
  • Discovering CX Transformation to forster Human Centricity EPS #31
    Jul 11 2024

    Join the Champions League of Customer Experience Transformation! Sign up for weekly inspiration: https://zannavanderaa.com/cxleague/

    For timestamps see below.

    This year, Zanna has been working in the field of customer experience for 25 years. In this podcast, she shares her own discovery journey, using CX transformation to forster human centric organization without making it super fluffy and complex.

    What can you expect?

    • Defining Human-Centricity in Organizations
      Zanna explains the difference between product-centric, customer-centric, and human-centric organizations, emphasizing the importance of integrating employees, customers, and purpose.

    • Development of Driver Analysis Technique
      Zana talks about her PhD work and the development of a statistical driver analysis technique that proves the impact of human-centric elements on business metrics like NPS and satisfaction.

    • Behavioral Science in CX Transformation
      Zanna discusses the use of behavioral science, including insights from "Alive at Work" and "Tiny Habits," to create tangible changes in employee habits that enhance customer as well as employee experience.

    • Leadership and Steering for Human Centricity
      We highlight the importance of leadership in driving human-centricity, where leaders need to balance financial metrics with employee and customer-focused KPIs.

    • Digital Transformation and Human-Centricity
      We explore the relationship between digital and CX transformation, illustrating how digital tools can enhance personal attention and human aspects in customer interactions.

    • Measuring Human-Centricity in Organizations
      Zanna introduces a culture survey to measure human centricity in organizations, and she explains how to use the survey results to drive engagement and business impact.

    (03:36) Defining Human-Centricity in Organizations
    (05:57) Development of Driver Analysis Technique
    (12:28) Behavioral Science in CX Transformation
    (15:55) Leadership and Steering for Human Centricity
    (17:45) Digital Transformation and Human-Centricity
    (19:13) Measuring Human-Centricity in Organizations

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    25 mins
  • Successful Journey Management in 7 steps EPS #30
    Jul 11 2024

    Join the Champions League of Customer Experience Transformation! Sign up for weekly inspiration: https://zannavanderaa.com/cxleague/

    For timestamps see below.

    More and more organizations are using journey management tools such as Milkymap and TheyDo. But they drown in the amount of options that such a tool offers.

    How do you prevent this for your organization?
    Go through the 7 steps that Zanna & Miranda discuss in this podcast and make a conscientious choice whether you need a journey management tool and if so, how it should support you.

    📌 Step 1 Make a list of all journeys within your organizations on 2 levels.

    📌 Step 2 Collect data to prioritize the journeys.

    📌 Step 3 Map one journey and find the drivers.

    📌 Step 4 Collect relevant internal data.

    📌 Step 5 Create a journey team.

    📌 Step 6 Introduce a bi-weekly rhythm for improving the journey.

    📌 Step 7 See measurable results in 2 to 3 months.

    Go through steps 3 to 7 with one journey so you can learn and experiment. Only then start mapping the next journey.

    After going through the 7 steps, you can make your own smart choices when it comes to your journey management.

    (1:41) Why this podcast?

    (02:55) Step 1: List all journeys

    (05:45) Step 2: Collect data

    (10:41) Step 3: Map one journey and find the drivers

    (14:39) Step 4: Collect relevant internal data

    (15:30) Step 5: Create a journey team

    (16:57) Step 6: Introduce a rhythm for improvement

    (18:24) Step 7: See measurable results in 2 to 3 months

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    19 mins
  • How Your CX & EX Drivers Guide Transformation EPS #29
    May 8 2024

    Join the Champions League of Customer Experience Transformation! Sign up for weekly inspiration: https://zannavanderaa.com/cxleague/

    For timestamps see below.

    When you want to create a human-centric organisation, there is a beautiful marriage between customer and employee experience.

    “Without a good employee experience, there is no good customer experience!”

    But this often remains an empty phrase
    or no link is made between the two at all.

    Listen to this podcast and discover how the two are linked
    and how you can make 'the human-centric organisation' very concrete with the drivers of customer and employee experience.

    (01:39) The importance of purpose in CX transformation
    (02:55) Understanding the link between CX and EX drivers
    (04:08) Integrity as driver of EX
    (10:42) Utilizing drivers as design principles
    (11:24) Project management and driver alignment
    (13:00) Redesigning employee onboarding
    (14:31) Leadership behaviors for driving purpose
    (16:42) Redesigning customer journeys based on drivers
    (18:03) Balancing cost reduction with driver impact

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    23 mins
  • 10 Survey Tooling Mistakes & How to Avoid Them EPS #28
    May 8 2024

    Join the Champions League of Customer Experience Transformation! Sign up for weekly inspiration: https://zannavanderaa.com/cxleague/

    For timestamps see below.

    You use this tool to send your customer and employee experience surveys
    but you struggle getting the best out of the insights it provides…

    Listen to this podcast for 10 very clear pointers on how to manage to get the best value out of it.

    The 10 topics that are discussed:

    • Short Survey Religion
      Nowadays it’s very common to ask a customer one question followed by an open text for feedback. But does this provide the insights you need to improve structurally and effectively?
    • Maximize Measurements
      Many different touchpoints are measured, all of which together form a customer journey. Zanna explains why these measurements do not provide you with the right insights and how you can do this differently.
    • Tricky Templates
      Tooling parties often have templates available for sending surveys. A copy of this can be quickly made, but these are not necessarily templates that will give you the insights you need.
    • Continuous Measuring
      Zanna explains what is the best moment to send your measurement and why it’s useful not to continuously analyze measurements.
    • Sexy Dashboarding
      Visually attractive dashboards are of course great for drawing attention to the insights you have obtained. But don't lose sight of the fact that the ultimate goal is to do something with this information, not to keep analyzing.
    • Individual Feedback Customers
      In a simple calculation, Zanna shows the impact of responding to individual customer feedback. *Spoiler alert!* The impact is probably much lower than you thought. This doesn't mean you should stop doing this, but it does put it into perspective.
    • Individual Feedback Employees
      Zanna & Miranda discuss how to ensure that individual feedback at employee level provides a fair picture.
    • No Place to ‘Land’
      Always make sure that there is someone who will do something with the insights from the measurement you send. Why else would you measure?
    • Complex IT integrations
      Are you on hold to send your surveys due to complex IT integrations? Be pragmatic and start measuring to add value to the organization while IT integration is being worked on in the background.
    • Response Rate Fetisj
      The response rate sometimes seems like a holy grail. Zanna explains for you how much response you really need to gain good insights.

    Enjoy the podcast!

    (02:13) Short Survey Religion
    (04:53) Maximize Measurements
    (06:35) Tricky Templates
    (08:02) Continuous Measuring
    (10:37) Sexy Dashboarding
    (14:00) Individual Feedback Customers
    (16:41) Individual Feedback Employees
    (18:02) No Place to ‘Land’
    (19:54) Complex IT integrations
    (20:55) Response Rate Fetish

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    25 mins
  • CX should focus less on... CX EPS #27
    Mar 28 2024

    Join the Champions League of Customer Experience Transformation! Sign up for weekly inspiration: https://zannavanderaa.com/cxleague/

    For timestamps see below.

    In this episode we explore why CX might benefit from a shift in perspective. I challenge assumptions I hear and see when working with CX professionals.

    📌 We need a Journey Management Tool

    • Before plunging headlong into the tool selection process, it's crucial to lay the groundwork, understand dynamics, and assess the true business value these tools can deliver.

    📌 We Need to Map All Journeys

    • Instead of giving in to the obsession with mapping all the journeys, prioritize journeys based on hard data and focus on the journeys that have the greatest impact on key business data.

    📌 We Need Continuous Measurement

    • The allure of continuous measurement often leads organizations down a path of data collection without a clear vision of how to turn insights into actionable improvements.

    📌 We Need a CX Strategy

    • The notion of crafting a standalone CX strategy divorced from the overarching organizational strategy can result in disjointed efforts and missed opportunities.

    📌 We Need a CX Ambassador

    • Relying solely on CX ambassadors, often cherry-picked from within the CX department, can lead to a limited reach and impact.Foster a culture where every employee is empowered to champion CX initiatives, regardless of their department, fostering a groundswell of engagement and commitment.

    📌 We Need a Chief Customer Officer (CCO)

    • Placing the burden of CX solely on the shoulders of a Chief Customer Officer can foster a culture of dependency and detachment among employees. Embed customer-centricity throughout the organization, encouraging every individual to embrace their role in shaping exceptional customer experiences.

    Let's strip away the layers of complexity and focus on the essence of CX - how we make our customers feel. It's the little moments that leave a lasting impression.

    (01:12) Introduction
    (04:46) Journey Management Tools
    (06:42) Mapping all the Journeys
    (09:41) Continuous Measurement
    (14:39) CX Strategy
    (19:27) CX Ambassadors
    (21:54) CCO
    (23:30) Focus on the essence of CX

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    26 mins
  • Interview with Sandra Thompson (Ei Evolution) on the Impact of Emotional Intelligence in Customer and Employee Experience EPS #26
    Feb 12 2024

    Join the Champions League of Customer Experience Transformation! Sign up for weekly inspiration: https://zannavanderaa.com/cxleague/

    For timestamps see below.

    “We are designed to connect.” Sandra Thompson

    Sandra is Customer & Employee Experience Consult and an expert in the field of emotional intelligence.

    In this podcast Zanna and Sandra discuss topics like:

    🔎 Daniel Goleman's Emotional Intelligence Theory: Highlighting components like self-awareness, self-management, social intelligence, and relationship management.

    🔎Technology and Human Connection: The conversation explores how technology can enhance human connection and emotional intelligence, bridging gaps in understanding and empathy.

    🔎Impact of Emotional Intelligence in Organizations: Sandra shares real-world examples where emotional intelligence implementation led to positive changes in interactions and productivity within organizations.

    🔎Concrete Tips for Developing Emotional Intelligence: Sandra offers practical steps like journaling, mindful breathing, and actively seeking feedback to develop emotional intelligence effectively.

    The podcast also delves into specific strategies for inviting feedback, behavioral science insights, and the crucial importance of understanding customers' emotional needs in organizational settings.

    Tune in and embrace the transformative power of emotional intelligence in your life and work.

    (00:05) Introduction and Background
    (04:38) Technology and Human Connection
    (07:10) Daniel Goleman's framework
    (13:58) Self-Reflection in Transformation
    (21:24) Impact of Emotional Intelligence in Organizations
    (28:14) Concrete Tips for Developing Emotional Intelligence
    (30:47) Journaling, Response, and Inviting Feedback
    (42:07) The Importance of Understanding Customers' Emotional Needs

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    47 mins
  • Interview Kinga & Lotte on Generational Insights and How to Engage Gen-Z EPS #25
    Feb 9 2024

    Join the Champions League of Customer Experience Transformation! Sign up for weekly inspiration: https://zannavanderaa.com/cxleague/

    For timestamps see below.

    Join Zanna when she talks with experts Kinga Wojtas and Lotte Kersten about the dynamics of generational differences in the workplace.

    Kinga and Lotte are very passionate and knowledgeable about the topic of generations. They have done great research on this topic but more importantly translated their findings into super concrete insights and actionable exercises for organisations.

    In this podcast they share practical strategies for enhancing collaboration and productivity across generations and talk about the importance of recognizing and embracing generational diversity to foster a more inclusive and harmonious work environment.

    Some other topics in this podcast:
    👉 Managing Generational Differences: Tips for managers include being honest role models, understanding generational differences, and creating environments where diverse perspectives are valued.
    👉 Cross-Generational Learning: Younger generations can learn soft skills and patience from older colleagues, while older generations can benefit from the technological proficiency and fresh perspectives of younger coworkers. A mutual exchange of knowledge and skills strengthens workplace dynamics.
    👉 Recruitment and Retention Strategies: Younger generations prefer purpose-driven organizations that contribute to societal or environmental goals. Authenticity and alignment with organizational culture are crucial factors in attracting and retaining talent. Providing opportunities for personal development and career growth is also essential for younger workers.

    So if you’re interested in the complexities and opportunities presented by generational diversity in today's workplace, tune in to gain a deeper understanding of how to navigate and leverage generational differences.

    (01:23) Introduction Lotte & Kinga
    (06:23) Understanding Generations
    (12:43) Challenges for Companies
    (17:31) Improve Collaboration Reduce Burnout
    (23:41) Managing Generational Differences
    (26:41) Cross-Generational Learning
    (32:06) Recruitment and Retention Strategies

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    42 mins
  • Stop measuring touchpoints EPS #24
    Feb 5 2024

    Join the Champions League of Customer Experience Transformation! Sign up for weekly inspiration: https://zannavanderaa.com/cxleague/

    For timestamps see below.

    Stop measuring touchpoints…? Que?

    That was the response from several CX colleagues on LinkedIn when I posted the quote that I think we should stop measuring touchpoints and focus on the journey instead.

    Of course, in 1 post and 1 picture I can not share too many nuances, so I decided to make a podcast to give some context and also answer some of the specific remarks.

    So if you want to know:

    • How channels, touchpoints, journeys, life cycles are connected
    • What the risks are of measuring touchpoints
    • Why you struggle to mobilize your organisation with your touchpoint measurements
    • Why you need an integrated approach to finding drivers and not a zoomed-in approach on separate touchpoints

    Then I’m sure you will value the perspectives I share in this podcast!

    They are not “the truth”, it’s just what I have seen to work and not work in my years of running CX transformation programs.


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    20 mins