few material sustainability issues where you can drive real change
    • On a personal level, find your purpose and role in serving others. Challenge short-termism and selfishness. Derive joy from having a positive impact.

    The urgency of sustainability issues calls for a pivot from compliance to performance, from survival mode to seizing opportunities. This is a time for radical innovation, not incremental change. HR leaders have an obligation to foster the leadership mindsets, organizational culture and human capabilities to lead on sustainability – and gain competitive edge. Listen now to find out what role you can play in making your organization a true sustainability leader.

    About Dean Sanders

    Dean is chief enterprise officer at global sustainability consultancy group Anthesis and founder and chairman of GoodBrand, a corporate social innovation consultancy. He believes imagination and courage and a commitment to serve the common good are the hallmarks of the wise leaders of the future. Prior to establishing GoodBrand Dean held a number of international marketing and sales positions at Kraft Foods. He is an Honorary Fellow at Durham University Business School. He is co-author of The Adventure of Sustainable Performance, Beyond ESG Compliance to Leadership in the New Era with founder of Anthesis, Stuart McLachlan.

    • Interested in insights about people leadership, HR and the future of work? Sign up for our free fortnightly newsletter here: https://bit.ly/TPSupdates
    • Follow Siân on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sian-harrington-thepeoplespace/
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    42 mins
  • How to Use Humour and Improv to Communicate in a VUCA World: Neil Mullarkey
    Sep 5 2023

    In this episode of Work's Not Working... Let's Fix It, Siân Harrington chats to celebrated comedian and communications expert Neil Mullarkey about why we need to improve communication in the workplace and the potential of improvisation as a tool for doing so.

    Neil recounts his journey from teaming up with Mike Myers in the 1980s and co-founding the Comedy Store Players to exploring how improvisation can enhance workplace collaboration. Delving into the business realm, he emphasizes how crucial 'soft skills' like listening and adaptability have become, especially with research highlighting the lack of communication skills in modern work environments. In fact, poor communication has been estimated to cost businesses dearly in terms of productivity.

    Key takeaways:

    • Modern communication platforms (eg emails, WhatsApp, Teams) have increased, leading to confusion and overwhelm
    • Pandemic lockdown revealed an abundance of formal communication but a lack of informal communication, affecting rapport-building
    • The importance of oracy: the ability to express oneself fluently in speech.
    • Key improv skills: the philosophy of 'Yes, and,' where one listens, accepts and then adds to the conversation.
    • From LAGER to LASER: tools to approach improvisation
    • Tips for improving virtual collaboration
    • In a fast-changing world, predictability is a myth; leaders should be prepared for uncertainty
    • How to bridge the gap between structured strategy and spontaneous adaptability
    • How leaders can develop an 'In the Moment' mindset
    • Humour's role in work today
    • Siân and Neil do some live improv!

    If you want to cultivate environments where effective communication fosters productivity, creativity and confidence - or you want to build these skills - then this episode is for you.

    About Neil Mullarkey

    Neil is a communication expert based in London, UK. He has delivered hundreds of keynotes and workshops to various organizations across the world in 25 countries and counting including Microsoft, KPMG, WPP, Saatchi & Saatchi, Vodafone, EY, Google, Deloitte and GSK. He is a guest speaker at London Business School, London Business Forum and Bayes Business School.

    He is also a prominent comedian. He performs weekly with the Comedy Store Players, Europe’s top improv troupe which he co-founded in 1985 and often appears on TV and radio shows such as QI and The Pentaverate. He has also appeared in two Austin Powers movies. He is author of In the Moment: Build your confidence, communication and creativity at work published by Kogan Page.

    • Interested in insights about people leadership, HR and the future of work? Sign up for our free fortnightly newsletter here: https://bit.ly/TPSupdates
    • Follow Siân on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sian-harrington-thepeoplespace/
    • Skip the search. Make informed decisions in minutes, not hours. Our curated and created content cuts through the noise, providing you with the precise information and expert analysis you need to tackle your challenges, when you need it! The People Space Premium https://bit.ly/TPSPremium
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    47 mins
  • From Unconscious Exclusion to Conscious Inclusion - How to Avoid the Traps and Make Real Progress: Catherine Garrod
    Jul 17 2023

    In this episode, Siân Harrington interviews Catherine Garrod, author of Conscious Inclusion: How to ‘do’ EDI one decision at time who helped entertainment company Sky become the Most Inclusive Employer in the UK, about why, despite billions of dollars of investment, little progress has been made in the area of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in organizations.

    We discuss the importance of inclusion in the workplace, the challenges organizations face in creating more inclusive cultures and the practical steps they can take to make progress. We also talk about the traps that organizations can fall into when trying to create more inclusive cultures and how to avoid these traps to make real progress towards inclusion.

    Key takeaways:

    • Inclusion is not about ticking boxes or meeting quotas. It's about creating a workplace where everyone feels valued, heard and involved
    • There are three main traps that organizations can fall into when trying to create more inclusive cultures: fear, accountability and the illusion of inclusion
    • The first step to creating a more inclusive culture is to start with inclusion, not diversity
    • Create a clear plan for inclusion and track progress regularly
    • Identify the good things that you're already doing and the gaps that need to be filled
    • Be aware of the challenges of flexible working and the evolution of technology and how to ensure that these changes are inclusive for everyone.

    If you're interested in learning more about how to make your organization more inclusive, then this episode is for you.

    About Catherine Garrod

    Catherine is the founder of Compelling Culture and author of Conscious Inclusion: How to ‘do’ EDI one decision at time. She led Sky to become the Most Inclusive Employer in the UK, with 80% of teams increasing their diversity. Now as a consultant, she combines the power of listening, employee engagement, diversity and inclusion, to make the complex simple. And collaborates to define practical actions people can implement today, tomorrow and the day after, to transform the organisations she works with. Clients using her inclusion diagnostic are achieving a 15% improvement within 18 months.

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    42 mins