
  • Mission-First Processes: The Secret To Being Unstoppable
    Sep 18 2024

    When we talk about processes, it’s essential to understand that our people drive them. 👥🔄

    The right people will collaborate across departments to create and enhance processes that streamline, automate, and boost efficiency.

    But remember, these processes must align with your company’s mission.

    For example, if you outsource fulfillment, ensure the external company shares your values, especially if sustainability is a key focus. ♻️

    If they don't meet your standards, reconsider.

    Every process should echo your company's mission.

    This principle holds true across all aspects of your business, including your people, processes, and tech tools.

    Stay tuned for tomorrow’s discussion on tech and tools! 🛠️

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    3 mins
  • Why "People First" Is The Ultimate Business Mantra
    Sep 18 2024

    I'm not a rapper, but Dilated Peoples sure are awesome. 🎤

    They have a song that goes, 'Worst comes to worst, my people come first.'

    This is absolutely critical in all aspects of business, especially when you're building your systems.

    People come first. 👥

    If you look back a few days, I posted a Venn diagram illustrating the synergy of People, Process, and Tech and Tools.
    It all starts with people, but you need all three working together towards your common mission.

    When everyone's dialed into your mission, you'll achieve remarkable success. 🌟

    It's not just about having any people—it's about having good people who believe in the mission and are working in their area of genius.

    For those new here, the area of genius is where individuals love what they're doing, are energized by it, and can be the best in the world at it.

    When you align these individuals with your mission, amazing things happen.

    So, remember what Dilated Peoples said, 'Worst comes to worst, your people come first.'

    But let's flip that—better comes to better, your people are everything.

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    3 mins
  • Cultivating Belief, Not Just Buy-In: The Secret To Team Loyalty
    Sep 18 2024

    I've talked before about the importance of employee belief over buy-in.

    Here's the deal: you don't need your team to simply buy into your mission; you need them to believe in it.

    Buy-in is like lust—fleeting and easily swayed. 💔

    Belief, however, is like love—deep-seated and unwavering. ❤️

    When your team believes in your company's mission, no one can persuade them otherwise.

    This isn't about sipping the Kool-Aid; it's about embracing a truth that binds your team together for the long haul.

    Consider this: buy-in can be persuaded, like convincing your kids to go to a fancy restaurant when they really want McDonald's. 🍔

    Belief, on the other hand, is rooted in a deep-seated truth that aligns with long-term goals.

    When your team shares a common belief, they are united and driven, ready to move mountains together. 🏔️

    So, focus on cultivating belief within your team—it's the foundation for lasting success. 🌟

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    3 mins
  • Systems Over Ego: How to Foster Truly Empowered Teams
    Sep 18 2024

    In my last podcast, I talked about how creating systems and structure can actually foster a sense of freedom, especially within creativity.

    Now, let's contrast that with the "cult of personality."

    This concept, defined as a situation where a leader is idolized and surrounded by yes-men, stifles true innovation and growth.

    Leaders who create this cult of personality discourage differing opinions and independent thought, limiting the potential of their teams.

    As a leader, it's crucial to do the opposite.

    Empower your people to make their own decisions, offer suggestions, and present ideas that might differ from yours.

    When you foster an environment where diverse opinions are valued and systems are in place to support this, you create a productive and winning solution for your business.

    This not only boosts productivity but also empowers your team to take risks and innovate, leading to greater success. 🚀

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    4 mins
  • Unlocking Creativity: How Systems Set You Free
    Sep 18 2024

    A lot of creative people believe that having a specific system in place will shackle them, limiting their ability to explore their creative side. 🎨

    But actually, systems do the complete opposite—they set you free.
    Think about an artist’s studio: while it might look chaotic, many artists have their own systems.
    They might start their day with a routine that sets the tone for creativity.
    These systems allow them to be free, providing structure that supports creativity rather than stifles it.
    When you have systems in place, the creative minds in your team can truly flourish.
    Systems provide the framework that supports creative freedom, ensuring that the business can adapt and evolve. 🌟
    Encourage your creative team to help develop systems that work for them, enabling them to thrive in their creative genius.
    It’s not about confining creativity, but about empowering it with the right support. 💡

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    3 mins
  • How To Create Resilience And Overcome Any Obstacle
    Sep 18 2024

    Earlier this week, I talked about the importance of having resilient systems.

    Today, let's dive into another critical element: mission. 🎯

    When you have a mission, you create an additional layer of resilience.
    Your mission is your "why," driving you forward regardless of the obstacles.

    It’s the reason you persevere through the toughest days, because you know you're creating a positive impact.
    Your systems support you, but your mission motivates you.

    For me, my mission is about making a positive impact for my clients, enabling them to scale and grow their businesses.

    Whether it's creating jobs, promoting sustainability, or driving success, the results we see from our efforts are what keep us going. 🌱💼

    This mission isn't just for me; it motivates my team and everyone around us to push forward and make a difference.

    A solid mission, coupled with resilient systems, is the powerhouse behind enduring success. 💪✨

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    3 mins
  • Adapt and Thrive: How to Foster True Resilience
    Sep 11 2024

    Today, let's talk about resilience. 💪

    We all face those days when life keeps knocking us down.

    Resilience is what gets us through, but it's not just about personal grit—it's about having robust systems in place.

    You can have the best strategy in the world, but without the proper systems, that strategy won't hold up.

    Systems build a strong foundation, enabling flexibility and quick adjustments when things don't go as planned.

    With the right people, processes, and tools, your system will allow you to execute effectively. 🛠️

    Even on the toughest days, when you feel beaten down, a solid system helps you bounce back faster and keep your company moving forward.

    Resilience is built through systems, allowing you to adapt, pivot, and thrive in the face of challenges. 🌟

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    2 mins
  • Look at These Two Things to Solve Business Challenges
    Sep 11 2024

    The following is transcripts from a call I had recently, that raised some very specific points.

    Well, and that's one of the things that I find, too, is when you're in a challenging situation, you can sit back and look at two things.

    Right. What is the overall mission of your business? 🎯

    The goal, deep-seated goal.

    And that helps you drive.

    And then you also have, what are the systems that you have in place?

    Because the systems you have in place allow you to solve that problem in the right direction. 🛠️

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    1 min