
  • Inspired Action for Writers & Coaches With Chris Williams
    Jul 18 2024

    Chris Williams is the owner and founder of Shine Wellness LLC. A 7 figure woman owned company dedicated to empowering women coaches + wellness professionals to create soul-led and heart-centered 6-figure businesses, without the hustle and sales tactics that feel so out of alignment for many women.

    She is known for cultivating community, connections, and collaborations that inspire and create WIN-WINS for everyone. As part of her Soulful Abundance System®, she weaves the abundance mindset and soul-fueled strategy along with a simple system to create 10K months and beyond, without trading your well-being or integrity for success.

    She teaches you to:

    • keep things simple and focus on the power of ONE
    • let go of self-doubt and become infinitely more confident
    • believe in yourself and how powerful and capable you really are
    • value your unique brilliance
    • take inspired action so you can create a magnificent life you love while being well paid by serving others

    On today’s episode, we explore how to make an impact with inspired action.

    If you’re a writer looking for more book sales or a book coach building a business, listen in!

    Chris is all about finding your passion and learning how to set up your business in a way that feels aligned. She shares how to connect with the right people, as your books and services won’t be the best match for everyone.

    Also, she shares her experience writing and editing her book about the Soulful Abundance System®, which will release in Fall 2024. When her book is out there, she will discover more clients who are the best fit for her coaching services.

    Overall, it’s important to be in the right energy to create abundance of money, time, experiences, and more. Listen in to discover Chris’s inspiring advice on building your holistic business.

    Connect with Chris in her Facebook group Holistic Business Abundance: For Women with a Vision for a Multi 6-Fig. Biz, or on her Website!

    Journal Prompts:

    Do you see yourself as an entrepreneur? What are your goals for your book business?

    How do you align yourself with the right energy to go through your day?

    What is the impact you make/want to make on your audience?

    Never forget that you are worthy!

    Kirsten McNeill: Confidence & Writing Lifestyle Coach | Book Editor | Artisan

    Create Your Worthy Writers Lifestyle 5-Day Challenge

    Explore Worthy Writers Editing

    Podcast Guest Application

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    30 mins
  • Kindness to Your Writer Self With Gina Sachs
    Jul 11 2024

    Gina Sachs is a stay at home mama who felt that she was losing herself to her roles at home so she set out to find something of her own, separate from wife and mom. She created tinyacts.co and started with 4 decks of adult kindness cards. Her kids started making their own kindness cards at school with friends so what was once an identity away from her kids came full circle.

    She ended up making a kids version of the kindness cards and a children’s book to go along with it. She is self-published using PrintNinja (the same company that printed her cards!) and found an incredible illustrator from an Instagram search. This was a divine connection!

    Wife, Mother, Children’s Book Author, Business Owner, Lover of Good People, Kind Acts, and F-Bombs.

    On today’s episode, we learn how Gina created tinyacts.co and her kindness cards, which led to writing kid’s books. Her creativity helps her heal, and she hopes her creations do the same for fellow moms.

    It’s easy for self-criticism to come into the process, but Gina shares an abundance of wisdom to work through those struggles. As a substitute teacher, she not only impacts her own kids, but the ones she teaches in her classroom.

    Gina has learned valuable lessons through her experiences self-publishing, and just when she thinks she’s hit a challenge that will stop her from moving forward, she keeps going.

    She knows it’s a point of growing and learning.

    Follow her journey and embrace the joy of creativity with us!

    Connect with Gina on Instagram, Facebook, and her website, all under the name tinyacts.co - Check out the kindness cards on her website, and receive 15% off your order when you use the code WORTHY

    Journal Prompts:

    How do you show kindness to yourself when you're facing a challenge?

    What's the greatest lesson you've learned on your writing journey?

    What's your favourite way to reflect back on your accomplishments?

    Never forget that you are worthy!

    Kirsten McNeill: Confidence & Writing Lifestyle Coach | Book Editor | Artisan

    Create Your Worthy Writers Lifestyle 5-Day Challenge

    Explore Worthy Writers Editing

    Podcast Guest Application

    Music Credit

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    28 mins
  • Creative Flow & the Power of Writers With Laura Westman
    Jul 4 2024

    Laura Westman is an ontological coach and multifaceted creative who cares deeply about creative joy.

    She is the author of How to Be Creative in the Age of Digital Noise, a singer/songwriter, co-host of West of Wonderland Podcast, and the host of The Creativity Broadcast on YouTube.

    Laura loves being moved by art, but also being inspired by the effort behind the art. Her life is led by her core values of appreciation and joy.

    On today’s episode, we discuss creative flow and the power writers have. When you’re a writer, often there are other creative activities you love to enjoy too!

    Laura share her process of writing stories, creating music, and choosing to be open to let the ideas flow. When she’s working on one project, she finds herself receiving ideas for other projects. The ideas also come during mundane tasks where her mind isn’t stressing about being creative.

    Listening to music helps free her mind as forcing herself to create doesn’t usually work. Sometimes, it’s good to push yourself to be productive. More often than not, it’s more important to have fun and avoid the self-editing.

    Feeling the weight of perfectionism can be tough, especially when you’re getting ready to share your work publicly. But keep going anyway! Laura believes bad art is better than good art, but art is so subjective. What’s more important is that you practice creating instead of worrying about what’s “good” or not.

    Always remember to celebrate yourself. You are deserving of recognition and spending time being in the moment with your creativity.

    We hope you enjoy this episode! Get the Uncover Your Creative Magic Treasure Map on her Website and connect on Instagram.

    Journal Prompts:

    What are your favourite creative activities?

    How do those activities bring you joy?

    What is your process for creating?

    Never forget that you are worthy!

    Kirsten McNeill: Confidence & Writing Lifestyle Coach | Book Editor | Artisan

    Create Your Worthy Writers Lifestyle 5-Day Challenge

    Explore Worthy Writers Editing

    Podcast Guest Application

    Music Credit

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    32 mins
  • Learning to Be a Brave Writer With Sylvia Bourgeois
    Jun 27 2024

    Sylvia is a pragmatic nature lover, a mum of two genuinely hilarious young men, an unapologetic capitalist, a competitive fisherman (as in, “I must catch more fish than my husband!”), a skilled knitter, and maker of a tremendous chocolate pecan tart.

    She was born in 1975 in Alert Bay and grew up on northern Vancouver Island. After high school, at the age of seventeen she left home, then graduated in 1994 with Honours from BCIT with a Diploma in Building Technology. She now lives in Fanny Bay, writing projects that bring her a ridiculous amount of joy.

    On today’s episode, we explore the technology Sylvia uses to help her writing journey. She admires the bravery it takes to be a creative writer as well.

    Sylvia loves to learn and take a hands-on approach to life. When she tried NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) for the first time, it sparked her joy for the craft.

    Some of her favourite resources include the Save the Cat 15-story-beat structure and Scrivener. She shares how this program helps her develop her stories and create a better visual experience as she puts the story elements together.

    We also discuss her favourite podcasts that teach writers about technology and writing strategies, as well as using A.I. as a prompt in her process.

    The conversation ends off with Sylvia sharing her in-person book reading experiences and the vulnerability it takes to share your work. She leaves us with the reminder to celebrate your journey every step of the way!

    Connect with Sylvia on her website to signup to her monthly newsletter, find an excerpt from her novel, True Moxie, and discover her Facebook and Instagram pages.

    Journal Prompts:

    What resources (books, technology, people, etc.) help you on your writing journey?

    What is your favourite thing about being a brave writer?

    How do you connect with your local community to share your stories?

    Never forget that you are worthy!

    Kirsten McNeill: Confidence & Writing Lifestyle Coach | Book Editor | Artisan

    Create Your Worthy Writers Lifestyle 5-Day Challenge

    Explore Worthy Writers Editing

    Podcast Guest Application

    Music Credit

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    28 mins
  • Hog Farming & Memoir Writing With Brigitte Franzen
    Jun 20 2024

    Meet Brigitte Franzen – Born, raised, and educated in Germany.

    1978: Interning on a family-owned livestock farm in Illinois led to a job offer that she accepted.

    1980: She emigrated to the United States by herself. First, she managed the hog farm of her former host, then built her own breeding stock farm from the ground up, dealing with the challenges of doing business in a male-dominated field, establishing a credit history, and supervising employees.

    1987 – 1999: Brigitte owned/operated Salt Creek Farm, selling breeding stock (pigs) into 5 states, exporting boars to South Korea, and earning industry awards.

    1999: The collapse of family livestock farms as a business model as the number of factory farms reached critical mass. She closed down her business, and her 300+ customers did the same, as did most family pork producers nationwide.

    2000 – 2022: Career encore! She became a Certified Financial Planner, then an Estate Planner and Business Succession Planner for farm families.

    2023 – present: Brigitte is writing her memoirs, starting with the first novel Have Pigs, Will Travel

    Join us on today’s episode to learn more about Brigitte and her memoir writing that began during Covid lockdowns.

    She shares her favourite way to structure a memoir, and knowing the goals she has for the novel which helped her decide which stories of her life to share.

    She encourages authors to follow the most rewarding path for their unique writing journey and making the most of life experiences.

    Write your memoir with no regrets, and be protective of how you spend your time. Read and write what is worthwhile to you!

    Connect with Brigitte on her Website for more about her journey, a sample chapter from her novel, a blog featuring her cat, and more.

    Journal Prompts:

    What moments from your life do you love to talk about?

    What is your purpose behind writing your story?

    How will your life experiences impact your readers?

    Never forget that you are worthy!

    Kirsten McNeill: Confidence & Writing Lifestyle Coach | Book Editor | Artisan

    Create Your Worthy Writers Lifestyle 5-Day Challenge

    Explore Worthy Writers Editing

    Podcast Guest Application

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    28 mins
  • World-building & Editing Fantasy Novels With Genevieve Clovis
    Jun 13 2024

    Genevieve Clovis is a self-proclaimed story gremlin. She is a speculative fiction author, editor, writing coach, and owner of second-hand bookstore, Cliffside Village Books. Genevieve’s debut novel, Tea and the Transcendent, is an urban fantasy that blends ghosts and demons with cozy, tea-guzzling vibes.

    In her editing life, Genevieve specializes in developmental editing for indie authors and publishers. She takes great joy in ensuring her clients’ novels are as monstrous and diabolical as intended. True to her story-gremlin nature, Genevieve runs a variety of online writer’s groups and can often be found lurking in her bookstore, doling out books that are definitely not cursed.

    On today’s episode, Genevieve shares how she balances her roles and her passions in the book industry.

    We talk about her process of working with writers and how to choose the best editor for your book. Then, we dive into tips on what to think about for world-building and how much time you need to spend explaining it in your story.

    Find that entry point of familiarity for the reader before you share the intricacies of your fantasy world.

    Overall, stay out of your own way and don’t fear the exploration of writing. Do what’s best for you.

    Connect with Genevieve on her website cloviseditorial.com, and on Instagram and Facebook @cloviseditorial

    Find her books on Amazon, or at her bookstore!

    Journal Prompts:

    What makes your fantasy world unique from the standard world?

    What are you looking for in an editor?

    When it comes to world-building, what are your favourite aspects and why?

    Never forget that you are worthy!

    Kirsten McNeill: Confidence & Writing Lifestyle Coach | Book Editor | Artisan

    Create Your Worthy Writers Lifestyle 5-Day Challenge

    Explore Worthy Writers Editing

    Podcast Guest Application

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    27 mins
  • Time Management & Writing Drafts With Daria White Osah
    Jun 6 2024

    Starting off as a sweet romance writer, Daria branched out in 2020 with books in cozy mystery and Christian fiction. She even has nonfiction titles in the works, reflecting her Christian faith and work in ministry. She currently lives in New York with her husband.

    On today’s episode we discuss time management and writing drafts. Daria shares her experiences writing romance and cozy mystery, and how she gets into the mindset for both. Over the years, she’s learned how to have a confident perspective on writing, even when challenges come.

    Daria has several strategies for managing time and creating a process that works best for you. Some of those strategies include writing prompts, changing your scenery, and remembering why you love writing in the first place.

    Writing for herself first is very important to her. Even though she is passionate about writing, she doesn’t let it consume her entire life. She knows how to limit her writing time and keep herself accountable in reaching her goals.

    She reminds us that there is no such thing as a perfect draft. Find the joy in writing, figure out the routine that works best for you, and create an experience that you are passionate about.

    Connect with Daria on her Website, in her Facebook group, and learn from her in the No Time Writer Course!

    Journal Prompts:

    What are your biggest time management struggles in your writing journey?

    What strategies will you use to help manage your time?

    Create a schedule that works best for you and your energy.

    Never forget that you are worthy!

    Kirsten McNeill: Confidence & Writing Lifestyle Coach | Book Editor | Artisan

    Create Your Worthy Writers Lifestyle 5-Day Challenge

    Explore Worthy Writers Editing

    Podcast Guest Application

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    28 mins
  • Publishing Fairytale Retellings With C.H. Carter
    May 30 2024

    C.H. Carter is a fantasy author with a lifelong love of the genre in all its forms. In middle school, she wrote a fan letter to Tamora Pierce and received the most encouraging reply! That experience cemented her desire to become an author. (She also still holds out the hope they can meet in person one day!)

    When not writing, you can find her working on a number of rotating projects (Crochet, anyone?) and obsessing over her two rescue dogs.

    On this episode, we discuss C.H. Carter’s publishing journey, and her passion for fairytale retellings. She shares her experiences querying to publishers and agents, then learning about self-publishing.

    She has many indie author friends, who helped her make the decision to self-publish To Kiss the Sea. There are misconceptions about self-publishing and it being a “lesser” path. But to us, it’s just one of many options to achieve your goals.

    There are many reasons a publisher or agent may reject a book, and it’s a very subjective process. One day, C.H. hopes to be a hybrid author working both traditionally and in self-publishing. This gives her

    We end off this episode with her sharing experiences writing and publishing To Kiss the Sea and valuable advice about how to choose between traditional publishing and self-publishing.

    C.H. Carter invites you to come play mermaids with her! Connect on Instagram, Threads, and Tiktok @chcarterwrites, and on her Website.

    Journal Prompts:

    What is your ideal publishing path?

    What are all the ways you can market your book?

    Pick 2-3 of our favourite ways to market. Start working to implement one.

    Never forget that you are worthy!

    Kirsten McNeill: Confidence & Writing Lifestyle Coach | Book Editor | Artisan

    Create Your Worthy Writers Lifestyle 5-Day Challenge

    Explore Worthy Writers Editing

    Podcast Guest Application

    Music Credit

    Show more Show less
    28 mins