• Creflo…Tithing is Biblical…It Just Wasn’t a Dollar Amount.
    Jul 8 2022

    Saints If you think everything you have right now is due to your faithful tithing so be it…I get it…but what I don’t get is how you OVERLOOK the other 612 Jewish laws given to Moses Galatians 3:10. 

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    17 mins
  • Abortion...The Governments Choice or Your Right
    Jul 1 2022

    Although we are allowed to make our own decisions it doesn’t mean we will always make the right ones for our life. Therefore, we need guidance from a high power such as the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit…NOT the government. The Government cannot keep its own affairs in order let alone tell a woman how to rule her body.

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    17 mins
  • The World’s View VS God’s Way Part 2 of 3 Topic:There is No Confusion About Homosexuality…
    Jun 24 2022

    God gave us all a choice to choose what we want to do with our life. You can be a heterosexual by design or homosexual by choice.

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    18 mins
  • The World’s View VS God’s Way Part 1 of 3 Topic: Denominations Are for People Who Like Their Own Way…
    Jun 17 2022

    Nowhere in scripture is there a mandate for denominations…The mandate we’re called to is unity. Denomination causes conflict and confrontation, division, and separation.

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    21 mins
  • The Spirit of Offense Is A Sign of The End Times
    Jun 10 2022

    The Bible tells us in Matthew 24:10

     “And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.” NOTICE THE VERSE SAID…. MANY shall be offended.

    The Bible has reminded us that in the last day's people will be offended and easily angered. So why are we surprised? Why are we not more tolerating and forgiving?

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    20 mins
  • Nuggets For...Spiritual Sons & Daughters
    Jun 4 2022

    A spiritual father/mother is a gift to you from the Holy Spirit. Spiritual
    fathers/mothers are competent and seasoned through trial and experience. They
    have passed through places in life that you have not yet been. 

    The benefits of sonship include training from a spiritual fathers/mothers, protective
    oversight, prodding for spiritual and emotional growth, preparation for
    inheritance, and correction.

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    18 mins
  • Wives…See That You RESPECT Your Husband!
    May 27 2022

    Wives…As a Believer, we cannot wait for the love to be shown first. You must do what Jesus would do. RESPECT your husband even if you feel as though he’s undeserving of it. Allow God to deal with him. WIVES, remain in a position where God can work through you.

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    24 mins
  • I'm A SERVANT, But You Are NOT Running Me To The Ground!!!
    May 20 2022

    People have gotten this idea because people are SAVED, A Believer OF Jesus Christ that you can play us, punk us, and take from us. Imma be the 1st to tell you and not the last that we don’t owe you ANYTHING.!!!
    All things FREE is not a MANDATORY command written in the Word of GOD. Now It's DIFFERENT when the Holy SPIRIT speaks to us and directs us to do something for free.

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    14 mins