• Resumen

  • 204 Rise aims to document the rising talent hidden within the streets of Winnipeg. We want to reveal the talents of the city, whether that be through music, art, or business, in an entertaining, knowledge-based experience! Check us on youtube and instagram to see exclusive video content of some of the great guests we feature!
    Copyright 2024 204 Rise
    Más Menos
  • We did a Podcast in a Stadium |Ep 147
    Jul 9 2024

    Wel­come to a spe­cial edi­tion of the 204Rise Podcast!

    This episode is packed with high­lights, show­cas­ing the incred­i­ble expe­ri­ences and achieve­ments of our team.

    Relive our unfor­get­table inter­view with the Win­nipeg Sea Bears at the icon­ic Cana­da Life Centre.

    Fol­low Robin as he takes on the provin­cial marathon, push­ing his lim­its and shar­ing his expe­ri­ences from train­ing to the fin­ish line. It’s a sto­ry of deter­mi­na­tion, grit, and per­son­al triumph.

    Cel­e­brate with Arshdeep as he grad­u­ates as an engi­neer. Hear about his aca­d­e­m­ic jour­ney, the chal­lenges he over­came, and the pride of achiev­ing his goals.

    This episode is a tes­ta­ment to the hard work, ded­i­ca­tion, and pas­sion that dri­ves the 204Rise team. It’s a heart­felt recap that not only high­lights our accom­plish­ments but also inspires our lis­ten­ers to pur­sue their dreams with unwa­ver­ing determination.

    Don’t for­get to like, com­ment, and sub­scribe for more inspir­ing content.

    New episodes Every Tues­day https://​link​tr​.ee/​2​0​4Rise

    #204RisePodcast #Spe­cial­Re­cap #Win­nipegSeaBears #Marathon­Jour­ney #Engi­neer #Grad­u­a­tion #Pod­castHigh­lights #Inspi­ra­tion #BehindTheScenes #Pod­castLife

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • The Sweet Success Story of Jenna Rae Cakes with Ashley and Jenna Rae - Ep 146
    Jul 2 2024

    In Episode 146 of the 204Rise Pod­cast, we’re thrilled to chat with the dynam­ic duo, Jen­na Rae and Ash­ley, the twin sis­ters behind the beloved Jen­na Rae Cakes.

    Join us as Jen­na and Ash­ley recount their inspir­ing jour­ney from pas­sion­ate home bak­ers to run­ning a thriv­ing bak­ery. They share how they trans­formed their love for bak­ing into a suc­cess­ful busi­ness, craft­ing a brand that’s syn­ony­mous with qual­i­ty and creativity.

    They give us a glimpse into the chal­lenges and tri­umphs of build­ing Jen­na Rae Cakes, from their ear­ly kitchen exper­i­ments to estab­lish­ing a name that’s now cel­e­brat­ed for exquis­ite cakes and treats. Their unique bond as twins helped shape their busi­ness dynam­ics and deci­sion-mak­ing, col­lab­o­rat­ing their cre­ative process for design­ing and bak­ing sig­na­ture desserts. Jen­na and Ash­ley offer insights into bal­anc­ing the artistry of bak­ing with the demands of run­ning a suc­cess­ful bak­ery, and they pro­vide valu­able advice for aspir­ing bak­ers and entre­pre­neurs on turn­ing a hob­by into a flour­ish­ing business.

    This episode offers a delight­ful and inspir­ing look at how Jen­na Rae Cakes con­tin­ues to inno­vate and sat­is­fy sweet crav­ings while serv­ing as a bea­con for any­one look­ing to trans­form their pas­sions into a thriv­ing enterprise.

    New episodes Every Tues­day https://​link​tr​.ee/​2​0​4Rise

    #Jen­naRae­Cakes #Twin­Pow­er #Bak­ery­Busi­ness #Food­En­tre­pre­neur­ship #204RisePodcast #Win­nipeg­Bak­ers #Cre­ative­Bak­ing #Dessert­Lovers #Small­Busi­ness­Suc­cess #Pod­cast­ingLife

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • Canada's Top Face Surgeon on the Reality of Medicine, Pitching on Dragons Den & True Wealth | Dr. Ali Esmail | Ep 144
    Jun 25 2024

    On this episode we sit down Dr. Ali Esmail, a renowned face sur­geon and entre­pre­neur­ial pow­er­house, shares his remark­able jour­ney in his oper­a­tion the­atre. As the founder of Vis­age Clin­ic, with four pres­ti­gious loca­tions in Win­nipeg, Dr. Esmail is rec­og­nized as one of the top face sur­geons in the country.

    We fol­low Dr. Esmail’s path through med­ical school, includ­ing the times he faced set­backs, such as fail­ing cru­cial board exams due to his pas­sion for build­ing com­pa­nies. Dis­cov­er the sto­ry behind his unfor­get­table pitch on Drag­ons’ Den and the unique chal­lenges and rewards that come with achiev­ing finan­cial success.

    We dive deep­er beyond pro­fes­sion­al achieve­ments to explore deep­er themes of liv­ing with pur­pose, dis­cov­er­ing true hap­pi­ness, and find­ing ful­fill­ment in both per­son­al and pro­fes­sion­al life. Dr. Esmail offers heart­felt insights and moti­va­tion­al sto­ries that high­light the impor­tance of per­se­ver­ance, pas­sion, and purpose.

    Tune in for engag­ing con­ver­sa­tions, expert advice, and inspir­ing anec­dotes that will moti­vate you to over­come obsta­cles, chase your dreams, and rede­fine suc­cess on your own terms.

    00:00:00 — Build­ing an Empire in the Beau­ty Indus­try
    00:03:18 — A Day in the Life of a Plas­tic Sur­geon
    00:07:02 — A Jour­ney of Uncer­tain­ty and Dis­cov­ery
    00:10:48 — The Con­stant Chase of Suc­cess in Med­i­cine
    00:14:28 — Entre­pre­neur­ial Bug
    00:18:17 — Fail­ure and Reg­u­la­to­ry Issues
    00:22:19 — The Ben­e­fits and Detri­ments of Suc­cess
    00:25:52 — The Dai­ly Sched­ule of a Top Sur­geon
    00:29:34 — Invest­ing and Ful­fill­ing Dreams
    00:33:15 — The Jour­ney to Suc­cess
    00:36:58 — Build­ing a Beau­ty Empire
    00:40:46 — Pro­vid­ing an Oppor­tu­ni­ty to Take Risks for Suc­cess
    00:44:12 — Find­ing Hap­pi­ness and Pur­pose
    00:48:03 — Empow­er­ing Staff to Increase Suc­cess
    00:52:10 — Empow­er­ing Employ­ees for Suc­cess
    00:55:53 — Cre­at­ing an Ecosys­tem in the Beau­ty Indus­try
    00:59:29 — The Impor­tance of Doing Your Own Thing
    01:03:23 — Adver­tis­ing dur­ing uncer­tain times
    01:07:02 — Trends in the World of Cos­met­ics and Aes­thet­ics
    01:10:48 — The Val­ue Propo­si­tion of Hair Trans­plants and Oth­er Pro­ce­dures
    01:14:19 — Aes­thet­ic Spot and Farewell

    New episodes Every Tues­day https://​link​tr​.ee/​2​0​4Rise

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    30 m

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