• Jane Cooper - Inclusivity for Autism
    Jul 17 2024

    Our guest on today’s podcast is Jane Cooper, the founder and managing director of Access and Inclusion UK. They help businesses and destinations to understand the type of challenges that people with disabilities or accessibility requirements might have, and importantly, give them solutions to overcome them, through training, or whatever solution is required – thus providing accessibility for all.

    Jane’s passion for her company is based on her own personal experience – of having her eldest child, Megan, born with an extremely rare chromosomal condition, and then also being diagnosed as autistic. After coming to terms with her daughter’s condition and learning how to cope with a life that was suddenly completely different to the one she had expected, she moved away from her previous career and into the one she has now.

    Jane shares with us that people with autism are not all exactly the same. Like the rest of us, everyone is individual, and how one person behaves is not necessarily how someone else will behave. She also points out another misconception – that learning disabilities and autism are not linked! You can be autistic and not have learning difficulties.

    She does talk about how she finds the autistic world fascinating, because of all the different ways people can be affected. And as she explains this is why it’s so hard to give advice to parents of a child newly diagnosed with autism.

    Jane talks very clearly about sensory stimulation and how some autistic people are overstimulated or under-stimulated by different things. And she also explains how she learnt to deal with her daughter’s meltdowns – which was the complete opposite of what she had expected to do!

    This is a fascinating insight into living with someone with autism.

    You can contact Jane via

    Her website : https://accessandinclusion.com/
    Email: jane@accessandinclusion.com
    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jane-cooper-accessandinclusionuk/
    X: @accessandincuk

    You can contact us at the following:

    Dr Carol Sargent: https://sargentgroup.consulting/
    Dr Tom Adler: https://getbide.com/

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    25 mins
  • David and Felicity Brown - Inclusive Holidays
    Jul 3 2024

    Our guests today are Felicity and David Brown, who own Hoe Grange Holidays in the Peak District and they talk to us about how over the last 17 years they have built an award winning all-inclusive holiday business from scratch on the farm that has been in David’s family since the 1930s.

    David talks about how his father, in the 70s, had considered having log cabins on his farm to have holiday guests, but the council weren’t interested. Having taken on the farm and needing to diversify, David and Felicity revisited the idea of log cabins, and after research identified a massive hole in the market for accessible properties. Because they were building from scratch they were able to build the facilities that were needed in a very cost effective way.

    They started with 2 cabins, and gradually built up the business. The successful development of their business is down to their ability to listen to people and find out from their guests what their needs were. Over time, they have also built up the various types of special equipment needed and when they have several people ask about something, that’s when they consider adding it to their business.

    Originally the farm was a commercial dairy farm, but in 2009 they took the decision to extend their number of cabins and they sold their dairy herd. Their business now is incredibly diverse. Holiday visitors include people who have disabilities, people with autism, dementia and other disabilities, as well as many multigenerational holiday guests, romantic couples or even a bring your own horse on holiday opportunity.

    Hearing them both talk, the passion they have for their business is obvious and it becomes obvious that their attitude of listening and developing with their customers has been a huge part of their success.

    This podcast is also a must for anyone who is considering setting up a successful inclusive holiday business.

    You can find David and Felicity on:

    Website: https://www.hoegrangeholidays.co.uk/accessible-holidays-peak-district/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HoeGrangeHolidays
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hoegrangeholidays/

    You can contact us at the following:

    Dr Carol Sargent: https://sargentgroup.consulting/
    Dr Tom Adler: https://getbide.com/

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    37 mins
  • Billal Jamil - Having a Voice
    Jun 19 2024
    Today’s guest is Billal Jamil, the MD and one of the founders at Public Speaking Academy, who talks to us about the importance of being heard in the context of inclusivity.

    The main mission for the Public Speaking Academy is to help people from all backgrounds to find their voice, ready to use it in the many spaces where they might have to access a confident, animated self.

    Billal tells about how he started to find his own voice, after one particular incident when he was promoted to a line manager of 80 people and was put on the spot and expected to speak to them. He also shares how most of us experience our first experience of public speaking at school, in the classroom when we put our hands up to answer a question. When we answer incorrectly, or can’t answer, that is when the seeds of fear are first sown.

    He shares his journey and how even six months on from being put on the spot, he was still suffering in terms of his self-confidence. That was many years ago, and since then his journey to improve and gain confidence to speak grew. He read many different books, reading different ideas and opinions, but as he soon realised – when it comes to public speaking, information is not enough. Rather than thinking of it as a problem, he began to embrace the challenge.

    In terms of inclusivity, Billal shares his passion and thoughts about how much better the world would be if everyone, from all backgrounds, cultures and societies could articulately voice their thoughts to mass audiences in a clear way. Public speaking shouldn’t be just something for the elite. We also talk about the issues that sometimes arise for those who are aging, are living with dementia and long term conditions, or are from ethnic minority communities when it comes to being heard.

    You can contact Billal on: https://publicspeakingacademy.co.uk/

    You can contact us at the following:

    Dr Carol Sargent: https://sargentgroup.consulting/

    Dr Tom Adler: https://getbide.com/

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    37 mins
  • Zak Marks - Inclusivity with Allergies
    Jun 5 2024
    Today’s guest is Zak Marks, co-founder of Kitt Medical. He has lived with a severe allergy to nuts for as long as he can remember. He decided to tackle a problem closest to his heart, which is – why isn’t there an equivalent to defibrillators for allergies? Wherever you go, there is usually access to a defibrillator, but there is no access to epi pens.

    Zak shares the story of how he found out he was allergic to nuts when he was about 5 years old, and how it’s developed since then. And we also talk about how people can have a small reaction initially, but then their reactions can get worse and worse and they may go into anaphylactic shock.

    He talks about how having allergies as a boy growing up, and now, he often has to carry his pens around with him in his jacket, as he doesn’t always carry a bag. For other allergy sufferers, there are often issues with their epi pens being out of date, and some also suffer mental health issues because of their constant worry about having an allergic attack. Living with allergies means you are often excluded from social occasions too. It was these various things that pushed him into creating the Kitt Medical

    The Kitt contains four adrenaline pens and Zak and his team have now supplied Kitts to 300 schools in England, and also have delivered CPD accredited training; which is 20 minutes of videos and quiz questions that prepares people to be able to save a life when needed. Over 5,000 people have attended their training course.

    Zak’s dream is that Kitts will be found in any building; schools, tubes, transport hubs, restaurants, hotels, stadiums, offices etc – schools are just the starting point.

    Our conversation with Zak, who is passionate about his work, covers travel, and also the importance of having good friends who understand your allergy.

    You can find Zak on:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/zak-marks/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kittmedical/


    You can contact us at the following:

    Dr Carol Sargent: https://sargentgroup.consulting/

    Dr Tom Adler: https://getbide.com/

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    35 mins
  • Emily Yates - All Inclusive Tourism
    May 15 2024

    Our guest on today’s podcast is Emily Yates who works for Mima, an inclusive creative design agency. She is a wheelchair user with cerebral palsy and in her job, she heads up the accessibility and inclusive design team for the company.

    We talk to Emily about the changes that design can make to people’s lives, and how passionate she is about what she’s doing.

    Her work focuses on physical, social and digital accessibility, and inclusive design for disabled people and those with other protected characteristics. This means that yes, inclusivity is important, but true inclusivity looks beyond a focus on disabled people, but also focuses on people with accessibility requirements. Those who may not consider themselves disabled, but parents with young children in prams, older adults who have issues which are just a part of getting older.

    Emily tells about her involvement in supporting accessibility in the different countries involved with the Paralympics, which is fascinating to hear. After volunteering for the London 2012 Olympic Paralympic Games, she was then invited to Brazil where the 2016 Games were held. She was offered the opportunity to do some consultancy with Metro Rio who were looking to build a new line to the Olympic Park. We talk about the main differences between attitudes in Brazil and the UK when it comes to disability.

    She also talks to us about the incredible work she has been involved in with Visit England. They are creating an inclusive tourism toolkit, specifically for small to medium sized tourism businesses, especially in the areas of accommodation, attractions, food and beverage and events. Emily explains the importance of this great tool, and how it will make it easier and more straightforward for small businesses to become inclusive. And unlike so much of the disparate information that is out there, this will be in one tool kit!

    You can contact us at the following:
    Dr Carol Sargent: https://sargentgroup.consulting/
    Dr Tom Adler: https://getbide.com/

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    26 mins
  • Rory Cellan-Jones - Technology for Inclusion
    May 1 2024

    The first guest on our podcast is Rory Cellan-Jones. Rory is a British journalist and former BBC News technology correspondent. He worked for the BBC for 40 years, and left in August 2021. He is also an author of many books, and since leaving the BBC has a newsletter which is very popular, and also runs a podcast called Movers and Shakers, which is about life with Parkinson’s.

    During our conversation we talk to Rory about travel, both when growing up and then as an adult, and now in his late 60s. Not only has he enjoyed travel, but he also lived and worked in different parts of the world. He shares his favourite places with us.

    Not surprisingly, when considering he was a technology correspondent, we talk about technology, but with a specific focus on inclusivity. Rory shares his thoughts on the latest technologies to aid people with disabilities, and ageing. He talks about how having information on a phone or on a screen that you can talk to is incredibly useful – especially when it means you don’t have to write things down. He also talks about instant translation, and how that can be helpful for people who are losing the power of their voice.

    We also talk about the Parky Charter, which Rory’s podcast and several leading Parkinson organisations have called on the government to take action to improve the lives of people living with Parkinson’s. It’s about anybody with a disability to be able to gain access to entries and exits everywhere they go.

    We also talk about the frustrations of even gaining access to diagnosis at the present time in the NHS.

    On a positive note, Rory shares information about several great new ways that technology is being used and developed to help people with Parkinson's live better lives.

    We even talk about the use of AI.

    Rory sees technology helping in two main ways. One, to help diagnose Parkinson’s more quickly and easily, and two, developing different sorts of wearables that can measure symptoms and chart the rate of progress.

    Perhaps his most important point is that many of us will end up with some kind of disability at some stage – just through age – so why not make the world a more inclusive place?

    You can find out more about Rory at https://rorycellanjones.substack.com/p/a-test-for-parkinsons

    Dr Carol Sargent can be found at https://sargentgroup.consulting/
    Dr Tom Adler can be found at https://getbide.com/

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    33 mins
  • Introducing Dr Carol Sargent and Dr Tom Adler
    Apr 23 2024

    Carol's passion is enabling and empowering the dementia community to find freedom and joy to live their best lives. Carol’s first career was as a PhD scientist, working in cardiovascular and respiratory diseases in the pharmaceutical industry in the USA and UK. This culminated in a scientific lead role for a novel drug, tested in clinical studies costing> $700 million. When her Mum and Mother-in-law were diagnosed with dementia she founded a dementia holiday organisation, MindforYou. They proved anybody living at home with dementia can holiday, and presented robust evidence of the health and well-being benefits for both the person diagnosed and their family supporter. In 2023 she founded Sargent Group Consulting to provide choice, identifying personalised solutions to overcome barriers preventing the dementia community from holidaying, and supporting travel businesses to become dementia inclusive.

    With over 30 years of experience as a General Practitioner and with Postgraduate Diplomas in Law, and Sport and Exercise Medicine, Dr Tom Adler is passionate about improving the health and well-being of our ageing population, and those with chronic disease and disabilities. As the CEO and Co-Founder of Peak Medtek Ltd, he led a small team developing a falls prevention device Bide which aims to reduce the risk of nighttime falls in the frail and elderly by using voice cues. Dr Tom was also honoured to be selected as one of the five entrepreneurs on the 2019 RCGP Innovators Mentorship Programme.

    Dr Carol Sargent can be found at https://sargentgroup.consulting/
    Dr Tom Adler can be found at https://getbide.com/

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    15 mins