Taking a peek behind the scenes of "Sex Therapy"

Taking a peek behind the scenes of "Sex Therapy"

Australian sex therapist Chantelle Otten continues her quest to normalize sexuality in season 2 of her Audible Original podcast, Sex Therapy: Unlocking Intimacy. In this brief Q&A, I asked Chantelle to share what she hopes listeners will take away from each session, tips for anyone struggling with intimacy issues, and what it’s like to speak with her clients while being recorded. Plus, Chantelle shares her favorite spicy romance series 🌶️.

Rachael Xerri: Season 1 of Sex Therapy shined a light on the intimate details of your patients’ sex lives, ultimately helping to destigmatize topics such as open marriage, identity, sexual health, and more. What topics can listeners expect to hear about in season 2?

Chantelle Otten
: In season 2 of Sex Therapy, we continue to explore the complexities of human sexuality, but we’re diving even deeper into the nuances of pleasure, desire, and how these evolve over time. Listeners can expect to hear more about navigating sexual health in long-term relationships, the challenges of maintaining intimacy when life gets busy, and the importance of self-exploration and sexual self-esteem.

We also touch on kink and how embracing these aspects of sexuality can lead to deeper connections and self-discovery. Additionally, we explore how past experiences, like trauma or societal pressures, can shape our sexual identities and how we can work through them to find more fulfillment. It’s all about broadening the conversation and making these important topics more accessible and less taboo.

We can all relate to the challenges of navigating communication and intimacy in relationships, and so to that end there are many relatable moments in Sex Therapy—whether listeners are comfortable openly admitting it or not. What misconceptions do people have about sex therapy?

A common misconception is that sex therapy is only for couples in crisis or those dealing with severe sexual dysfunction, but that’s far from the truth. Sex therapy is for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of their sexual self, whether they’re single, in a relationship, or somewhere in between. Another misconception is that it’s all about technique or mechanics, when in reality, much of what we explore is emotional—how we communicate, how we feel about ourselves, and how past experiences shape our current realities. It’s about creating a safe space to talk openly and work through whatever might be holding someone back from a more fulfilling sexual life.

What do you ultimately hope listeners will take away from hearing about others’ sex therapy sessions?

I hope listeners come away with a sense of reassurance that they’re not alone in their struggles, and that there’s no shame in seeking help or talking about these issues. By hearing others’ stories, my aim is to normalize conversations about sex, relationships, and the challenges that come with them. I want people to feel empowered to explore their own desires, communicate more openly with their partners, and to know that it’s okay to seek support when needed. Ultimately, it’s about fostering a more open, honest dialogue around sexuality and helping people feel more connected and confident in their own sexual journeys.

What tips do you have for anyone who is silently trying to cope with an intimate issue?

The first step is recognizing that you don’t have to go through it alone—talking to someone you trust can make a world of difference. If you’re not ready to speak to a professional just yet, try journaling your thoughts and feelings to gain some clarity on what you’re experiencing. It’s also important to remember that whatever you’re going through, it’s valid and worthy of attention. Educating yourself about the issue can also be empowering; sometimes just understanding that others have faced similar challenges can bring a lot of relief. And when you’re ready, seeking the guidance of a sex therapist can provide the support you need to navigate your concerns in a healthy and constructive way.

Each of your sessions flow so naturally, I’ve wondered how aware of the microphones both you and your patients are during your meetings. What is going on behind the scenes during a recorded session?

When we’re in session, the focus is always on the client’s experience, and the microphones become almost invisible. It’s important that the space feels as safe and comfortable as possible, so we take care to make the recording process as unobtrusive as we can. Behind the scenes, there’s a lot of trust involved—my clients know that their privacy and comfort are my top priorities. We also do some editing to ensure that only what’s necessary to the conversation is shared, without compromising the integrity of the session. It’s a delicate balance between being authentic and maintaining a level of confidentiality that respects the client’s vulnerability.

For my last question, I’m dying to know if you’ve listened to any erotic audio on Audible. Do you have any recommendations for romance or erotica?

Sure have! I am trying to remember the name of the books—I have a terrible memory. I believe [it was] the A Court of Thorns and Roses series...HOT! I need to look up some more. This series was spicy.
