
  • Paolo Gila
    Jul 12 2023
    Cresciuto a Milano nel bacino del GAR, Gruppo Artisti Rosetum, nel periodo della giovinezza (1974 – 1985) ha acquisito le conoscenze delle tecniche a tempera e a olio frequentando il Circolo del Gar e direttamente gli studi – dove ha assaporato le ricerche espressive – di pittori quali Bellé, Suigo, Bianchi. In questo periodo ha esposto le sue prime opere a olio in varie mostre collettive, tra cui “Arte Strada”, in varie edizioni. Una parte di questa prima produzione è tuttora nelle mani dell’autore, altre parti si trovano presso privati (collezione Taini e altri).  Da allora la produzione artistica si è indirizzata stabilmente sull’acrilico . In questo periodo di maturità ha esposto in via Bagutta (varie edizioni) e in alcune mostre collettive, tra cui Bardolino in Arte (ultima edizione, 2022). Da una decina d’anni sostiene la Fondazione Arte e Scienza, in memoria di Renzo Bergamo; ha supportato la famiglia Dova per la promozione dell’archivio Dova, e mantiene stabile corrispondenza con scienziati e artisti sui temi del caos, dell’armonia e della simmetria (Lanzi, Della Pergola, oltre agli scomparsi Giorello, Simonelli, Daverio).
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    12 mins
  • Margot Mari
    Jul 5 2023
    Born in Ho Chi Minh City in 1994, she arrived in France at the age of one, and was adopted by French parents. Painting came to her 20 years ago when she received her first painting set for her birthday. It fast became a way of expressing all her emotions. As a self-taught painter, she graduated from the Panthéon Sorbonne University in Paris. She lives in her Parisian flat or in her parents' house in Aix en Provence, devoting her free time to painting. After working for a few years in marketing and advertising, she decided to leave more room for painting, especially during confinement. For her Art has always been a way of escaping from my fast- paced daily life. Her style is full of colors, nature and abstractionism that aim at bringing any kind of emotion to people. Whenever she paints she feels devoted to her painting and always finds the deepest emotions. She wants people to feel alive, to be aligned with what they feel and what they see. She has exhibited her work for the first time in a Gallery in Aix-en-Provence this year.
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    10 mins
  • Mattia Gravili
    Jun 29 2023
    Born in Milan in 1990 and educated in Milan, New York and Paris, he started working as a photo reporter and photo editor. His approach to photography changed throughout the years until it became a means of artistic expression. By combining influences vastly different from one another, he found his aesthetics: on one hand, he was inspired by the great American official photography, while on the other, the imagination typical of the contemporary Asiatic production lead him to create more visceral and fantastic images, which made him an artist constantly experimenting.
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    16 mins
  • Jane Thompson
    Jun 21 2023
    Jane Thompson was born and raised on a farm in the Southern Tablelands of NSW, Australia. An avid explorer, Jane has lived and workded in many places throughout Australia, including Broken Hill, the Kimberleys, Canberra, Sydney and now Brisbane where she lives her with two young children, one husband and one mischievous Beagle. Jane’s artwork is vibrant and full of moving energy. She is inspired and fascinated by the energy we create as human beings through our emotions, our intentions and our experiences. By tapping into the space that exits between thoughts, the active state of creating for Jane is conversely almost meditative, where she allows her sub-conscious to intuitively make the decisions and show her the way. Preferring to paint with no rules, no boundaries, no expectations and no plan of what it should be, the end result is a complete surprise to Jane. Through her brisk approach, deliberate use of contrast and expressive gestural marks, Jane’s art evokes joyful optimism, personal reflection and bold inspiration. Her paintings are colorful, imaginative, expressive and spontaneous. And the process absolutely always involves music.
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    10 mins
  • Liubov Bochkova
    Jun 15 2023
    Liubov è una pittrice russa e scultrice della ceramica con sede in Europa. Nel 2013 si laurea magna cum laude presso l’Accademia d’Arte di Mosca intitolata a Surikov. Nel 2012 viene invitata come insegnante di pittura presso il liceo artistico di Mosca e vi lavora per 2 anni. Nel 2014 decide di arricchire la sua formazione frequentando un Master all’Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera a Milano scegliendo questa volta l’indirizzo di arte contemporanea. Dopo un anno decide di interrompere gli studi e affitta uno studio per sviluppare il suo linguaggio artistico indipendentemente. Nel 2015 diventa membro dell’Associazione degli artisti russi. Liubov lavora principalmente con colori a olio, trattando temi soggettivi come il tempo, la memoria, le fasi della crescita personale. A volte esprime i suoi pensieri illustrando oggetti buffi, usando colori forti e brillanti per sdrammatizzare argomenti così complicati. Recentemente ha iniziato a lavorare con l’argilla. Sta creando sculture astratte sculture astratte e sviluppa i propri smalti con effetti speciali a livello chimico.
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    12 mins
  • Siobhan Cox-Carlos
    Jun 9 2023
    Siobhan Cox-Carlos è un’artista irlandese dedicata all’espressionismo astratto. Risiede nella sua città natale, Roscommon, nell’Irlanda occidentale. Ha ottenuto una laurea con lode in Belle Arti nel 2004 dal Limerick College of Art & Design, Irlanda.Collaborazioni: Siobhan ha collaborato con diverse scuole, impegnandosi con insegnanti e alunni per progettare e dipingere murales. È stata anche una dei tre artisti selezionati per partecipare a un progetto pilota del Consiglio della Contea di Roscommon, Artist on my Green, che la vede collaborare con un gruppo della comunità per un periodo di sei settimane.
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    10 mins
  • Variante Di Valico
    May 31 2023
    Class of '96, blood from Emilia Romagna. Always a great lover of reading and poetry, she then decided to start bringing her inner world to the page after attending humanities high school. A language student in college, she learned that words have the power to shape reality, so she chooses to write what she feels in order to understand something about herself and the world around her.
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    12 mins
  • Maite Agahnia
    May 31 2023
    Originally from Mexico City, she attributes her way of seeing the world around her to moving between different countries, languages, and cultures throughout her life. Equally fluent in her artistic practice, Agahnia works in a variety of media: printmaking, painting, photography, and encaustic. She focuses on creating hybrid combinations of the various materials, giving her art unique and unexpected qualities. Agahnia’s work in graphic design and photography is evident in her paintings. Incorporating the structure of graphic design and photography in contrast to the freedom of abstraction, her work examines the relationship between the two. This exploration of balance and harmony is the cornerstone of the artist’s studio practice. Fresh and exciting, Agahnia’s art is rich in layers of color, shapes, and texture. From her constant exploration of new materials to her unusual juxtapositions of structure and abstraction, Agahnia’s work is both original and compelling. Her work has been commissioned by several commercial developments including Rancho Valencia Resort in California and First Service Residential in New York
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    10 mins